12:00pm Jan 15 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: lol threaten to delete x3 good Idea... Shade! go get me a double chocolate half fat, no carbs frothy, creamy hot chocolate minus sugar with extra mallows o3o or imma delete you >3
12:55pm Jan 15 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ces, get me a- *get thwacked across head with newspaper* Forget it. :3 Hyar's a doggy tre- *gets thwacked again* Does nothing ever appeal to you?! >:O *thwackage a third time* Ces' eyes blinked open, but then she shut them tight again at the golden light of the Tardis. She wasn't on the vast plains of Gunsmoke, but on a leather sofa, possibly by herself, lying half-asleep. She wasn't also in her world of memories anymore - that was long gone, and she felt almost sad, distraught that her dreams had left her. She was aware of another being close by, and she turned with her eyes half-open to see Michi. Ces didn not recognize the girl at first, but then suspected that she must be the werewolf that had been kind to her earlier. Sitting up slowly with a small groan of sleepiness, she looked around her for a few moments, alarm coursing through her at the sight of the Doctor's unconscious body on the opposite sofa. She looked back at Michi, looking fearful. "Where are the others?" she asked, finding how small and tired her tone sounded. She felt exhausted, and badly wanted to rest, but worry for Vash, Shade and Ash made her alert.

1:10pm Jan 15 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Lawls, Ces is not going to listen *drinks a double chocolate half fat, no carbs frothy, creamy hot chocolate minus sugar with extra mallows * D< hey I said extra mallows! *is hissed at* hurm okay... so you ate them... BiC: Michi turned around to look at the girl she had just put on the sofa. She was awake, but tired and yet alert at the same time. Michi took at step twoard her. "I think they are outside" She muttered "I think" Michi's gaze turned twoard the door. Michi turned her back twoard Ces and headed for the door. Even though cut and still bleeding in most places, Michi was determined to fight, not only was it for possible the sake of the world, but also for the Circle Daybreak. Michi reached for the handle, but before she could open the door it threw itself open. Michi saw no one outsie opening the door, so by instinc she looked back, only to see a man with a wide yet pained grin on his face and one hand in the air. The Doctor was standing up head held high. He was feeling strangely energised. "Right" he said seeming to float accross the floor as he moved with so much energy "We might need these" The Doctor threw Michi a wooden staff, pointed at one end, then he threw her a knife of silver. "I'm going to kill my own kind?!" Michi asked him slightly startled "No you'r going to threaten them, possible injure them, put them out, unable to fight. Not kill them" The Doctor replied, then he turned to ces "Think you can fight?"

1:47pm Jan 15 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: She never does... >.> *gets thwacked again* God, I wish I had Shade - she brings you nice stuff. I just receive abuse from my character! *grabs newspaper and whacks Ces back* Ces stared at him for a few moments, clearly bewilered, then blinked. Then nodded - slowly. "I'll try and fight," she said quietly. "But I doubt I'll be able to do a lot..." She eyed the staff and the knife. "Might I have one of those?" Then she frowned at the silver knife, feeling an odd surge of loathing for the small ob ject. It seemed, to her, like a rusty, germ-infested thing, rather than a shiny slab of silver. And despite having metal literally running through her own veins, she felt as though this metal was unfriendly, dangerous, lethal even. Something to be feared about. "Actually, not that... I don't like it..."
2:47pm Jan 15 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Lawls, Shade is myne >:o Hands off Wolfcake, or imma melt choo Like the snow that never came D< lawls xD Haha xD your siggy... yes why do you think of Johnny Depp? o3o BiC: "Okay then, but feel weak don't keep fighting, come straight here and rest." The Doctor told her, or more commanded her. The Doctor tossed her a wooden staff then grinned. Michi smiled back at him, She was the first to leave the Tardis. Wooden staf in one hand, silver blade in the other, Michi was feeling confident, more than she had been befroe. I've never staked a Vampire, She thought to herself, let alone spear them. Michi paused a moment before she managed to dissapear into the crowd. The Doctor hessitated slightly, even though he wore a grin on his face, he was still worried for everyones saftey, but he knew something had to be done. If it was nothing important, he would just leave but not before making sure everyone was safe first. Shade was still staring at Maya, she seemed to be frozen in both fear and wonder. Mya noticed this, normaly she would explain, in some calm manner then attack. Not today though, Maya wanted to kill Shade, she wasn't going to waste any time explaining things to her. Maya then had an idea, what would be something of fun for her. Shade was trying to read Maya's face to see what she was feeling or thinking, only concentrating on her, trying to find some weaknesses. Maya grinned at her, then putting an arm in the air she snapped her fingers. Shade was confused by this, but it made her become more alert and able to feel everything around her. Shade stood on her toes ready to move at any given moment. Not to her knowledge moving quickly wasn't going to be of any help for her. A shadow suddenly moved behind her, Shade turned instinctivley to see what as there. Nothing. Shade felt its presence behind her, yet again she turned to look, and yet again, Nothing. Maya was laughing, she was amused by Shade's fear and anxious state. Shade looked at Maya then glared. Her glare didnt last long as Shade felt cold hard metal hit the back of her neck. She gasped, whatever had hit her was strong, supernaturaly strong. The metal ob ject hit Shade with suck force that she lurched foward slightly, her eyes were wide and seemed to be empty, her blood sputred everywhere, as Shade slowly fell to the ground. The last thing Shade hear was laughing, frightful, cold yet amused laughter coming from the only person Shade was able to focus on. Maya. Then Shade hit the ground and everything went black.

4:59pm Jan 15 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Well, looks like I may manage a posteh. I hate not being able to get on at home, though. ;C I can hardly do anything within the two hours that I'm left with... Of course he's loveable. ;O Sure, he's a mass murderer, but he's totally awesome. And come on, isn't his hair just adorable? 83 *attempts to pet it, but receives a threatening glare* Eheh... <:3 Though Vash's is, too. xDD Your siggy, Wolfeh... Okeys. Imma go ahead and try to get a posteh in. May not end up very long, but I needs ta posteh~ x33 ... Ok, maybe not. :C Can't get anything, while trying to do it quickly...
2:18am Jan 16 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ur hur hur. I'se sneaked on. C; And the news is awesome. 83 The forest search may be extremely saturated with numbers, at the moment, but... Down with numbers, up with buckets, I say. :D [link] Isn't it beautiful? C; My bucket empire~ ♥ Vash looked horrified, as he stopped short, before taking a step back, away from Maya and her panther attacker. He let his uninjured arm fall to his side, gun hanging loosely in his hand, while holding his right one up slightly. For some reason, he didn't interfere, despite the incredible amount of blood being spilt. It was as though he was frozen. But, as Maya.. hit the panther away with her eyes(xDD That sounds so funny..) and stood, seemingly unharmed, despite the obviously large amount of blood covering her and the bit of flesh that the assaulter had taken, his eyes widened. Surely, she couldn't be that amazingly resistant to injury. To recover so quickly, after such an attack, was.. bad, to say the least. She could at least have been slightly hurt, couldn't she? It would be so much easier... And then, as Vash watched, still simply standing there, for some reason of which he didn't realise, Maya took Shade down - hopefully only to unconsciousness - with her strange trick. He gave a sharp gasp, and move his gaze from Shade to Maya, a frown etched upon his face. He seemed unsure what to do, now; she was obviously both ridiculously strong and fast, and seemed essentially invincible. But he couldn't just stand there, and let Shade be killed by the vampiress. He'd even told her so, himself. So, throwing all rationality to the wind, he threw himself forward again, aiming a swift kick for Maya's side, and this time employing more of his own speed.

10:32am Jan 16 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yeep, don't melt mehs! If you do, I shall evaporate and come back down on ye as rain... >:3 I lol'd, when I first saw it, too. xDD And I think of JD because in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory he says "He he, you're really weird"... So, yah. x3 -_- Knives is not loveable. ... Alrighty, maybe he is... xDD Ces caught the spear with both hands and returned a smile, but it only-seemed half-hearted. She looked down at it, almost expectantly, then she threw it into her right hand and strode out of the Tardis. Her mouth fell open at the mass of fighting vampires and werewolves, and for a moment she felt reluctant to join. Then she saw a flash of red in the corner of her eye, and as she recognized Vash. Only now did she realize just how tattered and damaged his coat was. She'd seen it before, obviously, but in broad daylight he stood out even more. Not to mention his now almost-completely-black hair. She remember what Knives had told her, about him getting weaker as it became darker... Shaking her head roughly, she ran towards him, but only went so far until something large and furred collided with her. With a squeak she fell to the ground, and when she saw her attacker, she found it to be dead and bloodied - a dead werewolf. She whipped her head around, still on the ground, and saw a vampire striding towards her. His chin covered in gleaming blood, he advanced on her, hissing viciously. Ces frantically searched for the wooden staff, and leaped for it, only for the vampire to kick it away, impacting with her hand at the same time. With a growl of pained frustration, Ces narrowly dodged another kick from the vampire, flipping backwards onto her feet at the same time. She glanced at Vash, Shade and Maya, and to her horror she saw Shade lying unconscious on the ground, and for a few moments her heart seemed to have stopped beating. Shade looked badly hurt, blood spattered around her. Was she..? A sudden blow from the vampire sent Ces back down to the ground again, and she looked up to see the vampire towering above her. Everything was happening too fast... He grabbed her throat and hurled her away with a cry of delight, and she landed a surprisingly long way away. She'd never fought anything so hard, nor so strong... She felt as though her entire body was bruised. The vampire resumed his attack on her, striding towards her with malice in his eyes. Ces looked around, now scared out of her wits. Then, to her infinite relief, she saw the wooden stake lying a meter or two away from her feet. Both she and the vampire spotted it, and after a moment's hesitation they both lunged for it. Both the vampire and Ces' hands clasped around the stake, and the creature hissed angrily at the Haran. "Try this," she snarled, and extracted a long, silvery knife from her hand, and brought the weapon down on the vampire's wrist. He let go with a howl of rage, and the Haran grabbed the stake with a gleeful grin. The vampire stood up and kicked her in the face, rolling her onto her back. Her nose and cheek bleeding, she stared up at him, feeling surprised and slightly bewilered that the staff was still in her hand. "Now try this," she vampire hissed, and raised his hands for a death blow.

6:01pm Jan 16 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: yoshirules has shot a Avocado Doughnut at you! lawls *nom nom nom* wolfeth? what's a death blow? o.o Oh no! No bird gonna do that on my Cadilac D< Imma shave all your feathers off! BiC: Maya was caught by surprise at how fast Vash could move, so she failed to dodge. He's no human. Maya told herself. It seemed almost impossible for what happened next. But it happened. Shade coughed as she spat blood from her mouth, slowly she used her arms to support her as she lifted herself to her feet. Shade swayed slightly but then gained her balance. She knew her hair looked as if she had been dragged backward through a hedge, She also knew that there was probably blood everywhere. Her blood. but Shade didn't care, she felt strange as if she had recovered some old energy that was once lost many years ago. It was strange that she found it now after the whole Vampire, werewolf witchy Lupe thing. Shade noticed that Vash had managed to hit Maya, so she decided to look for the shadow. "Behind you" Said the strange whisper in her ear said. Shade turned instinctivley just to come face to face with what looked like the eyes of a demon. But stepping back Shade saw the whole face, not just eyes of a demon but the face of one to. Vampire, the first thing that came into Shade's mind. The white skin, the strange supernatural beauty, the bright yellow demon eyes. This 'shadow' was a Vampire. The Vampire looked down at her and laughed. "How did you" He said it with a smug sneer "A half shift, survive that?" Half shift? Shade thought, he thinks i'm some shapeshifter in a half shift? Idiot. Shade hissed to herself.

1:45am Jan 17 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Darn you, hand towel! D; *flails at it* I just noticed, today; its tag says 'Ecru' for the color. x33 And I can't seem to find my Ecru on any of the searches... Why did I have to go and sell her~? And for such a newb price, too. ;c Yes, he is. CC: xD Thank Alch for that. She actually gave me a Doughnut Slingshot, just because I said I've always wanted to splat someone. Cx Methinks death blow = mortal hit. It = x.x. x3 Eh... Imma posteh later. Having stood about for three hours at my school's homecoming dance has me rather tired. ... And apparently, I have a birthday party later today. Pizza. 8D
3:30am Jan 17 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: lawls, Homecoming dance? o.o Remind me not to go to any dance xD last time I sent about five people to hospital o3o hurm Death blow= mortal hit... mortal hit= Bunny has no brain? And a party o3o hehe you might have Avacado doughnuts x3 you know, I've been meaning to ask you this. Have the doughnuts you eat got a hole in the middle? ours don't, we just have jam in the middle o3o makes me want jam... 8D
3:53am Jan 17 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: Is it your birthday, then, yoshi? :D Death blow is just another word for... yeah, mortal hit. If you're hit by a death blow you're gonna die. :3 Oi, Heitch! I've had ring-doughnuts before. I adore them... The ones from Greggs. xDD I could kill to have one of those, now... Instead of silly Cheerios for breakfast. -_- I like the jam ones - but the chocolate ones are far, far nicer. 8D Shame Ces can't eat chocolate. She'd probably die. Well, at least in wolfeh form. x3 Meh... dunno whatta post. :s
7:17am Jan 17 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: mroww o3o I have never had ring doughnuts... o3o must get them xD my sister has had ring doughnuts, there were four, two for me two for her.... she ate all four Dx Oh I have applied for Writer staff :3 there has been nothing about a certain age you have to be so I though why not? xD so hopefully I shall soon be staff.
10:55am Jan 17 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: xDD Why did you go and do that, Nias? It seemed rather silly, to me. x3 It was pretty much like the dances at the junior high, but for all the fancy clothing and that they played.. even more rap music. There were only three songs that weren't rap - two rock and a techno. Really, shouldn't a formal-ish dance thing have some other sort of music? Something that doesn't make everyone want to grind on each other? ;C Really, that was just nasty. Most of ours are ring donuts. :3 There are some filled ones, but mostly just rings. And actually, I think we still call some of the non-ring ones 'funnel cakes'. xD Aye, next Tuesday. :3 I feel all oldy, though. I know fifteen is nothing, compared to some other people here, but I still feel oldy. x33 I knows what to posteh~ ;O Just have to put it to words... S'pose I shall do that nao.
1:39pm Jan 17 2009 (last edited on 1:42pm Jan 17 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: Buts, Nias, Pat said you gots to be sixteen to be staffie at all. :o I prefer the ringed ones... >3> Greggs' rings with sugar are just teh awesome... Wow, fifteen. :D Way to goes. I'll try and get summat' for ye. >3> New nice song for my lil' Cloud. ^^ It's Chinese, and I can't understand a word of it, but it sounds all nice... <:3 Lulz, I got two new hoodies today - and they are just epic. xDD The first one I fell for is this lightweight black one with a wild array of white guns on it (mainly pistols x3), and the second is just unbelievable. It's black as well, but it's extra thick and warm and it's got these weird ice-cream monsters eating each other. xDD Red and blue ones, cones and lollies, and it's just so weird. xD My sister wasn't that better off, hers were just as strange. x3 Best posty... I gots' new ideas for Cessie.^^ As the vampire brought his impossibly powerful arms down, Ces rolled away quickly, grimacing as the dust touched her sore cuts on her face. The vampire gave an outraged snarl, and just as he did so, Ces felt an odd warmth on her chest, a kind of numbing urge on where her heart was. She glanced down, and saw that her charm was glowing slightly, flashing white every second or so, telling her something. It's ready! Ces though. I can gain a fo- But a new sensation on her chest made her lurch forward, a kind of forceful shove that made her gasp. Don't get distracted! the Spectre's furious snarl rang in her ears. Now, do as I tell you, Yamaka! What must I do? Ces asked, now more alert but also startled by the Spectre's sudden action. Soul-Animals never physically controlled their Haran's bodies, they left their Harans to their own business. Even when Ces was in near-death situations, the Spectre would not intervene, never try to save her life. But this seemed to be an exception. The Spectre must want something badly. And, Ces was also feeling quite distant - she could not recall the last time she'd spoken personally with her Soul-Animal. Swap the kwail charm for your kentracha! the Spectre commanded forcefully, almost fiercely. The power will still stay the same, just do it quick! Then you can kill the vampire! Ces frowned, her hands halfway to her chest, ready to tear off the kwail and start fumbling about for her kentracha's. The vampire lunged for her again, and she dodged, unsure and conused about what to do. The Spectre had never been wrong, yet Ces felt as though she would do a mistake. Kwails would be useless against a vampire, so why was she so hesitant? Being a kentracha would give her a huge advantage against her opponent. Then she made her decision. Ces tore away the charm tied around her neck, and her hand dived into her pocket of other necklaces. Running sideways madly around the vampire, her fingers searched for the spiked, snake-shaped charm, her legs feeling shaky and uncontrolable as the vampire made continuous lashed for her. Then she found the desired item, and took it out with a satisfied grin. But when she looked at the vampire, all she saw was a fist. With a small cry she fell to the ground, her eyes watering horribly with pain. Inside her mind, she could hear the Spectre's voice whispering, murmuring spells that would help save Ces' life.

3:35pm Jan 17 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: nu Wolfeh tis sixteen to be a support staff he was on the sb one night and I swear he said nothing of being sixteen to become writer staff x3 besides it dosen't ask of your age. Hurm I on't actualy know what to post...
3:43am Jan 18 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yeh. By the time I actually started on my posteh, my dad was all like, 'We're going to leave, soon. Get reddeh! ;O' Except without the silly pronunciation or the face. And I had been cooking Ramen for myself, too, but didn't get to eat it... Ye doesn't need ta get me anything~ x3 The first one sounds spiffy. But the second.. xD I wish we had hoodies like that. I really don't think I've ever seen any that were so full of win. What are Kitt's like? :3 I'm pretty sure I heard him and some other staff members say it was sixteen for all applications... ;o xD Ohyahs, and I'se been playing WoW again. Got a new account all set up, yesterday, and I'm at level ten, now. Though I really won't enjoy it quite as much until twenty, when cat form comes in. ;3 I s'pose, since I was an ex-WoWer, maybe now I'm a re-WoWer. 8D Seeing that Maya didn't aniticipate his attack, or at least the swiftness of it, Vash let a fleet grin prance across his face. It was soon gone, though, as he resumed his assault, jumping back a bit to let his foot fall to the ground, before leaping forward again, this time attempting a quick jab with his uninjured elbow. The pain in his right arm from her earlier assault had deadened a bit, now becoming more ignorable, but it would still be difficult to use. He knew this attack was unlikely to harm the vampiress; if having her neck mauled by a panther left her with nothing but blood stains on her clothing, an elbow seemed pretty unlikely to do much. But it was better to attempt something, and possibly find some sort of weakness, than to stand about pondering it. Now quite a number of iles out on the plains of desert, where the normal winds seemed to be rather calmer than usual, Knives still walked on. And he seemed not to find it tiring, in the least, despite the suns' heat, as it devoured the sands and the air, driving most of what scarce life there was, there, into the ground. But the Plant abruptly stopped, casting a glance behind him. A feeling of unease and anxiety had steadily crept into his mind, yet it didn't quite feel like his own. It seemed out of place. And he was sure that he knew why.

5:40am Jan 18 2009 (last edited on 5:42am Jan 18 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Meh. I gotta do my computer homework, sometime, so I'd better be quick about this... >3> I love them both. xDD Kitt's are just about, if not more, as weird. The first is this strange black-and-red one styled to look like hundreds of labels, with a black space-kitty on it. xD The second is pretty normal - if it weren't for the hood. White with purple skulls, wings ect, the zip goes right up so you can actually cover your entire head in it. xD Then there are these black-netting holes to look through. x3 I joked she looked like Kroenen, from Hellboy. xDD They were really once-in-a-lifetime finds. Yah. Didn't he say it on a News Update once? WoW looks good. Shame you have to pay to play - I don't really get to play online stuff that require money. It's fine with me, really. I'm good with all the free ones. <:3 God, scary moment there... I accedentally clicked one of my "Glitter Graphics" tab-things, and I stopped it loading before I could lose all that I'd typed... 8O *is more careful now* The vampire stopped for a moment, staring at Ces, almost thoughtfully. Her movements were now slightly faster and less human-like, more like a bird's than anything. Then he gave a rough shake of his head, as thought assuring himself that it was simply an illusion, and he sprang at her, hissing. Ces narrowed her eyes, hearing the Spectre's rining words in her head. It's done! Get out of its way! A second or so before the vampire met his target, however, Ces leaped nimbly aside, and in that split second of realization a look of confusion crossed the vampire's face, then fear at the smirk Ces passed him - You lose, I win. As she practically flew from him, a white light surrounded tightly to her body, and for less than a moment everything was still, suspended in time. Then the light faded away, and the vampire crashed to the ground, his alarmed eyes fixed on Ces. A meter or two taller than a man, Ces was no longer human-formed, nor wolf-formed. Instead, a dragon-like snake towered above the vampire, a kentracha, pupiless white eyes fixed on her target. Her mouth was open in a kind of laughing smile, a pointed tongue flickering with the cold hiss she was making. Her scales were a golden-brown, with a paler underbelly and what seemed to be fur lining her spine. Unlike a Chinese dragon, however, she did not have the long, fleshy strands coming from her nostrils, nor the ex pression-baring face. She looked snakelike more than anything, and sticking out of her chest were two, sharp-taloned claws, drawn back and protected. It was as though she were seeing something she was truly delighted to see, too overjoyed to reach out and touch it, taking her time to properly examine the thing she so wanted. The vampire stood up and backed away from her, but she slowly advanced on him. Then, much too quickly, she leaped forward, her teeth-ridden mouth open in a roar. Then she brought herself back up suddenly, swinging her huge tail and impacting with the vampire, sending him several meters away. Then she slithered just as fast up to the vampire, who was now more bewilered than frightened, and brought her massive tail back down on him, crushing the ribs, the spine, anything that was unfortunate enough to be hit. Then her head dived down, cruelly-sharp teeth tightening around him, and she hurled him upwards into the air. He fell back down, right in front of her, bloodied and powerless but slowly healing his wounds. Ces stared down at him and couldn't remember the last time she had felt so powerful, so invincible, so deadly. The vampire was too badly injured to barely move, and all he could do was watch as a small black bead of venom began to develop on one of Ces' snakelike fangs, a constant hiss of pleasure coming out from deep inside her scaled throat. She was gradually forgetting what and who she was, too caught up in the thrill of the kill to even remember her own name. Or even who her friends were. The black-haired cat-girl, the brown-eyed time-traveller, the red-coated man... were they prey as well? Were they like the strange little creatures that resembled humans but only drank blood, one of which was lying powerlessly at her feet? She glanced away to see Vash and Shade, and suddenly wondered which would taste better. If she were human-formed, she would be horrified, but she was feeling too good to even think twice about who was prey and who was ally.

6:38am Jan 18 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Wolfeh, I know that Nia and Katie both have Jackets with the hood that goes all the way up o3o not once in a life toime finds, there is plenty more of them in Blue banana ^^ oh and I have another Kioka xD now I have two o3o BiC: Shade seemed to ignore this strange Vampire in front of her. She was cought up in wondering how on earth she had recovered so quickly. She was so cought up in thinking that, Shade, failed to notice Ces gaining a new form and failed to also notice the white light which had surrounded her. Not concentrating Shade didn't notice what the Vampire was dooing. The Vampire raised the metal club into the air, high above his head. Shade turned to look at him, only then did she notice, but it was to late. The club came down with an in-human force. Shade was hit a few meters away, blood splattering over the floor. Shjade landed with a thud and a crack, as the bone in her arm snaped. The Vampire calmly walked twoard her, Shade tried to focus on him, but her vision was blurred as for a second time in only a few minutes, Shade slowly fell into darkness. The Doctor strade out of the Tardis, wooden staff in hand. The first thing he noticed was a strange snake like creature with pupiless white eyes. "Now where did that come from..." He asked himself slowly dareing to walk twoard it. Ash running through the chaos finaly came accross a black panther. The Panther was limp on the dusty ground. "Keller" He whispered sternly "Keller, get up now" He wasn't asking her, it was more of a demand. Ash was demanding that Keller got up. Slowly the panther opened its eyes. With a groan of pain it stood on all four feet. "What?!" It growled at Ash "I see you're fine then" He told the panther smugly Keller growled at him "Well, what do you want this time?"

9:58am Jan 18 2009
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OOC: No, not just the hoods - as I know there would were be a few others around x3 - but just the whole weirdness of them all. They're from a company I've never heard about, and there were only one of each of them in da shop, so... yah. ^^ Ces raised her huge head into a killing bite, but then spotted another form walking towards her. Had she been human, she would have recognized him as the Doctor, and even now she wondered when and how she'd seen him before. She sniffed the air curiously, her mouth now closed, and fixed her white eyes on him. Not him! shrieked a small voice in her head. Being so caught up in the thrills of her rare hunts, she barely acknowledged the Spectre's bark. That's your friend! Ces then felt something turning her head, a kind of force that reminded her of a Soul-Animal's demanding action. Her gaze met the vampire advancing on Shade. Get him! Ces felt oddly confused. The cat-thing? she asked curiously, half wondering where the voice had come from. But the Spectre's over-enthusiastic urges to forget her human decency and give in to the bloodlust of an animal had been a little too eager. Ces had now not only forgotten her name and her origin, but also what kind of species she really was. Kentrachas didn't have annoying little voices ringing inside their heads. So what was she? And where was she? No, you pea-brained reptile! The vampire! (OOC: Hee hee xDD) Oh, right. The kentracha, unsure of whether the 'vampire' was the cat-thing or the armed man, opened her mouth in a hissing, unnatural roar, and charged towards the two of them, now remembering a little more than she'd expected. Of course, the voice was her Soul-Animal, the Spectre... The cat-thing was someone called Shadow... or was it Shade? And the stranger with the stick... Why could she hear two hearts beating inside him? And why did these 'vampires' have no beartbeat at all? What was her name? She reared up at the vampire, taller than usual, her tongue flickering interestingly, tasting, smelling the air. Hunting, killing, always seemed quite fun. Having the feeling of invincibility, owning all the deadly abilities of a hunter... She dived towards the vampire, snake-like teeth outwards, the tips gleaming with a fatal black venom. She couldn't reemember the last time she'd had so much fun. However, the vampire she had tried to kill before was still alive. His spine and ribs healed a little, he ran towards her, hissing. Ces changed direction (why not?) and her head dived for him. The results were interesting. His arms opened wide, the vampire caught Ces' massive, tooth-lined jaws and was holding them agape, his incredible strength alone keeping him from those teeth - which were inches from his face, not to mention the venom that was actually dripping off her teeth and onto his head. He grimaced, resisting a scream of agony, and a faint hissing noise came from the dark liquid. Ces pushed harder, the vampire moved back slightly, but he didn't falter. Ces felt confused - nothing had ever done this before. A slight frown of confusion etched across her face, until it was crossed with one of anger. Then the vampire, much too suddenly for her liking, snapped her jaws shut and trapping her long, thin tongue in between. With a screech of agony that sounded as earsplitting as nails on a blackboard, Ces threw her head back, sending the vampire flying away. And what seemed to be steam was coming out of her nostrils in pale wisps of greyish fumes, her fur along her spine so straight it seemed as firm as stone itself.
