10:15am Aug 8 2010
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((Might I join, its sounds fun and I haven't seen a lit. pokemon rp in a long time. -lurks- I know, I know, its private...))
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10:19am Aug 8 2010
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((I dont mind if you join, but its up to LadyToshiro and I dont think she is on at the moment))
10:23am Aug 8 2010
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1:36pm Aug 8 2010
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((Feyth, yea, okey ^_^))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

1:40pm Aug 8 2010
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2:11pm Aug 8 2010
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Mizu took a bite from her sandwich and lay down on the ground. Watching as bird pokemon flew across the sky as well as a few clouds. soon however, she realised they where swablu so she just laughed. Mizu sat up and watched as her pokemon finished off their food before collecting the dishes and rinsing them in the river. Her lapras joined her by bathing in the running water. Mizu finished packing the food away and turned to face Rio. "Okey, lets try this again." she smiled confidently. the hiccup earlier wouldn't be too chaotic. "Sirocco, will you help us out this time? " she questioned. "Aiee, gon-gon." he chirped. hovering over to a safe distance. Rio repeated the steps earlier by charging the energy and releasing the perfectly accurate move, but again, failing to reach the target. "Sol" he huffed, then trying again, but as always, failed. Sirocco must have spoke something encouraging to Rio, because he tried again, but this time, with, well, more spark. even though it reached further, it did not reach Sirocco. "Don't worry Rio, you'll get it eventually." spoke mizu aproaching her absol and stroking his back.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:00pm Aug 8 2010
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Kizzy looked up an saw a girl training with her pokemon. For some reason seeing other peoples pokemon made her happy. She put all her pokemon in their pokeballs except Alice and Buu. She looked over to the girl that was training her poemon and saw the absol trying to do something. "Shockwave?"she questioned herself out loud. She cautiously went over to the blonde girl. "Hey. I dont mean to intrued, but what are you trying to teach your absol?"
4:52pm Aug 8 2010 (last edited on 6:24pm Aug 9 2010)
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Name: Dusk Lunara CHARACTER AGE: 15 GENDER: Female APPEARANCE: She is around 5*4", short for her age and 95 lbs, very skinny, even underweight. She has no parents or siblings that she knows of. Her only sibling ran away and she never really knew her. (Can she be related to Keres?) She short, cropped black hair that hangs down on her shoulders. Her dark purple eyes are unseeing for she is blind. She has a long blue marking that stretches from her forarm, twists around her arm and trails up to her forehead, marking it with a little wave pattern. PERSONALITY:She is mysterious and Dark. She keeps her emotions locked inside her as if they were a disease. If you really get to know her though, she is a kind person who will do anything to protect those she loves. She is very hard-headed. POKEMON: Luxray (Rel): One of her main riding pokemon, smaller than a normal Luxray should be and the colors are a bit darker than normal too. His head crest is smaller and his eyes, instead of being yellow, change color depending on mood as if he was a living mood ring. His tail is very bushy and if he were standing on all fours, he is only about 5 feet. His moves are Thunder, ThunderBolt, ThunderFang and Discharge. Shiny Umbreon (Feyth): Her main fighter, she stands a little shorter then her raikou and is very strong, in times of danger, Dusk is able to ride on her if something is wrong with Rel. Her eyes match Dusk*s color and on her forhead, instead of there being a blue ring, there is a blue star. Her moves are Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Hypnosis, and Dream Eater. Feraligatr (Valley): He was Dusk*s very first pokemon, her starter to be exact. He once lost control and attacked Dusk, giving her a long scar on her shoulder, down to her markings. She has been afraid to use him ever since then, althogh, she has when she needs to. His moves are Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Aqua Tail, and Super Power. Cyndaquil (Cynder): Dusk recently got this youngling and has been raising it. She gave it an ever stone and although it is very strong, and helped her win the league championship, she has not evolved. Dusk fashioned a string for Cynder that holds the everstone against her body. Dusk tried to take it off once, but Cynder stopped her. Her moves are Eruption, Lava Plume, Flamethrower, and Double Edge. Lanturn (Life): Dusk caught her in the seas near CianWood city. She was talking about Life with the chinchou out and then it wouldn*t answer to anything but Life, so the name stuck. She quickly evolved into a Lanturn and is used mainly in battles against fire types, water types, and ground types. She uses her to get around in the water, although Dusk herself is a fantastic swimmer. Her moves are Hydro Pump, Aqua Ring, Discharge, and Bubble Beam. Shiny Celebi: She sparkles like the sun and her body is entirely pink. Her eyes are a deep forest green and her antennis have purple on the ends of them. She has the same markings as Dusk, but on a much smaller scale and they glow when she fights. The marks are dark purple on her. She knows the moves Perish Song, Leaf Storm, Healing Wish, and Energy Ball. OTHER INFO: She became the pokemon Champion and she has one ribbon that her Umbreon one for her in a contest that you could use only one pokemonthe whole time. ((Accepted?))
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6:05pm Aug 8 2010
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((Hmm, the legendaries im not sure about, the champion is fine, but may i ask from which region? if you say all, then sorry but not accepted.))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:11pm Aug 8 2010
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Mizu turned to face the person who had spoke to her. "Huh? oh im trying to teach him shockwave, but he hasn't been able to reach the target yet." Rio snorted in annoyance at Mizu's comment. "She chuckled slightly then walked forward, hand on Rio's back, towards the girl. she smiled at her. she seemed nice. "I'm Mizu, and this is Rio." she said, indicating to her annoyed Absol. "Dont mind him." she said, ruffling Rio's white fur. with this action he ducked from Mizu's reach and backed away before sitting down and snorting again. Mizu looked back at her Absol and rolled her eyes. "Crybaby." she joked. He frowned at her before turning and heading towards sirocco.
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

9:51pm Aug 8 2010
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((I can change Rel to a luxray, other than that... Just Johto.))
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11:10pm Aug 8 2010
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Kizzy smiled. "Well, its nice to meet you, Mizu."she said still smileing "These two,"she said motioning to te altaria and loppuny. "Their names are Buu and Alice."she introduced. "Uh, Buu here knows how to use thunderbolt. Maybe she could show Rio the basics of an electric type attack."Kizzy offered.
5:20am Aug 9 2010
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Posts: 1,805
((feyth, yea okey, i can live with that ;P))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

6:29pm Aug 9 2010
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Dusk stared blindly up into the sky. She heard other trainers chatting near her, one with an absol and the other with an altaria who knew some electric attacks. An interesting theory. Dusk ignored them and rememebred her final battle with Lance. It had been a hard battle, but she had been prepared for that. Rel nudged against Dusk's hand and she sighed. "Lux, Luxraaay!" He snorted into her palm. Dusk, who had taken 4 years of Pokemon from hermom who seemed to strangely understand them, understood most of what he said. Something about love, but she smiled any way. "You battle amazingly." Dusk rubbed her head against the small luxray. She grinned and remembered how he had been in battle: "Rel, use Thunderbolt!" Rel's fur glows and ripples with sparks and together they form a thunderbolt. As the dragonite stands weakly on the opponents side, Rel charges. The Dragonite attacks, not a moment too late and Rel unleashes the lightning on the dragonite. It falls to the ground. "Dragonite is unable to battle, Lance is out of usuuble pokemon. The challenger Dusk is the winner." Lance notices the refree is surprised, he isn't. He knew from the start that his time was up and Dusk, his blind adversary, had won...
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4:12pm Aug 10 2010
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4:15pm Aug 10 2010
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4:27pm Aug 10 2010
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((Sorry, been out for a while for some friend catching up time)) "Would you?" mizu replied inquisitively. she turned to face Rio who was still beside Sirocco with what looked like the formation of a plan. "Rio, come here. this err..." she fumbled. "sorry. but i didn't catch your name?" she said, hoping she hadn't ignored her if she offered it. ((Fail))
Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

4:37pm Aug 10 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk stood upand decided to be friendly. She wandered over to the people with pokemon and sat down. She hoped they wouldn't recognize her, it would mke this a lot easier. than again, anybody who listened to the radio would know her. She sighed. "Hi, I*m Dusk." She said to the others...
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4:43pm Aug 10 2010
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Kizzy sweatdropped. "My name is Kizzy."she repeated. "Buu, go and,"she began but was interupted by a girl. "Uh, hello"she said to Dusk. "My name is Kizzy."
4:45pm Aug 10 2010
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"Nice name." she said and that's a great Altaria you got there." Dusk smiled. She wasn't sure if it was the girl's or the other person, but ah well...
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