8:02pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 6:21pm Dec 4 2010)
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Posts: 1,792
((Alright I'll be back around midday I have to go, bye!))
8:05pm Dec 3 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((who you or your charrie?))

10:12pm Dec 3 2010 (last edited on 6:20pm Dec 4 2010)
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Posts: 1,792
((me Antinamine))
6:04am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 2,158
shao use (( )) around things that are not characters speaking.)) Soviet approched the top at precisely the same time Belle did. "Hi," he said. "Hey," Belle smiled. Skyler was rubbing against him like she used to do. His leg was like a scratching pole for her. At that moment Belle got the urge to just hug him. She burst into tears and threw her arms around him. "I missed you SO much, don't you ever leave me again!" she cried sobbing into his neck. Soviet suddenly felt a jerk. Ka had nudged him reminding him that Belle had made the break up happen. He realized he loved her still. he threw his arms around her waist and twirled her around on that mountain side. "Belle," he whispered closing his eyes, still crying. "Belle," He set her down on the ground and fell back, pulling her with him. The two of them laid together on the green moist gr*censored*. Then Belle faught to stay awake and closed her eyes and went in a deep sleep. ((Hey guys, can you character meet Soviet and Belle?))
6:32am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,792
((sure Wish)) "Okay then bye!" said Jewelz as the two from before dissapeared. "The other girl that was here is gone too." said Jason. They walked along a small knoll until they came to some people... they were asleep. "Think we should wake them? It's not safe to be out here at night." "We should," replied Jason. He promptly nudged the boy with his foot. "Hello?, wake up!" yelled Jewelz. the boy and girl jerked awake and the four people stared at each other while Glider hovered above, curiously awaiting his trainer's call.
9:33am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 2,158
((umm... you cannot controll my characters shao, I controll weather they wake up!)) Soviet was not asleep. HE opened his eyes to look up at a boy and a girl. "And you want?" he asked. Suddenly a page flew into his face. ∂´å® †®åˆ˜´®ß, ˆ† ˆß ∂®≥øå˚ å˜∂ ˆ ˜´´∂ ¥ø¨® ˙´¬π, µ´´† µ´ å† †˙´ ¬å∫ ˜ø∑¡¡ Skyler jumped up and caught the page in her mouth. Soviet looked at Belle who was asleep. "She can read this language!" He shook Belle. Belle awoke and translated the paper. It said- Dear Trainers, It is Dr. OAk I need you help NOW so meet me at the lab. Bring everyone you talked to in the last half hour with you. ((this means that EVERYONE in the RP is to REPORT to DR.Oak's LAB NOW!))
11:29am Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
Kira and jason ran after the two runing into two more people. "what was that all about." Kira asked curiously as she sat down with mika sitting in her lap. ((braindead right now sorry))

2:07pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 2,158
((Can jason like Belle?)) Belle looked at all the people. "WE all have to report to Dr. Oak now" she said. He voice sounded firm and serious. "Something's wrong!" But, she had no flying pokemon! Her only hopes of getting there was to test Elfin's will. "Elfin GO!" she cried throwing Elfin's pokeball. Elfin jumped out and looked at Belle. "Use Ice Beam to make a bridge over to Dr. Oak's place!" Elfin, for once, did as told. She began to blow and blow and blow. Snow rained down with the might power Elfin was letting out. Belle looked up at the snow, smiling. Elfin kept on blowing the bridge. She motioned for Belle to get on. Rose got on first and then Skyler who had Belle by the skirt and pulling her. Belle picked Skyler up and hurried after Elfin who kept on blowing away. Then she stopped. "You guys can come too!" she cried. Soviet threw out Sky the altaria and got on her back. The mighty bird flew off the ground and followed Belle.
6:20pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,792
Jewelz had just gotten up when she saw something. Not too far away, a pokemon was using ice beam, something was wrong. She knew it. "Jason! we have to go to the professor's place, NOW!" she yelled behind her, then promptly took out a poke'ball, threw it, and jumped off the balcony. She felt the big, warm body of her charizard Raquaza form under her and he immediately knew where to go, banking is large wings towards the lab. Glider flew outside to join them after he had pecked Jason awake and Jewelz looked back to see him standing by the entrance of the poke'mon center. "GO! Furena" shouted Jewelz as she flung Furena's poke'ball at Jason. Furena lowered his wings so Jason could mount and they shot off to easily join Jewelz and Raquaza, who had stopped flying and were watching a girl and her glaceon make an ice bridge. "Well..." said Jason, "I guess it is a big problem for this many trainers to be involved." Jewelz nodded and they headed down towards the other trainers as they reached the other side and the ice bridge shattered.

6:47pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((im gonna give kira and kezo a latios and latias named lina and kal.)) Kira pulled out linas pokebal and threw it. Lina popped out and cooed. Kira hopped on and grabbed her brothers hand pulling him onto the latias. "We will meet you there." Kira called as the latias took off. while in the air kezo fell off and kal came out of its pokeball to catch him. Kira noticed the latios and her brother. "You alright?" she asked. "im fine." Kezo said calmly to his sister as they reached professor oaks lab.

6:51pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,792
Jewelz and Jason were right above the lab when they saw a latios and latias flying towards the lab. "The cavalry has arrived." said Jason jokingly and Jewelz replied, "In all truths." Jason had Furena land while Jewelz nudged Raquaza towards the newcomers.
6:59pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((well its the same people.)) Kira walked over to jewelz. "hey." she smiled as she put her pokemon back in its ball. Kezo put kal in its ball and walked to his sister. "So what does the professer want?" he asked her. Kira looked at him. "No clue bro." she told him.

7:07pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,792
"Well, nice to see both of you again." said Jewelz as Raquaza landed. She didn't have him return though she kept him out, just in case. "Hey Jason," shouted Jewelz over her shoulder, "look who it is." Jason turned around and walked over to greet them. "Hi Kira, Kezo." He said politely. "You guys have any idea what's the matter?" They all looked at each other with confused looks on their faces, even the poke'mon were confused. "Guess not" they all said together, then they started laughing. Their laugher abruptly stopped though when they heard an explosion come from the lab and Glider came down screeching. "Get ready," murmured Jewelz as she re-mounted Raquaza. now, she thought just as the building exploded. "Raquaza use blastburn!" the others panicked until they realized what Raquaza was doing. He didn't use the attack to burn the lab to the ground, he actually used it as a sheild, burning through all the debris that flew at them. When the blastburn abated they knew that they were safe, for now. What they saw though, both startled and appalled them...

7:10pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((your power playing my charries!))

7:14pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,792
((huh? OMG sorreh! D: I'm soo used to writing stories I forgot XO))
7:15pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 5,748
((haha its ok))

7:18pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Pheonix flew towards the building on the back of her flying umbreon. The wings of the black creature furled outwards and flapped up and down, narowly dodging a few pices of flying lab equipment. Pheonix shuddered and landed near the ruins of the lab. She saw numerous pokemon, but where was proffesor oak...
 <-- Click me
7:37pm Dec 4 2010
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Posts: 1,792
Jewelz looked around to see the poke'mon from the lab running amuk. "We have to catch them" she yelled, "Jason grab some poke'balls." They both picked up some of the charred poke'balls and threw them at the poke'mon, recapturing them one at a time. "This is taking too long," shouted Jason over the screams of the poke'mon. He sent out his Deoxys. "Kir! get all the poke'mon back inside their poke'balls now!" Kir complied and all the poke'mon were called back to their poke'balls. "Man what was that all about?" gasped Jewelz, "and where in the world is Professor Oak?!"
6:07am Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 6:09am Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 2,158
Belle and Soviet entered the building soon after. To their surprise a man was laying on the floor and a white light was zooming all over. "Dr.Oak?" Skyler started to cry at Jason's feet. Belle reached out to put a had on his chest. "Well, he is still alive. Barely" Wild pokemon were running all over attacking eachother. A eevee came up to them and gave them a letter- ∂´å® †®åˆ˜´®ß, ((dear trainers)) ¥ø¨ µ¨ß† ©ø †ø ∑˙´®´ ∂ˆå¬©å å˜∂ πå¬˚ˆΩ ((you must go to the place where dialga an palkia dwell)) å ∂∑´¬¬ å˜∂ ®´ß†ø®´ †˙´ ∆´∑´¬ß øƒ £ ∫ˆ®∂ß ((and restore the stones of the 3 birds)) ¥ø¨ ∑ˆ¬¬ ´åç˙ ®´çˆ´√´ å ¬´©´˜∂宥 ∑å®®ˆø® †ø ˙´¬π ¥ø¨((you will each recieve a legendary warrior pokemon to help you)) Belle swinted at it. The language was too deep for her to read. Her deep blue eyes hurt after indicating that the first line was Dear Trainers. The eevee looked at her and began to cry. Then a sky shaymn flew to her shoulder. A steelix flew to Jewlez along with a manaphy. A uxie and a torterra flew to Keto and Kira. And a staravia along with a suicune came to Pheonix. Last but not least a shikijika and a ho-oh came to Soviet. And also Kir got a darkari and a luxray.
6:21am Dec 5 2010 (last edited on 7:02am Dec 5 2010)
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Posts: 1,792
"Nice!" said Jewelz as she punched the air. "Well Zangoose and Kerudio, come on and meet the team!" Jewelz took out 4 poke'balls and launched them in the air. "Fly!" yelled Furena. "Aggron!" roared Shintoo. "Tile, Sceptile!" shouted Solar. "Empole!" screeched Fluffy. Glider flew down to land on Jewelz's shoulder and Raquaza completed the picture by unleashing a powerful blast of flame. "Welcome to the team Steelix and Manaphy!" they seemed to shout. "Hey Jason what about your warrior poke'mon?" asked Jewelz, turning to Jason. *** "Hello Darkrai, Luxray." said Jason warmly. "Guess you're going to help us right?" The poke'mon nodded. "Alright then," he said, "looks like we have a lot of bonding to do." Jason smiled and turned towards Jewelz who had called him. Eccentric as ever Jewelz had felt the need to bring out her entire team. Then a strange thought came to him. He was going to do something stupid, he was going to challenge Jewelz to a poke'mon battle. "Hey Jewelz," he called. "Hey Jason," she jokingly called back. "Jewelz, you want to battle me?" he asked questioningly. "Of course I'd love a battle Jason." she replied happily. "How about we try out the new warrior poke'mon?" suggested Jason. "Nothing," began Jewelz, "would make me happier."
