6:52pm May 9 2010
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Silver narrowed his eyes. How can the girl who was happy and cheering about her Pokemon now show so much anger? Silver creased his eyebrows together. "She's right you know." Platinum said and got up. He stared at Platinum with fury. He turned his gaze away and looked at Soul storm off. Silver walked after her in a few strides and grabbed her arm. "Hold it!" He said. He looked at her with no emotion showing in his red eyes. "Soul. I am going to beat you one day. I'm going to train my Cyndaquil stronger, and prove to you that I do deserve a strong Pokemon." Thoughts of him rushed back into his mind. He shook the thought away.
6:55pm May 9 2010
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Soul shook him off, "I accept the challenge." she growled and spun around, still holding waterer. "Just, make sure you stick with cyndaquil, he is a good pokemon." she smiled again and walked towards azealea town...
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7:08pm May 9 2010
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((looky wut I found :D)) ((Silver saying "Hold it!" but without Typhlosion)) click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> ((Soul heading to Azelea town but without Cyndaquil)) click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomOut()')"> Silver watched Soul storm off. I have to head to Azelea town too but she'll think I'm following her... Silver headed a different direction. "Whatever I'll still end up in the same place." After a while he ended up in Azelea town. He went to the Pokemon center and healed his Cyndaquil. He kept it in the Poke Ball. We have to fight the gym leader, but let's wait a bit." He sat down against the outer wall of the Pokemon Center and closed his eyes.
7:13pm May 9 2010
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Soul stuck her hadns in her pockets after rturning Waterer to his pokeball and then found a bed to sleep in for the night, tomorrow, she would fight the gym leader...
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7:17pm May 9 2010
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((lol do you have writer's block? Is the gym leader of Azelea town Falkner? or is that Violet city? No... thats Morty. Ugg so confusing.)) Silver opened one eye. It was kinda wierd sitting randomly outside. He got up and sent his Cyndaquil out of it's Poke Ball. "Cyndaquil. Are you ready for some training?" He asked. The Cyndaquil looked at him and nodded. After a while of training, he decided to catch another Pokemon. He quickly snagged a Zubat. He trained with them both until they were both level 11. "Now to show Soul what i'm made of."
7:44pm May 9 2010
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Meanwhile, Soul had beaten the gym leader with her level 14 pidgey and level 15 totdile. She was ready to head on to the next town, forgetting about Silver...
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8:05pm May 9 2010
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After Silver trained his Pokemon some more, Silver's Zubat evolved into Golbat. His Cyndaquil was a Quilava. Both were level 17. He battled the Gym leader and won. After a while of walking he beat the next gym leader. Silver couldn't help but remember Soul. He had promised her that he would beat her one day. He wanted that day to be today. He waited at the entrance of the city, waiting for Soul to p*censored* by.
8:52pm May 9 2010
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Soul beat the next gym leader, using her level 19 pidgeoto, level 20 croconaw, and level 187 noctowl. She was ready for silver, should he choose to battle her. ..
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8:59pm May 9 2010
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((187?! Do you mean 18?)) Silver looked around for Soul. He found her walking out of the gym. Silver looked at her three Pokemon. "Quilava, Golbat. Are you ready? I'm sure she has improved greatly." His Pokemon nodded. "Alright then. Let's go." He started to walk towards her, his two Pokemon following behind him both at level 18.
9:16pm May 9 2010
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(Want it to be a close one, but I sitll win? Obviously.) Soul just happened to glance upward and a smile etched itself across her pale face. "why if it isn't silver, how are your pokemon?" she asked, pulling her noctowl from her shoulders. "Are you here tobattle?" she inquired witha tilt of her head, making her cap fall off...
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9:21pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 681
(Sure, the rival's always have to lose, lol. Is the Noctowl really level 187? :O) Silver tilted his head up. "Yes. I am here to battle you." He stretched out his finger and his Golbat jumped on it. "I can see your Totodile evolved. So has my Cyndaquil. Say hi, Quilava." Quilava puffed out smoke in response. "Let's get his battle underway." He said as he looked at her with crimson eyes.
8:16am May 10 2010
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(No.) "Why don't you sit this one out Noct." she looked at her noctowl, who nodded and perched on her shouldre her again. "Now it's fair." she said, "Now, lets... Start!" she cried and her croconaw stood stll. "your move." she said to Silver...
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8:30am May 10 2010
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((is it too late to join?))
8:31am May 10 2010
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((Probably not.))
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8:32am May 10 2010
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((ill join if vamp can say i can))
6:50pm May 10 2010
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((Sure foxeh- make sure you know who the chars are ;D All other people who joined and are not rping, can you come back? -_-;)) Silver consentrated. "How about a little rival match?" He stated. "Old Croconaw against ol' Quilava." He smirked and Quilava went into battle. Silver did a fighting stance. "Now, Quilava. Just like we practised!" Quilava set the flames on his body on, and he blew a smokescreen across the whole battle field. Quilava then headbutted Croconaw with his flaming head.
7:30pm May 10 2010
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Croconaw stumbled backwards, "No Water, use dig." Soul smiled, it wasn't a move croconaw usually could learn, there was no way he could expect it. "No Water, use Brine!" she called and the croconaw burst out of the ground while water poured onto the field...
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7:33pm May 10 2010
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Posts: 681
Quilava jumped it the air. The water put out it's flames and it fell to the ground. "Quil!" It yelled as it shook off water droplets. Silver commanded his Quilava. "Quilava, use flamethrower!" Quilava's flames relit on it's back as it sent a beam of fire hurling at the Croconaw.
9:10pm May 10 2010
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Water lept out of the way, making Soul flinch as the flames hit her. "ow." she rubbed her bare foot where the flames had burnt her. "Us dig again." she smiled secretly. "Try this out ofr size. Water, ICE FANG!!" Water leapt out, knowcked quilava over and bit him...
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8:56am May 12 2010
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she laughed as it struck...
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