Name: Rosetta Sierra
Age and year: 14, 3
Gender(witch or wizard): Witch
House: Slytherin
patronus: Black Momba
Looks(no pics please): (coming)
Personality(rp it outs are allowed): very much like Faith
Blood(pure,half,mud): Pure
History(optional): -
pets(optional): Monarch- A black momba, Sight- a great horned owl
Crush(optional): -
In a relationship with (optional): -
other(anything I forgot?): She is like Faith`s conjoined twin(which means they are VERY close friends.) Rinku is her half-brother(they share the same dad), and they hate eachother.
Name: Rinku Sierra
Age and year: 17, 6
Gender(witch or wizard): Wizard
House: Gryffindor
patronus: Saber-tooth cat(please!)
Looks(no pics please): (Coming)
Personality(rp it outs are allowed): rp it out
Blood(pure,half,mud): Half
History(optional): -
pets(optional): Screech owl- Scardycat(cat)
Crush(optional): -
In a relationship with (optional): -
other(anything I forgot?): He is Rosetta`s half brother. Can he be keeper on quiditch team?
Name: Ryu Sierra (called Dragon)
Age and year: 11, 1
Gender(witch or wizard): Wizard
House: Slytherin
Looks(no pics please): (coming)
Personality(rp it outs are allowed): He is very clinghy to Rosetta and Faith, but since he`s little and in their house they think it`s cute, so he often gets away with it. Having a potion master`s daughter as a very close friend helped him a lot (Faith and Rosetta have been teaching him potions for the last few months). He is also quiet sly, and can easily lie throught his teeth. He can be very dramatic, and can even create fake tears.
Blood(pure,half,mud): Pure
History(optional): -
pets(optional): Mickey- A tuxedo kitten
Crush(optional): -
In a relationship with (optional): -
other(anything I forgot?): He is Rosetta`s full brother.