4:11pm Dec 23 2008 (last edited on 4:14pm Dec 23 2008)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Late posteh. x3 Meesa? xD Yoosa craza. 8D Hrm... Maybeh. But then, I've really been doing too much interaction between my own characters, lately, with little among everyone else's, comparatively. x3 *flails* Ohyahs. Really, really annoying. About as annoying as Sues. D; That happens to me, sometimes. x3 Especially with games like Doom and Quake. D8 G'bais, Nias. x3 And if I tried powerplaying your characters, I'd probably funk them up terribly. xD
4:20pm Dec 23 2008
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: yoshi, your siggy is starting to get deeply disturbing. XD That's OK. At least, you mention the other charas in their conversations/arguments. :3 Yah. Today, mum surprised me with her knowledge of Sues. :D We were in Waterstone's, just talking innocently about Sues, our mum overheard and actually said that they're freaky. XD XD
5:26pm Dec 23 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xDDD I like it. But.. maybe it's distracting me from posting, by making me silly... D: I s'pose so... :o That's nifty. xD My dad seems to have no idea what they are... He just looks lost, when I use the term. Like when I made that reference to Charlie the Unicorn. :D Most of the people I know don't seem to be very acquainted with the Intarnetz. xD Okeys. I munna go ahead and posteh. We sure OoC'd a lot... Shelbi may end up having a hard time finding our actual posts. x3 Vash carried on running his hand across Ces' side for a bit, in a rythmic motion. But then, he stopped and frowned, casting his brother a glance. Knives was staring unblinkingly at him, his face void of emotion, as it so often tended to be. "Stop it," the younger Plant muttered, letting his gaze fall ahead of him again. He simply let his hand rest on his friend's pelt, as he seemed to grow increasingly agitated, yet saddened at the same time. But he said nothing more, only staring solemnly ahead, even as he seemed to grow continually more vexed. OoC: Meep. Gots to go, nao. D; I s'pose I'll just leave it there. x3

9:04am Dec 24 2008
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Posts: 399
Nuuu! Shelbi's copied the random roleplay! =O Plus it includes Mary Sues AND art stealing...Fwightened...=S Meep, scary siggy! I'll try and make mine funny if yawl want. I drew my current one. =D (The ginger cat) Pecan's standing dere, wandering what to do next. =D Meep, forgetted! DX Sorry, ninny!
 yeah i dont know either.
9:31am Dec 24 2008
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: No, really? Heh heh, 'he looks lost' XD. I don't blame him. Charlie the Unicorn's pretty weird. Yah. X3 Ces' ear flickered in Vash's direction, when she'd felt the sudden, unepexcted weight just slump on her fur. She raised her head slightly so she could see him, then leaned forward as best as her spine would allow and licked his hand lightly. Her face was expressionsless, like any wolf's, but her eyes were soft. Then Ces sat up, her already injured leg raised slightly off the ground with her head slightly hung, her breath coming out as frosty wisps of white-grey air. The TARDIS' whooshing, alien sound filled the air, and a breeze arose, scattering what leaves it could into the air. The Doctor stepped out, his face still dark from what he had promised to do, and he closed the door behind him. "I sent him back," he told Shade quietly, voice thick with sympathy and understanding. Ces could only close her eyes.
1:48pm Dec 24 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gahh... My tummy hurts, from the coughing. D; One would think that it would hurt from having started eating so much less, in the past few days, but.. nope. For some reason, food just doesn't seem as awesome as normal. Even as I start shaking slightly. D: I really hate being sick... >3> Meep! Shade's trying to get at my water. And.. now she's on my lap, making it very hard to type. x3 Weirdo... *pets her* Yarly. >83 xD But Charlie the Unicorn's win. Ah! Oh, wow. Shade just stepped on my keyboard and, when I pulled her paw away, she had typed 'xd'. xD Yeh. I saw that. >___________> Maybe our posts were too massive for her. Even though massive posts are EPIC. D: I've posted there. Really, I don't see what Tigerstripe was on about. No one ever does this sort of random roleplay. Though it was rather funny, when I first saw this, because I'd created a very similar rolepay, which I'd dubbed the Everything Roleplay, on FF.net, very shortly before the Random Roleplay came along. xD Talk about coincidences, eh? ;D Whooshing. xD To the posteh, then. :3

3:03pm Dec 24 2008
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Posts: 3,642
Oo: Ohyahs... *just recalled something* I still need to finish coloring that Gondra, to use as an example. x3 I's planning to do commissions, to save up enough tu to make a good offer on Knivesy. 83 He shall be mine! Since I know I'll never manage to get Vash. I doubt Sarah will ever sell him. Gah! *tries to pull Shade away from the keyboard* Liek, zomg. D8 I just looked at your profile, and it seems that I've been pronouncing Ces wrong this whole time! I'd thought the C had the S sound. Like the word 'cess'. x3 *flails* Vash didn't seem to notice Ces' movement, initially, but simply continued staring ahead blankly, as though not really seeing his surroundings, at all. But, after several moments, he looked up at her and gave a small, half-hearted smile, which then faded. It was gradually replaced by a grimace. "Shut up," he muttered. "I don't need reminding of that." He looked up at Knives again, this time with a reproachful glare. It was met by the same cold gaze that had been there before. A small smirk then appeared on the elder Plant's face, as though he was enjoying some unheard, cruel joke.

1:35pm Dec 25 2008 (last edited on 1:41pm Dec 25 2008)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Merry X-Mas, peeps. >3> I gots Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise and it's teh AWESOME! Looks like my obsession with Halo's got some competition now... >3> Imagine the thought of a giant Kittyfloss entering the Random Roleplay. X3 Get well soon. ;( I had a cold that only finished yesterday - I was dreading I'd have it over Christmas. Oh, well. It might not have been so bad if I was ill - then I could just stay inside and play Viva Pinata for another three and a half hours.... >3> I know - who does coppy the random roleplay these days? And just because some people don't mind having their roleplays copied, that doesn't mean that everybody does. >.> I'd get really angry if someone copied any of my roleplay ideas. Oh, wellz. You gots Tongari, eh? What are the chances of someone not naming their Creatu 'Tongari'? XD That's like Vash's other name - not second or surname, but... just his other name. X3 I did say at one time, yoshi... >3> I specifically said that you pronounce it as 'kess'. XDD I just finished watching the special Christmas Doctor Who episdoe - he was so serious in it, he barely smiled. But it did have a sort-of happy ending, even though he confessed how unhappy he was at being so alone to some guy who he'd befriended. But I enjoyed it. :3 Time to post... The Doctor passed Knives an unfamiliar, cold glare of warning - one that seemed purely alien about the Doctor. His brown, intelligent eyes stared into Knives' face for a few moments, then he resumed looking at Shade. "It's best we went," he told her, his voice still low. "I can take us all away from here." Shade said nothing, but simply nodded, her head hung low. Ces then glanced at Shade with a glint of desperation in her eyes, and with a final, gentle look at Vash, she stood up and limped over to her grieving friend, whimpering slightly. After a few moments' pause, though, she reached upwards and began to snuffle Shade's hand, her whiskers tickling the hybrid's hand so much that Shade placed her palm on Ces' forehead to stop her, agitation making her movements rough and unfriendly. Ces did not give up, but simply leaned her head on Shade's waist, her head also hung slightly, in silent respect for her friend's loss - or maybe Ces was just dying for a gentler reaction. Only then did Shade react kindly to the wolf, and she looped her arm around the Haran's unnaturally thick neck - another trait to distinguish a Haran wolf to an earth one - and for a few moments she scratched Ces' thick pelt. The two looked more like sisters than they had been before, silent messages of understanding and feeling passing between them.

2:19pm Dec 25 2008 (last edited on 2:23pm Dec 25 2008)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Spiffy. :o That would be slightly scary, though. xD Man, I haven't played Viva Pinata in so long... And I'd gotten to the point just before I would find that really spiffy dragon pinata, too. x3 I got a laptop thingy... It's so shiny. 83 Wait... I just said exactly what your siggy says. Without realising it, at first. xDD But still, it is very shiny, though Vista confuzzles me. :3 And maybe this means that I won't have to go on a hiatus until Wednesday, or whenever it is that we're coming back up from Texas. ;D Yeh. x3 I s'pose being sick has some good and some bad... Ohyahs. That's how I felt when I saw that other drawing roleplay. D:< They could at least have put some effort into their plot, rather than stealing my general idea and making it failtastic. Heck, I probably would actually have been all right with it, if it had more effort put into it. But most of the roleplayers 'round here are just getting too darn lazy, it would seem. D; I mean, come on, people. *whacks them* You know something's wrong when someone copies the Random Roleplay... Actually, it's pretty doubtful that someone would name a Creatu Tongari. ;3 Trigun really doesn't seem to be all that popular(despite its awesomeness! D:), and Tongari was only really used much in the manga, in the English versions of it... Actually, I don't think they used it at all, in the anime. x3 Ohyahs! I.. I got a totally awesome Creatu, from entering a raffle a couple days ago. ;3; Riyo was raffling off natural Liyure, and I actually won the first one... Named it Niconii, a nickname given to Wolfwood by the orphanage kids. ♥ You did? :o I must have missed that... x3 x3 Y'know, I've been meaning to watch Doctor Who, but I keep forgetting... Nao, to ze posteh. :3

2:37pm Dec 25 2008 (last edited on 3:15pm Dec 25 2008)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yah... And if Lawliet was 'live, he'd be whacking em' open all the time... >3> But the new Pinatas truly are amazing. Honestly, when I started attracting all these 'mazin new ones, I was just... crazeh! 8D The Tartridge is definetely one of my new favourites, as are the penguin-ones and those WHITE versions of the previous Pinatas. ^^ I swear, if I get a white Mallowolf, I'll scream. Then name it Wolfeira. 8) Laptop? Kewwl! 83 My sissy just hatched a sepia Uilus. -V- Yah. I means, it's our ideah! Well, HB's, to be precise. And, when I checked it out, it just seemed like all those other roleplays out there, of Japanese-theme teens and stuff. At least, it's not too much like ours - but it could've had a different name. :P O. I see now... After seeing all the comments on YouTube, you'd think it was as big as Naruto. XD You must've - 'cause you didn't give me a reply saying something like "OHH, I've been saying it all wrong, then..." X3 I think it might be hard to find all the episodes on YouTube casue' there are so many (waaayyy more than Trigun X3), but you might find interesting clips from some of the episodes. :3 Gots to go now - but I might be back later.... >3>

3:36pm Dec 25 2008
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Posts: 399
Yay! The pet I've been dreaming about since Halloween has been hatched...By me! My first hatched/ever uilis and she's sepia! Nadolig...XD Copyersare unimaginative. DX Why does they be here?! Lily Allen's awsome. I can't stop listening to her on my new Ipod-jack radio alam clock I got for Christmas. Lolz.... My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed...Har har! Vash singin' boot Knives, lol (only s'more like BIG brother) Lols, she calls him a tw@t. =D
 yeah i dont know either.
4:03pm Dec 25 2008 (last edited on 4:18pm Dec 25 2008)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: x3 Shade's gone and stolen my chair... so I'm on my knees. xD xDD He so would... They have white versions of all the pinatas? :O Dude, that's awesome. I'd always wished you could keep more colors than just the normal one and the three special colors you could get from feeding them certain things... I haven't found any Uilus eggs. Being lazy. xD But I don't really need them. I have my luffly from last year. :D Though I'll probably be searching in a few days. It happened with the Ebilia. x3 I was going to just not look, at all, but by the end of their week I was looking like a madwoman. Still, if it takes me two hours straight to find one, again... D8 Aye. It still seems too similar, though. >3> Really, I haven't seen any other roleplays here that have no set plot or characters and are serious, aside from this one, until now. Though this is still exponentially more EPIC. >:3 I'm actually betting that, now that we've said something, that one will die. And our random roleplay shant die. Or at least, not for a very long time. :3 Really? xD I usually don't pay much attention to the comments, except if I randomly feel like leaving one, myself... x3 *looks* Wow, you're right. xD Trigun's first episode has over three hundred comments, while Naruto's only has around a hundred fifty... Heck, it even has ten thousand more views. :o Hrm... Maybe it's people like me, who can watch it over and over and still find it awesome. ;D Or maybe just because it's been around so much longer, and isn't on TV, anymore... Because really, I hardly know or see any Trigun fans. On Res, I only know of around five, aside from myself, and in my area, about.. four, I think. x3 xD Silly me. It'll feel so weird, trying to correct myself into saying it the right way, though... :o Huh. Well, that's poopy. Yer right; I looked it up and only got a bunch of other videos. I even got a hit for the Mean Kitty video about the witch doctor. xD Wot? :O *clingzto Knivesy* He wouldn't- *is flung across the room by Knives* Ow... x3 Oh, wow. I OoC'd a lot. o3o ... Beanz. xD :o Can't think of anything, right now...

5:34pm Dec 25 2008
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: My puppy's lying on the floor near my feet X3. I've started sitting like Lawliet noadways - sitting with my knees up rather than sitting with my legs down XD. Even now my knees are tucked up underneath me whilst I'm sitting here - I just don't like the feel of them being all vulnerable and straight... XDD I know :3. As far as I know, there are only Panarctic Pretzails and Bunnycombs. I kinda lost my head when I saw the wild Pretzail... so white... like my fersona... 8D Heh heh - madwoman >:3. Well, good luck - I'm only finding Kayokies, Drindians and Valabexes. :| Yah. If someone dies, right now, it's going to truly change everything... XD But MC won't die. He's one of those characters that aren't mentioned much but won't die for sure.... >3> Lulz. X3 HB is the closest true-Trigun fan I know, but you're the closest Trigun-fan I know here. X3 This should be fun, then. >3> Ohh... Well, in one episode, Doc has an encounter with some witches. :3 The reason why we love Doctor Who so much is because all of it is filmed in Wales, and I've been to some of the places they filmed it. :3 I've even touched the real TARDIS, in one of those BBC exhibitons. Meet David Tennant? Not yat... but I know a girl in my class who's actually had her photo taken with him (I think). I know her quite well... >3> Heh heh! Ya worship the Trigun guys, even though Knives abuses you quite a lot... >3> Speaking of beans, HB sent me a card with little drawings of our fersonas on it. On the back was a little yoshi bean XD. I lol'd quite hard. HB, if you're a-readin' this: YOUR PRESENT WAS TEH AWESOME! >8DD Lulz, my sister's watching the Camp Rock DVD she got today XD. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's kinda good... :s

11:56pm Dec 25 2008 (last edited on 6:20am Dec 26 2008)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Your post was very >3>-y. x3 I used to sit like that all the time. And for the exact same reason, too. xD But now I just seem to cross my legs all the time, or sit on one. x3 A white Preztail sounds so spiffy... :O xD I s'pose one could already call me a madwoman, huh? Eh, I like it. I needed a restock of my Scria eggs, anyway. ;3 I only had three or four left of each... :o But then, actually, it really doesn't matter at the moment, since I've only been hatching Meiko, lately. I wish I'd stop hatching blondes and get an albino, though, so I can complete my collection. x3 x3 Then I'll really have to stop using Vash's... hair-power? xDD I'm gonna start calling it that. 83 Instead of inner power, or whatever, now it's hair-power! >:D Ur hur. :3 Spiffy. :o Aha... Once, I saw an episode of 'It's Me or the Dogs' that took place in Wales. It made me grin. xD They're just so awesome. ;D And Knivesy has a reason for that. Me = human. And to him, human = bad. Very bad. x3 But he can't kill me; I have his corn dog. I hid it. 8D xDD Ahh... That still makes me iggle. Poor Shade, having to witness/take part in our insanity. x3 xD You should scan that. And maybe the Yoshilisk, too. :D ... Camp Rock = possibly good? I've heard so many.. not good things about it... :o Okeys. Methinks I should at least try to post one last time. x3 Apparently, we're leaving very early, tomorrow, and I probably won't be on for a while. We'll be on the road for hours, so even if I can bring my computer, I won't be able to connect during that time. But maybe, once we get there, I will. :3 And thankfully, this time we're only going to Dallas, instead of all the way down to Houston. Going through Dallas was a nightmare, last time, especially since we hit it right at five in the evening. x3 If ye feel like it or need to, though, per'aps if I don't manage to get on or something, you can powerplay Vasheh and Knivesy. ;3 Knives simply flashed the Doctor a smirk, this one challenging, rather than cruel. But then, as the Doctor looked away, he let it disappear, returning his attention to Vash. This time, the latter didn't seem to notice that Ces had left, at all. He was simply staring ahead of him, with a strange, blank ex pression. He suddenly seemed dead to all around him. And he seemed to be mouthing something, as though trying to speak but finding that no sound would come forth. "Indeed," Knives said, this time aloud, as if in reply to something Vash had spoken. A moment's pause, and he smirked. "Really, now?" And Vash seemed to snap. His head whipped toward Knives, his eyes narrowing and instantly lighting with a furious glow. But, after a few moments, he blinked and fell back, looking horrified. "Wh..? Why did I..." he stammered, shaking slightly. OoC: Insanely weird post. ;D Neh. It's early and I need to finish it up. x3 I should at least get some sleep...

5:42am Dec 26 2008 (last edited on 9:58am Dec 26 2008)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I noticed. >3> I was about to say, but I forgot... Lulz X3. Now, let's see if HB does it.... *glares at HappyBunny* Yah, but they're mostly blue than white. :3 Still gorgeous, though, but I'm dying to see a white Mallowolf! D8 You'sa lucky - always hatching blondes. I only ever hatched one blonde, and one albino - both went to friends. I didn't even hatch Wolff, but it sometimes feels like I had... >3> 'It's Me or the Dogs'? Never heard of it. :3 I might Google it, see what it's about, although I already have a brief idea of what it's about... >3> Hair-power! 8D *dun-uun* Why am I thinking of hair product advertisements now? Damnit, I'm human, too. >:O Can't I be something super-kewl, like a... a wild animal, or something? Being a bird wouldbe pretty... spiffy? 83 Wolf would be useful, but they can't fly, dive underwater and aren't biped. A bird of prey would be much, much more useful. >3> Excellent eyesight, the ability to fly, be on the top of the food chain... Like. 83 I'd sooner be a kestrel, or a gyrfalcon, or even just a plain buzzard. :3 Golden eagle would also be appealing. Maybe - but one problem. I think I've lost it amongst the sea of decay that is my bedroom... or the front room downstairs. <83 *shrug* Hmm, there are some parts that made me think... -_- but there were still some funny parts. <:3 Like when Kevin asked Joe to make him a birdhouse. And some of the songs were pretty good, but I didn't like the way Mitchie still lied about who she was. Man, can't people tell the truth these days? So what if some famous person doesn't like you - not everyone likes you. Just make friends with ones who actually suit you, and not the most popular girl in class. Vat?! *feels priveliged at being allowed to powerplay so many characters* XD I don't think I'll play him right, and I'll humiliate myself badly if I do... but I might just move them around a bit, and not have one of those conversations Vash and Knives have all the time - I don't know anything about Trigun, making horrible mistakes all the time... Jeez. XD Ces looked over at Vash, as did Shade, but then the cat-hybrid looked away, looking almost uninterested . The wolf continued to stare at him, looking concerned but also curious. Then the Doctor shoved his hand into a pocket, still looking grim, and handed a small, silver key to Shade. "Open the TARDIS door," he ordered her gently. "Then go inside. Take Ces with you." With a nod, Shade took the small, completely un-alien-looking ob ject and started on her attempt to open the blue box. Ces watched her every move, but threw more glances over at Vash and Knives, as if keeping a watchout for her friend. As Shade worked out how to get through, the Doctor had already gone over to Vash and offered him his hand. Facing Knives, he asked: "Are you coming with us?" His tone was dark, and although it was low it didn't contain the gentleless as it had before with Shade. He looked almost annoyed with Knives, as though he would prefer it if the Plant didn't accompany him, but the Doctor wasn't like that. Shade and Ces had already gotten into the TARDIS. Her steps slow, Shade walked silently over to one of the small sofas surrounding the glowing control panel of the TARDIS. Ces, however, simply stood in the middle of the main walkway and stared all around her, looking shocked but also enchanted. The low, gentle humming of the TARDIS reminded her of a heartbeat, but slightly different, and the pale golden lights that were planted in the walls made her think of a bees' hive for some reason, even though they weren't the right shape. She couldn't think of a place more peaceful, nor one so safe and impenetrable. After a few seconds of staring around, she limped over by Shade and lay down at her feet, her head leaning on Shade's legs, looking uncomfortable but intent on keeping the girl company. Shade still said nothing, but simply rubbed Ces' fluffy cheeks a little, the soft, thick grey fur engulfing her fingers and hand.

6:20am Dec 26 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Liek, gah. D: I took too long. x3
12:56pm Dec 26 2008
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yay Laptop has internetz x3 my presant is awsome ? x3 I still havent opened yours twas in my school bag and I havent gotten it out from under the stairs xD So Yoshilisk youve named your kitty Shade x3 Im honoured =D oh I has Rayman raving Rabbids game x3 and Viva Piniata pocket paradise x3 I ish level 3 so far and all my piniata are white untill they become resients then they are their natural colours x3 but if they eat a centain thing they change colour so I has nifty purpleish piniata :D BiC: Shade continued to ruffle Ces's fur and smiled slightly. It wasn't her usual smile that was normaly a stupid grin. This smile didn't have any of those charecteristics, it was blank an sad. Ash looked at the Doctor. His ex pression full of mishchif. "You going to invite me ?" He asked with a smirk on his face, eyes glowing blue grey. *hehe my eye colour x3* The Doctor glanced at him for a second, his mind quickly deciding on the answer. The Doctor was not one to leave people behind if they needed to go somewhere. "You can come, on one condition" answered The Doctor his face expressionless and his voice cold "You probably know what I have in mind" The Doctor could feel Ash probing at his mind, The Doctor instantly locked most of his thoughts away, he didn't want a person like this to find out to many things about him in this way. Ash drew back from the Doctors mind sensing that he wasn't going to get much information from him. The Doctor turned to Knives. "So are you coming ?" He asked his voice still lacking in emotions

1:17pm Dec 26 2008
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: HeitchBeee! :D You'sa back! Vat? Well open it quick, den. >:( XD Heh heh just kidding. X3 Hey, Heitch - you know I was gonna offer you one of my Egyptians? You can still have one of the puppies - but you can also have Tenhota Ra, with her accessory. :3 It's up to you, but I don't mind on whatever your answer is. Aaand... I gots tons of new pure whites! :D Ces also looked unhappy - for her friend's sake. "What are we going to do now?" she asked quietly, carefully mouthing the words with little movement. She realized then that her jaws had healed a little already - maybe some of the moon's light had touched it when she'd walked into the open. Whatever size the satellite was, the moonlight source was able to heal her wounds, on or beneath skin, although bones were especially hard to mend. Never instantly and completely cured, but enough. She found speaking a lot less painful. "We can't stay here, and what will we do about Ash? And the Master Chief?" In a quieter tone, although she herself did not know why, she added a third name. "And Knives?" Then she licked Shade's hand, her voice even lower. "And I'm sorry about Lawliet. I know he was your friend, even if I didn't know him. Really, I am."

1:43pm Dec 26 2008
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Posts: 2,020
"I suppose The Doctor could find Chief" Shade said her blank smile remaining, but there was some kind of happiness in her eyes, not much but there was some there, Shade continued to speak her voice not much louder than a whisper "You have nothing to appologise for Ces what happened to Lawliet wasn't your falut" Shade knelt by Ces then put her arm around her neck and nuzzled (lol Nuzzled x3 Heitchbeee likes that word x3 and Heitchbee :D I would Kill for a creatu named Nemo right now I has the perfect song D: Daaaaaargh*Rabbids >3* Nightwish :3)into her soft fur, hiding her face while tears flowed slowly from her violet eyes. Her hand clenched in a fist holding on to the small silver key The Doctor had given her. The Doctor signaled for Ash to go into the Tardis. Ash would normaly grin with the impression that someone would soon regret something, But he didn't he just walked into the Tardis and settled on the floor as far from Ces and Shade as he could be.
11:13am Dec 27 2008
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Posts: 2,020
OOc: hehe wireless internetz :D she finaly works :3 on Rayman Raving Rabbids tv party my rabbid has spiky purple hair :D and I have a purple pinkish piniata I forgot the specie name tis a foxish one, ill remember sometime O.o