Pure, Half, or mud (Hogwarts roleplay)

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8:33pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 567

"First, I'd like to hear your side of the story Jason, since you were the most affected by the -fiasco- ." McGonagall asked.

Chandler and Alex resisted the urge to turn around and stare at Jason.

((Wow does everyone hate my charries? V.V)) 

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Cleeek it!
Oh, yeah. I'm Back :D

8:38pm Jun 2 2010

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((We need more older students, because when I first made Faith and Rosetta, they both had boyfriends, so it really feels weir to rp them alone.))

Snape was about to leave with a sigh of relief, but Faith grabbed his arm. "He`s my father, it`s his business as well since Kig is technically his pet too." She said calmly.
Rosetta sighed again and looked back at McGonagall with a look that said she was sort of sorry. She knew Snape couldn`t, and wouldn`t say no to Faith.

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8:42pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 567

((Oi can we do this WITHOUT Snape? McGonagall doesn't want him stinking up her office jk jk jk jk jk! But really , whatever))

 "Fine," McGonagall sighed. "but YOU will remain quite!" she pointed at Snape.


((i think fun logged off)) 

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Cleeek it!
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9:59pm Jun 2 2010

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(( wat happened? i'm on vacation so ya))

(Banner made by Kina)

2:19pm Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 123

As soon as Dark got into Mogonagle's office he spaced out.  He was looking out of Sarge's eyes while he looked for Luna.  After a while he pulled away as everyone had finished their side of the story.  Now it's my turn he though.  "All I saw was the crazy lizard attacking Jason and hurting him.  Then when some of the pets started  to fight I sent my Tigers in to break it up.  I'm a real animal lover so I hate when they fight,"  Dark said loudly enough for everyone to hear.  Then he went back to looking out of Sarge's eyes.  Before he did he thought about how happy he was that his mom had put a linking spell on sarge before he left for school.

Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.

2:53pm Jun 3 2010

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((I think that I will now start showing what Zynonia and Iguana actually talk about.  It will be in Italics. :D))

Zynonia glared at Dark.  Iguana was not crazy!  He just got freaked out by all the loud noises and he senses hostility from the Slytherins.  Hey Iguana, that person thinks you're crazy. Zynonia said to her lizard.  She was taking advantage of the fact that noone else could understand Iguana talk. Does that mean I should claw him? Iguana asked. No!, hissed Zynonia, You'll just get both of us into more trouble.  For now, just act as friendly and tame as possible.  Iguana looked somewhat unhappy with that plan, but did as he was told.  He quietly perched on Zynonia's shoulder.

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2:57pm Jun 3 2010 (last edited on 2:59pm Jun 3 2010)

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((sorry i fell asleep.))

Jason gulped and felt his face redden.  "well, the ravenclaws started it..." he began, his eyes like ice through the scarred skin.  "They were glaring at us...by us I mean the other Slytherins." he stated, "and we decided to give a glare back, you know just to get even..."

Silvie clenched her jaw, if she said anything she would definatly kill someone....she felt her hands curl into fists, her nails clawing her palms.  She looked at the ground and waited for Jason to finish.

"All of a sudden some crazed lizard is attacking me, clawing my face and neck, a bite here and there." his face was serious.  "It hurt like heck, but I wanted to be the umm bigger person..." he started, he put a hand on Silvie's shoulder.  "Then my good friend only wanted to protect me so she grabbed the lizard and slammed it on the table... and asked who it belonged to.  All of a sudden theres an all out war going on between all these pets." he gulped again hoping no one would turn around and see his stitching.  "Silvie and Katie had nothing to do with it... they simply apologized for everything, but apparently some people are ok with letting others take the blame and are to weak to admit their mistakes..." he glared at the back of Zygonia's head.

Silvie turned around to look at Jason, her eyes still like ice but she was glad that he tried to defend her.

"They should take responsibility for their pets actions." he concluded staring at Mcgonagal..through one eye, the other one twitching with one of the wounds.

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3:00pm Jun 3 2010

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((jason and kierra are 3rd years if thats older :)))

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4:02pm Jun 3 2010

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((I like Panda's idea so im gonna use it occasionally to talk 2 ma cats.  will be italized.)))

When Dark heard the other boy talk he sent Donut over to see if hhe would be able to cheer him up.  Dark was okay when people were upset just not when they were his friends or in this case his house mates.  Then his tomcat Liv woke up and asked 'What is going on in here?'  Dar wasn't really in the mood to talk so he just shrugged.  Relativily happy with the ansswer Tex went and curled back up on Dark's lap and just purred.

Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.

4:12pm Jun 3 2010

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Jason moved the animal away from him with his foot, hoping not to attract attention to himself... he stared at Mcgonagal hoping the lizard would be exterminated or at least sent back to where ever it came from.  He wasnt a fan of animals, or any creature for that matter, one of the main reasons why he didnt have a pet, and didnt spend a lot of time at the Leigh's manor.

Silvie glared at the ground her fists still clenched.

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4:14pm Jun 3 2010

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Dark noticed the boy scooting away from Donut so he told Donut to go try and calm down Silvie.  He hopped it would work because she was looking really angry.  He then started debating weather he should have Griff eat the darn lizard and make it look like an accident.

Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.

4:18pm Jun 3 2010

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Back in the Great Hall, Riiva decided that it was time to give Cain a little visit. Comig through the small slits near the top, she lightly soared over to Cain and landed lightly on his shoulder. The silver-haired boy smiled and gave Riiva bits of food he had hidden in his cloak.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


4:25pm Jun 3 2010

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Silvie saw the animal coming and put up a warning figure to Dark's face, usually she was always in a mood to hug a creature but not when she was angry... her eyes were unblinking, and all calmness was chipped away so it resembled a threatening, angry, coldhearted glare.  She knew she would cause a rough time for all ravenclaws now, and they better shudder when she entered the room... she clenched her jaw tighter as she crossed her arms...allowing several strands of her hair to come into her face.

Katie looked up and saw Cain in the Hall, she cocked her head and was getting antsy in finding out what had come of Silvie and Jason.  Suddenly Kierra jumped into the seat in between her and Draco..."Mcgonagal is talking to all of them now... I hope Jason and Silvie put them in their place." she hissed...Katie was stunned, usually Kierra was the really calm one.

Draco was tapping his foot, he knew that Silvie could do some major damage but he didnt want her expelled.  He regretted everything he said that offended her.

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4:31pm Jun 3 2010

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Dark saw the look on Silvie's face as Donut walked over to her.  Donut noticed it also and looked back at Dark to see if he should keep going.  Dark, still not in the mood to talk much, just nodded and told him to keep trying.  He just hoped if Silvie attacked she would attack him and NOT Donut.  He then peered into Sarge's head to find out if they had found Luna yet.  It was still a no unfortuantly.

Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.

4:34pm Jun 3 2010

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Silvie saw the cat coming and gave a hard glare at Dark... worse then the one she was already doing.  It was clear she was not to be bothered.  Mittens then slipped into the room letting out a low hiss at Donut as she hopped onto Silvie's lap.  Silvie looked at Mittens and still sat expressionless.

Jason rose his hand to his face and felt the stitches under his fingers he sighed as if he were hoping it were a dream.

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4:37pm Jun 3 2010

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Jared bit his lip angrilly, Ravenclaws were going to become the most hated house in his opinion due to the fight they picked with the Slytherins and then their failure to admit their mistake.  He sighed and looked up, he saw Katie and Draco... he gulped, maybe he could get some news off Silvie from them... he wondered if she still looked pretty angry...he decided, yes she would still look beautiful.... will she get prettier as she gets older?

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4:39pm Jun 3 2010

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Nathan nodded in agreement at Jared... after the comment, 'wonder who the real slytherins are.' he chuckled with his new friend and caught Hera's scowl.  "What?" he asked confused.

Hera rolled her eyes and continued eating... she would somehow get Silvie, how? she didnt know... but she knew she would start a fight soon

((dun dun dun xD))


4:40pm Jun 3 2010

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((and srry i havnt been getting on people :())

4:49pm Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 123

Dark noticed the really dangerous look on Silvie's face so he decided that trying to calm her down was a lost cause and he called Donut back.

(FAIL!!!  And does any1 have any junk they can give me? im workin on collections.)))

Dark has quit rescreatu because he can't control his temper.

6:01pm Jun 3 2010

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Silvie glared once more at the floor... her eyes like ice, she clenched her fists harder.

Jason senced Silvie's tension and put a hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "calm yourself..." he said gently.

Silvie said nothing and shook off his hand,

Jason thought it best to leave his tempermental 'sister' alone and allow her to cool down on her own.

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