8:02pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 681
((alrighty then, Feyth. Thanks))
8:10pm May 6 2010
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Soul cradeled the small totodile in her fragile, pale arms. "How are you baby?" she cooed at the Waterer. Waterer climbed out of her arms and stood in front of her slender shape. "You want me to follow you?" she asked. She chased after Waterer as the totodile raced off... -------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum fingered the pokeball in her had as she wondered why Leaf had gotten mad at her. "Leaf, come out." she asked, sending her out. Leaf took one look at her and leapt at the pokeball. Leaf lifted up his head as he bounced backwards. "no! You are not gonig back till you tell me what is wrong." she glared at the totodile with small purple eyes. The turtwig growled and then scampered off. Platinum followed suit...
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8:27pm May 6 2010 (last edited on 8:29pm May 6 2010)
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Silver growled to himself as his small Pokemon blew smoke clouds. He wanted a tough Pokemon. Silver's hair flipped as he yelled at it, “You! Use a move, now!” The Pokemon lit it’s back on fire and smiled. Silver groaned. He wanted the gruesome looking blue water type, but some girl with a big hat took it. He growled at his misfortune. The cops are probably on to him for stealing this worthless thing. The Cyndaquil pointed in the direction of a girl and a small Turtwig. Silver rolled his eyes and kept walking with his little companion, not caring if the girl was there or not. Will do Blue later
8:28pm May 6 2010
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"Silver!" Soul called, running up to him, finally catching up to her small totodile. "How are your pokemon doing, want to battle?" she cocked her head, always ready for abattle...
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3:44pm May 7 2010
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Silver glared at her with fierce red eyes. She took his gruesome Pokemon. "What a waste of time, a weakling like you can't beat me." He said. "Fine, whatever. It'll do this little runt some good to fight something. You, Cyndaquil- Use tackle!" He yelled. The little Cyndaquil waddled up to the Totodile and smiled. Silver cursed under his breath. --- Blue walked away from her recent battle. Boy, the gym leader was tough. She looked at her Squirtle. "I sure did some good stealing you!" She said as she admired her new badge.
6:07pm May 7 2010
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8:29pm May 7 2010
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((bump D:))
10:01pm May 7 2010
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Totodile patted the cyndaquil on his back. "Toto." she said with a smile... ------------------------------------------- Platinum watched as her turtwig crawled up to a cyndaquil and a totodile and begane conversing with them...
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10:30am May 8 2010 (last edited on 10:31am May 8 2010)
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Posts: 681
Silver clenched his jaw. "What is this, a love fest?!" He yelled as he picked up his Cyndaquil. "You're going to be the strongest Pokemon once I'm done with you, you pathetic Pokemon!" He put the Cyndaquil under his arm. His red eyes scanned the faces of the two girls. "Are anyone of you going to fight me, or am I going to have to find some other weaklings to train with?" he asked rudely. The Cyndaquil frowned and reached out towards the Pokemon on the ground. "Cyn Cyn..." He cried.
4:11pm May 8 2010
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"I'd be happy to battle you." Soul smiled and put totodile in front of her and got ready to battle by narrowing her eyes and glaring at him. She was always ready for this... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Platinum sat down with her turtwig and watched as the girl and the boy started to fight...
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6:10pm May 8 2010
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"Get ready weakling, I am going to show that even if you took the Pokemon I was going to steal, I can still beat you!" Silver regretted what he had said. Now she knows that he stole the Pokemon. Silver pointed at the Totodile. "Cyndaquil, use tackle!" Silver shoved the Cyndaquil towards the Totodile. The Cyndaquil frowned and bashed the Totodile at full force.
7:18pm May 8 2010
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Waterer jumped into the air, causing the attack to go right past him. He slammed water out of his mouth and onto the fire pokemon...
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7:22pm May 8 2010
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"Get up you useless thing!" Yelled Silver. The Cyndaquil's fire sputtered out. "CYN!" It cried as it's back flames grew even bigger than before. It sent a smoke cloud towards the water Pokemon. Once the smoke cloud got close enough, Cyndaquil jumped through the smoke and headbutted the Totodile. Silver smirked. Maybe I did get the right Pokemon... He thought.
7:28pm May 8 2010
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Waterer growled for a moment at the attack and then shook it off. He stepped out of the cloud and watched for the pokemon, he saw his chance as the smoke cleared and headbutted the pokemon while using water *dissalowed word*. Soul cheered as she said what to do...
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10:21am May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
She was winning with HIS Pokemon. Silver couldn't help but glance at the girl. Why was shy happy and cheering? Battling is serious business! Why do I care anyways? It's not my problem! Silver turned to the battle and told the Cyndaquil what to do. The Cyndaquil's back ached from the water pouring over it. It couldn't move for a moment. It shook it off and reluctantly blew flames at the water Pokemon.
4:39pm May 9 2010
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Totodile flippes, making the fire only graze his shoulder and then scratched the cyndiquil with his claws and then using water gun at close range. "Ya!" shouted Soul happily as she cradeled Waterer's empty pokeball, she was so proud of him...
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5:18pm May 9 2010
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Silver glanced at Soul again. She is so happy. It's annoying! How am I losing to a wimp like her?! Cyndaquil fell backwards from the hit. It tried to get up but fell again. It did not get up. Silver had lost. Silver looked at the Cyndaquil with pure hatred in the depths of his eyes. "Stupid Pokemon!" He returned it to it's Poke Ball and shoved it in his pocket. "Are you happy you won?! Whatever. If you hadn't taken that Totodile, I would have won!" Silver looked at the girl and felt like stabbing her.
6:24pm May 9 2010
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"If you weren't so mean to your pokemon, maybe you would've won. Type doesn't matter, it is how much you care for your pokemon." Soul said, kneeling on the ground to pick up Waterer. You could see in her deep purple eyes that she meant what she had said...
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6:30pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
Silver looked at her with astonished eyes. "What? How can you say that?! People who show stupid emotions like that are weak." Silver looked down. She can't be right. This is all her fault! If she hadn't taken that stupid Totodile, I would have won! I deserve a strong Pokemon! Silver took out the Poke Ball with the Cyndaquil inside of it. "..." Silver shook his head and shoved the Poke Ball into his pocket again. "You don't understand. No one ever understands." It's all his fault. He did this to me.
6:45pm May 9 2010
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Soul spitted in fury, hre calm face suddenly dark and mean, "You don't deserve a pokemon if you think they are here just to fight for you. You should go to the trainer school and learn how to win with that cyndiquil, instead of reprimanding it. It was your fault you lost, not his." she stomped away in fury... ------------------------------------ Platinum watched this display with interest. "shes right you know." she said, getting up and trotting after Soul...
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