12:00pm Jan 1 2009
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OOC: The same to ye, sister. X3 What?! Your brithday's coming up?! D8 Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I want a new Easero. :) They remind me of griffins.. I don't know why. Yeah, Master Chief was raised realllyy peacefully... No pain, no stress, no having to wake up first thing every morning and do a hundred situps... Yeah, he had a relitavely normal childhood. :3 Until he turned six.
12:38pm Jan 1 2009
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OoC: yesh Happy new years to yas all x3 birthday o.o I has £30 from christmas hmm what to get, oh and Kit like your christmas presant? o.o lol oh I have a black Zaphao named Galifrey x3 hurhurhur BiC: The Doctor looked at Ces and grinned. Swiftly he leapt over the controll pannell, as he was flying in midair he whipped a collar from his pocket. Flying through the air he though of how he loved pockets. Landing beside Ces, grinning all the while, The Doctor winked at her then quickly fastened the collar, taking a leash from his other pocket he quickly clipped that on to the collar. "Done" Said the Doctor smiling. "Ces..." Said Shade giggling and smirking Shade burst out laughing again, she doubled over because she was laughing so much. Shade was throwing her fist at the Tardis floor crying with laughter. Shade glanced twoard Ces as she stopped laughing, then she laughed again seeing The Doctor holding Ces on a leash. The Doctor carried on grinning. "I quite like the idea of having a dog" The Doctor said laughing "Well shall we be off then?" Pulling a reluctant Ces along on a leash the Doctor strode out of the Tardis

1:03pm Jan 1 2009 (last edited on 1:07pm Jan 1 2009)
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OOC: Gallifrey? :D Epic move, Heitch. As well as your posteh - my poor cracked lips are nearly cutting open, I'm grinning and laughing so hard. xDDD Then I look at my siggy and laugh even more... xDDDD BIC: The Haran resisted slightly and pulled back, but then gave in and padded obediently by his side. A deep, almost cat-like growl vibrated through her throat, her hackles arose almost instantly and her tail bottlebrushed twice as thick as normal. "I'll stick with this," she snarled bloodcurdingly. "Just don't look so damn smug." She glared up at him, and it was this look alone (as well as the unfriendly body language) that showed that the Doctor would have no choice but to do so. (OOC: Just have to.... XD) "Don't look so mad," said the Master Chief almost smugly, stepping out after the Doctor and staring down at Ces disapprovingly, as though she were a misbehaving puppy and not a wolf that desired vengeance. "You've got to learn discipline." "I am," the Haran snarled, keeping her voice low so as not to attract unwanted attention but not leaving out a single ounce of venom. Her tone crackled with the tension of trying to stay calm and keep humiliation at bay. "Just stop it, alright?" She glared up at him, and the Master Chief noticed that her pupils were slightly narrower than most times, and that the iris (OOC: I think that's what the coloured part is called...) was no longer a soft brown, but a slightly amber-like gold.

1:44pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 399
Pecan iggled lightly and walked over to the Doctor and Ces. "Dicipline was the first thing I learnt as a child." she said with a slight, inhoudable sigh. Then more memories came flooding back to her again, of being one of seven other children, outside in the summer breeze, singing and playing with her sbiblingS happily. And the song her dear mother had tought them. Suddenly she found herself singing; "Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, gay your life must be..." She trailed off and hoped she hadn't attracted too much attention.
 yeah i dont know either.
1:47pm Jan 1 2009 (last edited on 1:50pm Jan 1 2009)
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OoC: Yesh it be called an Iris x3 hehe more epicfull than Captain crunch? o.o x3 hurhurhur o.o why am I saying hurhurhur all sudden like o.o The Doctor smiled at her. "Oh come on now" He said to her "Don't be so grumpy, there's a whole new place to explore here.. Hello" He added at the end nodding and smiling at a passing wonam and her child. The Child smiled and waved as her mother dragged her along not taking any notice of The Doctor or Ces, not even of the Master Chief who stuck out like a sore thumb. (lol sore thumb x3) "Well that wasn't very nice" Said Shade stepping out of the Tardis and looking around "Stupid dress, I can't walk in this thing" Shade picked the dress up slightly so she wouldn't trip over it. Looking down at the dress she stuck her tongue out at it. Ash then stepped out, he hadn't changed, The Doctor never said he needed to. There were strange looks shooting twoard the Tardis as three people and a wolf had already stepped out of it. "Suerly no-one else can come out of that thing" Said a man walking past. "There is more in there" Said Shade grinning at him "There is?" asked the man "Yeah about three more" She said still grinning sticking three fingers into the man's face "Realy? In that little thing?" The man looked slightly puzzled Shade grinned and thought to herself, Little you'd be surprised, Shade stuck her head into the Tardis door and Shade dragged Vash from the Tardis. Then she walked into the Tardis and pushed Knives out. "Hey you were right, but how?" Asked the man "That would be telling" Said The Doctor and Shade with one voice, both tapped their nose OoC: lol slightly late o.o post x3 imma change it

1:59pm Jan 1 2009
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OOC: And since when have you started using 'o.o'...? O.O Hee hee - I like playing Ces nasty and MC all rude. xDD It feels weird, playing such serious characters in completely new lights... x3 Sore thumb indeed. >3> Ces' bottlebrush tail had nearly gone down its normal size, as well as her spine, but her eyes were still dangerously hostile, like a firework that could go off at any second. After a moment or two, she frowned and looked at the Doctor, her voice a lot calmer but still sounding agitated. "Please, can I go off for just a minute and get used to this collar?" she asked helplessly. "This thing itches." "If domestic animals can live with it, so can a wolf like you," said the Master Chief. "Then domestic animals don't know the difference between discomfort and obedience," muttered the Haran, glancing downwards, her tail swishing slightly from side to side in frustration. The Spartan looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, having heard her nearly inaudible grumble - but he could hear the smallest of whispers from several meters away, so whether it had been lower or not, he would have been able to make it out anyway. He didn't acknowledge Ces that he'd heard her - which was the opposite to what he'd do to an enemy.

2:07pm Jan 1 2009 (last edited on 2:09pm Jan 1 2009)
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Posts: 399
Pecan had long got off the couch and was making her way over to the door. A wide grin on her face, she leant on the Master Chief's shoulder whilst she put her small purple boots on the ground from her bag and put her petite little feet into them. She then put her other pair of shoes into her smiley-orange/pink bag and smiled at teh MC in a gesture of 'thanks'. As she looked around she got more and more angry at how the passers-by din't flinch when she waved. "Not a very cheery town, issit, hey?" she whispered to Shade in a slightly frustrated voice. "Where I come from, not waving would have you beheaded!" she whispered again, only a little louder this time. Ooc: Izzit safe? =D
 yeah i dont know either.
2:19pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: *iggles* Kitt... 'Pecan iggled lightly'. She iggled! :D ... *smacks her forehead* I just realised what you meant about Narnia and the White Witch and the wardrobe... x3 Geh. I've beaten Myst III.. again. What shall I do now, when I can't get on the Intarnetz? x3 You left Vash behind! xD I'm gonna say that Knivesy followed them, but.. Vash is still stuck upside-down on the sofa... To ze posteh! ;O
2:24pm Jan 1 2009
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OoC: hmm I dunt know... it is kinda cute though right 83 *pokes* o.o hehe x3 I like it <83 I've just noticed that Wolfwood looks so much like the doctor xD hehe, anime doctor ish Nicholas.D.Wolfwood xD hurhurhur BiC: The Doctor knelt down by Ces and un-clipped the leash. "Well don't blame me if you get caught by some peolpe who catch strays for a living" Said the Doctor shaking a finger at her. "Did that dog just speak?" Asked the man lookign shocked and confused. Shade punched his shoulder, laughing. "A talking dog... Hahahahaha Don't be ridiculous" She said, a strange grin came accross her face. Not a happy grin, it was scary, cat-like and full of fangs. The man looked startled, slowly he backed away then walked off looking back every few seconds. Shade smiled sweetly and waved him off. Strange guy. She thought. "Did-ya hear" Whispered a man, he was talking to another man in a bar just down the road, Shade could hear him even though her ears were folded hiding in her hair. "Vash the Stampede, theres not been any sign of him for days, rumour says someones killed him" "What are you talking about you crazy fool, if someone 'ad killed him they would soon be billionares, I mean who wouldn't turn that guy in for all that money" Replied the other man Shade suddenly sprung up by the table, the two men yelled and spilled their glasses. Shade grinned she laughed slightly. Oh so easy to scare, this place could be fun. Her cat side seemed to be taking over as was obious from her slight change in personality. "Vash the Stampede isn't dead" She said poking one of the men's nose turning to the other man she continued "He's alive and very near" "How would you know?" Asked one of the men. Pushing her away from his face. "How would? how?.. Hahahahahaha" Shade blurted punching the man he fell to the floor. "Geese you're crazy" Said the other guy "Why thank you" Said Shade smiling "Now mind buying me a drink?" "Urm.. what do you want?" Asked the Man looking from Shade to his unconsious friend on the floor "Milk" Said Shade, a low sort of rumbling came up to her throar as she purred.

2:26pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Nu Yoshilisk Vash wasn't left behind x3 Shade dragged him out xD hehe then went off to get some milk o.o x3 as you is probably telling by the way my posts are going I am hyper 83 so Imma make Shade hyper too 83 hurhurhur
2:34pm Jan 1 2009 (last edited on 2:38pm Jan 1 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Is it just me, or has everything suddenly become a lot more light-hearted? x3 OoC: She did? :o I didn't see that, anywhere. x3 I really seem to miss things, sometimes. xD ... Oh, there! x3 *erases her post*
2:41pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 399
Pecan sensed trouble. Her single fluffy ear heard the comotion and she sneaked away from the others to the bar. Then a thought came accross her mind. They might have orange juice! And with this, she met Shade at the bar and slammed her hands down on the beer-serving table. With a slightly terrifying face she shouted in the bartender's face "I want orange juice! If you don't have it god help me I'll rip your throat out and drink yer blood!" she calmed down and sat on one of the chairs with a better, more charming face. "..Please?" she asked in her little-girl voice with big, shiny eyes. Ooc: Lol. XD She likes her orange juice....
 yeah i dont know either.
2:51pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: For some reason I hadn't read the last three posts. x3 "Dead? But I..." Vash suddenly stopped and frowned. "Wait a second. I thought no one knew me. Unless the Tardis took us..." He stopped abruptly and looked up into the sky, as though looking for something. "What's it matter where we are? It still stinks of trash," Knives muttered, glaring at a passing couple, who took no notice of him.
2:58pm Jan 1 2009 (last edited on 3:02pm Jan 1 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: IKNOW! 8D The Doctor and Wolfwood look so alike... well, only in clothing. xDD I'm feeling a-crazy now.... 83 Heitcher, your post made me lol! 8D And yours, Kittenessa! 8D God, I'm losing it... Ces' eyes widened and she blinked several times. "Thanks, Doctor," she whispered in the faintest whisper she could muster. "I won't run off." She then sat at his feet, looking contentedly calm, although her eyes were fixed on Vash and Knives, looking curious. She stayed silent, however, and the Master Chief guessed that she was not planning to intervene. To the Spartan, she looked more like a domestic dog that he'd ever really seen her. Her lack of humanity and dog-like behaviour, even in full attention of her human-like companions, was slightly uneasy - but also somewhat calming and relieving, as though she really were a guard dog and not some inhuman, nearly-immortal, master swordswoman who had the capabilities both human and animalistic. She didn't seem to mind acting like a real wolf around them, and at times when she was particularly quiet she seemed even more distant from them, although it still seemed impossible to shake the thought of what she truly was. The mention of Vash ('the Stampede', he added quizzically) amongst the men in which Shade had frightened caught his attention once more. He felt tempted to leave the Time Lord and the Haran to investigate - but he also felt like remaining his place and resume to stay near the Doctor, as though he were the guard and not Ces. OOC: Bit of a late post - I'll edit it a tad. X3

3:04pm Jan 1 2009 (last edited on 3:05pm Jan 1 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Ish anyone posting o.o oh urm sorry I was still on ze other page o.o hehe silly bunny x3
3:10pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 399
Ooc: Silly bunny indeed! *DONK*
Tis' boring. Someone post something interesting, like explosions! Or the Ice-cream van turning into one of those transformers and wrecking NY whilst playing Ice-cream van music...
Sorry, I went OTT...
 yeah i dont know either.
3:23pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 2,020
Shade smiled as the man handed her a glass of milk. Shade swallowed the whole glass in one go. Grinning she put her arm around the man. "So mind telling me how the hell do you know Vash?" She asked calmly smiling as she added a hiccup at the end. "What? Everyone knows him!" Said the man, not in the least disturbed that Shade had placed her arm around him "Hes the famous outlaw, the Humanoid Typhoon, the man with sixty billion double dollars on his head, and you ask me how I know him?" "Oh.." Said Shade smiling "But you don't realy know him then do you?" She purred at the end as she was handed another glass of milk "What do you mean by that?" Asked the man curiously "Ah no no" Said Shade shaking her head and putting a finger on her nose "Curiosity killed the cat" The man just smiled at her as he bought a third glass of milk for her. The two then burst out with laughter. The mans friend pulled himself up, he drew his gun. "What the hell did you punch me for!" He shouted holding the gun agains Shade's head. Shade turned around to face him. She smiled then laughed again. That was when the man shot at her. Shade moved swiftly only just getting out of the bullets path. "Oh bum" Said Shade as the man continued to fire, she continued to dodge the bullets. "Whats going on in there then" Said the Doctor grinning, taking his sonic screwdriver from his pocket the Doctor ran into the bar and ducked as a chair flew over his head. Ash then just strode in and was shot in the chest. He moved back slightly with the force of the bullet but did not fall over or die wich shocked everyone. "What the hell! who shot me!?" Ash shouted, the bullet had passed rihgt through his heart "Do you realise how much this jacket cost!"

3:25pm Jan 1 2009
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Posts: 2,020
lol I hadn't read your post then Kit o.o I decided a strange moment was needed x3 well I has done as you requested wihtout even knowing you wanted it to happen xD hurhurhur
3:33pm Jan 1 2009
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OoC: LETS DO THE TIME WARP YEAHHH 3< oomph *headbangs* Yeah Huzzar x3 hehe
3:37pm Jan 1 2009
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Ces raced into the bar as well, hackles raised once more and growling. But her growl disappeared when a bullet fired a few times at her paws. Startled, she leaped aside, her ears flattened against the defeaning explosions of gunpowder and smashing of wood. Then, once she was clear of their line of fire, she leaped onto a table and soared in the direction of one of the men, a third one, her jaws managing to grasp the vulnerable (non-vampric, Ces prayed) arm of one of the gunmen. Snarling, she attempted to bite down harder, but he suddenly hit her with his gun with a panicked cry. "There's a wolf in here!" With a pained and startled yelp she collapsed to the ground, a ragged, partially bloodstained strip of cloth in her jaws. Despite all the shock, Ces felt pleased. The man's arm was bleeding slightly and now bare on the forearm, but Ces had managed to break his wrist with the impact. The gunman let out an angry but pained cry in shock, but then he stared at Ces, his eyes turning cold. "Stupid dog!" the man shouted, aiming the gun at her with his one good arm. Ces could only widen her eyes and open her mouth, the cloth falling from her sharp teeth in surprise. OOC: Somebody save Cessie! xD
