6:56pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 22
Nathan and Hera walked over to the boats..."isnt that Jared?" Hera asked... Nathan nodded but looked longingly at the pretty girl, Silvie. He was about to walk over when Hera pulled him to the other boat...he grumbled and walked up to Jared, "Nice to see you again, may we sit?" he smiled
6:57pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 338
Jared smiled at the siblings and anwsered, "Sure you can." he smiled
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
6:57pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 338
((and i gtg -_- going out to dinner... c ya all later!))
Wanting a banner! rmail me if you are interrested :)
7:02pm May 28 2010
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"Well Draco...isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer...if you know what I mean." Silvie replied, but she knew she would hastle Draco about the incident later. "He's my friend, but sometimes...ugh!" Silvie grumbled. As she layed back in her seat, wondering when they would cast off.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
7:06pm May 28 2010
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Tilted his head to one side, he asked; "Sometimes what?" His blue eyes wide with curiousity.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:18pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 567
((Soo...maybe we can form an inter-house friendship?Please...there so lonely :[)) Hagrid: "Ready then? Everyone in ter boats? ((are we ready to go to the castle?))
Cleeek it!
Oh, yeah. I'm Back :D
7:28pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 1,895
Zynonia didn't even glance at Hargrid or say anything to reply to his question. She just gripped the boat tighter and talked worriedly with her Iguana. All she seemed capable of thinking of at the moment was, Don't flip over, don't sink and don't let the Giant Squid eat you.
7:38pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 123
So her name is Silvie, was Dark's first thought. But then out of the blue Luna went over and curled up onto Silvie's lap. This was an odd sight for Dark because Luna only curled up on his lap. So when she curled up on Silvie's lap it was a great suprise to him. Then he looked over to Silvie and kind of grimaced and really hoped she didn't mind. "Her name is Luna by the way," Dark said neveously. ((Night everybody! My Dad is making me go to bed now. I'll see you all tommorow! :) )))
Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.
8:49pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((O.o Again I was left behind.))
10:44pm May 28 2010
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((Mkay, so absalutely EVERYBODY likes Silvie, then?)) Hannah sighed, and went over to one of the boats. "Um, may I join you guys?" she asked, her hair and cheeks turning bright red.(Anybody can take her.)
11:23pm May 28 2010
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Posts: 3,291
((Ryu doesn't like Silvie. He actually doesn't like anyone.))
11:50pm May 28 2010
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((lol, i dont think cain does either...but idk, i have nathan, jared, and i think dark but idk xD...and i think they just wanna cause some interresting drama xD)) The touch of the cat, Luna made Silvie jump...but then she gave a light smile and started stroking the young animal..."Cute." she smiled at Dark, kissing the young animal on the forhead..."so pretty." she cooed quietly, before looking back at Cain..."He can be the type of person you want to put back in their place." she frowned lightly..."he can be really full of himself...and Katie... can overeact to everything..." she rolled her eyes, "and I warn you now, I can be a real jerk." she tried to smile but she knew it was true, she bit her lip and then changed the topic, "so are you guys excited for Hogwarts?" she smiled, the excitement apparent in her eyes. Draco turned and saw Silvie in a boat with Jared and Cain... he clenched his jaw and cursed under his breath...of course they are with her. Katie didnt seem to notice, she was going off on her excitement toward Hogwarts, and how funny it was during the previous events before the boats.
Is Funneh online?: why NO
be back tonight
11:57pm May 28 2010
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Cain flashed a smile. "Of course I am," he said as his blue eyes twinkled. "And I don't really care if you can be a jerk. Just as long as you stand up for what you like, then its fine by me." His smile widened slightly as he brushed some of his silver hair behind an ear.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:36am May 29 2010 (last edited on 10:37am May 29 2010)
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Hannah nearly cried. They were ignoring her, ignoring her. Her hair started to turn into a blue colour, that was long and rippled like water. She started to cry. "N-never mind, I'll choose another boat. She said as she turned to walk away.
10:48am May 29 2010
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Zynonia heard someone cry, and almost glanced to see who it was, before her mind said that any sudden movements could get her in the water. She stayed still and looked at Iguana, trying her best to ignore the water. ((I like making her unreasonably afraid of water. :3))
11:01am May 29 2010
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Hannah shuffled over to Zynonia's boat. "M-m-may I join you?" she asked, sounding hopeful.
11:10am May 29 2010
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Posts: 1,895
" Sure... " Zynonia said, not daring to do much else. Her Iguana seemed unhappy about somebody getting in the boat, since that meant movement, but wasn't in the mood to argue with Zynonia right now. Instead, her just clawed into her tighter.
12:12pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 567
((nothing 4 me to do))
Cleeek it!
Oh, yeah. I'm Back :D
1:21pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 123
When Dark heard Silvie say she was kind of a jerk somtimes he relized he didn't actually care. All he said was, "Yeah I'm excited about Hogwarts. I think I'm eaither going to be in Slytherin or Hufflpuff. How about you guys?" Then of course his little kitten, Donut, climed onto his lap out of his robe pocket. Then the boats started moving. He was finally off to Hogwarts.
Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.
2:02pm May 29 2010
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Posts: 567
Chandler sat down and the carriage started moving.No one had sat with them, and Chandler frowned.she pulled out her book and started reading again. Alex saw Chandler's unhappiness.He knew he was her only really good friend at Hogwarts, and it made her sad for some reason.Alex was perfectly fine with it though.He liked having one best friend and not havong to compete with anyone.
Cleeek it!
Oh, yeah. I'm Back :D