11:24am Aug 9 2010
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((Ok here is the repost.)) Yukita looked down. "Not on my watch. Luna you know what to do." Yukita said jumping back into the water. Where is he? I cant see its so dark. THERE HE IS. She thought spotting Ren. She kicked down this time grabbing his shirt collar and beginning to swim up. Too heavy, im not going to make it. She thrust her arm up pushing Ren for the surface and watching Luna grab him out. She gave one final kick before getting pulled out herself sputtering, "Did i get him?" she half laughed at her exaughstion, "I havent swam like that in a long time."
12:22pm Aug 9 2010
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"REN!" Fiona hugged Ren so hard. But his motionless body meant something was wrong. "thank you Yukita!" Fiona said. Ren was barely breathing. "he us alive!" she pulled Ren onto Tamiah's back and sat there. The lightning stuck harder. Tamiah stayed strong and faught the waves and ligthning.
1:04pm Aug 9 2010
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"Oh no problem." Yukita said climbing up onto Luna's back. "I wish i could help with the lightning but i only have fire types. And fire types that are no use up here." She looked at the lightning coming down. "What is this stuff? It's too close together to be natural!" She began to shout now that the wind began to pick up.
1:36pm Aug 9 2010
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Ryan stood up, moving to climb atop Mello's head and stand, wind from the storm whipping his slightly wavy hair around him, the flashes of lightning accentuating the way his hair darkened from golden blond to pitch black at the middle, the bright lights making both his bronze-flecked golden eye and his deep blue --though at this point it looks violet- eye.
He let out a soft growl as Rulan stepped up beside him, followed by Valo on his other side. His Lucario's unease towards the situation at hand made the trainer nervous, his hands clenching into fists.
"This storm was made by either pokemon or man," Ryan murmured, his eyes narrowing slightly. As more lightning flashed behind him and his Pokemon, their sillouhette became an eerie image, trainer and Pokemon's eyes alike lighting up in the darkness.
He tossed up a his last occupied Pokeball, a Darkrai appearing before him. The misunderstood Pokemon stared at Ryan, his single visible silver eye shimmering. "Ankoku, can you tell what exactly made this storm?" Ryan asked, moving his hair out of his face as he pulled out a black and blue bandanna, tying it around his head to keep his hair from blocking his vision.
The Darkrai, Ankoku, looked towards the sky, watching the lightning flash. "I cannot. I only know it is not a natural storm, but rather one controlled by something. What exactly it is I cannot be sure of," he stated as Ryan crouched down, Rulan and Valo copying this. Valo mqde sure to fold his wings tightly against his sides, pale green eyes focused on the lightning.
(Ooh! Can I make another trainer who has a Rapidash/Zapdos mix, a Mightyena/Charizard mix, a Shiny Rayquaza, and a Dragonair/Furret mix? C:)

3:59pm Aug 9 2010
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((yes! i would say no to the zapdos mix but I have a mew mix and that would not be fair!)) "RYAN!" sobbed Fiona. "Come here! we need your help do you have any electric pokemon? the closest I have is a glameow! Ren is hurt, he started to sink and is barely living!" Ren opened his eyes. "f" he murmered. the closed his eyes and was motionless. Fiona felt his chest. "NOTHING!" she cried. "We need a electric pokemon NOW!"
4:21pm Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 12,418
September came with Akila. Akila saw Ren. "What happened?"She asked them. September looked at Akila. "September, Electric bolt."She said serouisly. "Evee!"September said, giving Ren an electric shock.
 (Banner made by Kina)
4:35pm Aug 9 2010
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"Thanks so MUCH!" Fiona said picking up the eevee and kissing it. "My brother did not stand a chance with out you!" Ren opened his eyes and found himself with a hurting chest. He had trouble breathing. "Fiona?" he asked. "and your Ryan and i think your?" he looked at Akila and Yukita. "REN!" Fiona cried and hugged her brother. "FiFI!" Ren used the name he called Fiona when he cou not pronounce ona. "I feel so tired and my chest hurts so much!" "Sleep," Tamiah whispered. Ren curled up his head on Fiona's lap. Soon he was fast asleep. "Lets on Tamiah!" Tamiah obeyed and rode on. Lightning struck really close together. The rest of the way was easier, the storm had dies down a little bit. As soo and they got to s*censored* Fiona put her fooot down. "AHH!" she picked it up again only to see some more unusual writing. She let Grace out who decoded this message: ˙´ ∑˙ø ߆´πß ø˜ †˙ˆß ˆß¬å˜∂ ∑ˆ†˙ø¨† å πø˚´µø˜ ¬´©´˜∂宥æß π®ø†´ç†ˆø˜ ∑ˆ¬¬ ∫´ ∫嘈ß˙´∂¡ as: He who steps on this island without a pokemon legendary of some sort will be banished! "Woah!" close one. "Grace?" Fiona said. She shook her fadding foot to make it come back. Then she touched Grace and stepped of of Tamiah. Grace sat on her shoulder when she took her sleeping brother of of Tamiah. Fiona layed Ren down and let all of her pokemon out of their balls and then let all of Ren's pokemon out of their balls. "Death will you take Ren?" Fiona asked. "Only if Ren commands me to!" Death answered. That was the umbreon part of him talking. He got it from Night who also did not take orders from Ren only Fiona. Fiona sighed and lifted Ren onto his feet and made him lean against her. Then se slung him over her shoulder and waved to her companions.
4:45pm Aug 9 2010
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"Hey, uh Fiona was it? what does that note say?" Yuktia looked over Fiona's shoulder to look at the note. "It says that only those with legendary pokemon of somesort may enter, all others will be banished." Luna stated her voice back to the high melodic tone, which was a big difference from what it was. "Don't worry about it Yukita, you will be fine." She continued esily keeping up with the others.
4:49pm Aug 9 2010 (last edited on 4:49pm Aug 9 2010)
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"When you get here can you help me with REn he is sliding!" Fiona asked.
5:52pm Aug 9 2010
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5:56pm Aug 9 2010
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((i would post but idk what to post, major writers block... any ideas???))
5:59pm Aug 9 2010
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((YES answer my question and help me carry Fiona's sleeping brother!)) Fiona waved to Yukita.
6:07pm Aug 9 2010
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((OOOPs that was for me, i kinda got cunfuzzled lol)) "Yeah sure." Yukita steered Luna towards Fiona and Ren, pulling up right next to them. "Here we go. This is the second time I am helping you boy." She laughed slightly, it was nothing new to her anyway. She did spend most of her time with boys. "I choose you Moran, but be careful." She said letting him out of his pokeball. "I need you to help us out with Ren." She said smiling as he nodded. "What would you like me to do Yukita?" He asked a bit of grumpyness in his voice. "I would appreciate it if you would listen to Fiona until we get Ren to safety." It sounded like an option but her pokemon knew each word she told them was a command and that she wouldnt take no for an answer. "Sure, Ill help the kid." he said turning to Fiona
6:17pm Aug 9 2010
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"Oh! will you take him? He almost drowned and his chest hurts and he is very tired." Fiona told Moran. She stood Ren up. "Wait!" she felt his head. "It's hot! He always burns up a little after scary things! my mom always did this" Fiona lifted one arm out of Ren's shirt, then the other. She wet it with cold water fomr the lake and rapped it on Ren's head. "There!" She picked Ren up and layed him on Moran's back. "Huh?" Ren awoke. "my shirt?" he sat the leaning against Moran. "your shirt is around your head, don't worry, your burning up a little but thats from the fact tht you almost died!" Fiona told him. When she finished she notices Ren was sleeping again on Moran's back. He began to slip to one side. "Maybe that would not work!" Fiona looked at Yukita. "I would ask Tamiah but she needs a rest! how about we make him walk! you take one side and I'll take the other!"
6:19pm Aug 9 2010
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"Wait, this might help him." Dusk, who hadn't spoken before, reached into her bag and toiok out a human first aid kit. "Here you go." She opened it and handed it to the other girls. It might help and she felt obliged since she hadn't helped get him, even though Life would have helped. "Ah, wait! Celia." she nodded at the shiny celebi. Celia floated down to Ren. "Wish." she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. Her body glowed with Ren's as she attempted to heal him...
 <-- Click me
6:20pm Aug 9 2010
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((Fff. |D And that's the only reason I asked. Since you have a Mew mix, and then someone else has an Articuno mix...yeah. P: -makes bio- I'M FINALLY ON A COMPUTER. ;U;)) Mello landed on the island, Ryan sliding off of his back and onto the ground below. He returned his Giratina with a soft chuckle. Technically speaking, he had three Legendaries if you included his Lucario. But, unwilling to press his luck, the trainer looked to his silver-eyed Darkrai. Ankoku bowed, then placed one of his hands on Ryan's shoulder as he ventured over to the others, Rulan and Valo close by. He'd only returned Mello because he was very big...too big to fit into any buildings or to get through the trees. "Is he alright?" Ryan asked as he approached the others, his hair still pushed back to show both of his eyes, the bronze-flecked golden one shimmering in the dim light cast by bolts of lightning, the deep blue one darkened to violet. ((Weee~))
6:46pm Aug 9 2010
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Since Dusk could connect with her pokemon in a way that no other trainer could, she felt Celia weakening and felt herself egt faint. She told Celia to stop. Not for Dusk's sake, but for Celia's and Ren's as well. If Ren healed too much, he might start getting sick again which could be detrimental to his health...
 <-- Click me
7:51pm Aug 9 2010
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Name: His true name is unknown for now. He refers to himself as Sinji, which means Mystery in Korean.
Age: Precise age unknown. Presumed to be 18.
Gender: Male
Appearance: The male known as Sinji has an air of mystery about him, even from no more than just a glance. He has piercing gray eyes that have flecks of blue, and he has jet black hair that naturally fades to white at the tips --though his bangs are a bright blond that, like the rest of his hair, fades to white--, and that just barely reaches his shoulders. His hair --which is usually kept in disarray anyways-- is pushed away from his face by a stark white mask that has the facial markings of Rayquaza, these markings colored a deep shade of red. The only part of his face that is visible, minus his eyes, when he wears his mask is his mouth and chin, everything else hidden from view. He wears a black trenchcoat that furrows easily in the breeze over a dark gray shirt and even darker pants. He stands at 6'6" and weighs an even 200 pounds. Oh yeah... He also seems to have teeth that are sharper than most people's... Personality: Sinji is the silent type, only speaking when he deems it necessary. He also gives off this aura of mystery, making people wonder exactly who he is and what he's here for. He also refuses to remove his mask for some strange reason...
Pegasus-Zapdos/Rapidash mix: Pegasus has a pale yellow coat and, mixed in with the fiery mane and tail all Rapidash possess --his colored a deeper red than most others-- he has bolts of white lightning. He also has a pair of wings on his back that are colored exactly like a Zapdos, but have a more natural-feather look to them, which is where he got his name. And instead of being brown, his eyes are colored a stormy gray. Pegasus is also one of the more friendly Pokemon out of Sinji's group of four. And is quite a bit larger than true Rapidash, and thanks to the Zapdos in him giving him lighter bones, he can run faster as well. Moves: Fire Blast, Overheat, Thunder, Discharge
Giroa (It means Atmosphere in Basque)- Shiny Rayquaza: Looks like a normal Shiny Rayquaza. ouo He's a calm, mellowed out Pokemon that attacks only when attacked first or when told to do so by his trainer. Moves: Blizzard, Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Surf
Morak (It means Darkness in Belarusian)-Mightyena/Charizard mix: Morak is a large Mightyena who is colored pure black with the wings of a Shiny Charizard upon his back. His eyes are a deep blue and he has sharp teeth. He is extremely loyal to Sinji and will not disobey a single one of his commands. Moves: Facade, Giga Impact, Solarbeam, Aerial Ace
Ajagara (It means Dragon in Hindi)- Dragonair/Linoone mix: Ajagara is a Dragonair that has the soft, silky fur of a Linoone, though it's colored a beautiful silver which shimmers when she moves. Her eyes are a light blue and the wings atop her head are a beautiful shade of violet while the orbs on her body are a cherry-red. She is also the most gentle of Sinji's team. Moves: Draco Meteor, Thunder Wave, Last Resort, Shock Wave ((Wee. Research takes forever. XD -FAIL-))

7:52pm Aug 9 2010
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 <-- Click me
7:57pm Aug 9 2010
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((Haha. Thanks. I thought this roleplay needed someone mysterious. And there he is, Mr. Mystery himself. XD))