9:47pm Apr 19 2010
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Felan ran for the Kecleon then jumped forward, aiming a Bite attack on its leg. The Kecleon tried to jump away, but Felan had successfuly used Bite on it before it could. Felan's trainer said something to him then ran closer to the two pokemon fighting. He took out a pokeball from his pocket then threw it at the Kecleon. A red beam came out when the pokeball hit the Kecleon, making Felan jump back. The pokeball wiggled three times then it stopped. Felan let out a bark of triumph then his trainer went over to him, praising him and giving a few pats on his head. Felan and his trainer moved around the forest for a while, then Felan spotted a zigzagoon hiding among the bushes. He pointed to it with his paw but his trainer shook his head. Felan couldn't make out all of what his trainer was saying, but he was able to get 'we don't need that'. Felan nodded then they continued walking. After walking for a while, they were about to go in a different direction when Felan's trainer spotted something sleeping under a tree, in a spot covered by bushes. He and Felan slowly crept over to it then found out it was Houndour sleeping. Felan gave a nod when his trainer told him to fight it. The Growlithe jumped over the bush then used bite, making the Houndour wake up. ((The Houndour'll be a new charrie of mine, if you don't mind. I'll make his bio later.))
7:06am Apr 20 2010
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((Okay.)) Cyrn found the yanma again, thi time restingon a bush. It was tired from flying sofast and far, and was resting it's wings. Cyrns tough training, however, made him be able to run even longer distances than this with ease. He snuck up on the Yanma, using a strong Ember attack. The Yanam was knocked onto the ground, unconsious immediatly. The fire type attack was super effective after all. Cyrn's trainer caught up with his Growlithe then. He saw the Yanam and quickly caught it. Three wiggles and the battle was over. Cyrn trotted to his trainer, immediatly being given praise for catching that special pokemon. Thy began to head back towards the base now so that they could get some rest and train the new pokemon.
10:19am Apr 21 2010
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((I put the Houndour's bio on the same post with Felan's.)) Felan leaped back when the Houndour bolted up. It growled at him then dashed away, managing(spelling?) to squeeze through a few bushes to get out from the area. Felan ran after it, and at the same time firing an Ember attack at the Houndour. It got hit, but it obviously didn't do a lot of damage. The Houndour seemed to have changed its mind. Instead of wanting to run away, it ran straight for Felan and used bite on the Growlithe's leg. Felan yelped then tried to pull himself away, but the Houndour had its jaws clamped on his leg. He opened his mouse then used Ember. He expected the move to have no effect, but it did. The Houndour let go and jumped back, growling. It was about to lunge forward, probably going to use Bite again, but before it could Felan watched a pokeball fly over him and hit the Houndour. Three wiggles of the pokeball and his trainer had caught a Houndour. He straightend up as his trainer praised him, then they began to walk back to the Team Rocket base.
6:09pm Apr 21 2010
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Name:Dymu Age:teen Gender:female Species:Yanma Other:Is a shiny Yanma. In other words, he is blue and green instead of normal Yanma colors. :3
6:18pm Apr 21 2010
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Cyrn was next let out back at the base. He folloed hs trainer to the training room where the Yanma was let out. It buzzed around in a confused sort of way before realizing it had a new trainer. " Was I caught? " It asked. It looked at Cyrn and it's new trainer before deciding that was true. " You're the one who fought me...That must mean that I was caught. Well, it's nice to meet you. My name is Dymu. " " My name is Cyrn and that's you new trainer. I have to say, you were pretty hard to keep up with. " Cyrn said to the bug pokemon. He heard a command from his trainer and said " It's time to train now! A little tip for you, do whatever your told and things should go great for you. " Dymu looked at him in a slightly confused sorrt of way. What kind of training was going to happen? How hard would it be. Dymu heard her new trainer call her and she turned around. Just as she did, and awkward device was clipped onto one of her feet. She didn't know what it was, but didn't really care. Humans had strange tastes. She buzzed around for a little bit before being taken to a sort of airborn obstacle course that tested her spped, timing, turning, and almost every other aspect of flying there was. Was this the training? Dymu hoped not. It looked really hard. She would rather do the things she heard stories of trainers doing. Things like fighting other wild pokemon and competing in contest halls. Dymu was taken from her thoughts, and her trainer shoved her into the course. Instinctively, Dymu began to fly forward into the course. She regretted doing so, because she was immediatly put into the middle of a flurry of activity. She skillfully dodged things that darted past her and she plunged down and rose up swiftly when she had to. She was lucky that as a Yanma, flying in such an eratic manner came naturally.

10:49pm Apr 21 2010
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Felan wasn't returned to his pokeball the whole time he and his trainer had been walking back to the base. When the reached the Team Rocket base, they headed for the training room, which Felan guessed his trainer was going to release the Houndour there. Once they reached the training room, Felan's trainer got out the houndour's pokeball and released it out. The Houndour looked around, its face telling it was confused. Felan took a step forward and the Houndour turned its attention to him. "You," it growled. "Weren't you the one who attacked me?" Felan nodded. "Yes," he answered, rather calmly. "I was. My name is Felan." "Ralvix." The Houndour growled after a while of hesitating. He was about to ask where he was when a human came up to him and put something around his neck. "What the..?" He looked up at the human then saw him pointing to one of the training courses. A gesture from Felan told him to follow the human, so he did. They came up to a course which were dodging pokemon attacks. The Houndour entered the course then saw a few pokemon looking at him, and used some moves, by the orders of their trainers, that were aimed at him. Ralvix jumped out of the way of a Vine Whip attack, but he got hit by a Thunderbolt attack. He got back to his paws then dodged an Ember attack, which he thought he didn't need to doge since he was a fire type.
4:24pm Apr 22 2010
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Dymu soon had the course finished and she quickly dropped to the ground, wings hurting from such a strange manner of flying. She hoped that she never had to do that again, but something inside of her told her otherwise. Cyrn and his trainer came over to get Dymu, who was returned to her pokeball. Cyrn and his trainer then went to a new training course where Cyrn would get a bit of training. The place they went to was one where pokemon had to run through an obstacle course, occ*censored*ionally having to fight during the course or dodge attacks. Cyrn though her would be running the course, but instead he was hidden in the course and to attack and pokemon who came by with fire fang. He nodded to his trainer who sstepped back to watch and crouched down to hide. The first pokemon he attacked was a Ratticate. He just barely got it's tail because it appeared so suddenly in front of him. He used fire fang on it's tail and was soon knocked off by the pokemon's feet which kicked at him. Cyrn resumed his hiding position and waited for another pokemon to come by. ((I like the idea of interacting with a course in more than one way. :3 Mabye soon, we can time skip to their next mission where they can go rob a peerson of their pokemon. I think they are almost ready for something like that.))

7:27pm Apr 22 2010
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((moo-moo-milk!)) Name: Talon Age:1 year Gender:Male Species: eevee Other: none
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7:34pm Apr 22 2010
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((Hurray! You have joined! Feel free to post. :D))
7:39pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
((is the setting pretty much how our old rp was like?))
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7:42pm Apr 22 2010
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((Yeah, but they are in a different base where raids from other teams are far less common. This place mostly works in finding rare pokemon and items and stealling them and getting the pokemon really strong. Later, I might have the roleplay move to a new location, *hinthint*))
7:45pm Apr 22 2010
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Posts: 253
Talon was shoved into a dark cage, his heart pounded in his chest harder than it had ever before. He had no idea where he was or what they would do to him, and his body was shaking like mad. ((as you can see this is the young little talon who is afraid of his own shadow.))
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7:49pm Apr 22 2010
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((have to go in ten minutes
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7:56pm Apr 22 2010
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Cyrn had pounced on a few more pokemon, when he was taken away by his trainer. He recognized where they were going, but didn't understand why they were going there. It was the room for the new recruits who were kept in cages. Was he going to be working with them? Wasn't that the Arbok's job? He followed his trainer into a medical type of room with a large, coiled up, sick looking Arbok in it. There was a nurse sitting beside it, looking at it occasionally to see if anything changed about it. Cyrn knew why he was down here now, he was a replacment for the Arbok. the Arbok looked at him and hissed for him to approach. It's frightening eyes still made Cyrn somewhat frightened of it, but not quite as much. He came closer and the Arbok said " I want you to make sure those new recruits respect you. You can not show any weakness, not even kindness. It makes them want to attempt escape. You will be told which pokemon to get. Just follow your trainers owners and scare the recruits a little for me. " The Arbok shifted itself then, burrowing it's head beneath it's many coils to get some sleep. Cyrn wasn't sure he could pull of the scary part. He didn't think of himself as very scary, then again, He hadn't looked at himself in a puddle in quite a long time. he had probobly changed. Cyrn looked up at his trainer as his trainer began to give him order. He was supposed to get an eevee and a Zubat from their cages and bring them here. He could do that, he told himself. He had to look and feel confident when he went in there. When the door was opened slightly for him to go through, Cyrn put on his toughest look andwalked into the room, trying to make himself appear as terrifying as possible, which wasn't that hard since his mangled fur hadn't had a proper grooming in who knows how long. He looked at the cages and stopped when he found the Eevee. It was a young male who looked scared enough to wet himself. Cyrn oddly enough didn't find himself pitying them, but he was repulsed by them. They were such a coward! He had no trouble looking scary for this pokemon and he grabbed the lock on the cage in his jaws and ulocked it.

7:58pm Apr 22 2010
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Talon jumpped and barred his teeth, backing up to the back of the cage. ((I would write a LOT more... but I have to go literaly now...))
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8:02pm Apr 22 2010
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((It's okay, you might be able to edit in more later. Or not. You could be lazy and leave it like that. Remember, what would panda do? The answer is I would be lazy. O3o)) Cyrn oped the cage and reached his head it, grabbing at the Eevee's scruff. He was hoping that this pokemon wouldn't put up to much of a fight. Even though he was rather large for a growlithe, Cyrn was still only a little bit larger than and Eevee.
10:49pm Apr 22 2010
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Ralvix wanted to lie down and rest. His legs were tired and he still had to do a few more dodges. He turned his attention to a Squirtle not too far away. It used a Water Gun move on him, and he tried jumping away but he ended up getting hit by the water type move. He was thrown a few feet away, and then he got back onto his paws. His new trainer noticed that he was probably too tired to go on, so he called the Houndour back and returned him to his pokeball, but not after giving him a few pats on the head.
5:28am Apr 23 2010
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Talon growled and avoided being grabbed. "Get away from me!" he barked at the stranger. He lunged forewards and bit the first thing his teeth met up with and did not intend on letting go. He hung on like his life depended on it, while growling constantly too.
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7:03am Apr 23 2010
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Cyrn yelped in surprise. He hadn't expected this to happen. Mabye it was because he seemed almost small enough to take down to that Eevee. He decided to teach them a lesson in fear for hurting him. He immediatly slammed the Eevee into the wall as hard as he could in an attempt to get him off so he could use ember.
10:42am Apr 23 2010
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Felan was watching Ralvix do the course from a distance. He was about to wander around the training room, after the Houndour was sent back into his pokeball, but his trainer came up to him and ordered for him to do a course. They went over to a training course that tested Felan's speed and dodging. He entered the course then began to run through it when his trainer commanded. He thought it was rather easy since he was running under or just jumping away from these swinging objects, and then some pokemon attacks were fired at him. He just barely dodged a Rock Throw attack, and when he landed from jumping away from it he almost tripped. He stopped suddenly when a strong Water Gun attack was fired, and was hit at the tail with it when he jumped away to start running again.