10:26am Jul 23 2009
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OoC: Yarr I was leik gonna dye mai hair purple o3o a dark purple, not black-purple but dark purple. Like a shade darker than my fursona's colour x3 Then my mum saw the dye was permenant ¬3¬ yeah so now I have a midnight red colour x3 it's come out black though. hurhur I washed it last night, my bath water turned crimson~ yeah so now some black has faded and it's slightly more red o3o I dun wanna sawmp flasheh with postehs o3o so imma nawt post yet~
10:43am Jul 23 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: That's what happened with us too, Bunny - the bathwater went all pink. xD OK. But, I'll be going on holiday tomorrow. ;( Aargh! DDD8 People are copying the Random Roleplay! Maximum Ride and Knux46Echnida! DDD8 Oh, and the Smexybridage thread's been... somethin'g. -_-
5:50pm Jul 25 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OOC: Hurhur pink bathwater x3 my hair looked realy red tahday D: Aye, they have no creativity. Buh I had a nose at one of them looks like it's just something completely random with no point to it where they just chat o3o leeik forum aboose where they use it like the sb o3o Hamgawsh, there's a new castlevania game! The main charecter looks like Light from Death Note xDDDDDDD I died... then got hit on the head by a squishy pokeball that one of the game staff members threw before shouting 'Return!' I r pokemanz ;D hurhurhur http://heitchbee.deviantart.com/art/Berello-and-Shade-130585543
4:07pm Jul 29 2009 (last edited on 2:00pm Aug 7 2009)
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OoC: Dah. I've been neglecting you, O great Random Roleplay. D; Even with Flasheh busy-ish and Wolfeh unable to get on for a couple weeks, need to keep it goin'~ Yah. I don't think those are really copycats of us - more like attempts at the sort of silly randomness people like Bree used to do. But it's just not as fun when done by others. x3 Like you said, Nias, it's more just.. chat-ish than awesomely random roleplaying. And I'm going to put off doing a Vashposteh at least until you posteh for the Doctor and Shade. ;o Knives, still standing silently against the wall beside the open doorway in total silence and stillness, watched Lucy without the slightest show of emotion. And he could tell she was getting bored of this place - couldn't blame her, really - so he stood abruptly upright, looking about the room. This brought the attention of several pairs of eyes to him. "Blade," he addressed calmly, yet firmly, which brought forth a man who appeared to cling to older ways, from his manner of dress, especially with the samurai-style sandals, which would imaginably have been terrible on pure sand. "Find my brother, will you?" Knives asked in a rather aloof tone. "He should be directly southeast of here, near the bloody remains of a small town, and a large cliff just north of November." With that, the man gave a traditional bow and was on his way, and without another word, the Plant was off as well, out in the desert suns, which still steadily approached the horizon, a few moments later.

2:00pm Jul 30 2009 (last edited on 2:13pm Jul 30 2009)
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OoC: Luigi D8 Bahs I hasn't been on res much x3 Dude guitar hero is amazingly addicting D: I've completed it on easy, well completed it on medium first. I got halfway through easy, found it too boring and moved to medium x3 yeah... |D Bahs i think I'm getting addicted to the Rolling Stones and Guns N' Roses D8 Dude they singer in Guins N' Roses daces funny x3 Yarr I should attempt a posteh, but I'm tired... and lazy too.
2:12pm Jul 30 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Not Luigi. WEEGEE. ;O Well ffffff. Choo should posteh anyway. Or Weegee will kill you. And if he doesn't, Knivesy probably will. :3 But then, he should have killed us all looooong ago. Especially me. xD
5:36pm Aug 1 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: hurhru specialy you Yoshilisk xD He would spare me cause of my great portrit thing a ma bob ;D will edit latur o3o with a posteh
12:33am Aug 5 2009
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OoC: *pokepoke* Bump-eth? ;o
1:08pm Aug 6 2009
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OOC: Funny, I haven't acually missed Res or the RR. At all. xD The stuff at Camp was enough to keep me occupied and not-moody, despite the pretty bad weather. Got reunited with my friends, again, but a year is so long, I'm dreading the next twelve months without them - really badly, I've gotten so close. DD; I'd really despair if I hadn't given them my numer and e-mail addresses, though - so at least I can still keep in tutch. ^^ Although, two of them were guys (one of which liked Halo! 8DD) and the only girl was around ten. xD She was adorable. Weegee? xD I almost mistook it for "wedgie". And, you're mistaken, yoshi - I was the one who made up Cutlery for him. xD Uhh.... can't post? :o
11:36am Aug 9 2009
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OoC: *clingzto Wolfeh* Well. I s'pose at least you can still talk to them. c: And I s'pose so. xD Knives would never have been so fun if he hadn't become Sir Cutlery. Though actually, Ces called him that first. Does that mean Ces is to blame? Garhf. Needs to bother Nias if I see her again.. Forgot to yesterday, and I'd only seen her for a few minutes anyway. x3
12:28pm Aug 10 2009
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OOC: Yeah, I guess. ^^ And I'm not as emo now, as I was before, about missing them. xD Ces? ... Yes, then. xD We're safe then. Although, it's still technically me who's in for it because I roleplayed Ces. But, still... putting the blame on your characters has never seemed so fun. ^^ *gets thwacked by titanium newspaper* Aieee. Yah. Ni*censored*s... Obey Weegee and Yoffii.
4:23am Aug 13 2009
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Bump. :o
2:42pm Aug 16 2009
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OoC: Bumpage. Whar's that Nias? x3 I haven't seen her in like, a week.
2:44pm Aug 16 2009 (last edited on 3:34pm Aug 16 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yoffi D: Wooleiroo and HoopyBummy ;D (lolwut?*dies*) Yus a posteh... hurm, now where did we leave off? D: *goes back to check* BiC: "You know where we're going right?" Shade questioned, having finaly caught up with the Doctor. "Ahh, yes. Of course I do! I have a better sence of direction than a Dalek. Then again I doubt Dalek's have and sences..."The Doctor replied, pausing a moment as his thoughts trailed off. Soon he stopped thinking of the Daleks and if they had any form of sences. "The TARDIS is definately this way if that's what you're wondering. See blue spot, right there." The Doctor pointed at the small blue blurr in front of them, then turning on his heels he faced Ces and vash, the both were some way behind. "Hurrry up you two" OoC: I can't write anymoooore D8 *dies*
3:39pm Aug 16 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yayzers. -V- I have to go to authadontist on Tuesday, might need braces. D8 Ces scowled slightly at the Time Lord, but didn't quicken her pace. She continued to linger alongside Vash. "Vash is blind," she said quietly, her soft tone being the opposite of her slightly defensive frown. She didn't like using the barbed side of her tongue on her friends, but, for some reason, she felt her patience waver. "He can't match our usual speed at the moment." OOC: Have to go, and I can't say much. ^^
1:18pm Aug 17 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Oh. Thar she is. x3 *clingage* Ew. Orthodontist = :c. And braces even worse, apparently, at least the metal kind.. Hmm. 'S a bit repetitive with some already previously stated stuff, but I wanted to try and make it long-ish. x3 Vash breathed a sigh, still following along behind Ces. Blind indeed.. He was basically powerless, defenseless, helpless even, at this point. He hadn't really tried, but the Plant knew somehow that even the feathers wouldn't work now. Probably something to do with the black hair he'd only noticed for a moment, back in the forest. It seemed it had all gotten incredibly out of hand, considering that had been only a few days ago, despite how long they'd seemed. (Hurhur. x3 Crazy extended roleplay time.) He normally didn't mind the thought, but now just a short time later, he was nearly like a Human. A Human who couldn't help even himself. Sure, there was always a way, but right now, that way seemed just as hidden as everything else he couldn't see. Then suddenly, a certain sucky priest came to mind. Wolfwood had never had these sorts of problems, no matter how hard things got. Sure, he didn't care quite so much about helping people - only cared for the children, really - but whatever happened, he could always manage it, sometimes with little more than a bit of cursing along the way. Perhaps he could help, if he happened to turn up along the way of trying to find Knives. And if not Wolfwood, then Vash could always try to find Doc again. Doc would certainly know what to do. "It's all right," Vash spoke up, just as quietly as Ces had been but without that defensive edge. "I can probably go a bit faster if we need to.. Feels like the ground's solid enough anyway." The scrape of a boot's toe across the rock underfoot testified this; only a thin la yer of loose sand covered the solid part here.

2:02pm Aug 17 2009
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OOC: It's only for a checkup, tomorrow, but I know what he/she will say. D; My mouth is a mouth from Hell. I've got at least four baby teeth still in my mouth, some of which may have adult teeth that are "mentally absent", I'm sure to have some taken out to make way for a giant fang that's growing horizontally out of my mouth, and I think it will hurt when my lower jaw starts getting straightened up from the brace - they're all overlapping and being squeezed out of their original places. D; Wahh. I sound like an angsty Mary Sue. xD Of which I own. 8D Beaky has successfully hatched a ginger female Zenirix. >3> *pokes, and ends up causing the Zenirix to burst into tears* Aargh. Writers' block. DD8 And is Woofwood coming? 8DD Ces whipped her head around to see him, as if to scowl at his disagreement over her defensive point that he couldn't match their usual speed. But she looked more sad than annoyed at him, and shrugged off his stubborn, yet hopeful, words. Why's he always so bloody optimistic? the Haran questioned her Spectre, looking downwards at the dun-coloured, sandy dust beneath her. But she didn't mean to moan scornfully about Vash to her Soul-Animal. Partly, she envied his easygoing, modest nature. Ces could be just as down-to-earth as he was. It just wasn't always for the same reasons, during the same situations. You could get a few lessons off of him, you know, the Spectre's gravelly voice replied. It's not that I'm jealous, Ces stubbornly lied. Oh? the Soul-Animal replied, unusally touchy-sounding. Ces felt herself bristle ever so slightly in a tiny, tiny feeling of fear, stiffening her back slightly at the preparation of what was coming next - another drawling, criticising lecture from the Spectre. So, you're annoyed at him, then? Ticked off? That he can stay hopeful when you lose faith so easily? That he can stay so- That's called "jealously", Ces replied through what sounded like gritted teeth. Her ex pression creased up in a light frown of irritation. Irritation and what she knew what was going to be her Spectre's reply, and that she had been so quickly outwitted. Exactly, came the Soul-Animal's reply, her tone flooded with smartness and self-confidence. But the she-Haran didn't bother with getting angry, because she'd found that (more from the Spectre than herself) jealousy was, indeed, what she felt about Vash's constant optimism.

3:15pm Aug 17 2009 (last edited on 3:17pm Aug 17 2009)
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OoC: *iggle* You make it sound rather funny. x3 A mouth from Hell. It does sound rather ouch though. 8( Hm. Surprising the name was untaken. xD I guess people must just hate Sues that much. And yus, he is. 83 I've actually been planning to have him show up for a (rather long) while, but only now are we nearing where I could actually do it. Neh. Too lazy to try and think of something to posteh right now. x3 Pro'ly will later. Or wait 'til Nias does. ;o
11:27pm Aug 18 2009
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OoC: Laaazy bumpage. Mostly just so I can throw around my lulz generated by one of those face-maker things on dA. xD [link] It just so happened to have some hair on it that was very reminiscent to me of Knivesy's hair. c: Neh.. May edit later, if I don't fall asleep. I've an idea on a bit I could use without needing a posteh from Nias first. But since school's tomorrow, I probably won't be able to stay up very late to write a posteh. x3
2:49pm Aug 19 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I had two x-rays of my skull and mouth taken, and my mouth looked aweeesome. 8D I'm going to need a lot done, but I don't mind. ^^ In a weird kind of way I'm looking forwad to it - I quite like the thought of braces, I always thought they looked oddly, but kind of, cool. ^^ I know just what her anthro will look like, too. xD Lucky she's a Zenirix. *Is looking forward to meeting Wooffy* :3 Ohyas ohyas ohyas, I know that facemaker - my mother found it, and we all did versions of ourselves. xD We also did a few of the RR charas, but Kitt gave Rello a bloody bow. -_- School alreddeh? D8 We've got about a week left. );