4:46pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((Just pretend that Dusk already knew because her celebi told her.))
 <-- Click me
4:48pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((Lol.. feyth))
4:58pm Aug 8 2010
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"Mew needs me now!" Moota said. He disappeared. Suddenly a piece of paper hit Fiona in the face. "AHH!" Fiona cried. She fell back. Night grabbed the paper and started chewing it. "NIGHT!" Fiona cired and snatched the paper. It read- ∂´å® ƒˆø˜å≤ µ´´† µ´ å† †˙´ πå¬åç´ ˆ˜ †˙´ µˆ∂∂¬´ øƒ †˙´ ¬å˚´ ∫®ˆ˜© 嬬 ¥ø¨® πø˚´µø˜ ∑ˆ†˙ ¥ø¨≤ ¥ø¨ ∑ˆ¬¬ ˜´´∂ †˙´µ †ø ç®øßß ßøµ´†˙ˆ˜© ˆß †´®®ˆ∫¬¥ ∑®ø˜©¡ –µ´∑ "HUH?" Ren looked at it. "It says Dear Fiona, Meet me at the palace in the middle of the lake, bring all your pokemon something is wrong so you will need them -mew" read Grace. "Wow! Grace you know how to read that launguage!" Fiona gasped. "Only that launguage!" Grace blushed. "Mew taught me!" "Well what are we waiting for lets go?" Fiona cired. "The letter said FIONA!" Ren pointed out. "Not ren and Fiona!" Night came prancing up with another piece of paper in his mouth. Grace decoded it as the same message to Ren. The party headed toward the lake. Then Fiona spotted mew and Moota. "Moota!" Ren cried. Mew dissappeared. "Ren Mew is growing ill he has summoned powerful trainers to help him 2 of them are you two!" Moota said to both Ren and Fiona. "We know! Grace decoded the message!" Fiona said. "Mew only sent it to those who have legendary pokemon like creselia or celebi! or pokemon mixed with legendary!" Moota said. "We sent it to a shiny eevee although the eevee is not a legendary in appearences we believe it's grandma was a legandary which means it can read the message!"
5:00pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((just copy the message and make it like your pokemon can read it! I made up an excuse for tribecka to be able to read it!!))
5:09pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk handed the letter to Feyth, her shiny umbreon, and asked her to read it. Its in legendary speak, I don't know that language. "Oh." Dusk said. She hadn't known, considering she couldn't see anything, but ah well. "Celia." Celia, the shiny celebi, took the letter from her. It says: ∂´å® ƒˆø˜å≤ µ´´† µ´ å† †˙´ πå¬åç´ ˆ˜ †˙´ µˆ∂∂¬´ øƒ †˙´ ¬å˚´ ∫®ˆ˜© 嬬 ¥ø¨® πø˚´µø˜ ∑ˆ†˙ ¥ø¨≤ ¥ø¨ ∑ˆ¬¬ ˜´´∂ †˙´µ †ø ç®øßß ßøµ´†˙ˆ˜© ˆß †´®®ˆ∫¬¥ ∑®ø˜©¡ –µ´∑ She said in her own language It says Dear Duskira Fils Lunara, Meet me at the palace in the middle of the lake, bring all your pokemon something is wrong so you will need them -Mew Dusk nodded. "Ok, impressive. I am guessing she means the lake of rage. Go Rel!" Dusk threw a pokeball and a Raikou popped out. "Hey Rel, let's go." dusk hopped on his back and they sped off to the lake of rage...
 <-- Click me
5:18pm Aug 8 2010
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∂´å® ƒˆø˜å≤ µ´´† µ´ å† †˙´ πå¬åç´ ˆ˜ †˙´ µˆ∂∂¬´ øƒ †˙´ ¬å˚´ ∫®ˆ˜© 嬬 ¥ø¨® πø˚´µø˜ ∑ˆ†˙ ¥ø¨≤ ¥ø¨ ∑ˆ¬¬ ˜´´∂ †˙´µ †ø ç®øßß ßøµ´†˙ˆ˜© ˆß †´®®ˆ∫¬¥ ∑®ø˜©¡ –µ´∑ "What does this say Luna?" Dear Yukita Meet me at the palace in the middle of the lake, bring all your pokemon something is wrong so you will need them -mew "I knew it, Yuktia climb on my back, we are going for a ride." Luna laughed slightly before rising higher into the air in the direction of the lake. She landed right next to a pair of trainers who had made it there before them.
6:07pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 1,713
((just for the record only 1 trainer is there but no big deal! cary on!)) "Lets go!!" Ren cried he got onto Tamia's back and she flew to the lake. First he had put all his pokemon except Moota in the pokeballs. "DAH!" cried Fiona. "I hate boys! Grace? can you help me?" she asked. "Uhh!"I told Night and Rose I would take them!" Grace said sadly. "I'll take you!" Moota said. He dissappeared with Fiona and reappeared with Ren. Soon after Grace arrived with Night and Rose. Fiona let Belle out of her pokeball.
10:21pm Aug 8 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Ryan sat on his Giratina's back, his beloved Lucario beside him. The trainer let out a startled cry as a piece of paper hit him square in the face, quickly pulling it off to stare at it.
∂´å® ƒˆø˜å≤
µ´´† µ´ å† †˙´ πå¬åç´ ˆ˜ †˙´ µˆ∂∂¬´ øƒ †˙´ ¬å˚´ ∫®ˆ˜© 嬬 ¥ø¨® πø˚´µø˜ ∑ˆ†˙ ¥ø¨≤ ¥ø¨ ∑ˆ¬¬ ˜´´∂ †˙´µ †ø ç®øßß ßøµ´†˙ˆ˜© ˆß †´®®ˆ∫¬¥ ∑®ø˜©¡
Ryan simply stared at it, a confused look on his face. He moved his hair out of the way of his bronze-flecked golden eye, then held out the letter to Rulan, who read over it.
"It says:
Dear Ryan,
Meet me at the palace in the middle of the lake, bring all your pokemon something is wrong so you will need them
Ryan sighed, then moved to pat Mello's neck. "Well, it looks like we're off to the lake," he told him. The Giratina nodded and took off, the large Legend making it there rather quickly. He landed and lowered himself so Ryan could slide to the ground, looking at the other trainers that had gathered.
"Well, it looks like we aren't so special anymore," he said as his Lucario landed by his side, the white pokemon crossing his arms. Mello the Giratina moved to stand at his full height, staring down at the Pokemon and their trainers.
(Hurr. Ryan will release his other two later.)

5:46am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 1,713
"Hi I'm Fiona!" she told Ryan. "And this is Ren, my borther!" "Hi I"m Fiona!" she told Dusk. "And this is Ren my brother" Night looked at Dusk and growled. ((I'm not sure does Dusk have Feyth out?)) "I'm night, my companions Rose and Belle and Grace are to busy to chat so I will tell you their names." Night told the trainers. "Hi I'm Tamiah thats Kanna DEATH and there is a mew/cyndiquil named Moota who had went to see Mew!" Tamiah told all the trainers. Fiona sighed. "Lets get cracking!" she put all her pokemon into there balls, then let Grace out. She was planning to fly on her. She grabbed Graces feet and Grace used her magic to lift Fiona and start to carry her accross. Then came the wind which startled Grace and made her drop Fiona into the water. Ren laughed. "E-WWW!" Fiona cried.
8:04am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"Wow what happened to you?" Yukita asked as she and Luna levatated over the water. "I'm Yukita by the way, and this is Luna. I'm sure my friends would be rather upset if i left them out so, i have 2 twin ponytas they are Ying and Yang, their mother is Yushara, you can guess what she is, and then there is Moran who is my Arcannine. Well there's my gang." "need some help?" Luna asked looking down at the floating Fiona.
10:10am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 11,785
Ryan blinked. "I'm Ryan. The white and gray Lucario is Rulan, the Giratina is Mello, and I have a Ninetales/Honchkrow mix named Valo and Ankoku the silver-eyed Darkrai," he said, smiling as he moved his hair back over his golden eye.
When Fiona decided to take off, Ryan climbed back onto his Giratina's back with the help of his Lucario, the huge Pokemon taking off a moment later to follow after the Shaymin. Ryan lay on his back, watching the sky pas-sing by. He tossed up a pokeball, releasing Valo, who shook out his fur and curled up at his side to allow the trainer to pet him, his eyes closing. He wasn't even aware that Fiona had fallen into the water, since he was now in his own little world.
10:26am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 1,713
"Oh thanks!" Fiona said. Ren helped her up and out. "Why don't we take Tamiah!" he suggested. The both of them climbed on Tamiah's back and rode away. The shaymin followed. Suddenly a lightning storm started. The sky grew black with rage and lightning struck! Ren and Fiona could not move lightning surrounded them. "Death I choose you!" Ren made Death come out of his pokeball. Death stood on Tamiah's backl which made Tamiah al most unable to float. "MOOTA!" Ren called. Moot appeared. "I cannot TAKE you there but I may help you by taking your orders!" Moota said. "You can make things float right?" Ren said. Moota knodded. "make Tamiah float better while Death fight the lightning. Moota helped Tamiah float while Ren gave orders to Death to fight the lightning. Death used a lucario move to eliminate all lightning which attacked. But then he got struck and got knocked out. "RETURN!" Ren cried. Moota got struck as well and dissappeared, Mew took him. Tamiah began to sink so Ren made her return as well. Grace caught up. Fiona held onto Grace for as long as possible but soon needed to let go and Grace ran out of power when getting struck by lightning. All of ren And Fiona's pokemon were usless! All they could do was hope someone whould save them and not get struck by lightning! which was impossible thought Fiona even the giratina had to get struck cause the lightning bolts were so close together she thought. Fiona almost got struck but she went under water to avoid it. Then she looked for REn. He was no where in sight. She looked under water. There he was sinking.
10:35am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 4,258
"Ill get the kid." Yukita sighed as Luna levatated above where Ren had sunk. She dived down opening her eyes so she could see. She kicked her legs and reached out taking his wrist, but suddenly it was like she was a rock and then she was sinking as well. Hoping Luna could hear her she attempted to call out her name inhaling water at the same time. "Yukita?" Luna heard a muffled sound but Yukita never came back up. "Yukita!!!" Her usualy melodic voice hardening with concern and fear
10:50am Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 10:56am Aug 9 2010)
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Posts: 1,713
"HUH!" Fiona dived down. She grabbed Yukita and and managed to pull her out of the water. She handed her to Luna who took hold of her. Then she had to go back for Ren, she was almost out of breath when she reached Ren and attempted to pull him up but was out of air and had to come back to the surface immediatly. "he is probably dead!" cried Fiona. Tamiah went out of her pokeball and was still weak. She surfaced and saw a hudge wave coming. "FIONA!" she cried and held Fiona close and went under. "Where Ren?" she asked when she surfasced again. Hanging onto Tamiah Fiona managed to say "Sinking!" Tamiah gasped and asked where. "There!" Fiona pointed to where she last saw Ren. Tamiah dove deep but came up not seeing Ren. "he is gone!" Fiona sobbed.
10:55am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 4,258
Coughing she watched Fiona come up empty handed. "How about you go althe way to him and then shove him up to me ... a Chain you might call it." Yukita offered looking down. "And when he nears the surface i can pull him out." Said Luna though still worried. "You must hurry though, hes not going last much longer"
10:57am Aug 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
((i added stuff)) "he is probably dead!" cried Fiona. Tamiah went out of her pokeball and was still weak. She surfaced and saw a hudge wave coming. "FIONA!" she cried and held Fiona close and went under. "Where Ren?" she asked when she surfasced again. Hanging onto Tamiah Fiona managed to say "Sinking!" Tamiah gasped and asked where. "There!" Fiona pointed to where she last saw Ren. Tamiah dove deep but came up not seeing Ren. "he is gone!" Fiona sobbed. ((here is what i added!))
11:05am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((LOL ok, well forget my post lol))
11:08am Aug 9 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,713
((re post then! I really like this RP! and your the only one on!))
11:11am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((lol give me a little bit to think))
11:23am Aug 9 2010
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