7:23pm Mar 29 2010
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" Same here. " Eisoo said, trying to calm herself down. She certainly didn't want to die with this as her last memory. After a few minutes of nothing happening, she began to calm down. " What do you think's taking so long? " She asked. Suddenly she heard a door open and some people came in wearing lab coats with the cl*censored*ic Team Rocket symbol. They talked for a little bit about something and then grabbed Eisoo by the scruff of her neck. She tried to zap them but they had plastic gloves on. Her electricity did nothing and she wasn't able to bite anything. The person set her down on a table where a coller that was attatched the the table was put on her. She growled as menacingly as she could but the only response she got was a smirk from one of the people. Suddenly, she felt electricity coming into her through the collar. The voltages were high enough to even hurt an electric type. It went on like that for about five seconds and then stopped, but it had seemed like an eternity to her. She collapsed, twitching, and lie there for a few secondds before struggling back onto her paws. She saw the all too farmiliar Arbok slither forward as it hissed, " Congradulations...You are strong enough to be considered usable by the mighty Team Rocket. Be joyful. It means that you won't be disposed of. " She was then taken away from the table and given to aa Team Rocket Grunt who grumbled a little bit about the pokemon that he had been given to train. Eisoo fell asleep after that due to exaustion.

7:41pm Mar 29 2010
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Angel watched with fear to what was happening to Eisoo. It seemed to be a thousand minutes of torture to her. Is this what's going to happen to me? She thought with dread. I guess I have to just try my best... Angel made herself as big as she could, puffing up her fur like a cat. She hissed and scratched her claws on the table. The Rocket members just laughed and took her by the neck. Angel hissed and bit one of them, drawing blood. He cursed under his breath and, with unnescisary force, shoved her into the colar. "Turn it on, high." Angel felt the electricity p*censored* through her body. There was a sharp pain everywhere. Finally, after a few minutes, it stopped. Then, suddenly when they saw she was still well, started it again. "She's weaker than the others..." She heard one say. "But she's got the heart and potentional... And she's much better than some of the other canidates... We'll just see how she pans out... Who knows what might become of her. Let's just hope that the Le-" That was the last Angel heard before she pas.sed out. They carried her to another rocket member who touched her like she was some poisonous chemical.
7:47pm Mar 29 2010
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((Tiem skip tiem. :D)) Eisoo woke a few hours later to find herself in a cage that was nicer than her old one, but to small for her liking. She peared out of it curiously to see what was happening now. She appeared to be in some sort of training room. Pokemon were all over the place, fighting, running, learning moves, and other things. She looked up as a person approached her cage and opened it. She recognized the smell of the person who she asumed was now her trainer. They pulled her out of the cage and put a collar on her. She could feel the electricity in it since she was an electric type. It was a shocking collar to zap her whenever she did something bad. She didn't really like that idea since she didn't know what the rules here were.
8:18pm Mar 29 2010
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((Haha. xD Yay!)) Angel rolled over and felt a stabbing pain on her leg, it was a bracelet that had a spike on the end, it wasn't big, but it was fairly sharp. It must have been her punishment bracelet, or so she thought. Angel got on all fours and peered out her cage, watching Eisoo get taken out of her cage. Suddenly, a scraping sound caught her attention, someone was opening her cage. She looked up at the human with big eyes, it was her new trainer. He was mean looking from her veiw. In his hand, there was a small clicker. Angel jumped from the table, obviously being a no no. The man cilcked the button and a high pitched noise came from, it seemed, out of no where. It hurt Angel's ears so bad she fell to the ground. Soon, it stopped. Angel stood up and looked at the man, walked up to him, and stopped at his feet, waiting for something to happen.
1:57am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan thought for a moment. He knew how to use the move bite, maybe he could break the bars of the cage. He opened his mouth then used bite on the bars, but it didn't do anything to it besides making a small and hardly visable scratch. He let out a growl of frustration then sat down at the front of the cage so he could look out. That arbok had taken a few pokemon earlier, and he wondered what had hapend to them.
2:51am Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 3,662
(( Join? :o ))
5:31pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Fine. you can join. But only because I am eating a cookie! >:D)) Eisoo Was put in a area with some sort of obstacle course in ffront of her. The first thing was small pool that she would have to swim through. She groanedwhen she looked at it. She had no clue how to swim, but apparently she had to learn. Her new trainer pretty much kicked her into the water to make her start the course. After much coughing and spluttering and even zapping herself a few times accidentally, Eisoo found out how to swim. She also learned that her shock collar was watter proof. She began to swim towards the opposite end of the pool, even though the others edges were closer. She was guessing that going out the easy way would earn her a shock, and her guess was correct. Eventually, Eisoo made it to the end of the pool and crawled out, soaked and exausted. Her trainer didn't want her to stop though, he zapped her and shouted a command to keep going. As much as Eisoo didn't want to move anymore, she still was bother by the shock collar enough to move herself. She began to run, seeing that the next part invlved jumping over various objects placed in her path, each higher than the last. She only got about half way through that part before she was unable to jump high enough to get past. She looked at her trainer who put his finger near the button to zap her and she tried again. She did this a number of time, eachc time getting more exausted. She couldn't jump it because she was still to small. If only she were a treek. Then she could just climb up the-Wait a second! She could climb up the ob ject. She tried her new plan, and it actually worked very well. She made to the top of that ob ject, feeling very proud of herself. It was in that fasion that she got past the rest of that protion of the course. When she got past that, she collapsed. Her legs hurt and she knew that she could go any further. Her body wouldn't allow her to do so. It was obvious that her trainer knew this and had enough sense to let her rest before making her try it again. He came over to her and grabbed her up to put her back in her cage. Eisoo could tell he wa surprised by how well she did. He must have had low expectations. She smiled to herself, knowing that she had proven herself to be a stronger pokemon than anyone had probably thought. Cryn watched a pokemon biting the bars of his cage. " You know, I don't think that that's going to help you any. " He looked over to the door as he heard the farmilar sound of it opening. The Arbok slithered in and came towards Felan's cage. Cyrn thought that the Arbok was just going to whack him for biting the cage, but instead the Arbok grabbed Felan and took him out of the room. He returned and grabed Cyrn as well, carrying him off beyond the door to a strange lab where he was set in a holding bin to wait for something. He felt fear in his gut. Did this mean he was going to die? All reasonable though in his mind seemed to vanish as he sat where he was, terrified of everything. He was afraid of dying.

10:12pm Mar 30 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan looked in the direction the other Growlithe was in. "Might as well try," he replied. "I want to get out of here." Felan moved to the back of the cage, thinking the Arbok was going to hit him or something, but instead it grabbed him from his cage. Along with the other Growlithe. He tried to wriggle out of its grip, but he obviously wasn't strong enough. Growling, he was set along with the other Growlithe in some bin in lab of some sort. He was trying to show that he wasn't scared, but it's probably obvious that he was. He sat down and looked around, rather unsure of what to do anymore.
5:21pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Cyrn growled as menacingly as he could as a scientist grabbed him up, but they only laughed and chained him to a table. He was about to try and snapp at one of the people watching him, but he was suddenly electricuted. He yelped loudly and collapsed, electricity making him thrash about. It was like he was battling with an Ampharos! As soon as the electricity stopped, he tried to get on his paws, which he did, and use ember. He failed at the ember part because he was to weak from the electricity. Instead, he settled with growling and glaring. The scientist looked at each other, grinning for some reason. They didn't say anything, but they just grabbed him up and gave him to a trainer who had to immediatly put Cyrn in a special Team Rocket version of a pokeball. The Grunt seemed rather happy about the pokemon he was given and walked away.
10:33pm Mar 31 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan growled as well when the scientist grabbed Cyrn and chained him to a table. He thought that they were just going to keep him there or something like that, but he felt frozen with fear as he watched the other Growlithe get electricuted. He watched as the scientists handed Cyrn over to a trainer and put him a pokeball he has never seen before. He took a step back, were they going to do the same thing to him?
4:56pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,895
The scientists then went for Felan. They grabbed him and chained him to the table, electricuting him like they had done with Cyrn. ((Man. Really wish I could make that post bigger. :( Oh well. It's just a one time thing. :3))
10:57pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan tried to bite the scientists that were picking him up, but he kept on missing the arm or hand he was aiming for. Once the scientists set him on the table and chained him up, he felt electricity run through his body. He shut his eyes then began growling. When the electricity stopped, he crouched down on the table for a while then tried getting back on his legs. He heard some of the scientists talking then felt some one pick him up. He was handed to a Team Rocket grunt, and after a few moments, fell asleep.
11:00am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Cyrn woke up in a cage. Apparently he had been taken out of his pokeball while he was sleeping. He was a little unhappy about this, because he like the pokeball better than this cage. He looked around, wondering where the cage was located. It was in a sort of taining room. All around the room, pokemon were practicing battlings or working on their speed or something of that sort. He sat down and watched for a little while, wondering if he would have to do this as well. It was way different from how he had trained in the past. With his old trainer, Cyrn had fought with wild pokemon to become stronger, but now things had changed a very large amount. It was around that time that he realized that there was a collar around his neck. He had no clue what it was for, and asumed that it was just for fasion. He knew that some humans found fasion to be very important. It wasn't to long before Cyrn was take out of his cage. He was put in the same obstacle course that Eisoo had gone through a few hours ago. He of course, did not know that. He just knew that he was a fire type who was going to have to swim. He looked at his new trainer, trying to convey to them that he didn't want to swim, but they just pushed him into the water. Cyrn floudered about, trying to find out how his paws, which were built for land, how be used in the water. It took him a few minutes, but he ended up figuring out that doing something similar to walking on land worked pretty well as long as he kept a good amount of air in his lungs to keep his head up. Cyrn slowly worked his way to the other end of the pool. As soon as he reached the opposite end, he scrambled out of the water and shook a good portion of the wetness off. He heard a command from his new trainer to run the rest of the obstacle course. Being the kind of pokemon that was instantly loyal to his trainers, Cyrn did as he was told nd began to jump of the objects placed in front of him. Eventually they got so high that the only way he had a chance of getting from one to the other was to stand ontop of the last one and jump for the next. He didn't attempt to climb though because he knew that it was impossible for him to climb with his paws. After that part of the course had been completed, Cyrn found himself to be exausted. His legs hurt and he was having a difficult time walking due to fatigue. The next part involved a simple run back to the start. It seemed like a very long distance to Cyrn and he didn't want to run it, but his trainer commanded him to. Cyrn ran for a few seconds before getting to tired to do that. He walked the rest of the way back. When he reached the end, his trainer smiled and pattted him on the head. Cyrn felt more motivated nowthat he knew he had please his trainer. He liked to make his trainer happy, no matter who they were at themoment. He was returned to his pokeball to get some rest.

12:42am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan woke up with a jerk. He had been dreaming that the Arbok who had brought he and the other Growlithe to the lab had thrown him into some hole. He sighed then forced himself to get on his paws. He was out of his pokeball, although he didn't remember getting out, and he was in a different room. There were other pokemon around, most of them training on different courses. He was about to try to sleep when teh cage door opened. The man who stood there didn't even think twice before taking him out of the cage. That was when Felan realized that there was something around his neck. A collar? He looked at the other pokemon. They had the same collar, too. The man, who Felan *censored*umed was his new trainer, brought him to a pool like course then set him down on the ground. "I'm supose to swim across this pool?" He asked himself disbelievingly after his trainer ordered him to swim across. "I'm a fire type for crying out loud." Without warning, he felt something push him into the water. He flailed there for a moment, trying to get the hang of it and keep his head above water. He was able to see his trainer standing at the edge of the pool, looking down at him with his arms crossed over his chest. Felan let out a growl then tried swimming toward the edge of the pool, obviously having a hard time. After a while of being unsuccessful, who finaly made it to the end. He scrambled up then almost fell down in exhaustion. He heard his trainer order him to do something, and when he looked ahead of him he realized he had to do somet jumping. He got back on to his legs and shook as much water from his fur as he could then began the next course. The first three or four were okay, but the rest after that he was already weak with exhaution. After a long while, he was finaly at the last one. Getting as much strength as he could in the jump, he made it over but fell down on his side. He heard his trainer say something, and to him it sounded as if he just needed to get back to him by running and then he was done. Getting up, Felan ran for his trainer, his face determined to get there fast. When he made it his trainer bent down, gave him a few pats on the head, then returned him to his pokeball.
2:37pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Cyrn was taken out of his new pokeball in a flash of red light. He looked at his treainer, wondering why he had been taken out of his pokeball. He thn noticed that he was in the trainingroom still, but it was a later time. In front of him he saw several fake pokemon in battle stances. Was he suposed to attack them? His question was answered when he trainer order him to use ember on the first one which was a bellsprout. Cyrn used ember and his trainer told him to use quick attack and bite. He did this on the next few targets. They continued to work on combining moves and using different strategies when Cyrn suddenly learned that using both Ember and Bite at the same time made his trainer happy. He continued to use this and learned that this new move was called Fire Fang. After a good half hour of training, Cyrn was brought to a new course. This time, it appeared he would be fighting and actually pokemon. He barked in anticipation and happiness. He loved battling! He saw another trainer standing a good bit away on the oposite side of a rectangle that was made. Cyrn heard his trainer call him onto the field and he eagerly ran out. He was begining to like his new trainer more now that they were doing something he enjoyed. The other person sent out a Wingull and the fight began. The Wingull imediatlly used a ear piercing Supersonic. Cyrn felt dizzy at first but he shook it off and dashed forward with quick attack. The Wingull dived at him with it's wing glowing to use Wing Attack. Just as the two were about to collide, Cyrn jumped over the Wingull, turned around, and used quick attack as he jumped at the flying pokemon. He landed on it's back, his momentum knocking it out of the sky. He used Fire Fang to finish off the battle. The Wingull was soon unconsous. He had won the battle! Proudly, Cyrn walked back to his trainer, the defeated trainer frowning at his Wingull. Cyrn could tell his trainer was happy with him, which pleased the Growlithe. He was returned to his pokeball once more.

11:27pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan looked around the training room after he was released from his pokeball. His trainer was standing infront of him and pointing to an area which lookled like a battle field. Felan let out a quiet sigh. There was another Team Rocket grunt on the other side of the battle field, and he was holding a pokeball in his hand. I'm not in the mood to battle. He thought then let out sound that seemed to say he didn't want to. His trainer frowned then suddenly Felan felt electricity run through his body. He whined then the shocking stopped. His trainer walked over to the field and Felan followed, not wanting to get shocked again. He jumped into the field and glanced back. His trainer was standing behind him and saying something to the other Team Rocket grunt. The other grun threw the pokeball he had in the air and a spearow was released. Felan growled at the Spearow as it flew around in the air. At least he wasn't fighting a Fearow like the time he was captured by Team Rocket from his trainer. Suddenly, the Spearow dove down and slashed Felan at his side with a Wing Attack. He jumped back and, at the command of his trainer, aimed an Ember attack at the Spearow. The attack hit and the Spearow landed on the ground, but immedietly went back up into the air when its trainer commanded it to. It drew its wings back and used a Gust attack on Felan, nearly knocking him off his paws. Felan shook himself then looked up at the Spearow, at the same time listening to his trainer's command. He shot another Ember move at the Spearow, but it doged it by diving down. Now's my chance! Felan thought as he ran for the Spearow and used Bite on its wing. It let out a screech and Felan jumped back. It was injured for it couldn't get back in the air, so Felan used one more Ember and the Spearow lay there, unconsious.
4:52pm Apr 7 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((GAh! I dunno what to do now...Time skip to later? Mabye when they are sent on their first mission or something? I say they rob a Pokemart. :3))
12:17am Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((Yeah, rob a Pokemart, that'll be fun.))
3:51pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Hurray! Of to rob we go. :D)) Cyrn was excited. He had recently been allowed to walk around freely and was going to go on his first mission soon. A Ninetales had been the one to tell him. Right now, he was walking beside his trainer who had dressed in civilian clothes along with a few other Team Rocket Grunts to avoid causing trouble. They were almost to thePokemart by now and Cyrn was getting more excited with every step he took. He wondered if there would be any battling going on. He certainly hoped so. He knew that if there were and battles, he would be the first in because he was very good at battling. Finally, they reached the Pokemart. His trainer opened the door and stepped inside, Cyrn quickly following. Cyrn began to sniff around, waiting for his trainer to give the command to attack. So far, his trainer was waiting for the other Grunts to be ready.
10:54pm Apr 8 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan was walking beside his trainer, following him to the Pokemart. His trainer was wearing clothes that he would see normal people wear, and he wasn't use to it. He liked to see his trainer wear that black Team Rocket uniform. He and his trainer entered the Pokemart, and the first thing that caught Felan's eye was the other Growlithe inside. His trainer was muttering something to another man, whom Felan recodnized from the Team Rocket base, so he quietly padded over to the other Growlithe. "Hey," he greeted. "Weren't you that Growlithe who was in that lab room or something with me?" The thought of it made Felan shiver slighly. He didn't like that memory of being eletricuted.