10:08am Apr 21 2009 (last edited on 11:41am Apr 21 2009)
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OOC: lolvlas = Laugh Out Loud Very Loudly And Suddenly. x3 The eagle turned to look at Vash with an ex pression of what seemed like bewileredment on her narrowed face. To her, Vash's remark sounded somewhat negative, not like the optimistic way he usually had of speaking. "This", she began, once more resuming their private conversation and putting as much patience in her tone as possible. Is simply my new way of talking. I just didn't want to alarm you, that's all, Vash. I highly doubt it would result in one of us getting harmed, though. Her ex pression then turned into a light frown of questioning curiosity. And what do you mean by, "pretty much hated"? OOC: Gah. Small posty. Again. -_- Edit: I just tried uploading some linked images the way you explained to me, Hetich, but they went wrong. D: I'll have to sort it out later. Gotta go.
11:32am Apr 21 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: harhar! I knews it I worked that out dinner teim todah while nibblin on biscuites, expensive biscuites that have gone up in price again D< sbmad Imma posteh lature
12:46pm Apr 21 2009
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OOC: Only cause I hint-dropped. ;D Gah. The link-thing is refusing to work for me. So I'll just have to do it the horrid copy-and-paste way... -_- Sorreh. http://www.projectbag.com/lovehina/thumbs/haruka02_04_t.jpg http://www.projectbag.com/lovehina/pics/haruka/haruka05_10.jpg These are some images of a character from a manga my friend from Brittany is really into. I realized that the character herself looked spookily similar to Ces, so this is probably the easiest way for you to imagine her facial features for now. I'll try and update you guys on her clothes later, but for now - here's a kind of version of Ces. xD Oh, and she's not a waitress, and she doesn't smoke. x3
2:01pm Apr 22 2009 (last edited on 2:18pm Apr 22 2009)
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Ooc: Bargh, I'm nevurh gonna get this Welsh homework finished in time D: do you gaise realise how hard it is to write about how your great grandfather looks! How am i supposed to know what prune is in Welsh! D: I mean sure I'm Welsh but that dosen't mean I know what prune is! TTwTT And trying to translate my English task ( Which i got an A in, it was also about my grandfather) to Welsh is not working D: I haven't described his looks in that one TTwTT argh I fail, maths is gonna leik die on me, I has to do Welsh then maths, after that I get to post properly here. Untill then I suppose Imma be adding to this a little bit at the time with constant editing, or do it all in one long three hour edit TTwTT interesting, creased is Grychedig ¬3¬
11:59am Apr 23 2009
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"Pfft." Shade replied. "We would be better off exploring, we don't have to tell people who you are, just like give you a fake name. It's not like people know what you look like."Shade was prepared to continue arguements untill she got her way, but the last thing she had said was a question more than a statement. "Anyway..."-Shade began to continue-"It's better to get help form some city miles away than stay in a ghost town." "You're right about ghost town." Ash commented, holding his nose. "I can smell the carcasses from here, not as plesant as I imagined." Ash raised an eyebrow. "Expecially seeing as one of those rotting, fast rotting I may add, carcasses is Hunter Redfern." "What's so special about Shade questioned. "He's my father." Ash said, so casualy it managed to shock Shade. "You don't care that your father is dead!?" Shade was wide eyed now, curious and angry. "I knew you were an idiot but a family hater too!?" "My family are monsters, the highest placed members of the night world council, very much respected." Ash informed her, no emotion showing through in his voice. "Respected only because they were ruthless and vicious, always dooing what was best for them and the other respected members of the night world rather than what was best for everyone." Ash paused a moment, waiting for Shade's interruption, she didn't interrup so he continued. "They sometimes killed humans for the fun of it, They would also go against night world law and hold 'new year celebrations' not the kind you would think of. Rather a blood fest, each vampire would have three human females to feed on. All that blood would give them so much power, it's illegal to do that of course, overfeed as some call it. Unfortunately I was brought up by Hunter, the most ruthless of them all. I was taught to hate humans, they were just vermin, usless and pathetic. I was told they were only good for feeding on and later dis..." Shade cut him off there. Not sympathising with his upbringing. "I'm going to have to stop you right there Leech." It seemed the nickname of Leech had stuck. "I don't need to know all your history and blah blah blah." Shade mimiced the look on Ash's face, this made him frown. Shade grinned. "Look, like I said" Shade now turned her attention to everyone else. "it's better to go look for another town, give Vash a fake name and see what we can do there, better than staying here. You agree with me don't you Doctor?" "Hmm?" The Doctor questioned, having just been taken out of his trail of thought. "Yes yes yes." He said not thinking, or knowing what the question was. "See the smart guy agrees, I say we go now!" Shade's grin widened, she placed hewr hands on her hips, feeling triumphant. Ash and the Doctor didn't comment on this, Ash just glared at her, the Doctor just looked confused at what he had agreed too.

2:04pm Apr 23 2009
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The giant eagle, too, joined in on the awkward silence. Yellow eyes switching from Doctor, to Ash to Shade, the ends of her mouth faced downwards slightly in a confused, almost disappointed-looking manner. Blinking three times, Ces looked over at Shade and said openly with a now-irritated but thoughtful frown: But what about us? I don't know how much technology these humans have managed to acheive, how fast their fax-things work, or their morse code languages, or how good a signal they get with a phone. By now, word about a herd of Vampires and werewolves, a cat-eared girl with blood all over her, a lizard-snake with a mohawk and an oversized eagle, a strange little man with a glowing pencil and, most despised of all, a Vash the Stempede and an exclusive twin psycho murderer must've reached some other town. And... y'know... She lowered her voice to an awkward-sounding whisper. We'll end up getting caught then. I know I can be ridiculously over-obsessive when it comes to us equals trouble, but I don't think that it's going to help Vash's reputation if word says he's found himself a gang to back himself up with. I mean, the Doctor - no offence - might not be all impressive when it comes to fighting, but that glowing blue thing of his could pass as some sort of really dangerous weapon to them, or something...

2:58pm Apr 23 2009
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"That's a pretty stong argument you have there. So we are just going to stay here and wait for trouble to find us?" The Doctor questioned. "See you don't find trouble, trouble finds you. If news has gotten out about us, obiously our location will be mentioned. And if we are where I think we are, there is bound to be some bounty hunter after him, the first place they will come is here." The Doctor seemed to put up a pretty good argument. "So we can either explore this planet, or the universe." The Doctor said hinting at his TARDIS "It's realy up to all of us to agree on something. Oh and I think my fighting is completely fine." The Doctor added. "My tactics, run if you're chased then scare them away with a blue light and malfunctioning space ship parts" The Doctor tapped his poacket in which the sonic screwdriver now lay. "Also it's a screwdriver not a pencil." Ash and Shade didn't comment on this, which was strange for Shde, not so strange for Ash. Ahs continued to Glare at Shade. Finaly he spoke. "You need a bath." He commented holding his nose. "So do you Leech." Shade replied, throwing a fist at his face. Ash stopped her fist with his hand. Adn pushed it away. Shade continued to force her fist twoard him, but it wasn't working. She wasn't giving up though, so continued to push against his hand.

6:36am Apr 24 2009
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OoC: So that's what 'this' was. Whoops. xD I was rather.. lost, there. ;D And, having had pretty limited time on my posteh, especially when I had to try and retype it in less than half an hour, I didn't really have long to think on that. x3 Hur. Today I saw someone with a UNSC backpack thing - similar to mah Trigunz one, but smaller. And it was all in faded browns and tans, with their funny bird. P: Oh, Vash replied simply, blinking. Well, I did hear you earlier, by the.. ledge. He was unsure what to call it, having no idea as to what it looked like, knowing only that it seemed to have dropped sharply, as his chin could attest while it hung over the cliff's edge. Nearly mistook you for one of my 'sisters' actually, but for that none of them can actually speak. He seemed to lighten momentarily, his previous concern on 'this' having been essentially stricken down. But a recoiling air of darkness washed over him at the Haran's added question, his mind nearly shrinking away from hers. He took several moments of pause, before saying, It.. It's pretty much because of July. What I did to it. Humans see me as a demon here; they hate and fear even the mention of my name. (Running out of time. ;c) "Shade," Vash added, looking toward her. "I doubt that'll work. Sure, some people don't know what I look like, especially since the last time I was here I had.. lighter hair. And eyes. But it's still a risk even using a fake name."

10:27am Apr 24 2009
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OOC: Okay, then. xD I was getting pretty confoozed, too. UNSC backpack thing = want. 8DD It sounds spiffy. And I already have a strong liking to the UNSC logo, so... xDD Omg. I just got mauled by my puppies. xD It started when I'd knelt down by Mel and Moss, stroking both, then I decided to lie on the floor and have a snuggle with them. Both got the wrong idea, with Mel towering over me - as if to say, "Mooaaarr!" - and Moss... just attacked me. xDD She's ever so gentle, although all you can feel is rough puppy paws and a big wet tongue slobbering all over your head when you're lying defenceless on the landing floor... So it pretty much does feel like you're being savaged. Savaged by love. xD And... xDDD Sparrtannnss! Made me think of that cool scene in Meet the Spartans whar those Persians were all... cool, jumping off the edge... xD http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs20/f/2007/277/4/1/300_Halo_Spartans_by_Crimsonfury94.jpg Ces glanced at Vash, wide-eyed, but then lowered her gaze to the ground at his feet. Strange, she "said" softly to him, sounding as though she were half speaking to herself. I wouldn't have seen you as a criminal when I first met you. She hoped he didn't think that she was referring to his goofy idiocy, as Vash, even she had to admit, had acted pretty careless on their first introduction. Rather, she was speaking about his kind, caring side, and even now, after just hearing about how unwelcome he was on Gunsmoke, she refused bluntly to believe that whatever actions Vash had committed in the past were intentional. Really, he had done more than enough things that couldn't be considered evil, most of the time for Ces' own survival - although, during the only bad thing he had done, he had actually managed to kill her during the process. Staring at her companions, apparently decided to leave Vash's troublesome anticts behind herself, Ces found herself lost for words once more. But then her head raised upwards suddenly in an action of realization, only slightly however, yet her eyes were wide with a question none of the others had considered just yet. Where's Knives gone? she murmured to the others.

11:00am Apr 24 2009 (last edited on 11:03am Apr 24 2009)
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OoC: I had made the posteh before you posted Wolfeh but it took me too long D: looks okay though I can pretend that Shade was too preocupied complaining and arguing with Ash and the Doctor was just lost in his own trail of thought so they didn't hear Ces... or summit leik that >>; "But risks are fun. " Shade complained, in the most immature tone of voice she could amnage, which was very immature. Shade was still pushing against Ash's palm, then her claws suddenly burst from her knuckles, instantly going straight through Ash's palm. Shade gasped, she wasn't meant to realy hurt him, not make him spill his own blood anyway. "Stupid cat." Ash said with a sigh. "Don't move." Slowly Ash walked backwards away from Shade, the fact that her claws had gone through his hand didn't seem to shock him, neither did it seem to cause him pain. Ash continued to walk backward slowly, careful to keep his hand in the same position so that Shade's claws wouldn't slice through any of his main blood vessels. Ash had managed to get Shade's claws out of his hand finaly. He looked down at it and watched as the gaping holes slowly closed. Ash turned his hand over looking at both sides, moving his fingers, the holes had closed and everything seemed to be working fine. Shade stared in amazement of how quickly he had healed, but her attention soon turned to the blood on her hands and her claws. She just stared at it speachless for once. "Right." Siad the Doctor clearing his throat, trying to take away any attention that that little inccident had caused. "So since Some of us are so against exploring this planet, there's plenty more out there waiting to be explored, so how about we get back to the TARDIS?" While all this disscussing was going on about exploring, back at the TARDIS something was there. Whatever was there was practicaly invisable, it was looking at the TARDIS, slowly it placed a six fingered hand on one of the wooden panels of the TARDIS door. Then it and that TARDIS were swallowed up by a cloud of dust. Once that cloud of dust had passed the creature had gone, but so had the TARDIS.

11:26am Apr 25 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yeh. It was pretty spiffy. Couldn't help but grin. :3 It looked like... This one, I think. [link] Wells. Not only is Yoshi unsatisfied with her previous post, though it's too late to change that at all, but now she's apparently going to the zoo. x3 Should be fun, though. Hee. Trigunz(Yus. I've decided to say it with a Z nao. |D) makes me iggle. c: Rem's face when she's all, 'KNIVES!!' and both his and Vash's faces in response are just hilarious. ... Har. Has to go. ;o
3:26pm Apr 25 2009
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OOC: I went rabbid. 8DD Bunny had to restrain me, as she has come over for a sleepoverr... >3> YAYZ. But... that still doesn't change how much I want. D; Ooh. Have a nice tiem. ;3 In which part? :o
8:49pm Apr 25 2009 (last edited on 3:17am Apr 26 2009)
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OoC: Yeh, she told me 'bout that. And I'd imagined that it would probably lead to quite a bit of insanity. xD Man, I wish I could go over thar and join in the awesome a'ventures~ Ah.. The zoo would have been a lot better, were it not so ridiculously packed and had my nose behaved a bit better. Think it must be allergy tiem. ;c It was just after Knives nearly caused disaster for the ship fleet - this time not even on purpose. Hum... where was that? Ohs, here. :3 [link] Hurrrhurhur. Wolfeh~ Lookit the bottom of mah profile. :DDD I has an idea. >:3 I think it came both from something that Conrad guy said about hair darkening and the effects that accompany/follow it, and from the movie 'Push', with what was happening to Kira's insides. c: Vash 'stared' in Ces' direction, quietly considering her words. Had he still had his eyes, he would likely have redirected them to his feet, as well. But instead, he simply returned his face to look forward, letting his eyelids fall. A slight smile gradually softened his grimy features. Th.. Thank you. And... he added, sounding uncertain, concerned. He was entirely unaware that the rest of the group hadn't heard the Haran's question. "I.. don't really know where Knives is. He's blocking me. Makes it nearly impossible to tell he's even there, though I know he is, let alone locate him. And I get the feeling that, wherever he's gone, his intentions aren't good. Maybe we should..." He stopped, seeming to totter ever so slightly, before shifting his feet and shaking his head lightly. "... Sh-should take that risk, anyway.. Have some 'fun' with it like Shade wants, I suppose. I really can't just leave him to do whatever he'd like. "And I.. I think-" Again he dropped off, this time flinching back and clutching his head with one hand. A low hiss of, "Ow," slipped out, almost inaudible. A moment dragged by, and he looked up again, his hand hovering in front of him. "S.. S-sorry," he stuttered in smiling apology, as a dark line streaked down the side of his face, like black blood.

4:22am Apr 26 2009
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Posts: 399
Ooc: Duz you want a cream easero named '03o', by any chance, Yoshi? =3 I'shall joineth once more. =D "Excuse me..." the dirty cat-lady asked a traveling tourist, looking crazed. "..But do you happen to know where the woozle wasn't?" The man looked at her with a strange glare that would put anyone off. Anyone but Pechan. "Hello?" she asked, waving her hand in front of his face. "Yeah, it wasn't up the road!" he joked, laughing at her 'stupidity'. She smiled and walked in the direction the man had pointed in, and only moments later realised he was being sarcastic. She scowled and spun around angrily. "And anyway-" she said, only then realising that the man had disapeard. "Curse those damned tourists!" She said to herself, walking in the direction the wind was going. She took out her compass and followed the little black arrow west, until she came across a clifface after a while of walking. She took a left and noticed that a blonde, a brunette and a black (and many more) were standing at the edge of the cliff. She decided to meet up with the when she realised that she'd seen them before. But where?
 yeah i dont know either.
12:04pm Apr 26 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Same here. ;( *huggles a virtual huggle* But hey, Heitch had her first true dose of Haloo 3ee... xDD Knives was actually feeling guilty of something that could've killed them. Rem's face... xDD Ohmaigod. I saw that in thingamajig's Ranch. 8D How'd you... you buy'd it? 8O Whut...? The eagle's face approached his a little, and her "brow" furrowed in uneasyness as she watched the black line streak across his face. Her innards felt like they were being twisted and turned, as uncertainy and nervousness settled down like a stone sinking through water in her gut. She simply gave him a gentle nudge on his shoulder with a light tap of her beak, before speaking her hopefully-reassuring words. If you think that you've really got to find him, she told him in a level "tone". Then that's what we'll do. I don't think that I'll be able to track him very well, and with your added disability to actually locate him... It's going to be difficult. She paused, and raised her head slightly, noticing how uncomfortable her crouching position had been. But it's possible.

2:04pm Apr 27 2009
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Posts: 2,020
Bah res still dont work on mai laptop or computer so imma on mah mobile x3 cannut posteh til later and cannut edit this post stupid charecter limit. Imma probably write summit fer kit or wolfeh to post fer me x3
10:01pm Apr 27 2009 (last edited on 3:10am Apr 28 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hum. Sures, Kitt. :D I'll just adopt a Creatu to trade- *edits* Hokai, maybe not right now. Since the forest decided nope, I can't have a 'junk' Creatu today. And I don't have enough room to buy one. x3 *iggles* inorite? xD And actually, he really had no reason to try anything destructive, at that point. In fact, he wanted Humans to accept Vash and him. So much so that he even cried when they met Conrad. Yus. I buy'd her. 8D Balet had an auction going, and Wolfeh was one of the Creatu. So I had to get 'er. >83 Nao.. Mebbeh I could spend a bit on beeeaaanz. o3o Bah. I'd like ta posteh, but Nias hasn't gotten a chance to, and I'd rather let her characters do something first... D: Hrm. Mebbeh I'll just try and draw Vashers as he is in m'last posteh. I just.. really like that image. Liek. He's pretty much entirely unaware of how ragged he looks, and even of the black.. stoof, despite the pain preceding it. And he just looks.. almost carefree. :D ... Or Legato-sama, being all, too bishie for buttons. xD Lard, Nias. Since you mentioned that again I've been randomly thinking of it... I nearly iggled while we were in Wal-mart. x3 And homg. I watched Death Note(live-action movie) with my sis, and... I couldn't stop grinning. Kept thinking of people dying by boomerang, off a cliff. xDD

10:18am Apr 28 2009
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Posts: 399
Ooc: I see...I hush too many junk pets X3 Nias forgot to tell us what to post for her. D{ Silly numpty. Bic: Pechan soon recocnized the people and made her way cautiosly towards them, her eyes fillling with glee to see them once more. The memories of the saloon fight flashed back quickly, memories of when they were together. Good times. "S'cuse me, but do you remember me?" she shouted over to them, expecting to be ignored completely. Yet she tried.
 yeah i dont know either.
10:44am Apr 28 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: And the Nia began telling me everything he did in Trigun Maximum... He sounded so.. sweet!! xDD I almost felt sorreh for him, and he seemed ten times more innocent than Vash, as though he were the baby brother... And then he met Steve. -_- And got ruined. Well, if ye want her albino, you're a-gonna need lots of luck... >3 Although, me being me, you're likely to get it. xD I'm a-lucky person. Can't explain why. 8D Drawdrawdraw him, yoshee! I wanna see the state of him... yoshi: Hyar he iz! *shows picture* Nias: 8D Har har!
Kitt: 8D Har har!
Wolfeh: *eye twitch* Ugh... Die by Spartan off a cliff? :o
5:21am Apr 30 2009 (last edited on 10:01pm Apr 30 2009)
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OoC: Hehe. I just has too many I'd like to keep on m'profile. x3 Though I'm starting to think I should just shop (some of) the Guns and keep Tongari and Nico-nii out, with a spot for Knives. It seems Jackel's forgotten Res, so he may die and become available again. |3 Yah. Knivesy was adorable. :D He was quite a bit more spirited than Vash, who always seemed very.. timid. And actually, there was no Steve, in Maximum. It was all in their discovery of Tessla and what happened to her. o; Wells. If I dun' get it after a few beanz, mebbe I could just start hatching Zenirix and get a Name Tag. |3 Sadly, I can see us doing that. Especially me being all, 'Hyar he is!' xD Hur hur. I really got going on 'im yesterday, and he's turning out amazingly, over my expectations. I think I've really got the ex pression down perfectly. :D Nao, 'f only I actually knew how to cross-hatch and make it look right...