11:24pm Feb 15 2010
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Posts: 1,299
Kaina: Uh, who am I? Lionrage: *hits Kaina on the head* Remember now crazy? Kaina: Kaina, Kaina, Kaina Silverstone: *punches Lionrage* Now you damaged her!
8:55pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 8:58pm Feb 16 2010)
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Posts: 1,719
ML: Actually, I think Kaina's malfunctioning from the sight of my older self kissing Mr. Liger. KoT: Again, I was stupi for liking Lance. ML: [sticking hand out] Your beads, Ma'am. KoT: [cat-hissing] Never! [is chased by younger self]
8:57pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Amy: *Pokes her zombie head in* Uhm.... are you alright Kaina? Ravin: *Glares at Kaina* SHUT UP!
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
9:06pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
ssather:Hi!XD Jayfeather:I am so bored tight now..*Is bored*
9:09pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Scourge- OH WELL i'm brining in dah mage post anyways! Mr.liger- O.O Jimmy- NOO DON- *is crushed by mega post* Jenn- O, Hai! Teressa- oh hey there! jenn- I told u i'd be over Mish's...hehe. Scourge- jenn, imma gonna stab you -.- Jenn-Whai? Scourge- cuz your an as.s MEH-How come/ Scourge- because y- Reverend- BUTTER PIE! Scourge- *faicepalms* Jacoby- yep, were invading ^^ JImmy- where's miles? Mr.liger- O.O how did we get here. Scourge- SHUT UP! Jenn-ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! Scourge- Rawr Mr.liger- did you eat bob again? Reverend- DID WE EAT OUTER SPACE? =D Jimmy- no... Revered- SI!!!!!!!!!! Teressa- you guys are scarring me for life. "OMG A HOOOOOOOGE SPIDER!" Reverend- WHY THE HELL DID IT REPLACE MAI FACE? D= Jenn-Zomg Revrend was out at teh bar AGEN..... Tereessa- cause yours is tooo ugly for computer Scourge- HAHAHA! rev got pwned by teressa Reverened- -.- punches jacboy Jacoby- WTF!? why does everyon punch me? Jimmy- *goes to pu- Jacoby- DON"T DO IT MAN! >:[ Teressa- hahahahaahaha Jenn-scourge scares me too....all her imaginary friends....we need to have an intervention! She talks to herself too much...It's not healthy! xD Reverend- Hehe, intervention, it sounds dirty Scourge- O.O Jimmy- O.O Jacoby- O.O Mr.liger- O.O Punky- SHUT THE FLUFF UP! Jenn- Uhh......no comment? Punky- that's a comment Scourge- punches punky NO USING LOGIC! Jenn-ORDER INTHE COURT! ORDER IN THE MOTHER F--kIN COURT 1Teressa- language! jimmy- you ain't no judge... Mr.liger- im fluffy =] Scourge- reverend, are you drunk again? Reverend- ME CANNOT COMPREHANDASHIOUS YOUR QUESTIO!? * *falls over* yeah, i am XD Jenn- I apologize for teh language. And, uhh, scourge! You con't be a punk*censored*, drunk *censored*, liger, and...uhh...whatever Jacoby is...all at the same time! Oh, and be you too. You've got to pick ONE!!!! Jacoby- i'ma person with a hot car =D Jimmy- THANK GOD YOU SAID CAR! Rev- WHEEE Mr.liger- jimmeh, your a perv faice Scourge- O.O lolz, ducks Jenn-Jimmy...how would you know that Jacoby ------........I-I'm not gonna finish that question..... Teressa- Haha Mr.liger- *sits by teressa* can you protect me from scourge? she's scary O.O JImmy- likewise Jacoby- wut? Teressa- ohmygosh Scourge im gonna shoot you. reverend- can i have moore beer? =O Scourge- NOOOO? Teressa- i have nooooo idea whats happenening Scourge- why? i'm made of butter and steel, yyou can't mwuhhahaha Jimy- it's true Teressa- BILLIE's BUTTER Jenn-Aww, Revrend's had a hard life...I'll give 'im some.....*gives rev beer =D* Scourge- O.O Jimmy- hehe.... jacoby- O.O wut? Jenn- I bet Rev's tasted Billie's butter before........Since he is, after all........oh, god, my crazy mind! Reverend- are you a stalker or sumthin? Scourge- oh dear god! *pukes * Jimmy- O.O owow Jenn-Rev, be nice! I gave you beer, didn't I? Reverend- Yeah, and? chugs beer moo Scourge- we scared teressa away LOOK WHAT YOU DID REV. YOU PERV! Mr.liger- O.O hides Jenn-Yeah......REV is the one who scared Teressa....surrrre......(not really) Teressa- MOOOHAHAHA! Reverend- uhm... i don't know what to speak? Jacoby- Fear in me so deep it gets the best of me, In the fear I fall, here it comes face to face with me, Here I stand hold back so no one can see, I feel these wounds, step down, step down, step down (head bangs) Scourge- i hope you head bang into a table -.- Jenn-FAIL smiley...and Jacoby head-banging into a table would be a great source of late-night entertainment.....I'll go grab the table, Jimmy, you grab Jacoby! xD Jacoby- Dude, i swear if you grab me, i grab you JImmy- O.O hides Scourge- *punches jenn* i no fail! you fail ! Jenn-F--k you1 You DID fail! and your SHIFT button SUCKS! Scourge- first, f--k you harder... Reverend- Hehe, f--king... smiles Scourge- eye roll plus, second, theres ANOTHER SHIFT BUTTON! Jenn-Uhh.... We're talking to ourselves....so.... I'm going back to FB nao..... Scourge- nyuu... teressa jus bein a stalker Jimmy- i'm a stalker Jacoby- i'm sure you are Jimmy- fine, you won't be saying that when i rape you in your sleep Reverend- owow, =D Jacoby- O.O i think i'm gonna cry Jimmy- -.- good punky- Reverend, did you MEAN to smile at jacoby getting raped by jimmy? Reverend- O.O yeahz... Mr.liger- If ribunny saw the REAL us, she'd be scared, oh wait... Jimmy- Uhuh... Jenn-Rev probably WANTS to get raped..... Reverend- I do get raped, by The snoo... *shudders* so mcuh mexican-nes... O.O Jimmy- I feel so bad for you... Jacoby- owned Scourge- we'll it is 4 o'clock in the morni- is cut off Tre'- *leaps on rev.* IT"S SE.X TIEM! Scourge- *runs away from the scariness* Jacoby- Scourge's got a good point &*runs away too* Teressa - okay. hahahahahaahha Jenn- Oh, crap. Tre's really got 'im...... I feel impulsed to run away....yet..... *evil smirk Grabs one of revs empty beer bottles and breaks it, points it at tre'* SHOO, YOU SAVADGE BEAST! (xD) Scourge- i just saw 'grabs one of rev's' and i almost puked up my crumb cake... Rev- *eyebrows perk up and down* Jimmy- slaps rev Rev- =[ Tre- aww... welll.... YOU GOT HITBY A BUS THAT YOUR SON WAS DRIVING >:D Scourge- I bet your so confused right noaw... Mr.liger- I know i am Jenn-Poor Teressa..... She dosen't understand a thing we're saying! Teressa- nope(: then again, i never do. Scourge- basically Reverends being a perv about... guys stuff Jacoby- HIGH FIVE REV! Reverend- *highfives* Scourge- &*faicepalms * Jimmy- poor normal people... Jenn-I know, right? Teressa- if a question on a quiz is called a quizzical, then whats a question on a test called? Reverend- YOU AND ME BABY AIN'T NOTHING BUT MAMMALS. SO LET"s DO IT LIEK THEY DO ON THE discovery channel '=] Mr.liger- O.O why'd you look at me when you said that? Reverend- Reasons... Mr.Liger- O.O' some one help me.. Reverend- TESTICLES!!!! Me- *eye twitch* Scourge- forgot what? Scourge- oh right! Teressa- the name of the band who does that. lol helloooooooooo? Me- bloodhound gang Reverend- my as.s Jimmy- my... hides mr.liger- O.O' Jenn-Uhmmmm...what about your as.s? *Is afraid to ask* :? Scourge- i don't think you should ask that... Reverend- *shows as.s* IT SPARKLES! Jacoby- =[ i've seen bad things Jenn- Rev... I din't need that mental image...and It's a pretty clear one. too....thanks to michelle showing me all the earlier King For a Day t time I said Green Day this whole conversation! (and teh second, too.) Reverend-* smiles* your welcome Me- *has died from to much disturbed twitch/spazzing * Reverend- oops Jenn- Throws crappy, quick funeral and plays "Haha you're dead", as asked by Michelle in previous conversations.... 0.0 No, honestly. Don't ask....... Teressa-i wasnt about to Scourge- *lives* YAY you remember mwuhaha Jimmy- does anyone relize what rev is doing? *shudder * Reverend- *hands is down pants* Jacoby- those aren't your pants O.O mr.liger- O.O okay, please does anyone have a gun? i need to shot myself... Scourge- =[ everything about this chat has turned wrong... I KNEW IT! it's all a lie. Jenn-*Happily* Here! Hands Mr.Liger a gun but accidentilly shoots it and hits......Dirt? Oh, yay.Then throws and Mr.Liger without firing it again. Mr.liger- stares at gun what am i supposed to do with this? Jacoby- dude, rev... GET YOUR HAND OUTTA MAH PANTS! IT"S DISTURBING ME! Rev- nuu, you like it Jimmy- O.O Dirnt- HOLY sh.it! YOU SHOT ME! Teressa- Whoo[psie, it slipped: (: Reverend- O.O okay, maybe i should... Jacoby- O.O i've been violated by an old guy Me- dare i ask, WHAT THE F--K slipped? Teressa- my gun!silly. what were you thinking???? :O O_o Jenn-Oh, uhh...yeah.....it was Teressa's gun.....(YesSssSSSSSsssssssssss ssssSSSSSSSSsss!!!!!!!!) teressa- uhm ,aat least she'll shutup now Mr.liger- pulls out galsses and puuts them on and how do you feel about that jacoby? Reverend- well i dunno bout him, but... =] Scourge- *eye twitch again* there's something wrong with you JImmy- *takes gun* OHHH i can kill me self Jenn-Aww, that's my last one....Jimmy, when you're done, can you somehow give it back from the dead as a gosteh? I'd appriciate that :) Happy grin Jimmy- m'kay pulls trigger F--K! it's not loaded =[ Jacoby- Rev... please don't say that infront of me... shudders Jenn-Oh, sorry, the last bullet must've been used when I-I mean-Teressa shot Mike. Don't ask me why there was only one left..... I have...uhh...after-school activites........Quickly changing the akward subject, where IS Mike? Teressa- he died!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike- ON THE FLOOR! CLUTHING WHAT I THINK IT MY SHTTERED FOOT Reverened- Aww, that sucks Scourge- yea... Joe- comes out of nowhere hi thar! Scourge- O.o insta tackles Reverend- FINALLY! Joe- O.O finally what? JAcoby- we see some one get raped XD Mr.liger- O.O hides in his corner of disperety Jenn- NUUUUUU! MIIIKE!!!!! *Super-runs Mike to hospita*l Dont ask how I did that... HEY HOSPITAL LADY! FIX MIKE! NOW! Mike- O.o? Jacoby- Now my bleep hurts O.O reverend- im sorry... Scourge- *is hugging joe so he can't breath* Joe- *can't breath* Mr.liger- *looks at rev and jacoby* D8 Teressa- Joe just got shot!:o Jenn-Mike I will get you fixed! *shoves in E.R. FIX HIM! *Sits outside E.R. hearing a bunch of doctors and nurses yellingt "WHAT THE *censored*?!?!?!?!" ( i think i just cried for a second XD) Joe- Wtf? Scourge- *Sits defensively on joe* NOOO! Joe- ... WTF? Reverend- *walks up to joe and scourge* HAI! joe- uhm, hi... Jacoby- don't go near him, dude, he may touch you Joe- eye twitch *Billie randomly showes up* Teressa- *censored*. *everyone gasps and forms a mob* Billie-Aww, revrend just wants you to share! Here, reverend, Ill share.... *Starts to make out witrh rev* Jenn-Uhh...how's that possible? Lauren-WANT! *Runs over to Billie and Rev...and...Guess....* Teressa- woah. this is awkward ... o_O Reverend- how is this possible? Scourge- omg... Joe- wait, he was gonna do that TO ME? scourge- *pets joe's faice no*... i might >:D Joe- O.O Jacoby- i suggets you run Joe- WTF? O.O scourge- i thought it said billie showers randomly distrubed twitch Joe- eye twitch uhm, okay then scourge- BEGONE! z*hisseszn* Jenn-Joe, if you stay any longer, she'll eat you..... I suggest you run. Oops, should say that......sorry! Joe- looks at scourge WTF? Scourge- >:D Mr.liger- O.O this could get scary... Jimmy- nah, dun't listen to them, scourge's got claws, she'll tear you to shred with em' if you try to run. Reverend- *looks at his torn up arm* D= Jacoby- that's what you get for trying to help bob Jenn-Hey, Mr.Liger, how could it get any scarier? Billie is f--king revrend and Lauren is raping bolth of them -freak out Joe..wait, she already has, and, uhm..... I dunno/ what could happen to me? and what about Mike? I think he's all better nao, but he probably has a cast... Teressa- ohmy. Mr.liger- O.O i dunno it could though, trust me Reverened- Wait, i was unaware of all of this XD JImmy- *gun randomly fires, and is ded* Jacoby- life's a bit.ch... Billie- *looks up* and so am i, the world owes me so f--k you! starts air guitaring the grouch Jenn- Rev, you must be really drunk not to realize you're being fducked b yourself and raped by some teeeny bop highschooler... And I still have nothing exept for shooping mike to the hospital. When's my special scene gonna come? Scourge- *faicepalms dear turkey monks* Reverend- =O le gasp! billie, i have something to tell you... Billie- what? Reverend- i f--ked your wife Billie- WHAT!? Reverend- and you got me pregnant billie-WHAT!!!?!?!? Joe- O.O do i want to nknow what's happening? Jacoby- alrigfhty then... Jimmy- is dead Jacoby- *looks at jimmy* hehe... now he can't rape me in my sleep Scourge- ... Owow... anyway Joe- O.O no? Scourge- owow, anyways then, uhm. bBIllie- YOU *censored*ED MY WIFE AND NOW I GOT YOU PREGNANT, OH MY *censored*ING GOD! WHAT TH- wait a second, aren't you me? Reverend- OH YEAH! sorry, 'm drunk, now i remember... i don't know where the pregnant came from, but jacoby *censored*ed your wife Jacoby- O.O Billie- *looks at jacoby* WHAT THE *censored*ING *censored*! launches at jacoby like a beaver I'M GOING OT KILL YOU! Reverend- ... TEEHEE! Joe- ? Tre'- grabs punky the bear LET'S MAKE BABIES!!!! Billie- is fighting with jacoby Jacoby- AHH! I DIDN"T MEAN TI! Billie- is short I'm GONNA RIP YOUR HEAD OFF! Scourge- whisperes to joe somebodies not on the happy train Joe- nods oh yea Reverend- whisperes to c=scourge and joe i love making trouble.. watch this! *pause* OH! AND JOEY ISN't YOUR SON! BIllie- ... WHATT!!!E>>E!EKIFGHH has a panic attack Reverend- oops JAcoby- is in mid-flinch wtf? Joe- you people are crazy... Scourge- yes, yes we are... 
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:11pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Jayfeather:SO MUCH WRITING! Do you mind if I skip a little?XD ssather:O.O
9:15pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Scourge- *punches jayfeather* NUU is important... not really, it'll just make you laugh, liek, once XD ... *hugs jayfeather suddenly* GASPO! i lurvs you jayfeather Jacoby- You lurves jayfeather? D= Jimmy- Gaspo?
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:15pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,719
ML: [stares at huge posts, and older self sighs sigh of love]
9:19pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Jimmy- uhm... what. scourge- i knows *nods* it is impresive XD Reverend- O.O i think it could eat a whale if it wanted too... Scourge- *slaps reverend* Reverend- AHH wtf? Jacoby- *sigh* posts don't get hungry... if they did, we'd feed you to it Reverend- YAY! Jacoby- *faicepalms* Scourge- *faicepalms jacoby off a table* Punky- ?.? how...?
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:37pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Mr.liger- I think you scared everyone away.. Scourge- YAY!
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:45pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Tigerstar:Nuuu! Not you again!*Hisses* Jayfeather: Lol. ssather: Oh this will be interesting...
9:48pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Scourge- O.O lolz, where you come from? *pets tigerstar* you mean kitty ^^ JImmy- O.O o-wow... Jacoby- uhmm... isn't tigerstar like, evil? Mr.liger- how do you get things centered on your profile? *lol, i need profile helps*
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:52pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Me: I go onto paint or what ever, post whatever I wanted on my profile and make it so it will be in the middle then I put it on my profile.XD ssather: What is the difference between me and 'me'. Me: I love Jayfeather and think he is awesome and don't keep him here. You love him and force him to stay here. 9: ssather: Oh I see... Jayfeather: Will you let me go then? Me: No. Jayfeather: Meanie...
9:53pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,719
KoT: [happily leads Mr. Liger to an adult man named Patrick] Patz, we needs your helpz. ML: [mumbles something, and then goes back to making out w/ Sharpie marker]
9:54pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Me- theres a BIG difference
Scourge- mhmmm... BUTTERFLIES
Reverend- O.O? you people are confusing me...
Jacoby- WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'you people?'?
Jimmy- What do you mean, you people?
Mr.liger- O.O
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
10:04pm Feb 16 2010
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Posts: 5,835
ssather: I am ssather, she...Well you can just call her Jayfeather or Aurora or make up your own name for her.XD Me:XD
2:47pm Feb 17 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm Feb 17 2010)
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Posts: 4,848
Me: *Growles* Only I can call her Aurora! *Gaurds while foaming at the mouth* Ribunny: o.o Me: Yeah! thats right!!!!!!!! I ISH THE REALL RIBUNNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAHAHAHAHAHAH Miles: Your a lot crazer too o.o Me: WHY DO YOU THINK EVERYONE AT SCHOOL CALLS ME RABIES FOR?!?!?!?! *Foams at the mouth* Miles: Someone get her a cage O.o
2:56pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 5,835
Me: Okay then...And moving on. ssather: I can call her Aurora if I want to. Aurora:Wah? Who's calling who, who? ssather:me is callig 'me' Aurora. Lol.I just wanted to say that. Oh and so ir Ribunny.XD Aurora:I am sorry but my name is...Unique.*Puts name tag on shirt* There now everyone will know I am the one and only 'Aurora'.*Sticks out tongue at 'Me'* Me:Lol. Wait which 'me' are we talking about? I mean ribunny has a me, and so does Srcouge...I mean the user not the charaters! Aurora:O.o ssather:Oh good point...O.O
2:57pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 1,719
ML: [pokes Ribunny123 into a cage] Sorry, my roleplay friend, but I, too, am physically able to call ssather Aurora. KoT: [nodding] True, my younger self, and I still can call her Aurora.
3:10pm Feb 17 2010
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Posts: 4,848
Me: YOU WILL NEVER KEEP ME IN THIS CAGE*Bites bars of the cage* NOMNOMNOM Miles: o.o Rabies: HIAZ!!!! Miles: Oh no.... Me: Yes! Good Rabies! Now let me out so I can eat those who call Ssather Aurora other then me!!!! >D Rabies: I cannot, FOR I IZ PART OF YOU!!! *Morphs into my body* Me: I FEELZ SUPA CRAZY!!! *Starts to eat bars of the cage* Miles: Everyone.... RUUUUNNN!!! *Runs*