Alex watched Zee leave before continuing to where she was originally going, the entrance to the tunnels. She reached it just as it started raining. Hopefully, it's a light rain. She thought, with a slight frown. If not... She shook her head. Most likely the rain would stop soon. Just in case though, she turned around and started to look for another guard.
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
Rasku saw Alex by the tunnel entrance, then rushing over to her. "Stupid rain." He muttered. After a second of thought he got an idea. "Alex, you can create forcefields, right? Can you create a forcefield to block the entrance from rain? It looks like it's gonna be heavy.."
She nodded. "Yeah, that wouldn't be to difficult." She turned back twoards the entrance and closed her eyes for a moment. Opening them, she put her hands together at her chest then slowl started to move them apart. A small orb that had a slight purple tint had appeared in the center of the entrance and was moving towards the edges as she moved her hands apart. She finally put her arms down when the entire entrance was covered. "There we go. That should last for a couple of hours and it'll stop the rain if it gets to heavy."
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months
((It began to rain, and Alex just put a forcefield by the tunnel entrance to block it. The setting is a manmade tunnel system, by the way~ And I added a second charra so I now have Luna and Rasku.))
Alex stared at the shield for a minute before smiling. "You know, not only does this keep the rain out but it'll also keep anyone who tries to come in out. That means we can take a temporary break from guarding."
'You did not leave, you just went to live in eternity' 5 Months