6:47am Jun 12 2009 (last edited on 6:49am Jun 12 2009)
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OoC: Looolololol. I borrowed a friend's copy of the first Trigun Maximum, and the official version's translations were hilarious, to the Internet scanlations. xD In the town where he'd been Erika er, Eriks, at one point Vash was all, 'Mad skillz!' while he pwn't people. And then later Woofwood was all, 'Don't get buried, you buffoon!' Cx Hurr. I've always found it funny that it can be read as Run-escape, 'stead of Rune-scape. And.. you can be underaged on it? I'd never known that. I think I was about ten or eleven when I joined too. xD Blah. I didn't know that, Nias. xD; Can we say they're not, for some reason, so I don't have to go and change that whole posteh? *iggles at the crossed out part.. and dies at Wolfeh's Queen reference* "Fair enough," Knives responded. The dagger vanished and he turned halfway to Lucy, leaning his back against a side of the doorway, in which he still stood. Legato had backed away to allow a bit of space for his master, now standing beside a seated silhouette that looked more like it belonged on stage than in this ancient ship, resting a saxophone, bra-ss lit with dim reflections, upon its lap. Still without looking at Lucy, the man whom most of the Humans in question were watching with a certain pa-ssive tenseness said in an even tone, "Mostly because of my brother, at the moment. I'm quite sure you've met him. "I've employed these Humans to make Hell of his life - to have them make Hell of his life, so that perhaps he'll stop believing so thoroughly in them. He refuses to see what a scourge the Humans truly are, both to any planets they call home, and to us." He offered no explanation to exactly whom 'us' implied, but instead skimped right along to the latter but still very important reason, which didn't quite yet fit into 'mostly, at the moment.' "And the reason for that, and ultimately for the Gung-Ho Guns as well," Knives explained, his voice still mostly level, but now with a tinge of contempt, "is that I plan to destroy mankind. Every last wretched one. Not a speck of a trace." At this point, the sax-laden figure turned his face away with a nearly inaudible sigh. But Knives paid him no heed, as though the others weren't even there. He stopped to wonder for a moment why he was telling this girl so much; he'd told nothing of the sort of most of the others he'd met in recent days, but for perhaps Ces. And even then, he'd told her of these things strictly through argument, in a frostbitten tone that dripped with malice. Something simply seemed.. different in the pink-haired stranger. She had, indeed, killed a number of the Vampires with a very apparent lack of effort or remorse. "You seem an interesting being as well," he mused. "You have a name?"
10:16am Jun 12 2009
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OOC: xDDD For some reason, there's something so stupid, so ridiculously amusing about the word "buffoon". xDD I don't know why, maybe it's because I keep referring the word to "baboon". You need to be 13+ to join >.>. As I was two years under the age allowance, I... fibbed. Now, shhh.... What of my Queen reference...? What did I say? :oo
3:14pm Jun 12 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: inorite? xD Just.. something about that word is hilarious. Huh. I must have fibbed too, then. x3 Just didn't recall it I s'pose. But then, I did age-fib a lot.. The thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening thing. ;o Because it's easy come, easy go, little high, little low. Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter.. to meeee~ ... *flails at the absent Nias* x3
4:14pm Jun 12 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yah. x3 Argh, visions of Vash as a Buhboon! DD8 KNIVES! *writhes around on floor like in Souly* Same here. xD It's not that I wanted to be naughty and break wools, I just wanted to have a little bit of fun. *o.o* Oh, that - yeah. xD And now I get the Queen bit. RIP, Freddie Mercury. *peace* "Bunny.... just killed a N00b... Crept up on him from behind, bit off his head, now he's de-eadd."
5:45am Jun 13 2009
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OoC: *flailed at* x3 I am no longer absent o3o homaigawd I wents to elevate again last night, got trapped behind a door thanks to Rhys and Liam ¬3¬ silly children, wells I had to hides from the other Nia cuz I threw a galaxy bar at her head and kinda scared her by jumping out from behind the couch at her and yelling, but enought of that. Yeah so I had to hide from her so I went into the empty room that had the lights off and hid behind the door, then Rhys and Liam open it all the way, squashing me and making me drop some other galaxy bars, then they shoved chairs by the door keeping it in place so I couldn't get out. I waas stuck there for about half of the Madagascar film, only being able to see it through the small gap in the door. Gah B@RK That Bunny killed a n00b thang, twas "Momma... just kill the man.. put a gun next to his head, pull the trigger now he's dead." ~ Ahh I lobe choo *slobbers* Oh yas, on teh 4 of July I'm not gonna be on res x3 Going to oakwood for teh day with Elevate, other Nia is gonna drag me onto speed with her, apparently we're going on it eight times in a row so we can p*censored* out like she did last time x3 Imma die of some heart attack or summat~ Ahh, I lobed Queen when I was younger, obsessed since the 'I want to break free' video I saw x3 Hurm Freddie Murcury is a Silver Jaaku here on Res. Hurhur, I just had this vision of Vash singing and pelvic thrusting 'Toniight I'm gonna have maiself, a real good time. I feel ali-i-i-ive, and the wooorld is turning inside out yeah~ I'm floating around in ecstacy so don't stop me now!' And then Ces was there all big glittery eyed like when I called Wolfeh Kelly~ Is it sad when that I read sax-laden as s.ex-laden for about ten minutes before I noticed the a? x3 BiC: "Interesting. " Lucy mused, she smiled slightly at the thought of no humans, though she should probably get a few to be diclonious like herself before they all died. Her face was once more emotionless. "I have a name. They called me Lucy" She frowned, almost hissing the word they. They were dead now, dead and, almost, forgotten. ((writers block Dx fail mabbeh the next part will be bettar o3o)) The Doctor sat in his TARDIS, thinking back over many years, then he wondered. Perhapse he would meet someone who has met the future him, the would be interesting. He grinned, knowing instantly what he would ask them first, or at least what he wanted to know first, was he going to be ginger. HE smiled a while, then was thrown off his chair as the TARDIS jolted. The Doctor quickly got to his feet, he was back with the others. Well back with the others unless the TARDIS had taken him in a wrong direction once more. Shade frowned, glaring at Ash, she seemed not to be paying attention to much else. The two were standing about four meters from each other, Shade was still backing away, as if getting ready to make a running attack. Ash stood motionless, grinning, Shade wasn't going to be able to lay a finger on him, for one he was too fast, she'd never keep up. He still stood there when Shade began to run twoards him. Slowly he took one step back. Shade was still running twoards him when the sounds of the universe began to become clear in the air. It was just the Doctor, returning. Shade was almost to Ash now, about a few moe meters adn she could punch him in the guts. That's when the TARDIS materialised infromt of her, blocking her way. Shade was moving to fast to stop and so ended up colliding with the TARDIS, sending Ash into hysterical laughter. The Doctor stepped out form the TARDIS doors, surprised to see that Ash (who had moved to get a better view) was laughing uncontrollably. The Doctor frowned, thinking there was something written on his head or something stuck to him. that's when he saw Shade, pressed against the TARDIS. "What exactly happened?" The Doctor asked, trying not to smile. "It came out fo nowhere." Shade grumbled, peeling herself from the TARDIS. "Literaly nowhere." She glared at Ash, who was still laughing. Better take this chance. Shade thought, a grin slowly spreading accross her face. Almost as quickly as Ash had been able to move, Shade had managed to stick her fist into his stomache. "I told you so!" She yelled at him. The Doctor said nothing now, he just looked at the two, the two that reminded him of a couple of arguing kids, something like brother and sister. Deciding that one of the two was going to end up hurt The Doctor raised his voice over Shade's yells of triumph. "So where's Vash and Ces?" ((Sitting in a tree, doing what they shouldn't be~)) SHade shrugged. "Blondie is uh somewhere and Ces is up there" She pointed to the sky. Shade wasn't exactly sure where Ces was, but she knew she had taken off somewhere "Should we go look for Blondie?" Her left ear twitched. Blondie, yeah that name could stick, just like Leech could stick with Ash. Now just one for the Doctor. Shade grinned, then continued "Or do you already know where he is Space man?" "I have an idea." The Doctor said one eyebrow raised. Space man? That's what Donna had called him. He put a grin on his face then stepped completely form the TARDIS. Almost instanlty he took off in long strides, in no paticular direction, only hoping that he as going the right way. Shade followed the Doctor, finding it difficult to keep up with him by just walking, so Shade began skipping, her feet hardly touching the ground. Thanks to her tail being stuck out behind her she was able to keep balance. Normaly she would forget about her tail, untill she saw it creeping up on her, but for now she knew it was there so used it for balance. Ahs, clutching his stomache, got off the ground and joined the two in front of him. No longer laughing, he was wondering why Shade could hurt him? Nothing normaly hurt, but Shade did. It was strange realy, being immortal normaly meant, for Ash at least, no pain and eternal youth, but Shade had brought him pain. Was there something happening that was turning him mortal? No impossible, if he was turning mortal he would of been growing old and wrinkled by now, just like the other vampires who's yellow bodies were now scattered accross some small town that would probably remain uninhabited untill the corpses were burried by some sand or something.
5:48am Jun 13 2009
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OoC: Mmkay, so there's my writers block for Lucy posteh and no writers lock for the rest x3 hurhur That any halp to ye Yoshilisk that Shade and Ash and teh Doctur weren't next to Vash nao? x3
8:53am Jun 13 2009
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OOC: Bunny - hur hur. WEII. xDD Urgh, get chour wadioacteef slobber offa me! *flails at Bunny* *doesn't liek Oakwood* It's scaryy... I hate heights. D;> Really, the higher up I am something without a harness, the uneasier I feel. xDDDD I laughed at the foist bit, but... then... *goes all Dr Octagonapus on Bunny* We were watching the Band of Brothers last night, and the night before - and Bunny! You know the Elton chap who was in the Absorbaloff episode of Docky? He's a soldier in this film series, with a fake Texan accent! 'Tis a flipping epic... thing, and suu sad. D; No, not "Sue" sad. 'Tis about a unit of American WW2 soldiers fighting to Berlin. Surprisingly, I didn't mind the... gory-bits, although Kitt got seriously stressed about a certain bit when this poor Recruit's just entered a shop (during an exceptionally violent raid on the town) and one of the German tanks kinda... blew up the building, right beside him. He came out, alive, but... half his face was just... ugh. It's so sad. D; It's a shame Albert Blithe (Elton dude) died. He kinda deserved to live, especially after going through so much suffering (not Sue-style, but honestly, these Amercians deserve one's sympathy, not fake little godmody girls. Fake little godmody girls don't go blind after experiencing shellshock, and die in hospital from a snipe to the neck). ); There are some funny bits, though - and one not-so-laughable bit when this guy got shot in the head, fell backwards, guy in the foreground went to check on him but the shot guy was alive. The bullet had pinged off his helmet (blasting it off at the same tiem xD), and his face was just... "WTH, just I just get...?" And one of the guys looked like... Knives.... *ROFLs like in Souly* Another funny bit, but too long to explain. x3 I could so see my Vermanz doing what they did to that poor rubbish Sergeant-thing-guy... Uhh, I'm confoosed here - Ces was right next to Vash, Shade and Ash all along - she was just- oh, forget it. xD I'll just pretend that she's gone all roamy... Apparently bored, Ces shuffled her feathers slightly again, and with a ducking motion, sprang off the crag and flapped her way into the blue sky, sending even more stones and dust tumbling off of the hill's peak. She covered the ground quite quickly, and despite herself, wasn't really enjoying the speed she was going at. She preferred slow, easygoing flights when her life wasn't in peril. Speed was something she valued, but didn't always appreciate. So she used the wind thermals to lift her up even higher, and despite the height she was at still looked unusually large - although at this point, one could have easily mistaken her for a buzzard. And a very sizey one at that. She found herself p*censored*ing over Ash, Shade and the Doctor, but didn't bother descend her altitude. Instead, she p*censored*ed the Time Lord, Vampire and Fera a short, high-pitched cry, mainly to acknowledge her existence to them (they could've been searching for her - who knows?). Then she noticed that the red blur of Vash's trench coat (OOC: aah... Trenches... *thinks of B.O.B*) wasn't amongst the colours that made up the ones' down below. Realizing that the Plant was obviously alone - or he had succeeded in finding his twin, although the Haran highly doubted this, due to Vash's blindness - she changed course absuptly and started re-scouting the area she had been in before. Despite the fact that she had been scouting, Ces wondered why she hadn't seen the Plant leave. Then she spotted the Plant's small, black-and-red form further down below, and as suspected, by himself. Completely alone. Lowering her altitude even more, Ces p*censored*ed over him at a decent height (she'd noted before that the gusts of wind her wings errupted were extremely ruthless against tinier beings) and called a telepathic message over to him - screeching out like before would probably give him a heart attack, or something. Vash! she whispered. Stay where you are - I'm coming for you. The others are looking for us, but they've seen me, and probably suspect where I've gone. Don't move - I'll probably squish you.
She landed with a nearly-soundless thud a number of meters in front of the Plant, and gingerly tucked her long-feathered wings on the sides of her body. Cautiously approaching him with careful, well-placed steps, she lowered her face so that she was at his eye-level - even though she knew that he was utterly sightless - and waited for him to register her return. She was two meters or so from the Plant, close enough for him to hear her light, muffled breathing but not so near that he would bump into the Haran is he tried to apporach her - like he did the last time he'd seen her again.
5:45am Jun 14 2009
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OoC: lulz x3 I'm finaly getting to reading more Elfen lied~ hurhur, it's moar epic than the anime~ Ahh I'm lazy right nao, Imma wait fer Yoshi to posteh before I do |o
6:29am Jun 14 2009 (last edited on 6:37am Jun 14 2009)
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OOC: *doesn't liek the sound of Elfen Lied* D; Oh, and for some reason yesterday, I googled it, and recognized the cover whereas Lucy's standing there, all Sue-ish, with that mask half-coming off her face... I'd seen it in HMV before, and never known what it really was. xD *cannot posteh, but is looking at some epicful Sparta pics* x3 Homaigosh, this Spartans' as big as a Spartan! 8O http://media.photobucket.com/image/sparta/Rathio/SPARTA.jpg?o=241 One for chuu, yoshi... >3> http://media.photobucket.com/image/sparta/Jsandman/SPARTA.jpg?o=300 And this one is just... xDD http://media.photobucket.com/image/sparta/Alpha-Foxtrot/My%20creations/Sparta.jpg?o=409 Creditgoestothosewhoactuallymadethem. :) Edit: Bunny! Lookit here! 8DDD Even Doctor Who is Infected with teh Spartaaa~~ http://media.photobucket.com/image/sparta/AQBunny/DW%20Macros/Sparta.jpg?o=496
6:47am Jun 14 2009 (last edited on 6:54am Jun 14 2009)
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OoC: homaigawsh, Lucy's vectors are leik multiplying. Got to the part where she punctures a hole in this guys chest and then she reaches out for the other guy with thirteen vectors! :o thirteen is mai lucky number *feels all weirdey* Lolz x3 'Madness, this is MUSHROOM KINGDOM!' x33 OH lard, those made me die three times over x3 I wanna find some~ http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt60/gerzgaia/mrbeanatsparta.jpg x3 hurhur http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv109/dominique1337/9234.gif Yeah, I died at those too x3 Hurhur, the link has the word Bunny in it x3 hurhur
10:55am Jun 14 2009
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OOC: *claps hands over ears* I'm not listenin', I'm not listenin! You're a liar, and a thieff...! *shakes head with smile* No. Mmmmurrdererr...! *starts crying* Go away... Go away! *sneevil laugh* o_O Why'd I go and recite the conversation between Smeagol and Gollum? Made me think of beans because Mushroom kingdom is in the same Universe as to where the Yoshi lives. :3 Nuu - I saw those whilst I was searching for a new siggy! D; Still, there's this bloody epic one I want after I'm done with my Pasta icon... >3>
12:23pm Jun 14 2009
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OoC: hurhur lolz x3 Wewlls I cans make lucy more god modey with her newly found thirteen vectors~ |3 wonder if she'll get more. Hurhur Nightdragon found mai deviant art x3 Twas funny, I think she might have been a tad annoyed that I hadn't told her I had deviant art. See here~ tle="meow">http://heitchbee.deviantart.com/art/Charunoth-coloured-123455072 Well she's added me to her deviant watch now x3 I wanna new siggy. Probably going to use another screenie x3 One of Whit~
5:01am Jun 15 2009 (last edited on 5:03am Jun 15 2009)
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OoC: Urgh. I've had such a horrid time of the past few days. Not only does my stomach still hate me, which pretty much ruined the fun of the Butterfly Palace yesterday, but I've lost my posteh three times. Three. Freaking. Times. *gives up on whatever OoC she'd had before and tries to posteh.. again* "Lucy." Knives repeated the name like a foreign word, despite how truly plain it was, to many of the very colourful names he'd heard and even created, in several of the Guns' cases. It sounded like a Human name. "Interesting," he concluded yet again. The word was certainly getting a lot of use between the two. "And I presume they were the same sort of trash who've given us such trouble here, as well? Not surprising." (Yeh. Lack of inspiration and short posteh leads to.. lack of inspiration and short posteh. D: And my Vashposteh isn't much better..) "Hm?" Vash looked up toward the familiar eagle's cry, followed by Ces' voice in his mind. A small nod, more to himself than anything, and he replied simply, All right. He waited patiently on the spot, unable really to do much else, until he heard the Haran's light landing and approaching steps, her faint breath in front of him, seeming quite even for having just been dashing across the sky. Adjusting his gla-sses slightly, pushing them up on his nose as he habitually did at times, the Plant flashed a slight, almost half-hearted smile. It was offputting, being unsure if he'd ever be able to see her, or anyone, again. The thought of living that way forever, remaining a helpless burden as he felt he was at that moment, seemed almost unbearable. His smile faded. But then, just as quickly, Vash shook such thoughts away and renewed his grin, this time making it a bit more sincere. After all, there was always a way, right? "So.. where to now?"
10:34am Jun 15 2009
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OOC: *doesn't bother even replying to Bunny's Elfen-Lied relation topic* Wait... Arf. That sounds pretty bad, yoshi. :P Yayyysss.... *is overjoyed that exams are over* It feels strange... this immense sensation of freedom... I thought I'd forgotten what it felt like. o3O Ces hadn't missed the small, slightly sad-looking smile he'd given her - but with him being so expressive and so easy to read, almost anyone could've guessed how he was feeling. Almost. Blinking her yellowed eyes slowly in consideration, she wondered what he meant with a heavy heart. Yet, if she had been sightless, she would've done the same thing - or, rather, wouldn'tve. If Ces had lost her own sight, she wouldn't be able to keep up the optimism. Something else Vash could do, and not herself. His sudden question - sudden, but really, so predictable, with them being in the situation they were in now - caught the Haran off guard. Looking upwards and away from him, Ces stretched her neck in the best way that she could, as though trying to spot the others from where she was. Her mind was still, however, focused on the Plant's. They're heading back towards the Tardis, she informed him. Shade, Ash, and the Doctor. Lucy's gone... somewhere. She shook away the unnerving thought of the Diclonius. And there's still no sign of Knives. For some reason, and for one she herself didn't quite understand, Ces really didn't like the Lucy character a lot. Although having met plenty of inhuman (often inhuman by mind as well as species) beings, the Diclonius - secretly - unnerved, and possibly frightened, the Haran. The fact that she was able to kill others using spectral arms called "Vectors" deeply troubled Ces. Everything she had fought against, the things she had killed, were always unaccompanied by spiritual or ghostly alliances, being either weapons or, in a Harans' case, an animal. The thought of finally having met an equal match - and possibly one superior to even the Spectre's beyond-comparison abilities - almost terrified her. And, stranger still, the absence of both Lucy and Knives made her feel even more insecure. She wondered what they were both dong at the present time, and why. (OOC: xDD Lulzzzz~)
1:18pm Jun 15 2009
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OoC: Yer exams may be over, I still have about three days of them TTwTT Tomorrow is Tecstiles and Welsh, then I have Chemistry, then a day off and then Physics. Then on the 29th of this month I have science practical, than and only then is it all over. So I am held prisoner to exams for the rest of this miserable week ;o; Oh's Shade, Leech and Space man aren't heading for the TARDIS numpty, they're going away from it, that Doctor *coff*Spaceman*coff* having just landed the thing where Ash and Shade were fighting again x3 Now they're going away from it to look fer Ces 'n Vash. Oh's again, I finished teh Shadey picture x3 new clothes~ She wears trouser now, again x33 Imma scan it up soon~ Ahhs that sounds le horribe Yoshilisk. Choo shall ween teh battle against yer stomach of mutany! >:o Ohs, choo remember when Elendria was doing some operation on Legato or summat after she shot him through the gut with one of her nails? x3 lokkit what I found, it's freakishly similar~ http://www.findmanga.com/manga/Elfen_Lied/23/16 Ohs for a third teim, I also know why Lucy keeps going all 'Nyu!' it's because the mutation has given her a high mental capacity, meaning her frontal cortex is larger so it's bulging in her skull and so it is fissuring x3 BiC: "Trash." Lucy replied, saying the word carefuly, as if thinking it over in her mind before speaking it. "Trash is something of an understatement." She laughed to herself, trash might just be a good word to describe them, yet trash was not nearly as bad as what they were. These humans were more like a scar, an imperfect imprint upon the face of the earth, or whatever this planet was. "Humans are more like scars, imperfectries." Lucy felt, somewhat, awe struck, though that didn't show on her face, it seemed amazing that she had met someone who actualy wanted to wipe them from existance. Lucy wondered a moment, she couldn't allow them all to die, some must survive for a while so that there could be more like her. More Diclonious, it would be rather amusing to see the world inhabited by Diclonious instead of human scum. "Well, am I going to be introduced to, whatever they are." She indicated to the group that was collected in the room, looking at them one by one through narrowed pink eyes. Shade looked into the sky as soon as Ces's loud call had started. Instantly she caught sight of Ces, then she smiled and yelled. "Ce-e-e-es!" Ces was already gone of course, and probably hadn't heard her. Shade pouted, then brightened again as she broke into a sprint. Following the, now gone, figure of Ces. Shade knew about where she had landed, and could access her mind easily enough. I'm coming! Shade exclaimed, reaching out for Ces's mind. Leech and Space man are with me too. Is Blondie there? Shade's grin grew wide accross her face, not only had she managed to come up with such wonderful nick-names in such a short space of time, she hadn't fallen yet. Normaly she would of tripped over the empty space in front of her, having finaly remembered about her tail she hadn't fallen. Shade's grin continued to spread accross her face, she seemed proud of herself for not falling. Oh, one more thing, is that strange 'Nyu' shouting girl with you? She's not with us For once, Shade's lips thined out into a hard line, she seemed to be worried about this girl. This girl who shouted 'Nyu' was strange, she seemed to take on a comepletely different persona from tiem to time. It hadn't taken her long to simply wipe out some vampires. It troubled Shade that this girl had strange spiritual arms, and what would happen now that she had been touched by them? Was she going to catch some sort of disease? Well all was fine for now, it was probably best to just forget about it. Now it seemed that it was the Doctor's turn to keep up with Shade, even though he could take long strides and was very quick, with about nine hundred years of running he was finaly getting good at it, he still found it hard to keep pace with Shade. It wasn't that difficult, it's just that he didn't think she'd be so fast. Though The Doctor had superior knowledge of all species in the galaxies, he knew nothing of the Fera. It seemed that the Fera had been a secretive species, unknown for most of the time, only discovered around a hundred years ago. In that time, The Doctor being busy saving the earth countless times, he had known nothing of them, but now he was traveling with one. Realy this was rather crazy that he'd end up traveling with a specie unknown to him, perhapse he could learn some things from Shade, unless she knew nothing. Ash found it easy enough to keep up, even move faster and overtake Shade. He simply followed the scent trail Ces had left as she p*censored*ed over above them. Leaving the Doctor and Shade behinde, Ash had reaced Vash and ces in a matter of seconds. He said nothing to either of them, knoowing that Vash was blinded he grunted as a sign that he was there. Ash looke dinto the sky, the suns seemed to be getting lower, he would have to feed soon, feed or die. It was probably best if he left them soon, he could move faster than any of the others and so would find someone in plenty of time before the next sun rise. Ash relaxed a little, putting his hands into the pocket of his ragged jeans. He closed his, now, darkened blue eyes for a moment before opening them again, now being green in colour. Each time he blinked, which wasn't very often, it seemed his eye colour changed. OoC: Duuude, not cool that Lulzzzz~ made me die, three times already D; once from reading it, twice from lookeing at the next page of Elfen lied and remembering it, then a third time because I read it all over again xDDDD
3:53pm Jun 15 2009 (last edited on 6:22am Jun 16 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Arf indeed. D| But gladly it's stopped for tah-day. *pats it* Lard. When I read 'Tecstiles,' I had to look at it for a moment, 'cause I read it wrong.. Really, really wrong... xD; That is.. very freakishly similar. o3o ... Loooololol. Shade was touched by a vector? Oh, if she ever has children.. they would be insane. xD They'd look like they had four cat-ears, and have all pink hair and stuff. Vash gave a half-nod, and frowned to himself, at the news of Lucy's disappearance. He didn't like the thought of it either; she was obviously an incredibly skilled killer, with how quickly she'd eradicated the Vampires, and that she'd vanished just after Knives had seemed to fit together almost too well. Could she really have tracked him down, or even followed him, to wherever he'd gone.. without being a-ssumed worthy of skewering? Vash had noticed a bit of slack in his brother's mental block for a moment, as though he'd been distracted just enough to let it slip. But that had lasted only a second - hardly long enough to locate him in any way more than a general direction. "Well," the Plant said, looking about him as he heard Ash stop beside him, with the sounds of what he supposed were Shade and the Doctor following behind. "I'm starting to think returning to a town would be.. a good idea." As well as that he was sure, since he couldn't very well offer direction anymore, that finding out where they were from the Humans would be helpful, he was hungry. He couldn't even recall the last time they'd eaten. Maybe the UNSC camp, which seemed ages ago, itself. A warm donut sounded heavenly. And also, a bit of a more serious matter he'd attempted to push away was still bothering him. The odd black liquid had dried, leaving thick trails he could still feel, stiff on the side of his face and from the corner of his lips, but it continued to trouble him. He was sure he'd not seen anything of the sort happen before. So why in the world had it happened to him? OoC: ... Doh. I'll do a Knivesposteh later. x3 I'm a bit stuck. *edits* Hokai maybe not. I fell asleep..
12:57pm Jun 16 2009
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OOC: Bunny - daw', that's baad. D; yoshi - xDDDDDD *is dieing*
Ahh. Must've mis-read your posty, then. I thought that they were headin' t'wards it. xD Can Ces says to Vash, the correct way...? <:3 As she had been too far away to hear Shade's thoughts, Ces hadn't been able to reply to Shade's request to know who was with her. She wouldn't need to have bothered, though, even though the Fera was in perfectly good range now - not only had Ash's sudden appearance made Ces guess that the Time Lord and Fera were right behind him, but her slightly enanhced hearing acknowledged the approaching, rhythmic thuds of running feet. Surprisingly, Ces didn't hear a single comical-skidding noise, accompanied by a susprised cry (or something inappropriate) that would've indicated Shade falling over. Once. Glancing over at the vampire once - and, to her own bewileredment, p*censored*ing him a tiny nod - Ces then turned to face Vash, and gently leaned down towards him. Sniffing curiously, she practically poked his head - several times - as she drank in the overpowering, rancid stench that was coming off the mysterious black... goo, that had apparently dried up now, encrusted on his face. Any chance of this stuff actually coming off? she said. Not only are you gonna need to clean your face, but... She glanced downwards. You're coat's pretty much wrecked, and Shade isn't in such a great condition, either... Nor am I, to be honest... She leaned back away from him, taking two steps' worth of a withdrawal. And... you hungry? She quickly glanced at the others, sharing her thoughts so that they all could hear. Anyone need food?
7:09pm Jun 16 2009 (last edited on 2:40am Jun 17 2009)
Normal User
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hurr. x3 *revives the Wolfeh* Summer school English is crazy-fun. xD Today a boy who'd been doing the voice of the Greek god Zeus while reading a sc ript thing, all booming-like, suddenly exclaimed in that same voice, 'It's over nine thousaaaaand!' (and before that, he'd read a part about Sparta, where he emphasised it all, Sparta!) which was quickly followed by another who was all, 'What, nine thousand?!' I lol'd. Hokai. Posteh tiem. ;o! 'Least for Knivesy. I may wait for Nias to posteh for Shade and the Doctor 'fore I write a Vashposteh. "Yes," Knives agreed, in a tone that was an odd mix of calm and grim, "They are both.. and they cause both. For now at least." At her indication of the still silhouettes behind him, he nodded and stepped aside a bit, from where he'd been leaning against the door's opening, and waved briefly toward them, in a way letting her know that she was free to. But rather than waiting for the stranger to approach, the figure who'd been closest to Knives initially stepped forward, the sax-player and a few of the others looking up after him. As he drew into the somewhat brighter light that dabbed at the room in which Lucy stood, with a respectful nod to the now darkened form of his superior, his unnatural golden eyes fixed themselves upon the Diclonius. He stared at her for a moment, then lifted his chin just a bit. Lucy's did the same. (I'm so not powerplaying. >;O) After a moment of scrutiny, he said in a drawl, though no one had asked, "Legato Bluesummers.. Pleasant to meet you, I suppose." A quick grin, looking more smug than anything, snapped upon his face, before he turned away, letting Lucy resume control of her own head.
6:53am Jun 17 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Hurhur, 'Power levels are... Over ninethousaaaand!! D8>' HUrhur, wut be this summer school you are talking of? x3 hurhru I lol'd and died at that x3 Wells I has my chemistry exam today, went better than I had hoped, realy easy in comparison to welsh x3 Now all that's left is Physics and I'm free untill the 29th x3 wells cause I only had one exam today I got to go home early~~ Hamgawsh!!! OISDHUIODFDKFVNOdon DDDDD: I hatched an albidino vermanz~ Finaly mai collection ish complete D: named it after me self toos x3 tis named Hetch, Quarbum's nickname fer moi. Bargh, ebol cat ate mai finger, just now Floyd came to sit beside me and while i was stroking his chin he yawned and ate mai finger. he just did the same to my foot too Oo; ohs and yus Shade was touched by a vector, remember Lucy grabbed her shoulder then Ces went all 'Bargh Imma ram you down leik a rhiiino >8D' and knocked Lucy backwards, Lucy taking Shade with her so they both went Crash into teh dust x3 ohs again, I read some more of Elfen lied, found out that over time Lucy's vectors are growing longer, so by now they would be about three meters lawng x3 Also found out that she can merge some vactors together and make two giant ones, that's how she ripped this one boy's head off, using one of the large one's to hold his body in place and another to rip his head off x3 BiC: Ash began to look at the, boring, familiar surroundings now. If he left them all now, he could return in time, and easily enough track them down. The smell of Ces was strong in his nose, probably because of her soul animal and her wolf form, those are what stung his nose. The smell was rather strong, though no one else noticed it. It was something of a sickly sweet smell, the smell brunt through his nose. Slowly he raised his hand to cover his nose before he took off, with no indication that he was going to, in less than a second he was gone and out of sight. Shade had only just managed to reach the three before Ash had dissapeared. She skidded to a stop, breathing deeply as if she were otu fo breath. "Where did..." She paused taking in a nother breath, then her breathing evened out. "Where'd Leech go?" She looked in the general direction that Ash had ran off in, there was no sight of him now, only a slowly clearing cloud of dust that hung in the air fo the darkening sky. 'I'm hungry... real hungry, I could just go rawr and eat a chocobo.' Shade looked down at herself, her stomache growling at her. Only now she realised she was hungry, it seemed like she hadn't eaten in days, which was probably just about right since she hadn't eaten anything at that strange place where there was a bunch of people that looked like Power Rangers. 'You never answered my question abotu the Nyu shouting girl. No need now.' Shade had already taken note that the pink haired girl The Doctor followed closely behind Shade, ignoring her question. Unlike her he wasn't out of breath. Seems all that running was actualy doing him some good. "Well I have the TARDIS now." He finaly said after a moments silence. "If you know roughly where the next town is, I can take us there quickly enough." The Doctor wasn't going to question about Lucy, he could just about work otu what had happened, Knives dissapeared, Lucy's dissapearance shortly followed, both seemed to despise humans. It was easy enough to add one and one to get two. Lucy seemed to ignore Knives, eyes fixed on the figures in the room. Before having a chance to get a closer look, once of them had already made his way over. For a moment she had no controll over her head, ti moved as if someone else was commanding it. This was this person's power then? Legato Bluesummers, the exact person Bunny had sent me to find... erm lol I mean... what a strange name. She hadn't heard anything like that before, then again she hadn't exactly though of asking people for their names, she just killed them. ((x33 hurhur I keel you!)) This Legato, who-ever he was, had taken controll of her body, time for her to stop him from moving. Her vectors slowly reched from her back, fusing together as they moved twoards Legato, once they were one large vector Lucy took hold if him, leaving him immoblie. She smiled content, after a while she let him go, large vector splitting into thirteen smaller ones then seeming to melt into her back. Of course none of the others had seen her vectors, they were invisible to the human eye, only those with high spiritual levels could see them. Lucy took a step into the relatively dark room, pink eyes taking note of the people inside it.
10:23am Jun 17 2009
Normal User
Posts: 1,314
OOC: Whattuh...? xDD Sounds funny. And chour hair was all, liek, curlee today. xD It looked nice on you. I hate my hair - neither straight, nor curly - just slightly bloody wavy. D8< And too theek... Hard to take care of. >.> Meh, I keep wondering how it'd be if I had rully short hair. 83 Ces-length. 8D :o.... Ces... stinks to vampires? o.O I'd never considered how she smelt around magikks. xD Sure, all spooky-spiritual-poofy people might be a bit... "Owhatwuzthat?" about the Spectre, but, other than that... Nothing. And if people with high spiritual levels can see vectors, then the Spectre/doggy-formed (almost typo'd "doogy", there xD) Ces could probably see them rully clearly. Ooh, and that reminds me - Rexillons are hypnosis as well as... scary. 83 They have these Nightmare-spine-like things that float around the place, and if one touches you or holds onto you, you go all... "Immagokeelmyself! 8D I believe in unicorns and Narshlaags!" Although, according to the Doctor, hypnotizing somebody to commit suicide is impossible 'cause of the powerful survival instinct, so the only thing out of place there is the "Immagokeelmyself!" :3 Although, "I believe in unicorns and Nia Narshlaags!" doesn't sound too... fitting, either. I'm not too bad, myself, the eagle said, stepping a good enough distance away from the Plant, and tilting her head awkwardly and raising her leg to get at a terrible itch that had somehow, unknowingly, decided to haunt the Haran's facial nerves. She found herself being remarkably careful at first, but understood why almost instantly. Even she had forgotten how long and sharp her talons were, and so, instead of practically trying to draw blood from her face (as she normally did, in dog form, as her claws then were unusually blunt), she very gingerly scraped at a feathery area just behind - uncomfortingly so - her eye. She guessed that this eagle form had its negativities as well as qualities - "getting used to", somehow, sounded harder than expected. I'm not exactly sure why. I suppose, my energy has been renewed back to me since I... "died". I'd still better eat soon, though. I can't keep killing myself just to stop getting hungry. As for Leech.... Ces renewed her balanced standing position, and p*censored*ed the Fera her usual one eyebrow-up, one eyebrow-down ex pression, looking unusually humane against the Haran's eagle-features - yet so characteristically in place at the same time, too. He's probably noticed how behind he is on decent blood.