11:41am Jan 18 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xD Those hoodies sound freakin' awesome. What company is it? I wants to look it up and see if they sell any around here. 83 If they don't, that shall be very un-spiffy. You guys seem to have a lot of nifty stuff that doesn't exist, over here.. Like Ed and Oucho. x33 I do that sometimes. It really is scary, especially when you're nearly finished with a posteh. D8 I can't exactly posteh, at the moment. ;o *pokes Maya repeatedly, in a hopefully annoying manner*
1:26pm Jan 18 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: *taps nose* xDD Nah, it's Living Dead Souls, and by god do I love their labels. xD They're sort of gothic... And I likes gothic stuff. >3 Good news: Ed and Oucho are back! :D Even better news: Holly and Dunceton are gone! I wuz' there when they returned. >3 Ed and Oucho literally kicked the other two out. xD T'was hilarious. Yah. That's one reason why you so love slow loadings - gives you plenty of time to press the red X button. xD *hides underneath desk at yoshi-Maya pokage* Suddenly, I have regained my liking for the Lord of the Rings... >3> Watched the first yesterday, now the extended version of the second is on now. >3 I'm missing a bit, just so I can type this - but I've seen it enough times anyway. <:3 A very >3-full post... >3>
2:03pm Jan 18 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Ed and Oucho have been back a while now wolf o3o Yoshi, you can get similar ones in Blue Banana o3o tis one of my fave shops xD although I've never bought anything form there...
2:55pm Jan 18 2009
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The Vampire saw as one of his kind was thrown back by a snake creature. The Vampire recodnised it as a Kentracha. A sly grin came accross his face. Forgetting about Killing Shade for Maya, the Vampire turned his attention to Ces. Swiftly while the creature still had her back turned to him, The Vampire brought the metal club down on its back, he put all his strength into the attack, no human would of survived it. The Kentracha howerver, might be a different story. Maya hissed at Vash. His attack had hurt, to an extent. Slowly, or rather quite fast, the pain dissapeared. You'll pay for that. Maya told Vash using telepathy. But I must admit, you're quite fast for Vermin. Maya hadn't yet realised Vash wasn't human, she hadn't the time to fully examine him and his mind. Maya would soon have time to do that though. With a hiss she lunged at him bearing her fangs and holding a knife in her hand. Maya first tore at Vash with her fangs, then she slashed the knive at his face. Not knowing if she had managed to cut his face or not, Maya stopped just behind Vash. A cold wind suddenly blew as a smirk crept accross Maya's face, blowing her black hair backwards, it looked like a waterfall of midnight. Shade was floating, surrounded in a pool of soft white light. Her eyelashes fluttered as her eyes opened. Where am I? Shade asked herself, she wasn't speaking out-loud. Shade was speaking in a telepathic voice. Am I dead? Shade tried to get up, that was when she realised that she couldn't get up. You're not dead. Replied a cool calm voice. You're just dreaming, don't worry or panic, you'll wake up soon. Shade looked puzzled as she floated in the light. But... who are you?. Shade was beggining to calm down, she stopped panicing and stoped being scared. Somehow the cool calm voice was relaxing. I am you, well sort of... It's rather difficult to explain. Shade began to relax more, just as she was about to speak again another voice began to speak. It's not that difficult. This voice sounded like that of a ten year old, but a ten year old with the knowledge of someone who was thousands of years old. Basicaly, we are the dead parts of you, Angels. Shade's eyes widened. Angels? She asked Yes Angels, we have been here for about one hundred odd years for Maya to find you. Shade interrupted A hundred years! But I'm not a hundred years old!? Shade was now in some state of shock. Well you better believe it, us Angels know everything, I mean everything. You see a lot of things from up here. I'll explain, see after your whole specie was killed, by humans just testing wanting to learn our immortality, and how we never get diseases such as cancer which was killing humans at the time, well after that time you and a few others excaped, but the others were weak, after a day or two they died, you were left alone. Shade was listening to this ten year old's voice takeing in all the details But what about Shadow and Dawn? They survived. The voice laughed Oh dear no, they are of a different specie, they weren't immortal like you, that is why they were killed, you remember that. Shade nodded simply. I'll continue, so you were the only one left, traveling alone, a lost soul. That was when Shinra found you, they tested on you just as the other humans did, through the testing you lost all memory of your past. You hearing all this? Shade nodded, she was concentrating on listening. Then you met Ces, you two instantly clicked and well you know the rest, you became friends, best friends, and now you have some sort of sisterly bond. You worked with the remenants for a while, then you met Vash the Stampede and all the others. Shade nodded again Then I met Ash and that was when I met Maya. Shade told the voice Yes, and now you're going to die again, for a thirteenth time. Shade went into panic again But you said yourself I'm immortal!? How can I die? The voice seemed to sigh. Then a small girl appeared in the pool of white light, she looked exactly like Shade did when she was young. "Because Maya can kill you, she has done in the past, I'm proof of that, and so are they" The girl who looked like Shade nodded to behind Shade Shade turned around to see eleven other people, all slowly appearing into the pool of light. Every one looked like Shade. Some had blonde hair, others red. One had brown hair, just like the hair Ces has. Even though different hair colour and height, all had cat ears and tails, all were what Shade was. Fera... Twelve voices told her. You are a Fera, the last of the Fera, and you're going to die soon. Shade suddenly fell out of the white light and seemed to re-enter her body. She didn't wake up but her fingers twitched as she slowly tried to wake.

3:20am Jan 19 2009 (last edited on 3:23am Jan 19 2009)
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OoC: But we don't have Blue Banana, either. ;C I looked up both and all their prices are in pounds, which means they probably don't exist in the US. I think it would be really spiffy, though, if I could find something having to do with Trigun. Though, if it had any guns on it, I'd probably be unable to wear it to school... Really, the restrictions have gone much too far. >:C Heck, my friend Caitlin even said she got in trouble for drawing a person with a pair of knives, and that it was taken away and trashed. Speaking of knives.. I'm such a dork. xD Earlier, on WoW, someone asked where you find an item called 'Fan of Knives'. But, as it usually is, there, the question was all lowercase. So, initially, I'd thought it was 'fan of Knives' instead, and I nearly replied, 'Well, he is pretty freakin' awesome. I don't see how you could not like him. ;3' Cx Though hearing Ces' screech of pain, Vash attempted to stay focused on Maya, keeping light on his feet. But, upon hearing the vampiress' voice in his head, he stopped, eyes widening in surprise. He'd never heard anyone's voice but Knives' within his mind, aside from perhaps that of Rem. But she was only there as a memory, despite how real that memory had seemed. And in the recent days, she'd been fading, anyway, though the reason for that was uncertain to Vash. Even the rest of the Plants were unable to do so; they knew and used no language, and thus, only conveyed more universal things, such as emotions, to each other. And this faltering turned out to be at just the wrong time, as Maya stayed true to her promise that he would pay for his previous assault. Vash was left entirely unprepared for her attack, and received it fully. With a restrained cry of pain, he lifted a hand to his face, for a moment. But he let it fall again, turning slightly to cast Maya a glare. A slash cut across one side of his face, extending from the bridge of his nose down to his jaw. And it was bleeding rather badly, a trail of red extending from its bottom tip to under his chin, before gathering and falling to stain the sand at the Plant's feet, and a few bloody fingerprints, from where he'd touched his face after having wet his glove with it. (*grins all evil-like* C8<) Then, even as he continued to glare at Maya, Vash's hair began changing again. A small bit of black appeared on its tips, bleeding slowly downward, like spilt ink seeping into it. But, after a few moments, that tipped inkwell became an upturned bucket of paint. Descending swiftly toward the roots of the Plant's hair, the darkness appeared to devour what little light was left in it. And it nearly succeeded entirely; only a small clump was left, in a bit of hair that hung down in front of Vash's face, near his left eye. All while this occurred, the cut across his face gradually faded, eventually leaving only stains of red upon his skin. He blinked, distracted by the pain's sudden disappearance, both there and in his arm. If not for that, he wouldn't even have noticed what had happened.

12:31pm Jan 19 2009 (last edited on 12:43pm Jan 19 2009)
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OoC: you have no blue banana ? D8> wow. hurm, well wolfeh told me in school, that what she might make Ces do... it's kinda icky xD *om nom nom* tis a clue o3o BiC: Shade slowly opened her eyes. Everything was blurry, but it soon came into focus. She then realised how much her arm hurt. With a groan she sat up then looked at it. Her arm was obiously broken, the bone could be seen under the skin just sticking out slightly. Shade frowned then reluctantly pushed it back into place. She hissed at the pain this caused and just seemed to sit there in a daze for a while, waiting for her arm to feel beter before moving. Maya noticed Vash's hair change colour. It was strange, she hadn't seen anything like it before. Maya thought nothing of it, whilst still standing behind Vash, Maya moved her arm swiftly backwards hiting Vash with it in his lower back, then dragging her arm accross his back Maya slashed him with the knife. Then finishing her attack, Maya turned to face Vash's back. Ash, saw Maya attacking Vash. Now he was confused, and worried. He was confused at why Maya was attacking Vash now, she only wanted to kill Shade. Ash was woried that Maya was only attacking Vash because she had killed Shade. Shade? He asked telepathicaly Shade can you hear me?. Wait. what am I dooing? Ash asked himself, Shade wasn't going to be able to reply, Shade wasn't a vampire. Ash looked down at Keller, she was looking up at him, her cat-like face was frowning. "I want you to look for Shade" Ash told her "She is the one Maya is supposed to be killing, looked just like the ten year old she killed last time, only older" "Right, so just look out for a strange girl with cat ears." Keller replied, before Ash could say anything more Keller took off in search of Shade. Shade was still trying to put the bone back in its rightful place when she heard a high pitched shreak. It was so high pitched, no human could of heard it. But she was sure that the Vampires could hear it just as she could. It hurt. Shade covered her ears then looked to where the sound had come from. That's when she saw what was makeinfg the sound. It was a Vampire. He was above the rest of the crowd, screaming and hissing in pain. He had been stabbed, stuck on a wooden staff, just like chicken on a kebab. There was dark red blood running down the staff, his heart seemed to be pierced and on the top of the staff, while his body was slowly slipping further down it. What Shade noticed the most was the blood. There was so much of it, no human could of had that much blood, it was just strange. Shade found herself following the pole, downwards to see who was holding it. It was no one she knew, but yet she felt that she did know this brown haired girl, her eyes were a soft brown, almost glowing. The girls skin was darker than the vampires, so her being a vampire was ruled out. Her eye's were not purple, unlike the witches she had seen, so the girl being a witch was also not possible. The only things she could be were Werewolf, shape shifter or Human. Shade simply sat there wondering about it.

1:50pm Jan 19 2009 (last edited on 2:03pm Jan 19 2009)
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OoC: Don't think so. D; Icky? Now I'm wondering what it could be. x33 Gah. Stupid n00b battle challenges. >:C Gauntlet would never fall to a baby Otachie, but nooo, it turns out that he only had four health left, having lost fifteen to the spring. I suppose it's a good thing they'd logged off, by the time I found and accepted the battle. But they're still going to find their rmail inbox and inventory a lot fuller than it was, for it. C; Finally, a good use for the 20k Messengers and Submarines. Cx Sorry 'bout this, Vashers... Vash, again distracted and not noticing Maya's attack, had no time to attempt a dodge. He let out a shout of anguish, stumbling forward slightly but managing to stay standing, albeit a bit bent. A pained hiss, and he sent Maya another fierce glare. He didn't move more than that, though, as doing so would only intensify the pain and likely hurt him even more. And the blackness continued on its way, again beginning at the tips like ink seeping slowly through a piece of parchment, then speeding up until it could go no farther. At the last moment, though, it slowed again, as though savoring a victory. During this, the slash across his back disappeared, just as the other two cuts had. Though it left quite an amount of blood, soaking his skin and coat, and staining the cloth a darker red than it already was. Vash's hair was now entirely blackened, not a strand of blonde left. He stood straight again, appearing to have recovered entirely from the gash across his back. The pain had vanished, almost as though it had never been there, at all. A dark grin briefly flashed across his face. Well, looks like you're going to- He faltered, then, doubling slightly with a gasp that cut off his telepathic taunt. His eyes widened, the blue of his irises gradually disappearing into a pale glow. And once they appeared to be gone, his pupils soon followed, leaving his eyes nothing but white, just as it had happened on those previous occasions, all but one of which had ended in him destroying something. And just as those other occasions went, the glow was followed by the feathers. They began to appear on his face, tiny and purely white, then continuing downward, covering his neck, protruding through his coat as though it wasn't there. But, unlike those other times, they froze after a moment, their tips staining with black, just as his hair had. The white glow in his eyes began to fade, and the feathers vanished just as soon as they'd appeared. And the Plant fell to the ground, casting up a small cloud of loose sand.

3:13pm Jan 19 2009 (last edited on 9:48am Jan 20 2009)
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OoC: Aye Icky xD *om nom nom* And I'm sure you have a blue Banana around somewhere xD Lawls, you should be sorry, poor Vash x3 ZOMG D8> Teh Elephant on Elephant.com, he wears what the doctor wears o.o BiC: Maya snorted, Walking twoard the body on the floor. Maya kicked Vash, just to make sure he wasn't trying anything funny. Satisfied that she had finished him, Maya turned to Shade. Shade wasn't concentrating, and didn't notice Maya advancing on her. Move! A voice commanded her. I said Move! Now you stupid Cat!. Shade suddenly became aware of the world again and leapt to the right. That was when a black panther appeared to the left, it pounced on Maya and began to tear at her neck again. Keller knew tearing at Maya's neck wasn't killing her, but it would give Shade time to run, get away from Maya. Shade didn't run. She did nothing. Shade was confused, was it the panther who had told her to move? Or someone else. The panther seemed to be female, the voice in her head was that of a male. Yo Cat, move it. You don't want to be killed do you? Shade shook her head. Of course she didn't want to die, not there anyway. Well come on then get a move on, oh and grab your friend along the way. Shade looked around, the panther was holding Maya off. Getting to her feet, Shade swayed slightly then hissed. Her arm still hurt. Tell you what Cat. The voice said almost sympatheticaly. You relax don't do anything, just let me do everything. Shade inhaled deeply, then exhaled. She seemed to be completely relaxed, then Shade was moving, walking twoard Vash. How she was, she had no idea. Shade wasn't trying to move it was as if her movements were automatic. The Voice, the voice can controll my movements? Shade asked herself. Yes I can do that, now just relax, you're not in any danger from me. Shade seemed to trust the voice as she knelt beside Vash. Somehow, Shade even though smaller than Vash, she managed to lift Vash off the ground, only slightly. Not pausing because of the pain this caused her arm, Shade seemed to automaticaly move twoard the Tardis. Almost there, then you can rest. The voice was soothing, calm. It made Shade happy when she heard it.

3:54pm Jan 19 2009 (last edited on 8:01pm Jan 19 2009)
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OoC: Shekickedhim! D< *flings donuts at her head* ... *casts a donut toward Vashers, too* :3 Donut Slingshot comes in handy. Bahaha. I've now got ninety-nine 20k Submarines and Messengers, altogether. And they shall all go to that n00b, along with an actual message I'll send first. 8D Omg. xD I'm continuing the cleaning of my room again, today, and some of this stuff is just.. wow. My handwriting used to be horrid, and.. *snerk* I had a drawing of a shield-thing with three dragons on it, and I'd called it.. 'The Sheild of Mysticalness'. xDD I can't even say that without using a funny voice and then iggling. Well, methinks I shall wait a bit, to posteh again. :3 I could posteh for Knives, but I'll just wait.
8:08pm Jan 19 2009
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Posts: 3,265
Oh... I'll leave my hiatus!~ Name: Maybell Gender: Female Species: Noodle!
3:12am Jan 20 2009 (last edited on 3:17am Jan 20 2009)
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OoC: Hulloz, Maybell. :D Though I must say, a noodle may not work too well, in this particular Random Roleplay. Cx It's a different sort, and rather than being silly random, like most Random Roleplays, it's much more serious, its randomness being in the changing plot and characters. The first post explains a bit, and I've actually started changing it some to hold a bit more explanation and summary of recent events. Though I'm having some trouble in explaining Nias' and Wolfeh's characters. ;o *poke poke* Of course, I'm sure you can still join, if you want to and if Nias is all right with it, since she's actually the roleplay's original creator. Just need to create a more serious and thorough character, I s'pose. :3
4:10am Jan 20 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: *inhales* Ah.. The smell of a freshly-detonated item bomb. It smells like win. :,3 Twenty-three 20k Messengers and seventy-six 20k Toy Submarines, all sent to that n00b along with a single message, just chock-full of love. ;D Hrm.. I'm wondering if maybe I should go ahead and posteh. Knives-sama needs a posteh, since Vash has gone and gotten himself keel'd. Of course that has nothing to do with the evils of a somewhat sadistic Yoshi. Not at all. x3 It was all Maya, that's it. And then she went and kicked him! D< Nah. I waits 'til after school, at least. ;o And of course I'm not post-spamming~ Psh. Cx
10:20am Jan 20 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Nah you're not post spamming, pshaw D; lol x3 that n00b has been flooded with r mails and junk items xD maybe that's what Patrick created the 20K messengers and stuff for o3o hehe Vasheth has gotten himself keel'd by Maya, strongest of teh Vampies x3 lol Pies... nothing to do with you Yoshilisk, you're innocent >> Yesh Knives needs a posteth, he's just out in the middle of somewhere alone poor Kinves D; lawls poor knives, makes me laff just saying that xD Hurm Shade seems to have brought a spirit back with her, one with un-finished buisness, just like in the Night world book four ,I think, Dark Angel tis the name. I loved that book ^^ in fact I love them all, now there's a new plot in the books to do with wild powers, I've read book nine and there is a 10th book. People have waited ten years for the final book, now it's supposed to come out in March, so must have book >83
11:46am Jan 20 2009
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OoC: Meep o3o Browsing photobucketz fer pictures of Valkyries, don't ask why, just seeing if I could spell it xD, well anyway, was browsing and I found this ... looks like Shad with brown eyes, tidy hair and a maid costume xD http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb209/redninja4/Various%20Anime/sanada1.png
12:46pm Jan 20 2009 (last edited on 2:10pm Jan 20 2009)
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OOC: Gah, took me ten minutes to read through all that. xDD With interruptions, of course - Kitt hatching one of my desired Creatu and a blondie for herself got me quite distracted. <:3 I'm not allowed on the computer for a whole week, but I'm on quickly now. Doan't get worried if I don't come on for another few days. ;3 Gah, HEITCHBEE! >8O You gaveth away mah sneaky idea! *thwacks Heitch across head* And I noz' that Oucho's been back for ages. Just wanted to mention it now. <:3 I was watching it when Holly and Dunceton were kicked out. And, kentrachas are only Haraniphic creatures... They live only in Ces' world. They're the dragons of her world, and don't like on Earth, Gunsmoke, or any other planet/country/unnamed fantasy world. :3 As the metal club came down on Ces' back, her head flew backwards and she let out a roar of agony. The scales on her back were hard and almost impenetrable, but they became smaller and softer, like snakeskin, as it neared her pale underbelly. Luckily, the club hadn't impacted on her fragile skin, but it tore through her slightly tougher scales like a knife through paper, the unnerving sound of metal against flesh unnaturally loud. Her eyes now a pure-white, she fixed her gaze on the vampire, and for a moment, she stood perfectly still, unmoving, like a statue, as though considering the best way to cause him pain. But then her gaze turned to a sudden movement in the corner of her eye. Vash was lying still on the ground, unmoving and silent. Ces felt confused, and to her own surprise, only a little concerned. He seemed to go through so much damage and pain, only to survive everything he went through. She sniffed in his direction curiously, then slowly, began to move towards his direction, her head lowered slightly and bending her neck. When she came upon him, she gently nudged his head. Nothing else happened. Then she realized that he had no heartbeat - no rythmic noises that represented a living being. Her heart plummeting, she nudged him again, nearly rolling him over, this time with a small, urgent grunt. Her movement was a little too rough, almost impatient, as though she were trying to awaken him from a deep sleep. Yet she felt as though she had no control over herself. She knew it already. There would be no point in trying any longer. Ces' breathing quickened slightly, and her brow furrowed. She then felt as though nothing else in the world mattered, only the fact that a close friend wasn't alive any more. The vampires, Maya, even Shade... seemed like a long-lost memory. And this was barey believable, either. It seemed unreal, impossible. She had known him for only a few days, yet it suddenly seemed like a few years. The wound on her side felt numb, nothing compared to the kind of hurt she felt now. "Vash," she whispered, gently nuzzling his black hair, trying to force back the pain clouding her shaking voice. She was trembling slightly, her tail suspended a little above the ground. Then her body fell to the ground, lying still, her muzzle resting on Vash. Her eyes closed, a small tear broke out from between her eyelids and slid down her scaled face.

6:09pm Jan 20 2009 (last edited on 1:35am Jan 22 2009)
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OoC: xD I'd nearly forgotten... I's mai burfdai. :D Nah, I think maybe they didn't realise just how many of them there would come to be. Cx 'Cause I remember thinking they were pretty spiffy, when they first came out. But then, as more people joined and started visiting the Twuntie Cay, they became more and more worthless. ;o Yes, and she kick'd 'im. >C Kicking Vashers' body ish nawt niec. Obsessed mad-woman does not approve. *kicks Maya* Naw.. No computer? :C Tha's no fun. And you can't very well sneak on, like I've been doing, right? D; Just as he turned to continue on his way, shaking his head slightly, attempting to rid himself of those foreign, unnerving feelings, Knives stumbled slightly, then halted again, with a hiss. It had felt as though he'd run into a wall of pain, intense and lingering. After a moment, a small snake of black slid its way down the front of his own hair. Knives noticed this, unlike his brother's ignorance to it, and his eyes widened.
Slowly, he brought a hand up to touch the dark wedge. It felt no different from the rest of his hair, physically, but his fingers instantly recoiled, as though having recieved an unpleasant shock. The Plant now frowned, almost a scowl, his hand clenching into a fist.
"That.." he began in a low hiss-
OoC: Meep. Has to go. :CC I shall edit and finish later.

10:39am Jan 21 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Happy birfday to yooou... :D *thinks of good present* Yah. I loved the 20K Messengers, because of their owly-ness, but now they plague my Inventory... ;( I so wanted one, I actually bought my first ever 20k Messenger. xDD :3 *kicks desk* Well, Imma sneaking on now. I mean, I suppose I'm allowed on now, aren't I...? :o Er, post-mix-up. xD Shade carried Vash away after Ces switched her attention to him. <:3 Now, icky-ness... xDD Ces stood up and backed away slightly as Shade carried away Vash. Although now reptile-formed, her ex pression bore as much emotion as a human's features. Like before, she stood as still as a statue, completely silent and unmoving, suspended in time itself. Her pupiless white eyes showed no feeling, although the mane of fur along her spine was now looser than before, not stiff and spiked, as though the energy to keep them upwards had completely drained away. The first vampire from before, now who had completely regained his strength, leaped onto Ces' back and punched her neck with a blow strong enough to kill a man. Nearly stunned, Ces fell forwards with a pained cry and tried to turn around to see her attacker, but he kicked her again and she stumbled forward, somehow managing to regain her balance and properly face him. Her swaying tail clumsily caught him off guard and he fell, where Ces could see him properly. Only now did the need to avenge Vash came into her head. Since then, she had been simply mourning. Now she wanted to kill something, an unnatural fury raging on inside her. With a roar she charged towards him, and he dodged, but anger gave her precision and her head darted out at him, skidding around her huge body around to keep her balance. Her swaying tail sent the second vampire flying away, although he landed quite safely a few meters away. Ces' curved teeth clenched around the vampire's waist and she hurled him upwards with a pained gasp from her victim, catching him again in mid air, now standing on her hind legs. She was balancing perfectly, and for a few moments white kentracha eyes locked with the vampire's colour-changing ones, the vampire looking almost frightened, Ces vicious and bloodthirsty, her lips drawn back in a snarl. For a moment, she felt almost reluctant to kill him, break his body with her jaws, crush his ribs. But something changed. Her face softened slightly, and her eyes became sorrowful. Only now did her white eyes seem to have irises - pearly grey circles were now visible to the vampire. Vash wouldn't like it, Ces thought despairingly. If you killed something - someone - in his name. Why do something he despises, just so he can feel avenged? Her grip loosened slightly on the vampire, her sharp teeth gently sliding out of the holes she'd bitten into him. He grimaced in pain - not just because of the bites, but because venom had gotten in as well and were now singeing his flesh. Oh, god, Vash, why did I think like this?

1:16pm Jan 21 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hurhur Happy Birfdayz fer urm yesterday... Oh Wolfeh, I should mention this (after reading the colour changing eyes) Only the most powerful of Vampires have colour changing eyes. So the one Ces is surrently hurting must be pretty powerful and could probably kill her at any given moment xD hurhur. Hurm imma edit later can't think of anyhting right now
5:30pm Jan 21 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gah. My Internetz wouldn't work, last night, when I tried to sneak on, myself. :CC Sometimes, my computer doesn't connect fully. So now my posteh is unfinished... Maybe I'll just edit it out of that post and paste it into a new one, to continue it. Though I don't think I can do that right now, as I have to go soon, and I actually wrote out part of the rest of it on paper, again. Cx So I s'pose I'll have to wait until tonight and hope that I can connect, this time, so I can type up the rest of it... Though it's poopy, because I'd thought of something that would have worked best while Ces was beside him. ;c ... It would seem that we both missed the part where Shade carried him away, actually. xD You doesn't need to get me pwesentz, silly Wolfeh. Cx Yeh. I was actually there - though still quite a newb, at the time - when that was created. There had been a message at the top of the main page, just above the total user count, that said there would be something special if we reached twenty thousand by the end of November. And we did, so we got the Twunty Cay, I think in the same update that the 2007 Thanksgiving items. It seemed pretty spiffy-cool, at the time. Cx Bahaha. I draw'd Knivesy today. 8D Though his hair looks a bit funky.. I didn't have a reference picture, or anything. x3

1:34am Jan 22 2009 (last edited on 2:49am Jan 22 2009)
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OoC: Okeys. Continuing posteh, nao. I shalls just delete the actual posteh part from that other one, just so I can have it actually flow together. Can't very well start with that last paragraph, there... It just doesn't seem to sound right. x3 Yeh. I have four rather big-looking paragraphs on paper, here. xD Got bored and wanted to try and finish my posteh... xDD Omg. Ice cream faces = win. (Going to go ahead and add this part. :3) As Shade carried Vash away, a single tear crept from his eye, almost as though in response to Ces' own tear, as well as how near she'd come to killing the vampire in vengeance. It was dark and red - blood, slowly crawling along his face, and leaving a single, sullen trail behind it. Just as he turned to continue on his way, shaking his head slightly, attempting to rid himself of those foreign, unnerving feelings, Knives stumbled slightly, then halted again, with a hiss. It had felt as though he'd run into a wall of pain, intense and lingering. After a moment, a small snake of black slid its way down the front of his own hair. Knives noticed this, unlike his brother's ignorance to it, and his eyes widened. Slowly, he brought a hand up to touch the darkened bit. It felt no different from the rest of his hair, physically, but his fingers instantly recoiled, as though having recieved an unpleasant shock. The Plant now frowned, almost a scowl, his hand clenching into a fist as it gradually lowered. "That.." he began in a low hiss, before leaving off abruptly. This was because another rather odd thing had occured, this time within his mind. He'd heard a faint whisper. A familiar voice, saturated with anguish, shaking and sounding slightly restrained, murmured a single word - a name. His brother's name. Knives had been suspecting one possible event, in particular, to be the cause of all of this. But Ces' pain-choked voice confirmed it. Now it was quite obvious; his twin was dead. Momentarily, it occured to the Plant how ironic it was, how he'd earlier attempted to save Vash the grief of eventually losing one who would undoubtedly become a much closer friend, but that she would suffer it, instead. He nearly didn't believe it, himself. But a feeling of resounding aloneness told him that it most certainly was. Throughout his century and a half of existence, he'd always felt Vash's mind there, accompanying his own - even when they'd attempted to block each other out. Despite the presence of so many other Plants, within their bulb-like chambers in the scattered human towns and cities, the world suddenly felt like a very empty place. His eyes narrowing, Knives looked upward, into the sky and the suns' nearly blindingly bright light. Then he abruptly turned around, and began back in that direction, much more quickly than he had been going, casting aside his previous mission. The Guns could surely wait a short while longer. They'd waited months while he recovered from Vash's explosion in July, so a few hours or so would be nothing.
