9:57am Jan 4 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh god, HB's lost it... D; *grabs tranquilizer rifle* Ces had also seen the strange thing in the distance, but as her sense of smell wasn't as strong as the vampire's, she couldn't detect the seemingly strong reek it was giving off. Instead, she got up and padded over by the Doctor, passing him until she was a meter or two in front of him. "I'll go check it out, if you want," she said after a moment or two, glancing behind herself to see the Time Lord. "I need to stretch my legs anyway." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" the Master Chief asked. "For all you know, it might not be friendly. Could be dangerous." "I'll investigate from a distance," Ces assured. "Besides, I can deal with these kind of things. I'm only going to see what it is, not get involved in anything. I promise I'll be careful." "We don't know whether you're going or not," pointed out the Spartan roughly.
1:04pm Jan 4 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hehe I leik cereal 83 BiC: "No need to investigate, It's coming straight twoard us" Said The Doctor "And it smells like a ghoul" Said Ash he sniffed the air "More than one ghoul, about six or seven" Shade sniffed the air, she could smell what seemed to be rotting flesh. Shase wrinkled her nose in disgust. "That is not the smell of a healthy body" She said taking off the ripped glove and covering her nose with it. Ash then remembered about Maya. The other Lamia who had killed Shade in her past lives. He then recalled her having ghouls work for her. That was when he realised what this thing coming twoards them was. It was Maya and her ghouls( for some reason tis making me laugh x3) She was probably going to kill Shade in this life too, and the next. He then told himself he had to protect Shade, she was his soulmate after all. She isn't your soulmate. A calm voice said to him. Who is this? He asked It's me Lupe. You see Maya hadn't realy killed me, she only thought she had, that was when another night person, a lamia like youself. they found me, luckily it was one of your friends, they gave me their blood so now I myself am a vampire, Shade there is one of my relatives but she dosen't know I have been using her to contact you, Maya though thinks Shade is me so keep her safe untill we meet. Ash was slightly confused but happy he finaly knew that Lupe was safe she was alive and somewhere nearby. He seemed to trail off into a daydream, he shook his head to bring him from his daydream when he remembered Lupe had asked him to keep Shade safe. So that was what he was going to do.

1:30pm Jan 4 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I had an awesome dream. 8D It was like I was watching Trigun(Though it felt more like I was in it. :D), but its storyline was more like the manga's. And Knives went all like, roarg, with the feathers and the knives and stuff. C: It looked really neat, in motion. I really need to stop staying up so late. x3 It makes me want to sleep later, too. :C ... Y'know, Riyo said that Geo thought I was drunk, last night. I must have been acting really weird. xD xD Pecan ish funneh. Nias... Yer being weird. x3 Agh, darn it. D: I has to go.. shopping, in a few minutes. DDDx
2:15pm Jan 4 2009 (last edited on 2:50pm Jan 4 2009)
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OOC: Kewl. :3 I can't recall any dreams of me in Halo, but I did have this surreal dream once when I was a hippogriff. xDD And another when I was a bird of somesort... Can't remember much of it, but I remember panicking at one point and flying like a pigeon, only to find myself falling and then waking up suddenly. :3 Yah. Don't stay up too late - it ain't good. :P But this is typical - the only time of the year when I'm allowed to stay up until midnight and I didn't have a computer. xDD New Year's, it was - but at least we were allowed to bring the xBox, so myself and Kitt just wasted away playing Viva Pinata. <:3 We didn't play Halo, eventually - brought five different games for nothing. *fires at HappyBunny* Ces was silent for a few moments, before she began to whine loudly and shifting restlessly on her paws. Like a husky, she seemed bored and agitated, mainly because of the heat she was not used to. Finally, however, it seemed like too much and the black wolf morphed into a human again, still looking worn but now slightly relieved. "When's that damn thing gonna arrive?" she spat, staring out at the speck in the distance. "Soon, I expect," said the Master Chief, looking back into the saloon curiously. Then his attention was drawn to Ces again, for she was busily rummaging through one of her trouser pockets. She then pulled out a small, wooden charm, held together by a piece of worn-looking string - apparently old. The Master Chief's visor zoomed in, and saw that the small wooden ob ject was shaped like a kind of bird, not very realistically done but still appeared artistic - and it had a kind of tribal, almost primitive air about it. Ces then looped the charm around her neck, until it hung slightly on her chest. The amulet's shape was puzzling. Its spread out-wings and almost noble posture would remind one of an eagle, but it had no sharp beak and talons. The head was almost pigeon-like, and it had a slightly fanned-out tail, like a kestrel's. There weren't any legs on the small charm, but the small wing size would tell one that the bird was a land creature, not a real flying animal. It had attractive but impossibly minute markings on the neck and chest that would only be visible when seen close-up and not to be sighted from a distance.

2:39pm Jan 4 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: lol *spaz dance* Oh I've had the time of my life, and I owe it all to youuuu. ¬3¬ *uses spaz dance to dodge tranquilizer dart* Mud on yer face you big disgrace waving that banner all over the place singin we will we will rock you! 3< we will we will rock you *headbangs*
3:28pm Jan 4 2009
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Posts: 2,020
ooC: I have recently written a guide to the n00b kind, If you wish to view it click here http://www.rescreatu.com/viewblog.php?id=4965
4:49am Jan 5 2009 (last edited on 5:00am Jan 5 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
Ooc: I rarely recall any of my dreams. x3 I usually just know what they were about, in general. And sometimes not even that, but rather, simply that I had a dream. xD Wth, Nias? xDD You're being.. scary. Ohmais. Nice guide, thar. I now know how to communicate with n00bkind. :D Though Whit's guide from, liek, forever ago advised that we stay away from them. :o So now we have two dilemmas, at the same time. Relatively big ones, too. :o Though Knives' part will probably be a while. Hrm... Y'know, we should think of some way to incorporate the Gung-ho Guns in our own fashion. C: Like, so it's not pretty much just reenacting the events with a few differences. Rofl. Patz is fun. xD Someone was getting all excited over Flare - she'd just looked at his profile for the first time - and I commented that 'I think it's the bushy eyebrows. C; They're so powerful that they corrupted Flare, and made him look cool.' And then Pat actually continued that... 'Yea my bushy eyebrows took my pet over. When you get a pet with bushy eyebrows for over 250 days they grow so long the pet looks like Flare.' xDD "He sees it as torture, the way they use us," Vash murmured, with an undertone of bitterness, for Knives' view on the humans. "And when we were on the ship.. we..." He now trailed off, as though lost in recollection. Tessla. He still recalled her face - her worn, bandage-wrapped face - from when the twins had discovered her. An elder sister, she would have been. Though she hadn't made it anywhere near his and Knives' age. She'd died after only half a year, having been so repeatedly put under the knife, tried and tested... And he'd nearly lost faith in Rem and the rest of humankind because of it, just as his brother had. The Plant briefly wondered what would be if he had turned away from them. The thought of what could have happened was terribly unsettling. He pushed it aside and returned to reality, looking up to see the machine in the distance. It appeared like a speck, but he could tell it was coming quite quickly; it cast up clouds of dust, which billowed up into the wind. And that was usually caused by sand-steamers. But, for a reason of which he was unsure, a creeping uneasiness had swept over him, simply upon looking at it, as it surged along in the distance. Quite a distance from the town, now, Knives stopped. His gaze fell upon the machine, as well, though he was much closer. Its stench made him wrinkle his nose momentarily, in distaste. It smelt as though someone had killed a truckload of tomas and left them in the suns for a few days. The thought, in itself, was rather disgusting, and ridiculously pointless. Though the Plant's thoroughly aloof, almost bored-looking ex pression betrayed none of this. With a shrug, he turned and began to move on again, this time quite a bit more slowly. He was sure that he had plenty of time to get to his destination.

6:06am Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hehe leik I wan all urs petz nao >:k STFU!!!11 scary n00b talk o.o (^..^)~~ BiC: The Doctor didn't seem to be listening to Vash, but he had heard all that he said. The Doctor was still focused on the signal that the sonic screwdriver was giving out. It was getting stronger every second, that was when The Doctor realised he wasn't picking up a signal from Knives, he was picking up a signal from the strange wagong,or cart. he wasn't quite sure what it was yet. The the strange wagon came into view, the driver was not human. Hia flesh was a creamy blue, his back was swolen so it made a hump, only one of his eyes were visable, the other was hidden behind swollen eyelids, there were scars all over his body and he appeared to only have three fingers. The Doctor leaped out of the way as it cam hurtling past. Then an arm shot out of the window and grabbed Shade. "Ohnestly.." Said Shade as she hit the arm that had taken hold of her. It snapped off and Shade just looked at it curiously as it walked off, limped off, on three fingers.

12:09pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: nu! >:U uz cent haf mi petz. shadp, u n00b!! If Jackel would reply to my rmail(For cheese's sake, two million and possibly, very willingly, more is surely an all right offer, right? D:), I'd have Knives geet yew, for asking. C:< That is, if he doesn't geet me, first... x3 Ur hur. I made myself a peanut butter and bananas sammish, for lunch. :3 At first, I'd thought it sounded rather funky - though not nearly as bad as Raru's peanut butter and cheese. xD But it turned out to be quite tasty. Heavenly, as Riyo put it. C: Eh... Methinks maybe I'll wait for Wolfeh, before I do an actual posteh, of my own.
12:56pm Jan 5 2009 (last edited on 1:45pm Jan 5 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I just saw Van Helsing yesterday. Honestly, that movie's epic. Then a sudden thought came to meh mind, another plot for the roleplay... xDD What if we replaced the Time-Paradox-story I thought up of with this new idea I've got? I must be confusing to some people but with Ash being a vampire and Shade being... vampire-ish, and Ces being half-wolf, it would be 'mazingh. xD If nobody here has seen Van Helsing, then I'll be happy to explain... ^^ But where would mah new charrie come in? Wait, I has idea... >3> And Kitt said that Anna, from Van Helsing, reminds her of Ces... 8D Can't see it. D; Whit's a staffie!! :DD I'm really happy for her. Pat made a good choice. ^_V Who says we need to change anything at all? X3 Maybe all the Guns are alive - it would be interesting for Ces, Shade, MC, Pecan, Ash and the Doctor to meet the whole family. :3 Heh heh. xDD That's quite evil, however the stupidness. xDD Ces studied Vash for a few moments, and despite only knowing him for only a few days, she felt like she understood his situation. It was only a few years ago when she herself had seen what kind of horrors an entire race could do in such a short space of time. Yet Knives hated another species, not his own - which was what Ces could never really understand. Sometimes, though, when she tried to recall anything that had happened in the past, on that final night of destruction, it seemed as though an alien species had committed those terrible crimes. The Haran simply nodded, then turned away to dodge the wagon that had just passed, her face scrunching up in disgust at the smell. When it had passed, she stared after it for a while, then sat down cross-legged on the dusty ground, appearing bored and uninterested. The Master Chief also seemed as bored as her, and felt the same disgust as she when the cart had passed. The man - or, what should have been a man - driving the cart looked so alien and inhuman the Spartan wondered whether humans where the only beings here. OOC: Meh... I'm half-tempted to write a flashback, but that might seem to Mary-Sueish... and I abhor those things. >:O

1:09pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Urm wolfeth, tis not a far away speck any more, have you not read ma posteth ? :o
1:38pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yah, I did - but I suppose I got mixed up. xDD See, I just thought that the 'faraway stinky thing' was one of those massive, fast... things in Trigun. :3 I thought that the wagon that passed them was just a random thing. I'll go and re-edit - the internet's really playing up, it's been down for nearly the whole day. >:O
1:46pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: lol the massive fast things be Sand steamers, or something like that :3 besides if it was a Sand steamer it would probably crush all the charecrers x3 there was a noob attack in the sb and they well not they Dappleshadow accused me of being a noob D: she even used this face >:C lawls another scary noob face x3
1:47pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Flash and Nias are bein' evil... Look at the bottom of Nias' profile. x3 I hasn't seen it. :c Ye can go to the blogs, themselves, and find le blogeh thar. :3 Aye. Whitteh = ah-mazin'. C: Hrm... But then, it wouldn't really feel like our own. x3 And I actually find myself rather annoyed, with how I used to do things like that, so often. :C I kept just pulling events from the series, and rarely thought up my own... xD It was awesome. And now there are actually a couple of people looking to buy Creatu with bushy brows. :D Ohnoes. Sues = badbad. D: Well, perhaps you could go into it a bit, but not get too angsty and whatnot? Though Ces really doesn't seem angsty, like that. x3 Vash stared after the wagon as it barrelled past, his eyes widening slightly. The thing's acrid, rotton reek filled the air, along with the cloud of dust that followed it. The frightened shout of what sounded to be an old lady sounded from down the street, shortly followed by a cat's yowl. A black cat then ran past the group and jumped up into a broken window of the saloon, in which the drunken brawl had taken place. "That.. doesn't seem good," he expressed, after a moment. OoC: Short posteh. x3 I can't really think of much to post for Knivesy. ;c And Nias said she was going to wait for my posteh, anyway.

1:53pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I use that face... >:C xD Maybe I'm a n00b, without anyone, even myself, realising it. *just read Wolfeh's edit* Silly Chiefy. He musta not been paying attention to the mentions of Plants. xD Though I s'pose one could mistake the word for just plants... Aye. Massive fast(For some reason, i read that as fat, initially. xDD) things = sand steamers. C: And yah. If a steamer just rolled into a town, like that, it would probably crush a lot of things. xD
2:03pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I'm sorreh, yoshi - but I laffed. D8 Van Helsing?! :o Watchit! I can't go on the Blogs - nor the Chatzone. ;( I joined under 13, remember? Dun' matter. :3 Heh heh. xDD They'll be in for a surprise - or, rather, I will be, if Pat's right about the whole 250-age-thing... >3> But, wait - Trigun's Zenirix has only had it for 9-something days! :o I keel Sues! >:O How To Get Good At Halo (A Guide For Yoshirulers): Accedentally on purpose mistake the smallest of Grunts to the biggest of Hunters for Mary Sues. :3 (this is just a joke, about the whole guide for yoshies... thing... *remember cruel Paor-HB-Flash-joke* :o We're bullying yoshi! D8 *pats yoshi*) Meep, maybeh later. :3 But what does angsty mean? :o I'm so thick... Ces stared after the cat, feeling somewhat relieved that she was now human-formed. Still sitting on the ground, she looked over to where the cat had come from, face expressionless but alert. "Time for an investigation?" she asked the others, one eyebrow raised. "Seems so," said the Master Chief. He looked towards Vash. "Does this happen often?"

2:06pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Sand Steamers... Ahh, riight... OK, then. :3 *hits self for being a Trigun-amateur - again*
2:41pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: D8 Omgthenoes. *flails* I dun't have a boifrand! u gise r so men!! >:C xD Okeys. Shall watchit. }:[D Under thirteen means you can't go to blogs, either? D: That's poopy... Wonder when your account will count as above thirteen. ;c She used an overlay. :3 You can see a slight difference in Geass' eye. And he's actually an Iluvu, anyway. xD *pat'd* I'm lost... x3 Angsty = Omg my life is so horrible! DDDDx *cries* Everyone should sympathise with me, because I lost both my parents when I was five, and... ... *bang!* Darn Sues. >:U A bit like Kait's ridiculous story about his abusive grandma and creepy uncle, but much worse. And Sues actually mean it. xD Ehh... Nias~ Ye wants ta posteh? C: I gots nothin'. Or at least, very little. x3
2:55pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I didn't say anyfin... I only laughed... But I'm a-sorreh. ;( OK, but if you go on YouTube, don't watch any 'final battle' scenes, or anything. They're terrible spoilers. >:( I'm thirteen now (fourteen in February) and I've Rmailed Pat but got no reply... :s Oh... that would explain it, then. :3 But how does it change the species bit...? :o Here's a map. :3 *hands random map over to yoshi* Oh, god - you nearly made me fall outta my chair... bang.... xDDD Meep, Ces would never do that - she's upset about her past, obviousleh, but the Doctor's experienced pretty much the same thing. And Vash had a pretty rubbish history, and Pecan's had bad times. :P I know nought details of Shade's past, though - but it don't mean she doesn't have any. All in all, the characters have pretty reasonable ways of covering up or gently revealing about their pasts. <:3 Ces is too collected and down-to-earth to be all Sue-ish - she knows how to move on and forget. Besides, the Spectre inside is too tough on her to sympathise, so Ces knows how to be mean. >:3 But she didn't get her harsh side from the whole she's-only-mean-because-of-her-terrible-childhood-thing - she's just naturally like that. >3> Whose Kait? :D Same here. Chiefy's being boring, again... >.>

2:57pm Jan 5 2009
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Posts: 2,020
Yesh Imma posteth noa... lol Kait's story was funny Vash was all like Don't worry I'll take care of you xD BiC: "Investigate" Said Shade as the strange un-dead arm turned aroun "Yes, after that-" Shade hadn't been able to finnish her scentence as the creepy hand leapt up and took hold of her face. Shade took hold of it with both hands and managed to get it off. The putrid smell of rotting flesh was coming from it. Shade turned away and pretended to be sick. She held the arm at arms length. Ash took it from her frowning he turned to the direction Knives was apparently going and threw it. Being a vampire, and one of the strongest ones, being a Direct decendent from Redfern, the first of the Lamia, Ash threw the arm so far he thought it might just of landed on or by Knives. "Well we can investigate now" Said The Doctor pointing at the wagon wich was headed back twoard them.