12:42pm May 16 2009 (last edited on 12:43pm May 16 2009)
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OoC: Yah.. I've been spending a lot less time on Res for the past several days. I really need to bring up these pathetic grades before the semester ends, so I've been trying to work on the mass of papers I never turned in. High school's just been.. urgh. D: He's there - black one-day-old Leverene, on her ranch's third page. ;o And why'sat? x3 It would feel.. really weird to suddenly be calling Ces something else, after all this time. It still feels weird enough just thinking of her name with the right pronunciation. xD ... Y'know. It was.. creepy, yesterday. A friend at school ninja'd my drawing book, and at the end of class, she came and gave it back to me, ripping out a page on which she'd drawn someone - the person sitting next to her, apparently - whom I immediately thought looked ridiculously similar to Woofwood. Upward curve of the nose and dark, shaggy-ish hair and everything, but for the suit and Punisher. And it.. turns out his name was Nick. o3o Still can't think of anything to posteh. ;c Not even for Knivesy~

6:30am May 17 2009
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OOC: It's OK, yoshi. We understand. Oh, Ranches have pages now, do they? That would explain why Strikingly was found on Classy's second, and not the first... I wondered why I couldn't see him at first. xD I don't know, I just don't like having a name for something or someone, and knowing it's been taken by somebody else... I must have the names of my creations. Weird, and not very understandable, but it's their really odd obsession that I've just developed. o_O Besides, after seeing Star Trek (which was bloody awesome, God, it really got me going. Spock is teh... brilliantest. xDDD), and hearing all those supercool names for species, Haran sounded so... boring. D; Maybe, if I brainstorm a bit, I can fancy it up a bit, so it's not so dull-sounding... Although the term "Rexillon" could fit quite nicely in Star Trek. 83 It was so... weird. The bad guys' ship and technology (Romulans, or whatever way you spell it) was so similar to what I'd had in mind for Rydesa's race... Whilst Harans*coughcough*Ces' race are a bit... behind on their technos, Rexillons are the science-fiction, really alien-y type. Doctor Who style, and muuu-uutant. 83 But God, whether you're a fan or not, go and see Star Trek (although you, yoshi, have got in America by now - it's only come out with us Brits), or I'll dip you in a cauldron of boiling, bubbling custard and serve you to my heartbloods! >;O Wow... weiird.... xD Never happened to me before. Well, I've nothing much tah say. :s

12:32pm May 19 2009
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OoC: Bahs I hate those people in your class Wolfeh, me a goth! Bahs, I shalls mutilate them all >|D Just cause I used mai fake hair power and it turned black D| Hurhur, Imma make a real voodoo doll using spannish moss 8'D Then they'll wish they hadn't called me a goth! Thinks I should posteh again, see if i can get this moved along a bit xD
2:09pm May 19 2009
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OOC: I know. They've always been jerks, Bun, remember that, but one of them was actually sort of nice to me before - always saying positive stuff about my drawings. He's completeleh changed, even the rest of the girls I hang out with during our lessons have agreed that something's up. I've always had a reputation for an (OK, very) obsessive reader, constantly reading in the corridors as we waited to enter our classroom, and they'd always joke about it and act like idiots - but now they're just starting to get kinda mean about it, it's making me mad. And they're starting to call us freaks because of our little Voodoo dolls. I mean, come on! You've got to be kinda thick-skulled to pick on people who have such possessions, even if they're not the true type of Voodoo and they're just good luck charms. Stitches freaks people out all the time >3 And our Voodoos are cute. ;( Scarecrow's sad now, that they think he's a freak - he's the cutest, the littlest, and the most useful. Icarus' purpose is far from disturbing - a lovy-dovy, he's got the sweetest charm-job-thing. And I know Stitches has a rather... odd appearance, and yes he had pins in him, and yes his purpose was rather unpleasant - but I need Stitches so badly. He's supposed to help you get back at people, see - "when all else fails", and I can never muster the courage to... get back at people, thus making me... vulnerable? to bullies. I've never been not-picked on, and although I can't call "teasing" bullying, I've never been at peace with absolutely everybody, ever. The least I can ever do is try/cause them to trip up using mah ankle-tapping technique. That's hardly a punishment from hell, though. And I wish they didn't treat and think of goths like weirdos. They can be really nice, such as the staff at the Blue Banana... the woman there who mum had asked to watch over us whilst she'd go to the bank was far more friendly and talkative than the types of women at normal shops. Yes, she kept recommending things to us - but at the same time, she'd actually listen to whatever I had to say, and we ended up conversating. And I appreciated that. :)

12:46pm May 20 2009
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OoC: hurm, tomorrah I'm gonna mutialte them fer shore :o Prolly attack them with something sharp, like the corners of my art folder c: And Voodoo's are cute, and acutaly good luck charms. I ended up discussing the purpous of real voodoo's with some jerks today from my class and others in year ten. They understand nothing of spannish moss. 'Uhh isn't that gonna like rot?' God Rhys is an idiot, everything rots in time. And then the other one was like 'So you put hair on spannish moss and stab it?' -.- hard to explain things to the pea brained creatures.
2:42pm May 20 2009
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OOC: xDD Oh, yeah, that was funny, today. xD One was chopsin' me, and I chopsin' him back'd. God, I just used one of Their Words... o_O I admit, it was him who finished our fray - but only after I'd turned by back and was already walking away from him... And fur gawd's sake, if you don't want it to rot sooner, freeze it! And like you said, someday it's gonna die for good, so all you'll need to do is reapply it. Simple. Plain. Perfect. Obvious. Lulz. Tah-day, they weren't so bad. >3 Obviously gotten to them the fact that it is voodoo dolls they are insulting, and also, insulting the owners themselves, of which have knowledge of true Voodoos, and thus, able to own. >3 All I need is to go to Spain (by ship, aeroplane or undersea train), get some moss (pity my own dog doesn't shed the stuff, or something - then we'd be in luck, Bunny), make a real Voodoo doll (not the harmless charm-types), get some of their hair (SHAVE IT ALL OFF-*coughcough* fake an accident with some scissors during art) and make them pay. :3 Oh, and make them fall over. Snee hee. ^^ Mind you, I think Stitches works - I've been getting... ruder, to people... and they tend to leave me alone for it. <:3 I didn't mean to make the teacher yell at one of them today, during class - I was talking to him, then I'd turned around to end our brawl, then he tried to get my attention again by calling my name and got a telling off for cutting across the classroom. Honest! <:D

3:33pm May 20 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hurhur freeze a voodoo doll, you'll end up preserving your Victi- ur I mean voulenteer <:3 Yesh and all you have to do is meerly make another one xD You dun has to go to spain to get spannish moss, you can get it in any ol garden placey thing like the place I got mai fish and was gonna get an Iguana from :3 Yeah my mum changed her mind about the Iguana, and said a definate no to a sanke >>; Snakes are cute wai she's affraid o em I shall never know. All ya need is one strand of hair Wolfeh, works like a charm |D I think Mine are working (all six of them) The guardian has stopped me falling over so much, Angel thar has seen me through tough times lately, Kitbun has lost two eyes now yet I haven't been attacked by my sister in a while. The Prankster has actualy worked, some of my friends I play tricks on are seeing the funny side of things. As for the others I forget their purpous but I'm sure they're working |D
2:17pm May 21 2009
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OoC: Hurrrrrrrr. Tah-day was the last day of schooool. |D Wells. I'm sure I could ask her if I could buy 'im. Wolfehhhh. ;3 Junkpettiem? An' yah, I do like Star Trek; my mom always loved it. x3 I've heard its movie is pretty spiffy, but haven't gotten a chance to go and see it yet, hermit-y as I am. Bwah. Surely you guys have more to say than I do, since the character I'm using the most right now is blind, and.. doesn't have the most thorough clue on what's going on, right? D| Starting to wish I hadn't done some of these things and just been a bit more patient for something to happen... Well 'at's not very nice. D| Bwah. That makes me even more afraid to get that black streak. Hokai. I'sa tryyyyyy to think of a posteh. And then edit. x3
2:45pm May 21 2009
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OOC: Lucky. We've got a few more weeks before we can break through the Gates of Hell (more comonly known as... school.) and enter Paradise. D; We haven't even started our exams yet. Next week is holidays, then one more week of revision... and then... They Begin. DDD8 Whut? Whut? What are you ranting on about nao...? *visits the Yoshers' page* OHMAIGODILIKELOVELIKEYOULIKEFORLIKEEVER. 8DD 'Cept, I've changed the name of the Harans to summat' else... But I eventually decided that Haran would be the English term for them, so you're free for the face-palmage or the sceam of "WHAT?! I HATE YOOU, WOLFEHH! >8OO". It's more than spiffy, you apple-shaped jumbo. It's ah-mazing. <3 Meh, I really can't say a lot. But if I can have to chance, I'll go back and havealookout. The clock is ticking and I've passed my curfew. :| Yoshinator. xDD Your Ranch and Gallery... Jeez, I begin to regret what Bun-Bun had told me in school... Really badly. D8 You guise...
12:14pm May 22 2009 (last edited on 12:16pm May 22 2009)
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OoC: Wow. I really do get out early. o3o Rawru said she has four more weeks of exams, and I saw someone else say nearly two weeks left... xD And I was actually near doing an iggling facepalm, there. ... What's their new name then? o3o I'm not the apple-shaped one; that's my tra la la~ ;D And.. y'mean the thing with Legato-bum and Knivesy singing the Ding Dong Song? xD Nias said I made her have weirdo dreams about that. 8D I has access to Souly nao, and last night I made.. a purple Oompa Loompa lady. With green afro under a beret and poofy pants with pointy shoes. :'D And, to accommodate my obsession, a yellow-tinted monocle. Hur hur. Well. It's a short one.. D; But. A posteh. ... Somehow I've a feeling Pechan may be going into another coma, anyway. Vash, who'd been attempting to wipe some of the bitter-tasting blackness from his lips, with little success as it seemed to stick like a stubborn stain, and every time he did get much of it more would follow right after, looked up at the rest of the group. He nodded briefly but unassuredly in response to the Doctor's question, seeming indecisive. "Leaving it in the desert probably wouldn't be good.. But then, I doubt any of the Humans around here would find it normal to see a flying.. phone booth."

12:56pm May 23 2009 (last edited on 1:16pm May 23 2009)
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OoC: Ahh purple Oompa Loompa lady? xD I had a gay Yellow guy, A phat purple lady with big magoombas and an anthros of mai fursona wich god mods a lot |'D And yesh I had weirdo dreams about that, but I liked the dream, I liked it a lot x3 Bahs I miss two days of training and mai creatus go all phat :o Wells Ysbryd was already phat. But Nocens can't be phat (though baby ebilia have big thighs) she's gonna rot and have no weight, dumbo anorexic thang >:o I muust get weight down again. Ohs I met a drunk guy in town tahdai x3 he was singin and then said: 'You know when I was little I was in the sound of music' He wasn't that bad at singing, given the fact he was drunk and asking my mum if she was married xD BiC: "Pfft." Said the Doctor in reply, waving a hand to Vash. "No worries, you should of seen the reaction I got driving her down the M4 at Seventy miles per hour." The Doctor grinned. "If anyone asks it's new technology." The Doctor winked before turning on his heel and striding back the way he had come, the tails of his long brown coat flapping like ribbons behind him. "Hey!" Shade called otu "I'm coming with you!" Shade then began to make her way twoard the Doctor, that's when she fell over hitting the dusty ground with a thud. "Ouch..." She murmered, realising she had fallen over her own feet. "You're staying here then." Said Ash who had just suddenly appeared in front of her. "Wha-who-huh-ho" Shade stuttered. Getting to her feet. "Yeah just gimme a freaking heart attack why don't you."

3:02pm May 23 2009
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OOC: Whoa-cheese. We're not alone, than. x3 It's very simeelar - Hithros, I think. 83 Or Hathros. Sounds awful fancy, don't ye Texans think? *claps hands over ear's* Shudapyoupieceofgoo. D8 Do not poison my mind with obliviating schemes and prophecies - visions that will certainly- No, no, I'd better not say that... 8( I'll have nightmares. Homaigosh. xD I've made a corn-man - the weird shirt, those even weirder leg-things, and a giant corn-thing for a weapon. The Yun-Seong style. 8D Oh, and as you have accessness to Souly, yoshi, go on and try Talim - that's exactly how Ces fights. Although... one of her moves... Is so not her... D8 Too... shocking... *covers eyes* And, no, not the one whereas she grips your waist with her legs, rolls you over and slashes your head off. :3 That is very her. I tried making Femenie on Souly. Didn't work. Tried making my fersona-anthro. Pure fail. Made Rydesa, deleted her, re-made her all prettier... and even made a Rexillon. 83 But, the Nightmare clothes, eez too much! Looks too much like Nightmer himself. Lizardman style came in handy for him, though... And shame you can't give characters a snarly voice, like an animeel. :P Homaigod. Female Spartans on Le Halo Three! 8DD We've found a way to change the Spartans' genders, customize our own ones, and even change the species (Lulz, Kitteness is now officialy an Elite in tah Halo wurld... >3> And even they can have womanly voices - but they sound all tough and not squealy at all, which is a shame in comparison to the howls the mens make...) And we've also worked out how to record little clips of each game we can play, and even make screenies like on Brawl, and using a cable of somewhat we can upload them onto Tha Internetz and show u guise... 8DD I look rlly heroic in some of them... >3> Me in my white-and-blue awesomeness... With the sun gleaming behind my head in a very god-like kind of way... Holding my sniperz... Sometimes being run over or blasted apart by my own flesh and blood... It's pure awesomeness, Halo editings is. 83 I want so baad, to show you the horror magic my sister and I perform on Le Hay-Loh. :3 I bagsied that name. ;O
Yay, Spork-Mother posted! :D Not even glancing at Shade and Ash, Ces passed Vash an ex pression-lacking stare that, although carried no particular message or thought, spoke volumes in the possible negative imaginings flowing through her mind. And I have a growing suspicon that giant eagles aren't a common sight, either, she said darkly to him. Only now did she care to actually cast an inquisiitive look at Pechan, of whom was standing extremely still. Just standing, watching them. At the mere sight of the single human who had effortlessly taken on (and succeeded in putting out of action, possibly even killing the creature) a... What was it called? Damphere! - using nothing more than a once-possibly-harmless orange, the feathers on her shoulders ruffled slightly as a flow of cold blood rushed onwards beneath her skin. As if attempting to hide her recognizable weariness to the others, she took a tremendous leap - causing the ground to tremble ever so slightly - and flapped air-gustingly powerful wingbeats over to a nearby, but rather tall and wind-battered, crag that overlooked the cliffside. Wings not quite tucked in, yet not exposed to their greatest width, Ces' yellow gaze slid eagerly over her surroundings, taking in every detail (which, by now, was so magnified to suit her newest form, nothing was ignorable) and drinking in every sight. In the sunlight, which was not blocked by the clouds, her feathers turned a corn-coloured gold that illuminated her back and wings, as though the colour-changing feathers themselves were just carvings of pure metal.

4:31am May 24 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Lolz screenies x3 I ttly phail at halo? amirite. Needz to get it fer maiself and practise befroe attempting to pwn choo agen. Ohs Kevin wants exbox live xD so if all of us has it we can play against each other in souly? :o I unnow just a thought x3 Wells I'm waiting fer cutlery's whereabouts to make a posteh o3o
5:32am May 24 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: This Kelly has no life. DD; I'd love to be able to beat up interact with all the lovelies in the world, and make new buddies online... And remembar, Heitch - it's only 1V1 matches on Souly (methinks, anyway...) xD. Say, if we all had Halo 3, all had LIVEs, made the game mode Slayer, then we can all keel each other endlessly until only moi one emerges the victor! :D Or, if you really want a chance, you both could form a team against me, 2V1.... >3> Lulz. It's funneh - we keep watching replays and recording all these mini-vids... xD
5:06am May 25 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: :D Tah-day was fun. I went and watched Star Trek, which was pretty epic, though a bit confusing as to whether it was an after-the-series or alternate-universe, at first. And then we went to Barnes & Noble, which turned out to have Trigun. 8D I bought the first volume, for now. It's interesting how different the wording of the official translation is from those of the online scanlations.. Yus. Purple Oompa Loompa lady. :D Though that wasn't actually on my hard drive; I don't think mine has anything but a few weapons I can buy, since I've only just started. x3 But Ashlotte is win, and Yoshimitsu's just.. awesome. xD He was one of the first I tried, and he seems half, if not entirely, mad. And Talim was pretty good when I played through her story; I even got a perfect battle on Algol. ;o! She's just relentless, if you can start a good combo chain... Hithros? ... I dun' liek it. x3 I still think Haraaaaan ish bettar. An'.. xD I kinda like having weirdo dreams about this stuff. Wolfeh and Kitt being run over and blasted apart.. sounds interesting. xD Hokai. I has a but of a posteh in mind, but.. mai head is angry at me for not having slept yet. And it's five in the morning. x3

8:17am May 25 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: I have Elmo |D hurhur got him from SuperMonky for a Kioka egg o3o Ahh Yoshilisk should try Taki, that's Shade's style fer souly, Voldo is just a no fer her even though it has cat claws D| Rite~ Yoshilisk should try complete sory mode on all charecters, and give the tower thing a go. That way you unlock all sorts of equiptment. Ohs play as Algol and I think you get Kamikirimusi. The Tower one gets you a lot of equiptment. ANd try playing arcade mode too you get a lot of money form that |D Then buy some charecters, you get more equpptment~ lolz I know too much. It's vurreh interesting Yoshilisk, and Wolfeh is so god modey on Halo... I got glomped by a flood c: Hurhur edit yer posteh D: I wanna know where Cutlery is~
10:18am May 25 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I got confoosed, too, at the bit with the whole time-travelling ordeal. We just lost the plot completely at that point. But it was still really good so we concentrated on the graphics rather than the story itself. 83 I luff Ashlotte, but I'm not so good as her. D: She's too slow, no offence. <:( But she has Ces' voice. xDD All the cries and shouts she does while she's fighting - it's Voice 3 on the Create-a-Character bit. Some of the phrases don't really suit Ces ("Now, atone for your sins!" God, since when has she gotten all religious and... weird-phrased? o_O), but... none of the others do, either. xD I am also fail at Yoshimitsu. Urgh, he's hard. D; And Algol's all... stupid. Kilik and Talim are the best. 8D Oddly enough, those are the styles of moi's characters... In exception to Rydesa, who's a-Voldo with a pair of giant scissors for weapons. x3 But Xianghua? SUEEE!!! >8O What on earth went through my mind to give Ces that style in the first place...? D; And Bunny's right - do Arcade and you get tons of equipment. :D Nu, you can still call them Harans. Hithros is just their term for it in their own language. And vat weirdo dreams? You're still not trying to imagine Haran-Plant hybrids, are you? :o Yah, it's FUNNY. 8DDD In one, she completely owns me by jumping out of nowhere in a Warthog and just... completely bashing me over. xD T'was so epicly dramatic, with blood 'n everything. Then I respawned and tried getting my own back using a twusty Trip Mine, but I eventually had to resort to using my Assault Rifle. :3 *does the Hand-Flick* Please, Bunny, you're exaggerating... xD And Fluddz love Bunny. At realizing how new she was to Halo, and noticing how her companion*coffcoff, me* had completely and utterly abandoned her in the thick of battle, they suddenly decided that they wanted to be her bestest fwend. :3 I took into account that the big Brute-Floods liked you the most, oh high Bun-Bun. >3>

10:47am May 25 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hey I found Smores in the forest xD and I bought Yameko (some game's company) the natural Malal and Concealing the natural Myotis for 0 tu c: Elmo can be friends with Barney nao yus? xD Oh's Souly Shade has female voice 4 wus it? on pitch +50 Her phrases don't suit her either xD ( Which do you want destroyed first? Body or soul?... Shadey just isn't that serious xD Ohs then there's the finished battle thing, There you go. *nodnod that one suits her a bit) Hurhur I ttly pwn with Tira |D sw'y HeitchBee has Tira style, she's all hight pitched and shouty like 'Don't insult me!' And 'I'll show you what true shame is' Oh's then Blaise is all dirty talking |D 'I love it when you talk dirty' And 'Submit to me!' hurhur ahh Blaise... I ttly god mod with her thanks to Ivy style |D I'm not exaggerating, it ttly glomped me >:o that flood just leapt from on top of something and landed on me! it was a tackle hug! A glomp! And the flood are mai bestest fwiends c: And big flood leik me a lot~ Bow down to the flood queen >83 (lulz ntrly)

1:00pm May 25 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: *never gets much luck in the Forest* x3 Ces is Voice 3, around the mid-way point. Not too sqeuaky, not too deep... x3 Although, one of her phrases - "You coveted what you could not attain" - sound pretty cool, and her tone of voice when she says it suits it, too. But I really dont get this one - "Peace cannot be attained through conflict" - as one of her won-battle quote. Ces is such a hypocrite! xD But I sort of like "I shall part you from your karma!". Almost sounds like the kind of thing she'd say. Almost. x3 But... gwearghuuhh! Even on Souly I struggle about her appearance! D8 I'm a-constantly changing it. Nothing... ever looks... right. ;( Face 3 will always stick, and Xianghua's little haircut sort of resembles the one she has in this roleplay (in exception to those annoying little... things that dangle through beads on either side of her face!). But... clothes.... garghf! *hides in cardboard boxe* I ttly p'wn as Talim and Kilik. 83 But I'm a-shameful, when it comes to Ivy and Tira... they so hard. D; So pathetic. xDDDD Wait, I just figured something... Bunny = Flood Queen. Wolfeh = Spartan Queen (*squee*) Kitt = Elite Queen. Yoshirules = ... Grunt Queen. x3 Or, if you're fussy, Plant Kween. :3 Bunny, my message to you and your followers: THIS - IS - SPARTAH! *blows u up with, liek, Haloh reeng* >8DD

3:18pm May 25 2009 (last edited on 5:41pm May 25 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xD I was actually just confused at the beginning, as to whether or not the black-haired Kirk was the Kirk who's always been captain's son, or if he was that Kirk's father.. turns out the latter, I'm pretty sure.. and whether the half-Human Spock was the Spock who was always there on the Enterprise... x3 Yeh.. I can be good with Taki, and I can be horrid with her. x3 Ashlotte's slow-ish style actually seemed to work pretty well for me though, despite that I'm usually one for weaker but quicker attacks. Pro'ly why Talim worked so well for me. :D And Yoshimitsu was just.. really fun. xD ... Fluddz. D8 *cowers under/behind something* >;o Plant Kween would be moar fun than Grunt Queen. Even though Grunts are pretty crazy.. "New technology?" Vash echoed, with a slight whine underlying his voice, sure that only the most ignorant of people would readily believe that. "They'd find it weird enough seeing the old technology flying around." He began to step forward, to follow the Doctor despite that he'd no idea where the Time Lord was going, but stopped short at Ces' words. He turned halfway about, with another slight stumble that made him frown to himself, before looking up questioningly. "What? There are some-" As the eagle lifted from the ground, though, the sudden gust from her wingbeats buffeting him and whipping his already battered coat about, Vash fell short and instead exclaimed a simple, "Wait!" When the wind had lightened and the desert air was still again, he simply stood there, wondering just what had happened. Quite a ways away across the desert, because of a certain bunny's need to find out where Sir Cutlery was for stalking purposes.. I mean. a level sigh escaped upon the light breeze, as the Plant stopped dead. The suns were visibly closer to their setting horizon now, but he'd nearly reached his destination; the silhouetted hull of a relic over a century old was visible in the distance, the Human town of Geneora Rock just a few hundred iles from it. It was one of the few ships that had survived the Big Fall and was still operable, and in which he'd recovered from his body's near destruction after having provoked the July Incident. That was where he presumed his forced minions would be waiting for him, aside from perhaps Beast. So, eyes narrowed against a sudden pick up in the wind, he stepped forward again, before a pair of metallic and jagged wings, with feathers of knives, lifted him up and toward the ship. OoC: Whee. I lobe the feathers and the wings.. x3 ♥
