Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Random Roleplay

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5:54pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 834
A human sized donut walked into the sand

want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

5:59pm Mar 18 2009 (last edited on 6:01pm Mar 18 2009)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Erh. It seems ye've misunderstood. x3 This is a serious Random Roleplay. :D The Random element comes in through the fact that all of the characters are random and plot-things are invented as we go along, and that we really didn't have any set plot, in the beginning.
Soz. Would ye like to join with a more serious-ish character? >;D


6:05pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 834
OoC: I'll think about it

want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

6:12pm Mar 18 2009

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: 'Kay, then. :3
... Arh. Now that I finished that freakishly long posteh, I'm bored. x3 Whai did you have to end, posteh? Whai~? ... *tweaks at it*


10:06am Mar 19 2009

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: lawls x3 The Doctor isn't going to be best pleased with what Knives has done. The TARDIS is actualy a living being, it's central collum acting as a heart of sorts always moving up and down making sort of alien breathing noises o3o and Knives Kelled Eet!

Er herm.. now for lotsa banging and mess thrown everywhere :3 Cause now the inside of  the TARDIS is completely black! there's no lights D<

Ohs and yesh that is a giraffe head and neck on a llama's body :3 or is it a sheep?

BiC: The Doctor found himself suddenly surrounded by darkness. Staring wide eyed at the black space in front of him, The Doctor began to panic. he became suddenly more manic -if that is even possible- then usual. The Doctor ran around the room, tripping and falling over clutter that he had just thrown on the floor. The Doctor, now happy that running around like a manic rabbit wasn't going to help, tried to feel his way out of the room. he needed to get back to the TARDIS' central collum and help her from there. Worried that if he didn't do something quickly the TARDIS would die, the Doctor began to pick up pace as he managed to see what looked like a door way.

(yesh shortish but I'm tired tonsilitis can make you tired D;)


11:11am Mar 19 2009

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Imma better, nao! :D Except for a slight case of the common disease known as The Runny Nose, I'm all clear. No longer Infected. Heh heh. Makes me wonder. 83 
*is lost* Well... apart from my announcement that the Spartans may not have died during the interesting fry-up concoxion that was previously Reach, I've nothing to say...
You've taken Vash's eyes away? :O Yoshi, you mean! Who knows which facial feature will go next? You're working for the Wire, aren't you? Don't trust telly! *shakes Yoshi hard*
I need a Maya-Shade-Lucy-Ash reply before Ces can turn into a ginormasized dodo... :o


11:16am Mar 19 2009 (last edited on 11:27am Mar 19 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 2,020

OoC: Wolfeh's if you're not to lazeh (lololololol) check back two pages, I edited it about two days or sum,min or nuffin ago o3o

also what does you peeps think of thish? o3o

I just drew it yeaterday for a contest entry o3o

Edit: another also, I has shade picture 8D Yoshilisk you've seen this. And Ishould get to editing it sometime xD


11:40am Mar 19 2009

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: Man I feel like I'm spamming but I cannut be bothered to edit posteh's anymore 8D

I has teh EPICful Yoshilisk picture scanned! You remember us talking about that don't you Yoshilisk, well anyway here be eet 83


1:23pm Mar 19 2009

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Posts: 399

Jeez, I need to get out more. T.*

Nia, I have your boyfriend on my profile.


yeah i dont know either.


1:26pm Mar 19 2009

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh-yahs... I see, now - I'd only checked the page before this one, and not the edited post on page  63. Had not seen it, y'sees. :3 Didn't think there would be.
It hurt. The place where Maya had kicked her stomach. Even now, though she was still falling, Ces was still in her pained cringing posture, her arms and legs facing upward. Her prediction about the pain had been perfectly correct - but it gave no details about how painful the blow would be. Her innards throbbed horribly, as though they had been tightened like fabric and then let loose again, but all at wrong angles.
Normally, gaining a form was an experience with mixed feelings and emotions - nervousness, pleasure, terror, calm, and, one one occasion, anger. Now, as self-confidence began to ebb away, a clinging fear tugged at her - the cliff had seemed so high from above, but surely by now, she had reached the midway point? And her Soul-Energy hadn't even begun to show a pulse! Not even the Spectre had interrupted Ces' slow 'transformation' (normally, the spiritual dog liked to make her presence felt in times like these, as she was prone to feeling envious of Ces' physical freedom). Something close to regret at her badly-planned action entered her mind, but something had already drawn her attention.
Everything had slowed down. The area surrounding her central eyesight was very blurred, like the sight of patterned light under water when looking at it upwards. The wind was no longer the chilly clawing on what bare skin showed, but it felt oddly warm, like a soft, liquid current brushing her hands and face as she continued to fall. The sky was no longer blue - but a welcoming, peachy-red colour with rings of white that resembled the atmospheric edges of a planet, or maybe a sun. All pain was draining away, and Ces closed her eyes (finding that the strange sky was still visible) in the pleasurable sensations. The red on the far edge of the orange sky was as strong as Vash's coat. Somehow, the sighting seemed familiar - for a split second the Haran went so far as to believe it had been the day sky of her lost planet - but she had no more time to consider her imaginations.
Something else entered her vision. Far above, as high as the white-lined planetary spheres, a broad-winged eagle entered the sky. It then broke into an elegant dive, slowly coming closer towards her. Unlike the air of terrifying deadlyness a raptor normally had, this creature seemed welcomingly comforting, like the sighting of human-called "angels" just before death. For a moment, Ces felt alarmed by her own sense of trusting towards the predator - but, even though it was so high up, she could sense that the eagle had an air of purity. Was this a new way to gain a form? Ces wondered. See the shape you're about to receive just before you crash and die...
 OOC: By thah way, the rest can't see all this - it's all in 'er 'ead. x3


6:32am Mar 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

OoC: You has teh Niasbunny in your siggy. 83 And.. crazy chee-kan! xD A Spartan-chicken would definitely be interesting... And Milly would probably find them much more tasty than regular Spartans. :D
Maybe not entirely kell'd.. just unconscious? xD I'm actually not sure if he could manage to kill something like that. Hrm. I s'pose maybe he could, if he stole enough of its life. P:
*is shaken* Bah! D8 Arh. Yus, I took his eyes away. x3 So nao he's blind-ish - though he did train himself to be able to see without actually seeing, to an extent. Before it was just a good battle tactic, but now it'll be vital to not running into everything. :D
xDDD Lard. I couldn't stop iggling at that foreber. The Yoshilisk is EPICful, Nias. Ohs, cen I put it on mah profile? 8D
Mur. I went and got distracted, and now it's nearly time to go. Darn it. :c


1:07pm Mar 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,020

OoC: Lawls x3 tis a Niabunneh ;D

and Yoshilisk may use teh Yoshilisk picture 8D Heitch would be honoured if yee did so! (Did you notice the Mario Mushroom in its head lawls x3)

Well me thinks the TARDIS dies before I'm sure of eet D8> Wolfeh do you know if it died before? I cannut remember when... wait I know now! when The Doctor and Rose fell from the space time continuum -or summin like that- and the Doctor said they would just be in some black space stuck for eternity, then Rose opened the doors and they were in london, un known to them that it was London of a parrallel world where Rose's father was still alive and there was soon to be a cyberman invasion on a mass scale creating lots of death an destruction!

Legasp, that was the longest sentence I ever spoje without pausing o.o


6:48pm Mar 20 2009

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Whoo. :D And yus. I did. xD
Wells. If the Tardis has died before, maybe he could keel it, if he stole enough of its energy. O: And he probably did use quite a bit, since it was intended for the revival of Vash, who'd been out for a while, already...
Ah. I've had that 'Death by boomerang' thing echoing in my head all day, because of a Youtube Poop video that used it([link]-eth :D). I nearly started iggling aloud during a test; I started writing, 'For example, if the ball rolled off a ledge...' and ended up thinking 'cliff,' instead. xDDD I was pretty tempted to actually use it...


8:04am Mar 21 2009 (last edited on 8:05am Mar 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ahh, yes, but first she'd have to catch them. >:3 Spartans can run at bursts of up to 55 KPH. And they're darn strawng. Not to mention their armour is prctically impenetrable, so Milly would have to have a good army of... well, anything that can defeat a Spartan without breaking its arms in the process. >D And a chicken Spartan could drop egg bombs on ye. So HAH! Stick to regular Spartans, Milleh! >8DD
 Lulz. x3
No, I ca- WAIT! The Tardis did nearly die before! In the Parallel universe one, the Tardis was brought back to life by that small crystal-thing. Y'remember? He had to charge it up, didn't he, or something, so he could repower the Tardis? But when he, Rose and the others were surrounded by Cybermen he had to use up the stored energy so he could kill them and get out alive. Eventually, the crystal's re-gained energy brought the Tardis back to life. Remember? :)
xDDDDDDD That video was the spiffyest. Wouldn't it be funny, if the RR charas somehow ended up in their own spoof vid...? xDD


8:05am Mar 21 2009 (last edited on 8:23am Mar 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 399

Spork be teen yestrday. Happy Birthday to spork...

 Depending on the BOOMERANG you have in mind...Lawlz. You have found lol, yoshi. I disaproveof suicide more than anything! Is Vash!

^Trigun version^

yeah i dont know either.


9:06am Mar 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,020

OoC: Blarghieee :D

I has this strange drawring of a rtabbid Cadog :3

I bet you all want to see it. Wells you cannut, I hasn't scanned it because Bunny is just that lazy ;D

And aoweihsdjqsgrkjb D: teh video, omgomgomg lololololol tis Spazztastic 8D

I've just been watchign Mr-t adverts on youtube xD


12:22pm Mar 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 399

Is you liken ma new siggy? =3

Me want seeing Cadog-rabbid! 

Is making lazur-cat picturz fer yor delite...

yeah i dont know either.


2:02pm Mar 21 2009 (last edited on 2:43pm Mar 21 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 399¤t=LaserVash4web.gif

Make'd by mees; is fer Yoshi.¤t=laserChief.gif

Fer wolf.

yeah i dont know either.


1:01pm Mar 22 2009 (last edited on 1:13pm Mar 22 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

OoC: Oh, but Milly has Vashers. :D I'm sure she could persuade him to go and get her the chicken, and he can do speeds of about twice that. ;3
Aye. But it would probably take an expert Pooper.. *iggles* Cx ... There would probably be a lot of footage and voice mixing involved, and it would take some skill to make it flow very well, at all. P:
xDDDD Why didn't I click that one, before? I recall seeing it in the related videos, and nearly thought I'd already watched it, but... Ah. That was amazing.(But Miss Marianne just isn't a girl! - How can you be so sure? - From the moment I saw her, from the look in her eyes, Miss Marianne has a beautiful- xDDDDDD) And the lazors, and the Lolcat pwnage. xD You're about to murder me with iggles, Kitt.
Baha. i r h4xx0r. >3 Well. Not really. But I've been looking about in Res' image databases. :DD Riyo found her way into the pet image database(accidentally uncovering an April Fools' joke in the process, according to Deed. x3), and it made me want to see if I could get into others. And I did. >:D

Knives frowned at his brother for a moment, still taken aback - a rare thing, for him. But, as he heard the Doctor crashing about in an adjoining room, he stood and moved toward the doors. With a mental urge of, Come on. We've got to go, the Plant turned and stepped into the light which still flooded through the Tardis' doors, bright as it always was. He didn't need to check behind as he walked out onto the sand, knowing already that Vash was right behind, though he'd nearly fallen over a chair on his way.

"Knives," Vash repeated, this time with complaint thinly lining his voice, which sounded slightly less rough than before, as his twin neglected to stop. "What's going on?"

"I wouldn't doubt that," Knives responded simply, before finally slowing, his face bitter. "You died, Vash. That Vampire woman killed you. It's unbelievably silent, without all that nonsense that goes on inside your head. It's actually quite missable."

The younger of the two seemed perplexed by this. "But.. If I died, shouldn't I have known that? I only remember.. trying to defend Shade. I told her not to worry, and then.. Then..." He trailed off, frowning for several moments. "Then I was in there, hardly able to breathe and unable to see..."

"Yes.. Something seems to have happened to your eyes. And I'm not sure why that is.. I can only guess that it's an effect of your death." After a moment, he added in a mutter, "I'll have to ask Doc about that."

"So I'm going to be blind forever?" Vash sighed. The prospect wasn't a pleasant one, even if he could vaguely 'see' what was around him. "Well. Where are Ces, Shade, and the Doctor?"

"The Doctor's still in there, crashing into things," was his reply, as Knives directed a thumb toward the Tardis. "And your friends are off fleeing the Vampire. I've a feeling their attempt has failed, though," he added with a note of resentment. "She followed them just as I was about to impale her." A sigh, and he was off again. "I suppose you want to go and ensure that they're all right?"


1:41pm Mar 22 2009 (last edited on 1:58pm Mar 22 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 399

Yeah, she's really a *MAAAN!* lawls. Meryl has something she wants to tell us, I thinks...

I watched episdoe 17 of trigun with Vasheh stripping like a dawg...Yummy. }=3

Is makien laser yoshibean. Beware...

yeah i dont know either.

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