Name: Calyx Drakolynn.
Age: Seventeen. AND A HALF. O:
Gender: Well isn't that a self-esteem booster.

Personality: Hard-headed>
History: (Not Required.)
Gym Badges: Doesn't really care. :| She just explores randomly, looking for rare pokemon.
Pokemon Team:
Hazard - Zorua - Male
Risk - Absol - Male
Sage - Shiny Umbreon - Female
Fang - Luxray - Female
-Two spots open for future captured pokemon-
In the future she's sooo have a Riolu. o.o
Other?: I hope you don't mind that I had two shinies. D; Can change that if needed. Also getting Kohaku's bio. If I'm slow you can curse me out. xDD
Name: Kohaku Cerys
Age: Sixteen. ALSO A HALF. >:O
Gender: Male.
Appearance: Black, messy hair which if tipped red on the tips. He has mismatched eyes; One light blue green, the other a deep blue. usually wears a black hoodie that's way to big for him. xD You can't see his hands because the sleeves are too long. He wears regular jeans. They be either black or blue. Usually has ear-buds in his ears, and keeps his hands in his hoodie's overly sized pockets. Wears a chain around his neck, bt it is rarely seen because of his hoodie. Lean, big boobs muscular build. Slightly pale skin. hr has a problem with writing on his arms with a pen. Thank goodness that stupid hoodie covers what he writes. o.o
Personality: Shy-Quiet-Stubborn if needed be.-Very sarcastic.-Jokester-Free soul-Insensitive.
History: (Not Required.)
Gym Badges: Doesn't like putting his pokemon in danger. Has about 2, 3, or 4.
Pokemon Team:
Lucas - Lucario - Male.
Survivor - Shiny Zorua - Female.
Fyre - Vulpix - Male.
Kai - Espeon - Female.
Other?: He wants to be a Pokemon Breeder, but he fails. xDD