4:47pm Apr 9 2010
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" Yeah. I think I remember you going in with me for that electric thing. " Cyrn seemed to not remember how bad it had been and talked about the painfull experiance as if it were an every day thing. " It's pretty exciting isn't it? Being on a mission. This is my first one and I can't wait for the pat where we battle! " Cyrn was about to say something else but his ttrainer said the words he knew meant for him to get into his mission mode. He flipped around to face the person who was suddenly an enemy, growling loudly. The Person at the cash register looked terrified as the Team Rocket members began their *censored*ault. There were no other people in the store, which meant that the Grunts had little resistance towards them unless there was a secret police button. even if there was one, they would probobly be gone before any police came. Cyrn was commanded to keep the person cornered until his trainer was ready to go and his trainer began to swiftly take the usefull items off the shelves and stuff them into a bag. Cyrn knew tat this was a small mission, but he couldn't help being excited about it. He was so excited that he began arking at the Cashier every time they twitched or tried to do something. Cyrn heard the sound of the door opening as an inoccent p*censored*erby came in to buy something. They ended up getting thron into a battle. The new person quickly sent out a Ryhorn and tried to help the Cashier get out of the corner. Cyrn now had to multi task. He had to both fight off the Ryhorn and keep the Cashier from doing something. He used ember on the Ryhorn. It was hot enough to keep the Ryhorn from charging at him with Take Down and to scare the Cashier into a curled up ball in the corner. What the human was doing reminded Cyrn of Defense Curl, which made him smile slightly before sending out another ember.

12:27am Apr 10 2010
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"Ember!" Felan glanced at his trainer. He was putting some things in a bag and sometimes glancing at him. Felan gave a nod then jumped onto a box near him. He opened his mouth then used an Ember attack, aiming for the Ryhorn's side. He was about to use another Ember when his trainer commanded him to find a pokeball called Great Ball. "But I want to fight." He muttered then jumped down from the box, looking around for the Great Ball. His trainer said it was blue and red. He looked around and sniffed around. Nothing. He made a bark to his trainer and he said to just keep on fighting instead. Glad that he could fight again, he ran over to the Ryhorn and used bite on its leg. But it didn't do a lot of damage by the looks of it. He jumped onto the counter, near Cyrn, but his attention was focused on the Ryhorn. He used ember again, near its head.
5:52pm Apr 10 2010
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Cyrn was glad that he was getting help from Felan. He added his ember to the blow on the Rhyhorns face and the Rhyhorn let out a oar of pain before falling the the ground, unconcious. The trainer returned their pokemon to it's pokeball and Cyrn's trainer made a comment about how weak it was as he finished up sturffing things in his bag. Finally, he said tthat they were done here nd ran out of the store, Cyrn following him closelly. The people they ran past were to surprised to do anything before it was to late and the robber were gone. Once they got back to a safe spot, Cyrn was sent to his pokeball. His trainer began to looke at how much they had gotten and of what. He was appy because they had gotten quite a few good items.
2:18am Apr 11 2010
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Felan watched as the ryhorn was returned then looked up at his trainer he called him and ran out the Pokemart. He quickly jumped down from the counter and followed his trainer out, nearly getting hit by some one p*censored*ing by. Once his trainer stopped, along with some other grunts, he heard the sound of sirens. The police! Felan though, exceited. Were they going to be in another fight? He peeked out from behind a bush then saw an officer talking to one of the civilians of the place, but before he could find out were the other officers were heading his trainer took out his pokeball and returned him.
7:41am Apr 11 2010
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Cyrn was next sent out back at the Team Headquarters, while his trainer gave up his catch of items. He was allowed to keep a few pokeballs so he could catch another pokemon and add them to his team. Cyrn guessed that only pokemon destined to be a grunt's first pokemon were treated the same as he was. He began to wonder why there hadn't been any more fighting for him before they got back. Surely they would have encountered the police at some point. He thought about it for a moment and then decided that they had simply gotten lucky. The other Grunts who had come one the mission were given their rewards as well. They pretty much had a choice between money, and a few Rocket Balls for catching other pokemon. Cyrn and his trainer left after that. Cyrn listened to his trainer's speach, even though he had a hard time understanding most human language. He di understand a few words. From his asumptions, they meant that they were going to go fight some wild pokemon! He got fairly excited about this, jumping around at his trainers feet and doing a sort of Growlithe smile. His trainer told him that they were going to do that tommorrow, and tonight he had something fun planned. At least, that was what Cyrn could put together. ((I am thinking that Theam Rocket people aren't that different from normal people. they are just a bit meaner. So my idea is that a bunch of Grunts throw a party and they all get drunk or something. X3))

10:04am Apr 11 2010
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((That'll be fun. Do the pokemon get to go along with their trainers?)) Felan licked his lips. He had been sent out from his pokeball not to long ago, and his trainer had given a round blue berry for a treat. Maybe as a reward, but Felan wasn't all that sure. He looked around. He was in the training room, where the courses were, and his trainer was talking to another Grunt. He had been allowed to wander around, so he walked over to watch a Beedrill and Aipom battle. The Beedrill dove toward the Aipom then used Fury Attack at its trainer's command. The Aipom dodged the attack by jumping into the air but, as it was about to land, was knocked away with a Poison Sting attack. It quickly got up and jumped to the side, near Felan, and jumped away again as the Beedril tried to use another Poison Sting attack, which nearly hit Felan. He jumped back, holding his breath as he did so. By the looks of it, the Beedrill was way stronger than him so an attack from it could really cause a lot of damage to him. "Move away!" The Aipom told him after he had jumped back before going into battle again. Felan watched them for a few seconds then trotted over to his trainer.
1:19pm Apr 11 2010
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((Yep. :3)) Cyrn was wandering around like he had been doing for about half an hour. His trainer suddenly called him back and he ran over, looking up curiously. Why had he called them? Were they going to do something. Cyrn realized his trainer had been talking with another when his trainer say goodbye to them. Cyrn followed his trainer out of the room. He could feel the excitment in his trainer. What was going to happen? Would it be fun? Would he get to battle? He hoped it was a battle. He was a little disapointed when instead, his trainer brought him into his room. There wasn't anything happening in bere..but then why was he acting like this? Suddenly, a few people jumped out from hiding places and yelled " Surprise! ". Cyrn had a feeling that his trainer wasn't surprised by this, but he was. He didn't know what was going and he wanted to find out. It didn't take long for a roar of noise to build up as those already there talked and more people came in. Cyrn found himself enjoying the excitment as time went on and soon, people had all of their pokemon out as well. Cyrn realized, after talking to a pachirisu, that this was a party to celebrate his trainer's birth. His favorite part was when the people took out a large, square thing that had a delightful scent. They sang a short song and cut it into peices to give out to both people and pokemon. Cyrn sniffed the peice set in front of him suspicously at first, but as the other pokemon and people wolfed down their peices, he got the courage to bite into the thing as well. Cyrn loved the way it tasted! He didn't care what it was anymore and wolfed it down like everyone else was doing. He finished it off in a few seconds, licking the peices of icing off of his fur contentedly. The plates were all set on a table after the cake was gone and then the music began. A loud box began to blare out rocmk and heavy metal music. The humans loved it but for Cyrn it was more of an aquired taste in music. The screaching oises in some songs hurt his ears at first, but he eventually learned to like it.

1:17am Apr 12 2010
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Felan and his trainer were in the room where everybody hid and jumped out from their hiding places when some one had walked in. He was beside a bidoof went that happend, but he didn't join in and say "Surprise!". He walked away from a few pokemon that gathered together then noticed the other Growlithe was in the same room, too. So its his trainer's birthday. He thought as his trainer put a piece of cake infront of him. He sniffed it first. The trainer who had caught him had eaten this once, but he never got to try it. He licked it, getting the frosting from the side, and felt the taste in his mouth for a moment before suddenly wolfing it down. It was delicious. When he finished, he looked around and spotted the other Growlithe. He padded over to him, ignoring the loud music that came from a box like thingy. "I'v never learned your name," he said to the Growlithe once he reached him. "My name's Felan."
4:01pm Apr 12 2010
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" I'm Cyrn. I like birthday parties! The trainer give me cake." Cyrn said with a big grin. In fact, the main reason he was enjoying this was because of the cake. He looked at the people,, watching how they were dancing to the music along with several of the two legged pokemon. THis made him wonder if he could dance like them as well. Cyrn got onto his hind legs, waving his paw to try to keep his ballance. This seemed to greatly amuse the humans who laughed loudly and gave him little bits of poffins and pokeblocks. He got back onto all four, keeping a note in his head that he should do that mor often when food was around. It wasn't that much later that the humans began to drink some sort of strange liquid that made them act funny. The stumbled about and their words became even harder to understand. Some of them even threw up. Cyrn was confused by the rather swift change the humans had made. He heard a human say something about giving ht pokemon some, and bowls were set on the groun containing a strange, brownish liquid. Cyrn sniffed it curiously and lapped up a little bit of it. The taste wasn't that great to him but something made him want more and he ended of lapping up most of the drink in the bowl. In the end he ended up just and dizzy as the humans were, stumbling about and running into other pokemon several times, some of which had drunk the stuff too and were stumbling about like him. A female flareon caught his gaze from the other end of the room. He stumbled over to her and said " Yuh know, yur rully purtty fer a Flareon. " He smiled drunkenly after saying the slurred word. The Flareo seemed to blush a little a giggled some. The twowere together as boyfriend and girlfriend for an amazing total of seven minutes before Cyrn accidently said something really rude to the Flareon. The Flareon looked appalled at him and stutted away, nose held high. Cyrn just leaned against the wall and laughed.

12:37am Apr 13 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Felan looked into one of the bowls with the brown liquid. He sniffed it then drew his nose away. It smelled funny to him. He looked over at Cyrn. He had almost finished all of it from a bowl, and he was acting funny now. Felan looked around, trying to find his trainer, and spotted him talking strangely with some other people. Did he drink it too? He wondered then decided to try it out or himself. He lapped a few times at the brown liquid then licked his lips. It had a funny taste that didn't appeal to to him, but he had a sudden urge to drink more. After a while Felan was starting get dizzy. He did not finish the brown liquid, but he thought he drank a lot. He walked clumsily over to a few pokemon were together and talked funny. "Heylow," greeted a Linoone who was sitting down but wobbling. Felam managed to nod. He got into a sitting position and lenaed against a chair, muttering something that mad no sense.
7:46pm Apr 13 2010
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Cyrn saw Felan and stumbled over him, tripping on his paws more than once as he came over. " Ey buddee! " He howled. " Ows it goin? Oh, nevar mind. I sees you gotta ladeh frend. I letu two talk now. " Cyrn stumbled away after that. He was wandering around aimlessly for a few more minutes when a human howled in pain. A fight had broken out among the trainers at the party. Chairs and cups were tossed around the room, uninvolved creatures trying to avoid getting hit. It wasn't long before Cyrn got sucked into the fight though. An Aipom hit him in the head with a cup and he instinctively used ember. A fight between the two drunken pokemon soon broke out. The Aipom tackling Cyrn, Cyrn biting the Aipom. It went on for a good five minutes before the Aipom burped loudly and fainted. Cyrn felt victorious for a moment before he got a bad feeling in his stomach. He dashed to a trashcan and stuck his head in it just as he caughed up the brown liquid he had drunk. He wwobbled around until he reached a safe spot under the bed and feel asleep.

12:26am Apr 14 2010 (last edited on 12:28am Apr 14 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
"Alright," Felan said as Cryn stumbled away then slowly got up. A cup bounced off his head and landed at his feet. He sniffed it then batted it away with his paw, not seeing a drunk Zigzagoon running at him and prepearing to use Tackle. Felan was thrown a few feet away, and when he saw the Zigzagoon, he muttered something then lunged forward at it, using a Bite attack on its leg. The Zigzagoon let out a cry but before it could do anything else a red beam hit it and when Felan looked up, a trainer was standing not to far away and holding a pokeball. Felan yawned then moved to the corner of the room, where he crouched down and watched a few humans fight.
3:52pm Apr 14 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((I say it is time skipping time. To the morning!)) Cyrn woke up with his head throbbing painfully. He groaned, trying to remember how he had gotten under the bed. He recaleld the party and the fighting. He wasn't sure weather he had enjoyed the party more than he had hated it. He pushed himself onto his paws and crawled out from under the bed to see a caotic mess. Most of the humans and pokemon had left, leaving those whowho were unconsious or didn't want to leave. Cups and misselaneous broken objects were strewn around the floor. Cyrn had a bad feeling about who would be the ones cleaning this up.
6:53am Apr 17 2010
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11:03am Apr 17 2010
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Felan was looking down at the ground, still courched and in the same position at the corner of the room. He had fallen asleep and when he woke up his head hurt. He slowly looked up and saw his trainer. He was sitting on a chair, leaning back and covering his eyes and forehead with his hand. Felan let out a sigh then got on to his paws, wobbling as he did. Stopping himself from closing his eyes, he went over to his trainer. His trainer pulled his hand away from his eyes when he saw Felan coming. He took out a pokeball from his pocket then rested it on the table, his fingers still holding it. "Do you want return to your pokeball now?" He asked, his voice telling he was tired. Felan thought for a moment, although it was hard when your head hurt. He shook his head. His trainer nodded then stood up, grunting as he did.
2:28pm Apr 17 2010
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Cyrn walked over to his own trainer, who was still sleeping. He nudged their face with his snout and they opened their eyes to grumble out some word he didn't know. His trainer slowly got into a sitting position, holding his head in his hands. Cyrn wondered if this was what it felt like after being hit with Dream Eater. He didn't have much more time to wonder though, because he was returned to his pokeball. ((Ready to go catch a few pokemon?))
10:53pm Apr 17 2010
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Posts: 1,597
((Yup!)) Felan's trainer stared at the table for a moment then nodded, as if he agreed on something. He said something Felan couldn't understand then took the pokeball in his hand. Felan tited his head. What were they going to do? Something fun? But before he could think anymore his trainer returned him to his pokeball.
7:42am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Cyrn was next set out in a forest area. It reminded him of the place he and his old trainer had trained in the past. It didn't sadden him, it was actually a pleasant memory for him. He looked about, wondering why he had been sent out. There weren't any pokemon around. Theen his trainer said a few words to another he had brought with him. He recognized it as Felan's trainer. Then, he remembered. They were going to find pokemon o catch! He got very excited when he remembered this and the secon his trainer started to move again, Cyrn darted ahead to sniff around for any pokemon. He normally came back withou finding anything, but eventually he managed to chase out a Treeko. C yrn's trainer commanded him to fight it, so he used ember. The swift pokemon doged out of the may though, using a Quick Attack that flung Cyrn off of his paws. The Treeko tryed to use the same move again, but Cyrn hit him with Fire Fang on his leg. The Treeko howled in pain and began to use Pound on Cyrn's head with it's fists. Cyrn kept his mouth clamped tightly on it's leg though. ((Yay! A Treeko. I was thinking about introducing a shiny pokemon soon. What do you think?))

8:08am Apr 18 2010 (last edited on 8:10am Apr 18 2010)
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Posts: 1,597
((I think it would be exciting. Will you be playing it as one of charries? Like how you play Cyrn.)) Felan was sent out again, and he thought his trainer wanted to train him, but when he looked around he wasn't in the training room, but in a forest. Cyrn was there, too, as well as another Team Rocket member who Felan a$$umed was Cyrn's trainer. Felan watched as Cyrn battled with a Treeko, and he wanted to watch him more but his trainer called him over to an area not to far. He ran over to his trainer then peeked out from behind a tree, where a Kecleon was napping not to far away. He looked up at his trainer, he made a gesture with his eyebrow for him to battle it. Felan nodded then quietly padded out from behind the tree, understanding that they were going to find pokemon and perhaps catch them. Felan gathered as much power as he could then used ember at the Kecleon. It jumped up, startled, then blended in with its surroundings. Felan looked around, trying to find it, then heard some rustling from a few bushes. He looked in that direction then saw the red belly marking of the Kecleon against the bushes. A slight smile spread across the Growlithe's face as he ran forward, using Bite on its leg. The Kecleon quickly showed itself then used Scratch on Felan, making the Growlithe jump back. Felan growled then used Ember again, but the Kecleon jumped away in time to dodge it.
10:47am Apr 18 2010
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Posts: 1,895
((Yeppers.)) Cyrn wazited until the Treeko exausted itself, and let go to use ember. It was just enough to push the exausted Treeko over the edge. It fell to the ground unconsious and Cyrn's trainer threw his pokeball at it. There were three wiggles and the pokemon was caught. Cyrn felt proud of himself as his trainer praised him for his good battling. He used a potion on Cyrn to heal the wounds he had gotten, and they set out for another pokemon. Cyrn saw Felan battling a Kecleon as they p*censored*ed. he wondered if Felan's trainer was going to catch it. It was a little while later. Cyrn and dhis trainer had gone quite a ways into the forest when Cyrn's trainer spotted something he really wanted. It was a shiny Yanma! The blue pokemon hovered around a small lake, dipping into the water occasionally for fun. Cyrn's trainer whispered to him to try and get it for him. A capture mission! Cyrn nodded, creaping forward slowly so as not to scare off the Yanma. When he c=got close enough, Cyrn leaped for the Yanam. It was to fast though, and he landed in the lake. The Yanma buzzed something and darted away, Cyrn hot on it's trail. he was lucky that it didn't run out over the lake because he swam slow. Instttead, it attempted to reach the safety of the forest. It wasn't that safe though. This Growlithe could track practically any pokemon. Especcially one wit such a unique scent as this. ((Hurray! Shiny Yanma's Rock! They are all blue and junk.))
