6:46am Jun 4 2009
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Posts: 3,642
ooc: whoops. Keep forgetting to posteh. X3 i'll try to recall to do one later; can't do it now because i have to leave pretty soon.
10:09am Jun 4 2009
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Posts: 1,314
ooc: wow. I'd never have imagined myself as scary xdd. In exception to those moment on the levels epitaph and guardian on halo, when there's not a lot of space to run about in and ambushing people using gravvies is more than doable... >d but meh, apart from my unicorn-like sneakiness on halo, i'm not really that intimidating. <:3 especially from the fact that i cower in fear everytime my sister tries to beat me up... >.> if knivsey reached out for something in the dark, chances are he wouldn't touch a sock - he'd feel a hamster on a golden picture frame on the wall and scream like a girl. Xdd xdddd shudap, bun-bun. I told you before - rello's like shigure, but less of the... Y'know-what. Xdd but he's nawt gaayyy. D; at least his name doesn't sound like a freaking girl's. >.> *points at shade's long-lost hubby so thar kthxbebzluvubebztxtbebckbebz.
11:16am Jun 4 2009 (last edited on 3:20am Jun 6 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
ooc: wells choo are scary now x3 i bet those guys think i'mmsome freaky death predictor now huh? Hurhur, they looked kinda scared when i told them how they're gonna die. You may cower in fear from your sister, but my sister is big and i mean big leik sooopa size x3 you can't realy tell when she's in her school uniform, in those everyone looks fat. Wells anyways i dun cower, i hit her back, though that flab protects her like a shiled while i have nothing and am clearly most weak, but my tongue is harsh, and stings like a whip >;3 i always win arguments if they don't turn into physical fights. knivsey would leik nawt scream like a girl, he would go all bladesey and kill the hamster, keeping the frame x3 lorren ees leik nawt shade's long lost hubby, he's her babysitter thingamabob, kthnxbai
12:53pm Jun 4 2009 (last edited on 12:54pm Jun 4 2009)
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ooc: xdd i dunno. When you'd gone, they started acting all stupid like "o-kaayy, xdd", possibly unawares that i was watching them. The one of them actually turned to me - i noted that he did look somewhat nervous, as sharing a cl*censored*room with these kind of guys means i can tell whether they're lying or not - and asked, "she isn't serious, is she?" or something re*censored*urance-seeking like that. >3>ah, if only i really were kagura - then all i have to do is *accedentally* trip into them, turn into a boar, and, liek, sukk out their brainss. Then grab my clothes in my mouth and rush for the nearest bathroom. Xdddd i know, i hate the way the school jumpers look all saggy. D8< as i'm starting to just wear my short-sleeved blouse now, i often feel like it's ten sizes too big for me when i have to put it back on, it feels so loose. :p and - garf! I want trousers! D; meh, my sister often wins the fights - but the ones where i win never end up making me feel good. :p i often say something really spiteful to her, or hurt her badly enough to make her cry. That's what tends to let me win, although i often think i'm a little too p*censored*ive to win mouth-to-mouth arguments. If it came to an all-round fight, however - i don't *try* start them, they often begin with me accedentally hitting or poking or scratching my sister, then she does it back, and then vice versa until it gets pretty bad xd. It's a shame, really. People tend to think i'm all wussy, but then again, i'm just being gentle 99.9% of the time. <:3 i know i can be worse, i just kinda wish people understood that.... Xd but... What if the hamster was vash? :o yes he is. He's got a girl's name, hasn't he? and i read what you just wrote there! Ddd8<<how, liek, dare, you!

3:46am Jun 6 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hurhur had to edit mai posteh, it was killing the words x3 Hurhur, gawd those gaise are idiotic jerks |3 And mascara boy dosen't knwo how he's gonna die yet~ plans! if I were in furuba, I'd be Torhu, or however you spell it, cuz I can't be Shigue, he's old and perverted. Torhu is such a sue though >:c sbmad! HUrhur, I agrue with my sister over everything, it's annoying since her *coff chav coff* attitude is what starts everything off. She argues about cereal, like 'That's my cereal, you can't eat it!*screams*' and so on. God she even har*censored*es me for bobbles and clips ¬_¬ this is usualy where I get peed off and fight back because everything she rants about to me is so trivial. I end up getting sent to my room though, because I'm 'Older and should know better by now' ._. God I'm not that old. If the hamster was Vash, well sir Cutlery wouldn't see it in teh dark and still kill him. And keep teh frame x3 He hasn't got a girls name. Lorren is nawt a girls name >:c sbmad, if this is how yer gonna treat the poor guy I'll delete him. Wut did I write thar? x3 I had to delete it cuz it was killing wurdz.

4:02am Jun 6 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I kno. ;P Meh, I suppose that if we give them time, they'll either clean up their act and stop treating us like freaks or just continue to act like beef jerkies. Although, I've noticed that they've started to leave me alone a bit now, even when one of them accedentally tapped me on the shoulder with his tennis racket whilst packing it away and apologized to me. >3> I'd be Kagoorah. ^^ Bun - the English way is "Tohru". :3 The Japanese way is "Torru". ^^ And Shigure has practically got Berello's personality, only no pervyness. xD It's kinda freaky, really - Shigure responds to some things in the same way 'Rello might. xD But there are some other parts when they really aren't similar at all... D; Really aren't.
O.O I'm glad that 3/4 of my family are Water-Signs, then. xD Kitt's the only non-Water member of our family - Aquarius, although that makes her a little more rebellious than myself xD. Myself and my father share the same sign, and my mother's Cancer, so most of the time we're pretty cool. People keep asking us (moi and Kitt, now) "Are you really sisters? God, you look like twins!" and it gets even more irritating when they go all blank-faced and ask: "How come you're friends then, and hang out with each other?" -_- Really, I wish people didn't think of siblings as "enemies under the same roof". Most of the time they can be pretty accurate, but that doesn't mean I can't be friends with my own sister. >O And when we do start fights, it's either me feeling bored and provoking her with little pokes or something, or her punching me for doing something I can't help doing, no matter how annoying. xD People often forget how clumsy I am around others. xD What if the hamster belonged to the Chief? :o *WW3 starts, liek, x3* Sounds like "Lauren", though xDD. And you can't say much - you bully 'Rello just as bad. Until you starts being nice to the stag I'm gonna keep calling Lorren by his feminine name. >8( And you can't delete him - only replace his name, 'cuz then you'll have to re-think some happenings in Shade's life. o3O Booyia! And anyways, I'm starting tore-think about Rello's hairstyle... >3> As he can change it whenever he likes, mebbeh he keeps it supershort so that Shade can't pick on him...? At this rate, he's got longer hair than Ces. xDD I can change all that easy. >3

1:48pm Jun 6 2009 (last edited on 1:49pm Jun 6 2009)
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OoC: xDD You guys are so insane.. ilu. And I think the 'CesttlywentallthewaywithVash' thing made me iggle just a bit too much. x3 Hanywai. Posteh tiem. Might add some for Vashers too, since my last Vash-posteh got no response. ... Whee. I bet I failed Legato up. With a final flourish, the jagged wings seeming to literally slice through the air as they held him above the desert vanished, leaving only the trace of a few small daggers that rocketed downward to bury themselves in the sand. Knives let himself fall several yarz to the ground, disturbing a light mist of grit as he landed crouched on his feet, one hand in front of him to help maintain his balance. As the sand settled again, he stood upright, looking first toward the distant Human town, then the ship that was now nearly right in front of him, partly buried by countless sandstorms. With a few steady but long strides, the Plant stepped through the always open entrance door and into relative darkness, which engulfed many parts of the mostly inoperative relic. But as the narrow hall leading from the entrance widened out into a room, squares and clusters of unnatural light dotted the walls, some flickering on and off with uncertainty. Continuing on, into another room, Knives glanced up toward a large, faintly glowing bulb, and nodded once to it before going on into yet another room. In this one, again somewhat dark with only the light of a panel screen and a few small squares surrounding it, sat several vaguely silhouetted figures. They all seemed to stand simulataneously at his presence. "Knives-sama!" one particularly excited figure exclaimed, drawing nearer to him. "It's been months, Master. May I ask, wherever have you been?"

3:59am Jun 7 2009 (last edited on 4:00am Jun 7 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yah... Just like the Proffets from Hay-Loft are... >.> And yes, I am going to punish wolfbait for that. xDDD How did all this "Ces4Vash" thing start, anyway? T'was only with the fact that Vash seems a little protective over her, and also that they're only friends. Good friends. It's Shade we should be laughing at - Lawliet died, for God's sake. xD And she *seemed* to admit that she fancied him. Ahh, can't wait to see her reaction when she meets The Cake. xDD I suppose you could say she has a thing for guys starting with the letter "L". >3> Lawliet, Legato, Lauren... I don't suppose that I have anything to say, rully. :P Whut-... *reads bottom of yoshi's post* (that sounded pretty dodgy - "Jesus is coming, look busy", it says xDDD) Is that little chap/chappess meant to be Legato? :o Added the "chapess" bit so that Dominique doesn't think I'm sexist, and not for the reason you think. xDD Does anyone here used to/still play Runescape? :o And... yoshi... I noticed about your post... Was is purposeful, or are the letters just big like mien... >3>

7:57am Jun 7 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh my God, look what i found: xDDDD http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Sue So, now no-one has the excuse of "having no idea what a Sue is".
11:48am Jun 7 2009 (last edited on 11:58am Jun 7 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Lol wth Wolfeh, a guide to sues |D somone should write it in a topic here o3o But CesdidttlygoallthewaywithVash ;o! Pfft, I like the letter L mmkay ;3 Nawt Shade's fault mai fault o3o The Cake makes Legato sound yummy ;o! I see no " Jesus, it's coming look bust" In Yoshilisks post. Mrrh, posteh was edited o3o Imma make a post fer Lucy now, and the Doctor too. BiC: Lucy followed the jagged, blade-like wings for a while longer. Then they dissapeared. She watched closley, through large pink eyes, as a man became visable, once the wings she had once mistaken for a scythe ntrly, twas all Bunny's fault urm going off track slightly, had dissapeared. Staying still for a moment, Lucy waited untill the man had walked through the doors of a building. Well it could of been a building, or a space ship, Lucy couldn't be sure, she was on another planet now. Lucy's vectors shortened, slowly letting her decend. A small gust of wind blew up, the t*censored*les on her green hat blew into her face. With a grunt of annoyance, Lucy threw the hat form her head, so revealing the two small white horns that grew from her skull. She paused a moment, kneling to pluck one of the daggers from the sandy ground. She tossed it around in her hand for a moment, then closed her hand in a fist around it. Lucy approached the ship, or building whichever it was, in only a few seconds she reached the open doors and stepped inside. The fist thing she noticed was the lack of light, it was prety dark in this ship, or building, and that was good there was more of a chance she could remain hidden from whatever she might have to face here. Lucy glided slowly down the hall, moving soundlessly into the connecting room. Here it was brighter, it seemed that artificial light danced around in this room, hitting the walls, still flickering on and off. She paused a moment, looking at the flickering lights, and wondered how energy from a crashed ship, abandoned, was still here, and enough to keep some lights alive. It was strange to think an abandoned ship would still hold power, unless it wasn't completely uninhabited. Glaring at the light, Lucy trudged on. Lucy moved into another room, sencing that this man had come this way. Lucy looked around, taking in her surroundings, remembering every detail incase she needed to make a quick exit, she'd know which path to take now if she did have to run, which would probably not be needed. Once more she paused, staring at the large lightbulb-like structure which was glowing faintly. She glared at it a moment, wondering what its purpous being there was, then carried on. Soon she came to the entrace of another room, in it she could hear someone talking, not quite sure of what they said, it sounded something like 'Knives-samma' Lucy couldn't be bothered to guess the other words that had been said. Slowly, she sat at the entrance to the room, waiting for whoever was in there to come out. *** The Doctor took long strides accross the barren landscape of this, once inhabited, small town. It didn't take him long to reach where he had left the TARDIS, only problem was the TARDIS wasn't there. The Doctor glared at the empty space for a moment, rather puzzled. Suddenly something clicked, this had happened before, once he had encountered a specie with no name. They had taken his TARDIS, but it didn't get very far. The Doctor's eyes wandered from where he had left the TARDIS to the building behind it. In what looked like a jump, hop and a skip the Doctor bust through the doors of the building, and there sat the TARDIS. He grinned, now also seeing the being that was trying to get in. It was what he had met before, a six fingered gl*censored* man, no facial features nothing, just a smooth gl*censored* figure. "Hello. I'm the Doctor!" The Doctor announced cheerful. "I believe that's mine." The Doctor indicated twoards the TARDIS. "Now, if you don't mind I'll e taking her back with me, if you want ot co-" The Doctor didn't bother finishing, the gl*censored* man moved with in-human speed, faster than even the Doctor himself could manage, and had soon vanished. "I'll take that as a no then." The Doctor told the wall. he shrugged, snapped his fingers and watche dat the TARDIS doors opened. He grinned, then strode inside the TARDIS, he snapped his fingers again shutting the doors. The Doctor glided over the console, taking note of the date and time he was currently in and making sure they weren't changed. The Doctor wet his lips before yanking a lever. The central collum of the TARDIS lit up, the black disk inside of that moved up and down faster and faster, the whirring sound grew louder and louder. The sound of time and space. The Doctor fell back into one of the leather chairs, put his hands behind his head and reclined, waiting for the TARDIS to re-appear next to everyone else. His mind wander a bit, he wondered if he would see that creature again, hopefuly he would. He never got any information from these creatures last time, last time they had run away, just as this one had. The Doctor sighed, closing his eyes.

11:55am Jun 7 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Lord how many times have I said TARDIS? x3
1:32pm Jun 7 2009 (last edited on 1:37pm Jun 7 2009)
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OoC: Well. Looking back on some of our older postehs, it appears Vash does tend to be really, really protective of Ces. But after having pretty much made her as his first new friend on.. whatever planet that was on which we started, then accidentally killing her and laying the entirety of the blame upon himself, and carrying her body around all over, Hell-bent on keeping her safe, he does have reason for that. And yah.. Shade did actually say L was her soulmate, at one point. xD *iggles at 'The Cake'..* Yus. Tha's Legato. And.. Elendira would probably be pretty miffed at you right now, for mentioning Dominique for the 'chapess' thing but not her. xD She's.. touchy about people calling her 'he.' So they just go with 'it' half the time. :D I used to play Runescape, ages ago. xD Back before I'd even found PokemonCrater, before I got into WoW, and long before I ever discovered Res. Think my name was 'Tasha Hi.' ... I noticed that too. D: My font was all big, even after I'd checked to make sure it had <p> tags, rather than <div>. *edits* DDD: It's still all big. Hrm... I'll posteh later. x3 /lazy

12:48pm Jun 8 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Nope, wasn't that Ash? x3 lulz ahh I confuse maiself o3o But anywaise, we still tease Wolfeh about Ces n Vash in school x3 I think we were on new earth when we started or suimmat leik that o3o I wanna take everyone to the starship Brilliant sometime~ hurhururur. Ahh Elendria the crimson nail, she should be a rose meiko x3 lulz. Elendria must the Legato's transvestite in a box :o lulz ahhh. She leik almost keeled him though, sticking a nail through his coffin Oo; I was all elik, oh noe u didn' adn she's all elik, uh yah I did *shoots* I used tah play runescape, I got bored after making somoen turn into an egg, and me being like 'dude, you're an egg :o' Nd they were like. 'I am an all powerfiul egg, you must bow before me!' SO I dids and I gots money from them fer dooing that xD about half an hour later I was standing in the middle of a circle of eggs, surrounded yelling 'Halp the eggs are gonne keel me!!!111!!!' lulz x3 That's what I most remember, then I was dancing for money~ OHs, then these peeps turned me into the egg goddess, so all the egg peeps were worshiping me x3

5:51pm Jun 8 2009 (last edited on 12:59am Jun 10 2009)
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OoC: ;o Shade was all mad at Ash for keeling L, and that's when she said that. And. x3 I hardly know anymore where we started. First yuguise implied it was Final Fantasy-ish, with the Avalanche/Shinra guys, and then Master Chief showed up, and there was the mutant Barney, and.. we just did a lot of things that didn't make sense. x3 Especially me. xD She totally should. That's what I should do when rose Meiko come out. Hatch one and- Wait. No. 8D I should try and find a genderless Meiko and buy it, tag it, and then dye it rose. Hurhurrr, it would be so epic. *iggles* Nias the Egg Goddess. x3 I used to pester people so much when I saw them turn into stuff. And I could hardly beat anything, and people tricked me all the time.. I was pathetic. ... Mebbe we could go fr-lol-icking through teh magikal wurld of Runescapz together. 8D *editz* Holy cheese. I looked on Runescape, curious, and they have actual illustrations now. xD Same semi-corny music though. "Out," Knives replied simply to the question, before freezing with a slight frown. He made to reach over his shoulder, as though about to scratch at it, when a long blade darted from his fingertips, flashing with the faint lights of the various control panels and . The knife hovered threateningly against Lucy's neck, skimming it ever so slightly. After a moment though, without either turning to look at her or letting the knife retreat from her skin, he tilted his head in curious recognition. "You again?" Legato, still standing beside the Plant, flashed a glance at Knives, who gave no response, as though he weren't even there. "Interesting," Knives mused, pressing the blade against the Diclonius' neck momentarily, before it slid away, now hanging almost lazily in the air. "Why are you following me?" OoC: ... Bwagh. I still have no Vash posteh.. D;

10:46am Jun 9 2009 (last edited on 11:07am Jun 9 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh. Now that you've put it all into perspective, yoshi, I do sort of.... see now. xDD And Bun - you and Kitt don't just tease me. You bully me! xD And it looks like myself and Wolfbait really mucked things up, with the whole "what-planet-are-we-on?" thing. Like you said, we had to FF peeps in power, but them, the UNSC/Covenant made a bit of an intro... xD Ah, imagine that - a Halo-cross-FF thing. (; So awesome. To see Chiefzo beating up all the silver-haired ladies... 8D! I didn't know that Dominic wasn't the only girl. D8 Either I must be jinxed, or it's my fate to insult the Trigun doods. Meh, I was pretty wary when it came to scammers - I was pretty rude on it, actually. xDD Whenever people tried making junk offers to moi's Trades, I... wasn't one to not point it out. x3 And I used to have this mentor guy, of whom I'd befriended so well - then he turned his back on me in the Wildy, in the days when Clan Wars wasn't invented and you could still fight people in the open. >( Killed me, took all my stuffs... >.> And yeah - that'd be awesome, if we could go for a hoppityskipthing in Roonies. :D Only problem is, my account p*censored*word's gone poof, and I'm waiting for my Appeal to be replied to and to get a new one. ;( That Runescape can be so fiddle-dy-awkward... Ahh. I don't think I'm supposed to be on, with all the exams and all... Maybe, if I'm quiet, I can stay on...? c: Hee hee. Rello's family are all silver-haired. xD Lots of Remants! xDD His sister looks like Ashlotte, and his big brothers are augmented copies of Fruits Basket's Kyo and Hatori. xD
Blinking slightly, although not quite from Gunsmoke's twin suns, Ces watched the Doctor dart from his place with the others and race off in the direction they'd come - seemingly, and obviously, towards his beloved TARDIS. The Haran had seen him run before - she'd seen every single one of them race all over the places they'd been, caught up in the adventures they were so easily drawn into, particularly Shade (although it wasn't quite all running) and Vash - but it still surprised her how fast he could go. Really, he wasn't the fastest nor the strongest out of them, but she would never have expected someone so smart to be so quick on his feet, always ready to turn around and pelt off in some direction, or other. The Shinra scientists years back, apart from their immense intellect, were pretty useless when it came to physical action. Really, Ces had seen plenty of them try and fail to trap her and Shade (along with the countless other experiments in the labs) as they raced towards freedom. The Haran and Fera had proved that machines broke easily (OOC: Hur hur, sounds like a femoss Thpartan phrase... >3> "Machines break. Eyes don't."). Fortunately for them, so had the scientists. For no particular reason at all, the eagle looked away and resumed her gazing across the vast, desert landscape that stretched out forever ahead of her. Then some sixth sense triggered inside her, a tiny little tugging at the back of her mind. Unexpected, but not irrelevant. It was the feeling of being watched. And she knew that it wasn't just one of her companions that was watching her - this seemed a little too suspicious to be certain of whose eyes they were. It felt like a stranger's stare was locked on her back, but there was a deeper, more curious thing about the sense. Like it was someone she knew, but didn't quite know well enough. Puzzled, she turned around, her large feet feeling clumsy on the crag's point, black talons nearly scratching her yellow feets and legs. Tiny rocks tumbled down the steep slope, dust sprawled about in the air. Heart beating, the eagle's eyes scanned her surroundings. Nothing there. She breathed a silent, minute sigh of relief, and the tugging sensation eased down slightly as she continued to scan the cliff's edges. Slightly.

2:29pm Jun 9 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Lard, my Internet connection fails. D| I tried to edit my posteh and- what? Not connected? Wonderful. *reads yer posteh*
3:06am Jun 10 2009 (last edited on 3:22am Jun 10 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I almost want to say maybe it was just some random freak planet with the tendency of having people from different universes poof onto it without explanation. :D But then, Maya somehow did the poof-thing on Gunsmoke/No Man's Land. So maybe that won't work. I had absolutely no experience with scammers or trolls or anything. Think Runescape was the first Internet thing I ever joined. And I only did so because half my school was all, 'Hay, you play Runescape? 8D' ... Wow. I started in 2006, and haven't logged in in over a year and a half. It all seems.. ages ago. Hokai. This is the best Vashposteh idear I've come up with. It's a bit faily - mostly just musing and Vash getting frustrated with his blindness. |o I blame the angry stomach and headache. I hate you, overly pungent steak smell. I'm sure you'd smell great normally, but right now you make me want to puke. *flail* With only the company of the sand-ridden wind upon his face and the soundless voices of the Plants, always humming silently in his head, Vash breathed a small sigh as he looked lamely about. The rest of the group had seemingly disappeared from the world, from his blinded perspective (Though I'm not sure anymore where Ash and Shade are x3). He felt almost as though he'd been forgotten; it seemed not even the Humans of this world recalled him, as an afterthought of the earlier events in that small town to which the Vampires and other creatures under Maya's jurisdiction had laid waste. Other than that one poster, which had looked somewhat old and torn anyway, he'd neither seen nor heard any mention of himself. Of course, the thought of being forgotten by the public, free to roam on his own without fear of being hunted for reward or revenge, was enough to send an excited bounce down to his feet. But it was offset by a foreboding feeling of aloneness. It was almost as though Vash was the last man on the planet, which he couldn't even see properly anymore. All of this left him feeling entirely helpless - helpless and unhelpful. Unhelpful to the people whom he'd always sought to help, and a burden to his friends. So much so that he hardly knew what to do, and with a rough sigh, frustrated at and with himself, he did all he very well could do at the moment: he removed his yellow-tinted gla-sses from their pocket in his tattered coat, just as he'd done countless times before, and flicked them onto the bridge of his nose, before simply aiming an angry kick at the sand. "Damnit," was the kick's accompanying mutter, with no one around to hear it.

10:20am Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: That's a very good way of putting it, yoshi. Very specific, very well-thought of. A tremendous acheivement. (No, really, I wouldn'tve thought it through like that xD) Yah. Runeyz is the birthplace of the name "Wolfeira". x3 I used toplay Club Pneguin and Neopets, but garf, they got boring. My mother recommended me to Runeyz after hearing about it on the radio, even though I was underaged. xDD I was eleven at the time, younger than Kitt. And then... I found Res... (; xDDD That's not to be laughed at, but... sorreh. And I still think it's a pretty good posteh. :o Shame I can't post right away, though - it's so sunny and lovely outside, and our new trampoline is sitting all alone out there, in the dark, and I feel guilty.... Narf. Post later. ^^
1:31pm Jun 11 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Hurhur Imma logg in to Runey nao, just for the sake of it x3 Ohs I just hatched a cream then natural Skaldyr, named the natural Rexilon if yee want him Wolfeh set a trade with some un wanted pet of yours <83 Yarr, Shade and Ash are just leik standin thar next to Vash yee silly Yoshilisk x3 Gah, I has a 13 foot trampoline in mai garage, since we moved it dosen't fit in out narrow and kinda sloping garden, so no more trampoline. Gawsh, even Kevin's nine man tent dosen't fit in the garden sideways. Mai garden is usless, only good for one thing and that's my mothers urge to plant little bushes in potts and stick daffodils everywhere. Aeee, I've been playing Souly too much D| I knwo tira's every line now 'That it, show me you mean buisness!' and 'Perfect, I'll just tear you limb from limb *crazed look*' OHs then there's when she does the thing with her blade ring and backs away. One she goes 'Here I am!' Two she wolf whistles x3 and three 'Youuuu dummyy! ;D' I'm obsessed with Tira, I changed her hair and clothes colour so that she resembled mai fursona D; Hokai, teim to make a phail post ;o! BiC: Lucy did, and said, nothing when the blade that had seemingly materialised from Knives' finger pressed against her neck. Once the blade had moved from her nack, Lucy got to her feet, ready to us her vectors of needed. "I was just curious, let's just say that you're and interesting being and leave it at that." Was Lucy's reply. That was the simple version of things, but realy she had felt something strange about this place, something powerful, it had drawn her twoards it, like a wolfeira to snow, like a yoshi to a bean, like a kitteness to food, like Vash to a doughnut... wait no I mean like a magpie drawn to a glittering ob ject. "Now I have a question for you." Lucy addded after just a moments silence. She said nothing more, just waited for some sort of confirmation to ask her question, yet being imaptient now she decided not to wait for any confirmation. "Just what exactly are you doing with humans?" Lucy indicated twoards the people in the room, if she was correct most of them there were human, at least looked human, she couldn't be too certain since this man she was talking to looked human enough untill blades began tosprout from his body as if he were a tree that grew knives. ((lololol, it's not funny but lololol)) OoC: Might add moar latur o3o

2:42pm Jun 11 2009
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OOC: xDDD Why'd chu go ahead anddo that nao, hmm? Still, I vant... the more Rexillons, the double my power and god-mody-ness. >8D *grabs unfortunate junkPet* My garden is in three bits. 83 It's all in different... heights? xD In lots of slopes and angles, sort of. Typical of you, Bun. I just make and delete tons of new characters. Hey, I made this weird corn-man who's all freaky and scary. xDDD That's a funny, that there little piece where you crossed it all-BUNNY! DD8< *thunder bolts of lightning, very very frightening* Garf. Yoshi and Bun, you guys go ahead - I've got nothing interesting for Ces, other than she's scouting and being all myster-ious. :o