Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

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1:41pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ahh, yas, but you underestimate the family bond Spartans share! If they DID train chickens, then they would be a SPARTAN-1111 project. Meaning, they's have the 11s and the 111s to protect them. Hard luck, Vashers - you've up against a big fambily. >83 And Chiefy dun' like people who hurt his brothers and sisters. >8(
"And Meryl's really a-MAN!" xDDD I laughed suu hard. I've been seeing some Halo fan videos, and they're fantastic. I'd show you one, but it's incredibly long, and the other... well, it has one tiny rude bit in it. <:3 Other than that, it's amazing. But one thing's been confirmed. For safety reasons, my sister should never get a LIVE - online'rs would want revenge for her insult on Halo. *bows down to holy-ness of Halo* Holyness? Geddit? Holy Hal-? Nah, nevermind... >.>
Uh-noh, wat you been doeing nao...?


1:49pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 399

Yeah, she's really a *MAAAN!* lawls. Meryl has something she wants to tell us, I thinks...

I watched episdoe 17 of trigun with Vasheh striping like a dawg...Yummy. }=3

Is makien laser yoshibean. Beware...

yeah i dont know either.


2:11pm Mar 22 2009 (last edited on 2:15pm Mar 22 2009)

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: Wells. Vashers shall just have to pwn them with his GIANT PLANTY LAZOR. >:D (But I don't want to-) Shhhh. >;C
xDD Yus, and 'There's been a fancy drought for the past few fancy years. - That's most fancy, Mister Cliff! :D'
Hur. Just looking through Res' image databases. :D I've found six: /avatars, /shopworker, /other, /pets, /maps, and /schemes. That last one had a totally EPIC Halloween theme for the site, which unfortunately seems to have been forgotten. Everything was all orange, with the clouds on the sidebars in red, and the background would have been grey. O; And the /avatars one... Lard, some of the original avatars were hilarious. xD There was a creeper of a Drindian, and the geek avatar actually used to say 'Geek-man.' And oh, my beloved poke... x3 [link]
Kitt. You sound like a creeper. D8 *clongzto Vash*


2:19pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 399

I remember the halloween theme! Well, one of thems. There was a black ebilia instead of an albino meragon. *Sigh* Flip, was that the old poke??

I'm a bit of a creeper. Yes. *Glares*

yeah i dont know either.


2:28pm Mar 22 2009 (last edited on 2:30pm Mar 22 2009)

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: Really? I don't recall any Halloween theme having been used last year. o: ... Do you mean this? [link] Mur. I do wonder if perhaps the Halloween theme was used for Halloween 2007; I just barely missed that one. x3 And yus. Apparently, it was.
Well. Res just seems to be filled with creepers. xD


2:40pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 399
Thut was it! You bring back memories.

yeah i dont know either.


2:47pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Really? o3o I don't recall that ever having been used... Hrm. I'd never realised you guys had joined eleven days before me. o: So it was used in 2007, and was simply switched out again just before I found this place?


2:56pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: Kit, minda making a lazer thingy of my fursona? 83 I wasn't even here Halloween 2007 xD I joined febuary 2008, about three or four days after the Iluvu egg hunt.

You know what I just realised, Shade dosen't know that Vasherz had died, since twas the voice in her head (wich is being quiet for a bit just sitting back observing things waiting for a chance to do something EPIC) took over her body and Dragged Vash into the TARDIS (wich is in a bad state at the moment) I should probably just posteh right now...


BiC: The Doctor finaly found his way into the main room. The door had been left open, so the Doctor was no able to see. Looking at the central collum and seeing what little light was left The Doctor leapt onto the controll panel, somehow avoiding the various buttons and levers. Now standing next to the central collum,  the Doctor gently placed a hand on it. The collum's light began to grow stronger.

"It's okay" Murmered the Doctor. " You're not going to die, how can you? So long as I live you live"

The light in the central collum then grew stronger, and kept growing stronger untill it had been restored. The Doctor sighed thinking of how he was getting a bit too old to do things like reviving the TARDIS, then again if he though he was getting too old he wouldn't have as much fun as he does. Grinning The Doctor leapt from the controll panel and strode into the dusty land of gunsmoke, snapping his fingers. The TARDIS doors clicked shut.

"Hey, you two!" The Doctor called out to Vash and Knives. "Are you heading to wher I think you're going!?" The Doctor then caught up with the two, still grinning.


2:57pm Mar 22 2009

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Posts: 399
Yeah...Sounds like it.

yeah i dont know either.


2:54am Mar 23 2009

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Lawl. That Iluvu egg hunt was EBOL. I spent, liek, hours searching and only got one egg. And then I ended up simply giving it away when it was returned to me because of the Rollback. x3 I s'pose I hadn't made any profit in the first place, since my buyer went and got herself banned before she paid me, but still...
You just realised that? But you said something about it quite a while ago. xD
Hay Nias.. What's 'neigh' in Welsh? Cx
... Bah. xD I think my view on Trigun has managed to fall even farther into the realm of warped hilarity. Karitheninja has some amazing videos. Particularly [link]. xDDD Vash is such an amazing singer when he's drunk. ♥ And.. [link]. Lard. I was literally rolling in laughter, at parts. 'Specially when Rem was 'operating' on Vash's hair, and when she said that if you keep your vision clear, you will DIE. xDD
Lawl. I posteh later, mebbeh. D;


11:20am Mar 23 2009 (last edited on 11:21am Mar 23 2009)

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Posts: 399

I'se selling wajas. Please buy; I need riddance of tehms...DX I shull give fer free if you wunts...

MY ID:  91570


yeah i dont know either.


11:53am Mar 23 2009

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Posts: 1,314
OOC:*shakes head* You forgets, Yoshi, Spartans are masters at stealth... Vash would have to have a pretty good warning if he wants to spot them and have a chance to blow up the entire world. >83 And, there's the prospect of reiforcements floatin' in space... The dreaded (ooh, but I love to play with them in Halo Wurz! 8DD) MAC guns! Speaking of spaceships, I have a new lil' Mergon named after the most spiffyest of UNSC war ships. <3 And what's stopping Milly from getting her own freaking Spartans?! >8O She's tough. Sort of. And she's got Meryl on her side who's scaarr-yyy...
Yah, that Halloween layout was the first I ever saw. Shame they didn't use it for 2008 - it would've looked spiffy. :3 Hee hee... I joined befor y'all. >8DD I joined during the Halloween hunt, and one of my sister's first ever discovered eggs was an Ebilia.
Yahh... and Meryl was panting just over stirring some soup. xDDD
 Vash is a weirdo. o3O


12:01pm Mar 23 2009

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Posts: 399

I danced like the boy in wolfeh's siggy today, but it ended up in a kick where the sun dun shine...Xo

Yeah, a smexy weirdo...(<--Creeperness)

 I seem to remember it being dark purple rather than orange. But I remember when I saw Wolf pick up an ebilia egg and I said 'Smelly egg' but she said 'No, it looks like that cat-thing *points at black ebilia* and it's green' and I was like Ha-a-a-alelujia cus green was ma fave culla.  Oh wells. I came out gren in theend, din't it? XP

Wolf got albino easero. I hate her.

yeah i dont know either.


3:04pm Mar 23 2009

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: Neigh in welsh? tis probably urm... naie 83 yesh Welsh horses say Naie :3

Yoshilisk, teh video tis saying this video is no longer available D8> I cannut watch eet!

I cans watch teh second one xD

I could posteh... if Wolfeh posted D< page65 me thinks Wolfeh! POke it then posteh choo lazy wolf x3


3:33pm Mar 23 2009

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Delta and Alpha: NAIE! *blow up random planet* Gigglesnort, we p'wn more than teh Spartens! 8D
But I deed! :OO I'm a-waiting for a Shade-Maya reply! I'll go over the other posties now, have a check, yeah, I'll go do that... Teh wolfeh iseh proneh toeh beingeh lazeh. Y'know thateh.
8DD Look! Mah birthday present from Night! I love her!


12:59pm Mar 25 2009

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Posts: 1,314


OOC: *bump* Why is no-one posting? :o


2:22pm Mar 25 2009 (last edited on 2:23pm Mar 25 2009)

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: Mur. It was all stormy, yesterday, after I'd started my posteh. >:C And I'm having problems thinking of much of a posteh, too...
But if he blows up the entire world, won't they be blow'd up, too, no matter whether he saw them or not? :3 And you said they can run at bursts of fifty-five kph. Being a Human, I doubt she can manage that, and even with her stun-gun and Meryl's scaaaa-ry aid, it would be difficult to get one. Unless they destroyed her pudding...
Smexy, indeed. ♥
xD They sure do look smelly, don't they? I'd never thought of that...
Ah. Danke, danke. :3 Hur. EBOL peoples say naie. Naaaiiiiie.
Whut? o3o It does show for me... Wells. Try searching 'Vash Sings' and it should be the second result, just below the beer song. >:3 Baha. That milkshake song cracks me up. xD

While Vash stopped and looked toward the Doctor, despite that doing so would serve no purpose, as he couldn't see, Knives took a few moments to come to a stop.

"If you think we're going to go and find everyone again," Knives replied, casting the Doctor a sideways glance, but not actually turning around, "then yes. I also asked Beast to keep an eye on the Vampire, which should help; it's obvious that she's followed them."

"If Maya's following them, then shouldn't we-" But Vash was cut off as a mosquito practically collided with his face. It was followed by three others, who stopped nearer to Knives, all of them creating a rather loud droning buzz. The Plant simply stared(if that's what one would call it) in their general direction, as he couldn't tell what they were.

"Ah. Must have found her. Either that, or they're simply here to allow this post(eh) to be made longer." Knives tilted his head slightly, frowning at them. "No. They must have a purpose. amirite?" And it seemed that they did; one of them began buzzing back in the direction from which they'd come, before stopping momentarily, as though asking the Doctor, Vash, and Knives to follow.

OoC: Okeys. That was rather poisoned by silliness, and some incredible OoC-ness near the end, there. But oh, well. xD


3:48pm Mar 25 2009

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Posts: 399
How does the stock market work? =D

yeah i dont know either.


2:59pm Mar 26 2009

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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Bah's I don't know whatn to reply to Wolfeh's post or Yoshilisks post... Brain help me D: -last time you spoke to me you told em to be silent- I dun care brain! I need you! Just like I needed you to get those A's in english Dx -I'm not helping you untillyou apologise to me- Apologise to my own brain? riiight -I'm serious- aww c'mon help me! -No- fine, i'll have to make up a post later then when you learn to work upon command. -you can't tell em what to do I controll your whole body, I could kill you- If you kill me you kill youself you numpty D< - o.o;-


3:01pm Mar 27 2009

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: [link] :D
xD Nias. You're silly. And possibly going mad(some more). o3o

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