The instant the doors were down, Ryan burst through. "Ankoku! Hypnosis!" he called. The Darkrai nodded and obeyed the command, releasing Hypnosis on whatever enemy they were all facing.
Then Sinji walked out, his Rapidash at his side, the stallion's electricity crackling and his flames blazing. The mysterious trainer walked slowly, purposefully, and simultaneously reaching up for his mask. He slowly pulled it away, his hair falling into his face. He opened the gray eyes he had closed to reveal a face that could scare many away, the mask having been covering the face of a man who was part of the most feared creature in the Pokemon world. Beneath his mask, his skin was red and covered in the markings of Groudon, the Legendary Pokemon said to have created the continents.
However, when he slipped off his trench coat, his arms were blue, like Kyogre, the Legendary Pokemon who rules the seas. He was three legends mixed with a human, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza.
"Release them..." he said, his voice changing to what it really sounded like as the markings that covered his skin began to glow, his gray eyes unchanging. "Release all who you have taken hostage, Doctor..."
((THERE. That surprising enough, dears? ;D
Bet'cha didn't see that one coming.))