4:25pm Feb 28 2009 (last edited on 4:26pm Feb 28 2009)
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OoC: Yah. They were like balls of hot dough(because I make them round initially, and then they melt out in awesomeness. C: But, since they were only in there for a couple minutes, they didn't melt.) covered in nasty burnt-ness. D: Yer sow EBOL! ... *iggles* Ah. Nias told me ebol means 'foal'. So you're a foal. :D xD That sounds fun. Unless you managed to randomly fall into a pit of nothingness and die. Liek Yoshi does so very often, when she attempts to play Halo. x3 *pokes Nias* Tsutsuku. ;o
5:58am Mar 1 2009 (last edited on 6:04am Mar 1 2009)
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Posts: 399
Cookies? I once had a go at making muffins but I shoved a load of baking powder in and they tasted mingin'. Ever since I've refused to make muffins. I'll try cookies next time...They sound easy...enough. One when me and wolf were on the last level of Halo (about 10 seconds from completing the whole game) I (by mistake) pushed her down the cliff laughing, but soon fell down with her and we had to start over again. My stupidity never ends. She's got the new game for her birthday, and has been playing it for two hours solid. I had five mins on it last night but she told me to push off so she could have a go. Typical. But watch out; when she comes back she'll be more hyper than someone who's just been elected...For the fourth time. We (me, Bear and Wolf) went to the pizza hut last night and something freaky happened. We were goin' nuts over the toppings when I started making a bad, bad impression of one of the teachers in school. Then Wolf said 'imagine if a teacher did come!' and guess what? My register teacher came.I wanted to curl up and die. Wolf is officially considered cursed among us...T.T
 yeah i dont know either.
3:59pm Mar 1 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hurhur I has souly, I made a carecter who's all neon pink and green *3* tis funneh she has the voldo fighting stule and she's all god modish, lifting peeps in the air and throwing them xD. some stuly as pink wormy ;D I saws her do the worm. I has a yellow guy too, named yellow guy (hurhur I be creative ;D) he has the ivy fighting style and a snake sword, he be slightly god mod ish. Then I made a Shade, and she's got the raphael style, she uses you as a puppet of sorts with her sword under your arm then coming up and touching your chin, then she pushes you away and shouts "Critical hit!", then she tripps the guy up xD. oh Yoshilisk, there be a charecter called Yoshi-mitsu or summit, Shade was fighting him. Shade was leik "Lets!..." (oh lard mama mia xD) then Yoshi-mitsu is all leik, "Na-mu!" oh I gots someone to draw a coloured Shade :D here be eet: (should get to drawring a coloured herself as there are some slight faults in the drawring with detail on Shade leik the three marks on her face for one are just black not all pink and sore... unless she's blushing) http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn49/gerychiakezumi/Commission2.jpg BiC: Maya dragged her feet accross the dusty ground, evading yet another attack (Glompage you say :o) from Knives. Maya then turned on her heel, starting at the speed of a human, which was slow for maya, Maya began to circle around knives. Maya cursed herself for lack of creativity at the time, but she had to get rid of Knives fast if she was to finish off Shade. Maya was now circling Knives at her top speed, yet again Maya became a blurr.and once more she took out the knive from her belt. Soon she would begin to attack. Shade stared at Ces's kentracha form, it was completely different to any other of the forms Ces had once had. Only now was Shade getting a good look at the form, but shaking her head ,Shade clambered on to the back of the eleven meter Kentracha, then Shade could feel what she though was fur was not actualy fur (be I correct? :o I forget) it was more soft scales. OoC: short posteh but I must leave D;

10:57am Mar 2 2009 (last edited on 1:20pm Mar 2 2009)
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OOC: :D I'm a horsy? 8DDDDDDDD Halo Wars is fricken amazing! The game-start-movie-thing has such incredible graphics, actually thought that they were real people at first sight. I'd try and find in on Youtube and show it to yer, but... the violence is a tad... Well, it's alright, I suppose - but unnerving. Although I can't really understand why it's a 16. But I suppose it's only the movies themselves that make it a high-age game. xD The main menu vid is pretty nasty... Remember, Heitch, when I told you about the Elite who killed that Marine trying to crawl away? It's got that in it. Poor hoomans... They dun' stand a chance. D; But then.. the Spartans arrived to the party... >83 They godmode. So much. My Halo-ness has been reawoken! I want to re-introduce Chiefy into the roleplay! >8O But how.. to do it...? :o Kitt: No touch mah Halo Wurz! >8OO Get yer own! And that's the last time I'm ever letting you drive a Warthog! (see, we was driving... and she drove off the dge on purpose.... -_-) I wanna come to your house and make a Ces character and own Shade! >;O But... wait.. her level will be 3 again.... >o< She and Berelly are both L9 - making them the toughest charas there. >:3 Fall into a pit of blackness and die? Spartens dun' do that! Unless you're a Yoshi-Sparten. :3 "Yosheeeeee-! Owf! Who put that big hole thar?!" :3 Berelly's special attacks are spiffy. His main one is his most powerful move - he runs up to you, swings onto your neck, does a quick twirly-movement-thing, then slams you to the ground. :3 The second's funnier - but can only be done if he's behind you. Runs up to yer and darts up your back, jumps off backward, throws his Special Stick atcha, you fall over, Stick bounces off and into his waiting arms, then he lands. >83 I can't even begin to explain Ces'. Editloyter. Editnao. 8D My Halo-name pet-colllection is coming along nicely. >83 (Yah, t'was quill-like scales ;3) Ces waited until Shade had settled herself on her back. Thanks to the 'spines' on her long self, Shade felt incredibly light - the mane wasn't completely flat, so Shade wasn't actually sitting fully on the kentracha. Ces wondered whether she should be worried that her endangered friend could fall off, or feel confident enough that the Fera wouldn't be clumsy enough to slide off. Ye, knowing Shade, falling off was probably one of the first things she'd do. Praying that she was holding on, Ces reared up slightly, only very slightly, raising her long-toed forearms a little in the air. Then, almost gracefully, she fell forward again and broke into a swift canter. For Shade, the ride might be a little awkward at first, but the kentracha was running with a smooth rhythm, with a kind of predatory agility that her previous forms never really had. None were as big, nor as dangerous, but at the same time, none had been as smooth in movement.The golden creature moved with elegance and speed, which seemed unnatural for its kind - but Ces had a purpose, one she intended not to fail. She had to protect Shade. Destination was something she had not truly planned out, so the kentracha journeyed through the maze that seemed to be the town, turning swiftly around unexpected corners and also meeting some startled humans, who either stood their ground and gawped in awe, or turned and ran. Ces intended for the second to be the most common. Maya and Knives were still out there. Right now, apart from the instinct to protect Shade, she felt a strange kind of protectiveness over the people, too. Something Vash might have felt. This feeling felt alien and unnormal, and Ces found herself lost in it.The townspeople had to get out as well.

3:19pm Mar 2 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: A disturbance in the force can not be ignored. Done, my job it is. The force is strong within you. lawls I Less-than-three Yoda x3 BiC: Ces moved fast. Shade gripped tightly onto the quill like scales to try keep herself mounted upon the Kentracha's back. Normaly Shade would have been crying out in protest or hardly holding on, by now Shade would have normaly fallen off. This time Shade said not a single word, and to her surprise, she had managed to stay mounted. From time to time Shade dared let go of the quiled scales just to look up and see humans running from the Kentracha's path. One thing useful from Ces' new form, no one would dare stand in your way, at least no human anyway. Lowering herself to get a better grip on Ces' scales, Shade began to speak. "Where are we going?" She questioned Ces. A question that Shade knew probably didn't have an answer fo a place name.
6:49pm Mar 2 2009 (last edited on 6:13am Mar 3 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yoshi always just makes them from premade dough. xD She has no idea how to actually make cookies. I's Wolfeh's burfday? :D Yah. Japanese names confuzzle Yoshi sometimes, 'cause they tend to be all, Yoshimitsu, Kiyoshi... And Hideyoshi really confused her, at first. xD She was all, 'Hide Yoshi? o: Oh! Ohyahs... *faceplam*' Ah. That reminds me of when my dad first started Half-Life 2. Cx I quote myself as having said, 'Woah. It's, like, real-er than real. 83' 'Cept without the 83-face. P: Hrm. I think you were right, Kitt. xD Wolfeh seems vurreh hyper. Yah... That's pretty much how it goes. <:3 The Yoshi-Spartan really never even sees the big, gaping holes or edges of the maps until they're om nom-ing her. xD Soz. Let's see if we can get a posteh, no? |3 Bah. If Shade would stop stepping on the keyboard... x3 Gah... Shelbimonkey has attempted to make another of our sort of Random Roleplay. Yes, I suppose is it a bit high to feel so possessive about it, as though it's our own little genre or something, but it seems as though she's just using it out of laziness in plot-making, now. >3> And her character... Wow, what a Sue. Bah, never mind. Yoshi took too long, and she doesn't have her posteh done. D: She'll finish it later...

11:25am Mar 3 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: :3 I can't cook completely by myself. Toast is the most advanced thing I have come to master in creating. Even scrambled egg is like... o_O I'm a phaibukkit. On Saturday. x3 Some Japanese names can be spiffy. 83 Yah, I gets what you mean. :3 I'll go Google Half-Life in a moment. But... the facial expressions on the Halo characters... they're liek, "Wow, that's all, real..." Before, in Halo 3, their faces were quite solid, and rarely changed. But the Wars characters features look so real. It still makes me gawp. Yah. The Random Roleplay-theme belongs to us! >;O The cookie-burning bean, the ebil possessive wabbit, and the ? :o Mind you, those Halo rings are lawng. :o I can't recall Winter being part mermaid when she joined this roleplay. The question didn't startle or annoy Ces. Still resuming her speed, she replied: "I don't know. Anywhere where we can get away from Maya and Knives!" That was the only reply she could come up with. But although she had answered it, the question still tormented her - where would they go? And, more importantly, was 'where' going to be safe enough against the Plant and the vampire? As her long-clawed feet thudded against the dusty ground, Ces decided to distract her darkened thoughts to another matter - the strange voice that had resounded in her mind earlier. Not the Spectre's. It had been male, and young, and she could distantly recognize it. It seemed new and unfamiliar, yet a small trace of a memory that she could never have forgotten tugged relentlessly at it, and only now, whilst her mind was almost completely clear, could she truly think about it. And that pleased her a little. Something to crave on for a while. Then she remembered Vash. That he wasn't alive any more. There was nothing she could do about him, and this saddened her. In her past years, grief was something she could spend years allowing to feel, take her time over her emotions. Now, though, she couldn't stop. And it hurt. As though she was rushing herself to forget the friendship, however brief, she had had with him. Only a few days had gone by, and she had grown to like his company, as well as himself. That was a rare thing for her, and something she so treasured - friendship. So, to calm her saddening mind, she whispered three words she could remember from her Haraniphic language. However helpless they were at the time.
"Runa lin tern."

7:34pm Mar 3 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I think the most complex thing I've ever made on my own is English-muffin pizzas. xD I'm not sure I can even recall the recipe, now... P: Wells. Happy burfday, Wolfeh. ♥ It was a few years ago - 2004, according to the box - so it really isn't quite as impressive now. Especially compared to something like alo Wars. Just looked it up, and.. wow. o3o But Half-Life is still winful. Yoshi's always loved it, despite her terror of the zombies, which she had managed to overcome, but which is now refreshed by the terrors of Ravenholm. Why did they have to make a chapter solely centered on the zombies, and filled with super scary new kinds? D8 I'll take a bullsquid or even one of those giant sand bug things, fine, but a zombie? Noes. Dx ... It also spawned the meme of 'The cake is a lie,' from a spin-off of sorts, Portal. Cx BARG. I've got to go. Soz, I'll finish my posteh later. x3
2:21pm Mar 4 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: When I cook, I nearly always do it in a team of somesort, like with my mother or sister. :3 I'm an epic failure when it comes to solo tasks, unless that's a game-based situation. >3> Thank yees. :3 :O The Orange Box? I heard of that game! My mother read about it somewhere and recommended it to me. I've never had the opportunity to buy it, but it still looks kind of good. 83 I dun' like zombeh games a lot - first time I saw the Flood in Halo 3, I was terrified silly. Honestly, I hates them. D; So fast they are, and so... noisy. And the Master Chief felt quite scared of them first time he saw one. The first time he'd ever been actually fearful of an enemy. Even the Infection forms and kinda horrid when it comes to killing them - they jump about the place too quick. >:O Whut? :o xD OKay-eth, then. x3
6:25am Mar 5 2009 (last edited on 6:38am Mar 5 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ...Or not. I didn't manage to get on again. Nearly didn't yesterday/today, either. >3> Yus, it has to do with Orange Box. :3 I love Half-Life. I think it must be one of the best games I've ever played. At least, it's pretty up there, with all those other spiffy shooter-games. ♥ Really, it just seems that a good shooter like those from the nineties has become so hard to find. So many people seem to focus on graphics, rather than story or fun gameplay. D: Yah. I used to be terrified of even the pathetic slow sort, from the original game. I'd just hear them and go ohnoes. D8 Though there was also a sort of zombie that only appeared in the Sven Co-op mod that were extra fast and strong, and could throw slime-stuff at you from afar. Those were freakin'.. Gah. And now there are poisonous and super-fast ones that are even worse than that. Glad they mostly only appeared in Ravenholm... So after that, no more shrieking like Vash and running your pants off as you frantically try to find that saw blade with which you just sliced a zombie in half. :D And yuh. Despite that it shouldn't truly belong to anyone, it was Nias' idea. And after just short of a year of being active, it seems that a Random Roleplay of this sort would nearly have to be a mimic. Yes, it's possible that someone else would think of it - I'd actually created a very similar roleplay on another site shortly before Nias created this one, though I'd dubbed it the Everything Roleplay xD - but that's not likely. Knives tilted his head slightly as he came to stand still again, while Maya circled around him. Using the same tactic with which she'd attacked Shade? She may have been faster than him, if only a bit, but that she would attempt something like that on him seemed silly, at best. How did she plan to penetrate his swarm of blades without getting herself diced in the process? And even if she did reach Knives somehow, it would take a lot more than what she'd done before to hinder him. Confident that he'd an upper hand, a grin made its way across the Plant's face, before he made an upward leap, propelled in part by a pair of blades pushing against and into the ground, driving deep rivets into the compacted sand. After a moment, the knives pulled up again, trailing bits of sand behind them as they retreated to their host's side. Knives landed lightly just outside Maya's running circle, swiftly spinning around to face her again, while stepping away just a bit more. OoC: Baha. Similar to how Lucy jumps all over the place. :D Though, as a Plant, Knivesy should be able to jump relatively high on his own, as well.

3:46pm Mar 5 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: ZOMFG D: nergh... *faint/flail* hurhru D8 I hatched... I hatched... gah! *thwacks profile* just look D8> imma posteh tomorraw, tis nerly ten D;
8:52am Mar 7 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ooh, an albinoe! :D Grats. Imma just waiting for a reply... So I'll just go away, nao, and concentrateon starv- fattening up mah Veramz. Thin Spartens are nut acceptable. >;O
11:19am Mar 7 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: lawls thin spartans cannut feit fer sparta yo D; tis meaning they is not able to shawt "THIS ISH SPARTA! fools" Lol an albinoe with a shakesperian name yo ;D BiC: "Runa lin tern?" Shade asked Ces, wondering what the three words meant. Shade shook her head, she guessed it was something only a Haran would or should know. "Don't you think we are far enough away now?" Shade slowly sat up on the Kentracha's quill like scales, tilting to the side, Shade tried to see what was in front of her and Ces. (choo wants a birdy form fer Ces yesh wolfeh? :o) Shade only saw what looked like the edge of a cliff, appart from going over the edge, the only option was to turn back and find some other direction to run in. "We're going to have to turn back Ces" Shade said, still looking twoard the cliff edge. Maya continued to circle, even though she knew Knives had already evaded her attack, circling for about a few more seconds before suddenly leaping into the air, wielding two daggers. Maya then fell twoard Knives, she felt it would be a challenge to attack him like this. Maya also knew that this would result in her getting injured too, but that wasn't a problem, her blood would heal her wounds. A vampire's blood, specialy that of a Lamia, had some strange healing properties since the blood can't carry oxygen.

1:44pm Mar 7 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: 8DD Bree be baaack~ For the first time in months, I've actually gone and joined a roleplay and truly intend on posteh-ing. It feels so odd. x3 And perhaps she'll manage to lead those Llamas away from the serious Random Roleplay, since she loves to do her own sorts of them, always so hilariously silly. I would be fine with the occasional creation of a serious one, but.. It feels as though it's just being abused by lazy illiterates. D: And that doesn't feel very nice, as much as I've come to love it. Truly, I feel that this is likely the best roleplay in which I've ever taken part. And seeing it taken without regard for its creator(s), then marred like that... That hurts inside. :c *getting distracted* Ah. Albino Gondra. They're so spiffy - and not just because of their rarity, either. They just look so amazing. ;o Night sure did an EPIC job. Maya was actually attempting to attack him in close range, with only a pair of daggers? Knives vaguely wondered if she'd any sense, at all. Though he had no idea of the abilities of a Vampire, as the only part of them that he'd seen was Maya's resurrection of herself, after his rather late coming to the now-ended battle. (*iggles* Like that chapter, 'A Late Arrival to the End of the World'. |D) The Plant grinned yet again, smug at the taste of a victory which he presumed to happen quite shortly. With a swift backstep, he put a bit more distance between them, preferring to attack at a slight distance, before his own blades darted forward, swarming about the Vampiress like dozens of angry wasps, their points gleaming almost menacingly in the suns' light. They seemed to hesitate momentarily, as though considering her and the best points at which to hit her, before dashing in for the kill. Farther into the town, several mosquitoes buzzed along, all following one boy, who ran along looking back and forth, appearing to be searching for something. His beast of a companion was now gone, its looming shadow having retreated into the ground, at least for the moment. He aprubtly stopped, standing upright and casting a long glance behind him, his purple eyes touched by a spark of curiosity. He heard the sound of blades - Knives' blades, he knew, their edges slicing through air, and possibly flesh, with that repeated shzzt. OoC: Baha. I unpoofed Zazie and managed to give more deion on the battle. >:3

2:38pm Mar 7 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: *slowly and calmly* Heitch, just because they are named Spartans, it does not mean that Chiefy's type actually come from Sparta... And if the Master Chief did kick someone into a pit of death, he'd probably break their back. <:3 Well, unless they were a Spartan themself... Their bonz are virtually unbrekkable. 8D "I name thee... CARRIONITE!" *points* I saw Bree's back, and although I didn't know her properly myself, I somehow feel really pleased for her. <:3 And fer you, yoshi - you obviously missed her. If Night left, I think I'd go seriously emo, or something... D; Wah. I knows - she's a... a... a something really special. :D I love the silvers, the blacks, the gingers, the roses the- well, pretty mcuh all of them. Even sepia looks spiffiful. Perfect for Niritos. 83 "What?" asked Ces, glancing slightly behind her so she could see the Fera. Then she realized that they were no longer in the town. They were in a surprisingly barren area, the traces of any civilization completely gone or just very well hidden. Like Shade said, they were approaching what was undoubtedly a cliff edge, and at an uncomfortable speed. The kentracha, her crimson bristles nearly shooting upwards in surprise but Shade's presence forcing her to keep them down, skidded to a swift halt. Thick clouds of dust sprouted from her long claws as she drifted to a firm stop, and for a moment, Haran and Fera stood silent and motionless a few relieving meters from the edge. Only when the dust had nearly settled did the bigger of the pair speak, her voice sounding as though she had spoken for the first time in hours. As though she had never spoken three words from her seemingly-lost language. "I can jump off," she said emotionlessly. "And gain a new form." Now, free of the burden of running, Ces turned her neck around to see Shade. Not completely around, but enough for one of her pearly eyes to gaze at the cat-like girl. For some reason, Shade's appearance made Ces feel relaxed. Nearly every vision of the scruffy-haired, violet-eyed Fera had been when she was in peril, and that was only when Ces had the chance to actually see her friend - so much had happened recently, the presence of your allies had felt distant at the time. The sight of her, sitting quietly and firmly on her back, made her insides feel uncomfortably light with relievedness. "Flying will be faster than running, Shade." The dragon lifted a claw, and a new charm was hung around it. One that had not been there before, grown suddenly for the occassion. Had Shade seen it close-up, she would have noticed that the small ornament was shaped like an eagle-like creature. However, unlike the noble-looking postures that normally portrayed the famous bird, this pendant had been shaped looking small and almost helpless. Crouching downward, the eagle was looking upwards with an opened beak, looking more like a hunted prey rather than a fierce and independent animal. Why the Haran would chose such a pitiful-looking animal seemed foolish, almost humiliating for her, as her current form was an impressive eleven-meter reptile. Yet, had someone been able to read the emotion in Ces' colourless eyes, they would have seen a kind of mystified air in their white glow, and suddenly her brown-gold scales caught a small glint of sunlight.

11:28am Mar 8 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: o3o Your signature scares me, Nias. I'm not quite sure why, though. ZOMG Wolfeh. I now know why you're afraid of the Flood. D8 I played Halo Three with a friend last night, and, while we were anything but serious about until the end of the level in which you have to save Cortana and then blow up the place, the Flood were just. So freaky. I don't think I was much help, at all, because I spent all my time shrieking in a Vash-like manner and attempting to get away from them. 8C ...And Yoshi does not do well in duels, it seems. x3 We did a match in Sandtrap, and I just kept running in circles all around the map, attempting both not to let Greg pwn me and to shoot him while running backwards(which is rather difficult, with a sniper rifle xD). It didn't work too well; we got up to forty-six to zero before finally quitting because I'd gotten distracted by a Wraith and wouldn't come down. xDD Yahs. I did miss her. :c It made me sad, not knowing where she'd gone; made me pretty confident that I'd not see her again. And she's definitely among the ranks of the more EPIC people around here. I have a number of people for whom I'd just have to die, if they left, you two included. D: And that's despite that I already died by falling down Ze Evil Stairs months ago - years, according to Flash.

11:54am Mar 8 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: nuuuuuuu! I had a whole post written! a whole posteh! then BAIM mai laptop... switches off TTwTT imma have to remember it later...
12:26pm Mar 8 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I reminds me slightly of the light-thing the Halo ring gave off during Halo 3. :3 When the Flood ship arrived and the Arbiter screamed. D8< I am not afraid of le Flood! Well, except for those Carrier dudes... I was before, but nao.. I'm a-fearless. xD I suppose, after much play, I've accustomed to their appearance. Speaking of Flood, go see the cruel, twisted animated photo my sister made for her profile. I laughed so, so bad. xD Did you know, that the Chief was nearly killed by an Infection form, and if it hadn't been for Cortana, he would've died? It happened during one of the first encounters he had with the little jerks. And the Flood is also what killed Commander Keyes' father - ya know, that spiffy woman that got killed by Truth? (I think Sergeant Johnson liked-liked her a bit) I read about what it's like to be taken over by Flood. And it's vile. Truly, nothing else can be as gruesome, or as cruel. It's a bad way for someone to die. D; xD That sounds funny, and now I want to fight you even more. xD Yoshi, here's a tip - snipers are fantastic. But only when you're far away. If you haven't got a good enough gun, then go right up to them and smack em'. It works goood. First hit takes down shields, second hit kills. :3 But dun' tell your opponents that. I dun' need to tell Kitt - she's worked out my weaknesses. -_- Now not only do I wish that I could play you - but I wish I'd been there to see it. ;D Sorreh, if I seem unkind - but it sounds to spiffyfully hilarious. I felt kinda bad fer you, when she left. D: But now I'm really pleased that she's back. <:3 If Night, you two, or... well, just you three in general, left Res, I would feel seriously lonely. D; Out of the whole of Rescreatu, you three are by far my greatest pals. I dun' tend to make such close friends, because I'm not verreh social. But I'd sooner have a tiny group of very close friends than a huge circle of guys I barely know.

2:58pm Mar 9 2009
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Posts: 399
Me maek music on garageband and upload on profile soon! =3 Random outburst...
 yeah i dont know either.
3:09pm Mar 9 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: I remembered mah posteh! *does the time warp* BiC:Maya threw the daggers to the ground as she watched Knives' blades flying twoard her. Ducking and dodging, Maya evaded the blades. Continuing to avoid them Maya had come to a decision, she wasn't wasting anymore time fighting with Knives, he wasn't important or worth the effort. Moving quickly Maya evaded all the blades. (yush she be ttl god mod D;) Turning to flash Knives a smug, fang filled, grin Maya began to follow the large replile-like tracks the Kentracha had left in the dry ground. Shade, slowly, clambered off Ces's back. "If you jump off there with me on your back and get a form too small to carry me, I could just die" Shade told Ces, one of her eyes closed (even though it was hidden by her hair) and shaking a finger. "Best if you jump off without me inca-" Shade stopped speaking as her ears stood upright, Shade swiftly turned. "I know you're there, may as well come out Ash." "Your hearing is almost as good as a vampires." Said Ash seeming to melt from the shadows, whatever shadows were there. "So what's all this about jumping off that cliff?" "Nergh..." Shade replied her face turning red, why she had no idea, but Shade felt it as some natural reaction when Ash asked that question.
