3:36pm Aug 10 2010
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Dusk tried to pull them up and found the came easily. "I guess it was because your letters were mixed up." She said. She seemed to be the only one floating, something she didn't like because she could see using the eart...
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3:49pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((wait I already pulled Fiona out.... maybe she fell off lol ok well continue))
3:49pm Aug 10 2010
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Fiona grabbed onto Grace and Ren grabbed onto Tamiah. "Maybe!" Ren said. "Or it could just be Mew's captor wanting to see you only! maybe he wants something you have!"
3:59pm Aug 10 2010
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"What ever it is stay off the floors." Yukita said as Luna flew higher. "I dotn like this aat all."
4:01pm Aug 10 2010
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"Ok, I*ll see him or her." dusk said. She started to float, but without being on the ground, she couldn't see where she was going and was grabbed from behind... ((Are you gonig to play the captor?))
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4:10pm Aug 10 2010
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((we all can! it is like a character that everyone can have!)) "Watch out!" Ren cried to Dusk. A giant hand sprouted out of the wall and dragged her in. "NO USE!" cried the voice. "DUSK IS MINE!" The captor pulled Dusk into the real thrown room. "Sweety, I am Dr. Lungfort, you should be sorry you can't see because now you can't see my good looks! I hear you have been here before. I reconize you! NIECE! I'm your aunt. I planned it so once I got enough power to over throw Mew I would take you, drain you of power and use you unkown capabilities to rule the world!" She looked at Dusk. "You have enough power to overthrow me, but you do ot know how to use it! you see when Mew was with you, he blessed you by giving you half of his power! If you have a child then it would get half of you power, 1/4th of mew's power! But that will not happen because it is time to put you to SLEEP FORVER!" cried Dr. Lungfort. She got a needle and walked closer and closer. "Once I do this you will be unable to move and I will turn on the drainer! don't think about your friends they will not come for you I have changed the room location!"
4:16pm Aug 10 2010
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(hello I know you guys r on!)
4:18pm Aug 10 2010
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Dusk took a pokeball from her back pocket and smiled discreetly. "Oh, you think you've got me, do you?" Feyth popped out of the ball and quickly floated away rom her. she tried to get out, but it was no use. Dusk growled, she could not be beaten. If what this lady said was true, then she had an idea...
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4:20pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 4,258
((can you guys wait a sec so my post isnt late?))
4:24pm Aug 10 2010
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Luna gasped and turned to the others. "Can any one send her a message. I can find her but only through dreams. Day dreams are fine but other than that I cant do anything." She looked down worry in her voice. "That girl has powers, powers that we must protect. We need to find her." She then turned to the Darkrai that had join them(?) "Go and help find her. Make her sleep if you have to but we need to be there by her side."
4:29pm Aug 10 2010
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"OH AN UMBREO I"M SO SCARED!" Dr. Lungfort growled. ((she had these pokemon- dark mew- Mew dragonair- Darth dark arceaus- vader)) "Vader fight the umbreon!" Dr. Lungfort commanded. She returned to getting the needle into Dusk's neck. The hand gripped her really tight. "If you squirm it will only make you touch the needle only one prick will put you to sleep forever!" ((okay! so I'm not gunna kill Dusk or anything make an escape or something!))
4:31pm Aug 10 2010
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((great my post is not late!)) "QUICK!" Fiona cried "the doors are closing! We might get trapped here!!" "Look an island!" Grace called. She flew to the terribly small island and let Fiona down. IT had just enough room for all of them.
4:34pm Aug 10 2010
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Dusk felt the needle prick her and smiled. There was something that the women hadn't anticipated. Celia. Celia used Wish and her wish was that Dusk would be immune to it. She smiled and broke free of the grip. She threw the medicine to the far side of the room, returned Feyth and got out of the doors onto the island...
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4:42pm Aug 10 2010
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"DUSK!" Fiona cried. "OH DUSK THE GREAT!" Ren shouted and hugged Dusk. "You may be blind but your no loser!" "Hey! the door are opening" Fiona gasped. "Dusk you never got your sleep potion!" Dr. LungFort came in. She had all her pokemon out and was ready for a battle to the finish. Dr. Lungfort stood on Darth's back and flew toward Dusk the had her needle out. Just when she was about a yard away. Ren jumped over and saved Dusk from aim. The needle pricked his neck. With the few breath's left Ren managed to say. "I love you Dusk!" Then he fell back and topples into Dusk. "NOOO! I used my only death potion on someone who was not Dusk!" She looked at the potion. "Thank goodness! It was my 100 year sleep potion! the one i made last night. IT will only last a day or two! don't worry! as for Dusk" she reached into her bag and pulled out the death potion. "One prick and your done for!"
4:45pm Aug 10 2010
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"No, I*m not." Feyth snuck up behind the lady and smashed the death potion into a thousand pieces. The liquid spilled and hardened, killing the plants on the island. "Ren, here!" Dusk pulled an awakening out of her pocked and poured it in his mouth...
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4:54pm Aug 10 2010
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"My potion cannot be awakened!" Dr. Lungfort cried. "you will have to wait! and I still have Mew that makes me the most powerful trainer in the wolrd! nothing can stop me! I already made the balence of the world uneven by taking one of the balls from the legendary birds and smashing it!" Fiona lunged at Dr. Lungfort only to be thrown back. She went over to her brother. "He loves you!" she said.
4:58pm Aug 10 2010
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((Post while I"m gone!))
5:01pm Aug 10 2010
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"you are not the most powerful, not even. If anything, having mew makes you weaker because you are relying on him and not yourself." She said. The doctor needed to hear the words. Mew wouldn't help her. Dusk glanced down at Ren and leaned down. She kissed him, long and hard. She didn't know if it would work, but it did in a story she had once read. She sighed and waited for him to stir. She sighed and threw a pokeball. Rel popped out and growled at the woman in front of him. "LEAVE!" the raikou boomed...
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5:10pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 11,785
((... ....I gotta go here soon. And I took a nap earlier, then watched a movie... Right now, I gotta get ready for my sectional. I don't know how long it's going to last, though... I'll be back for a little bit. And I might make Sinji remove his mask. o: You guys might be surprised by what is hidden under there... But first, I think I'll Rmail Rainbow with my idea so I don't spoil it for everyone. >>))
5:34pm Aug 10 2010
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Ren did not stir. "Maybe Dr. Lungfort was telling the truth! maybe he will wake up in a day or so!" Fiona said hopefully. She looked at Dusk hovering above Ren. "He saved your life!" Dr. Lungwart let Vader out. "Use water cannon!" The room began to fill up with water. "Hurry or your friend will drown again!" Dr. Lungfort cried.