5:30pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((They could come in later if you wanted them to.))
5:31pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Angel was in a tall feild of gras.s, padding down spots to make a nice bed for Beh. She would occasionally pick up a bundle and toss this way and that. Even though Angel made it look easy, she was having a difficult time. She had only a few tips on how to survive, the few she learned before her mom was captured... and tamed. That happened to be Angel's greatest fear. Finally, the bed was done. Beh walked over and waited for Angel to lay down, she did. beh snuggled into the small dip that Angel's body naturally made when she layed down. Soon, they both fell asleep, dreaming of parents and butterfrees. A small snapping of a twig woke Angel up with a start. She looked around their small bed, looking for something. She would have gotten up and growled if it were not for Beh sleeping on her. Finally, a shadow emerged over the two bodies: It was Team Rocket. "Good night," was the only thing they heard before, "Bulbasaur, Sleep powder." Then, only darkness came.
5:31pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Ohhh.... Kink would like to see... :3))
5:35pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
or can they come in now? can i leave them the way they are? please? and take them in the RP now?
5:42pm Mar 28 2010
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Eisoo groaned as she woke up. She couldn't remember what had happened. How did she get here? Where was here? she began to examine her surroundings as she regained feeling in her legs. She was in a cage and in a large room that had many other caged pokemon in it. Most of them were either sleeping or staring out of their cages with misery, fear, or hatred. She shook herself and got onto her paws, making a test spark to make sure she wasn't damaged in the head or something. She then stuck her head to the front of the cage and began to look around for something to tell her what was going on. She felt a feeling of dread deep inside of her when she saw a large red R on a door. She didn't know whsat it meant yet, but she felt terrified by the R. She soon remembered that it was because of a person with that same R on them that had hurt her and put her in here. Cyrn whimpered in pain as he came back to consioucness. He remembered the whole thing. From hearing the noise to being hit by the sludge. He felt like that stuff was still stuck in his fur. She opened his eyes and found himself in a cage. He felt a sense of anger and fear when he saw the looks on the other pokemon's face. What was it that happened in this place. He saw a Shinx nearby who looked just as confused as he did and asked, " Are you new here too? " She gave a frightened nod.

5:44pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Rainbow, I'm sorry, but it wouldn't be fair for the other people who joined. I would lillke everyone to be treated equally here. And is it that hard to just play as a Skitty or something for a little bit?))
5:45pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Angel had been awake for a while, standing protectively in front of her sleeping sister, she looked exhausted. Her ears perked up when she saw two others wake up, their cages were across from hers. She didn't know whether to be happy, or scared. She finally gained enough courage to ask them,"...Why are we hear? I don't get it..." In a shy, yet oddly loud voice.
5:52pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,713
okay i'll be skitty but i want to know if i can bring my others in the game and evolve skitty moomoo milk name- Isabell gender- female species- skitty pic-  personality- friendly ((so is this good?))
5:54pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Cyrn looked at Angel and said " I have no clue. We're trying to figure that out as well. " Cyrn suddenly heard the door open. He retreated to the safety of the back of his cage and watched carfully at whatever was coming. It was a team rocket grunt with an unhappy looking Arbok. He looked at a buneary which was absolutely terrified and opened it's cage. The arbok quickly restrained the pokemon and they left again. Cyrn wasn't sure he wanted to know the fate of that pokemon. Eisoo watched from the back of her cage as well. She growled when the Arbok grabbed the Buneary, but one glare from it silenced her. She hoped that whatever happened to that Buneary wouldn't be painful. When they left, she stepped forward again. " I hope that buneary will be alright. " She said.
5:57pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((You can bring them in later. You can also evolve the Skitty later. Feel free to start now. Oh, and here's is a little thing for you guys to know, I don't want anybody escaping. I have an idea. *evil laugh* Oh, excuse me. Don't know where that came from. O3o))
6:08pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((xD)) Angel watched as the human walked in, she felt afraid already. Her big eyes watched as the cage slowly opened, the squeaky sound was new to her and hurt her ears. She gasped as the Arbok held the Buneary; her round eyes tearing up. "That's.... Just horrible," She said flabergasted. "I truely don't want to know what's going to happen to that poor, poor pokemon..." Angel looked down, wondering if that was her fate too. "I wonder how many pokemon have possibly died in here..." She murmed to herself.
6:11pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Time skip anybody? i would like to move a few days ahead to when the fun starts. >:D))
6:15pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 2,927
((Prefectly fine by me! :DD))
6:24pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Eisoo woke up. She had no idea what time it was anymore because she hadn't been trying to keep track over the last few days. She lifted her ears, not bothering to look anymore, as the door opened. She heard the teeltale slither from that Arbok as it entered with it's trainer. She only opened her eyes once she heard her cage being open. She looked up and saw the Arbok dart forward and grab her by the scruff of her neck. She struggled for a few seconds before giving up. She knew that she wasn't strong enough to fight the Arbok and struggling would just exaust her. She soon found herself in a strange lab, waiting for something unown. The arbok left and came back with Angel. She wasn't surprised that another pokemon had been brought because the Arbok had been taking several at a time lately. Eisoo just sat where she was, thouroughly scared out of her wits. She did beleive she was going to end up dead, so it was only natural for her to act like this.
6:28pm Mar 28 2010 (last edited on 6:30pm Mar 28 2010)
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Posts: 508
Moo-moo milk Name: Raven Age:(This is not their level.) 12 Gender: Female Species: Murkrow Other: None ((I'm a newb to roleplaying so sorry if I do this badly. :C ))
6:31pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((It's okay. Feel free to post whenever you feel like it.))
6:56pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 508
Raven ruffled her feathers as she slept on a tree branch. Raven always prefered to sleep in the daytime so that she may hunt at night. She tucked her face under her wing wondering why the eterna forest was still so bright even with all the trees blocking out the light. Suddenly somthing grabbed her by the neck, she squaked and franticly flapped her wings trying to get out. The creature grabbed her beak and closed it tight and told her, " Quiet, you don't want anyone to hear us!". The creature placed her in a sack and quickly ran out of the forest.
11:56pm Mar 28 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan slowly opened his eyes. He was at the corner of the cage he was in, and his shoulder hurt from not being able to run around to stretch his legs. He pushed himself off the floor of the cage and padded over to the front of the cage, where other pokemon were being kept. He looked around nervously. Although he didn't like being around humans, he wanted to see the trainer who caught him. The one who didn't get mad or anything like that when he lost fights. Where is he now? He thought as he crouched down at the side of the cage. Usualy he would prove that he wasn't afraid, he would try not to show fear, but being in a cage and in this strange place made him feel small and helpess. Especially when that Team Rocket grunt and arbok came into the room and took a pokemon somewhere else.
4:52pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Cyrn was trying to get some sleep while trying at the same time, to ignore the whimpers of some pokemon in the room. He eventually gave up and decided to look at some of the other pokemon. He laid down at the front of the cage and glanced around. He saw one pokemon that was hiding in the back of its cages, a few that were sleeping, and one Sandshrew that was busily scratching away at a corner of it's cage for entertainment. " I hate being here. " He muttered to himself. Aside from the ever growing chance that he would be dragged away for an unown reason somewhere, there was nothing that really got him exacited. He wished that he was a Sandshrew. They could entertain themselves by using dig on pretty much anything dry. He could use any of his moves. He tried once, but the Arbok cage in and whacked him with it's tail for doing that.
7:07pm Mar 29 2010
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Posts: 2,927
Angel watched as the Arbok pulled out Eisoo. She waited to see who was next, suprisingly to Angel, it came for her. Angel scratched and hissed at the Arbok, but it was no good, she was just not powerful enough. Finally, after several puncture wounds to her neck and throat, she gave up and let the Arbok take her to the scary room. In it, she saw Eisoo. "Well... It was nice knowing you while I had the chance..." She murmered quietly.