5:03am Aug 20 2009
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OoC: Yeh. Apparently, we get out early, but then go back really early. x3 Naghagh. It's short, but I can't think of much more. The Plant stopped in his tracks, resisting Ces' pulling like a silently upset child. Even without seeing it, Vash could tell she seemed agitated, most likely by him. Her tug had taken a rough turn from the constant, gentle guiding it had been, and the lack of response seemed off as well. The Tardis and whatever 'frozen' foods it offered could wait. "You're mad at me," Vash practically mumbled, face downturned as though he were in trouble, "aren't you?" That ever-constant note of optimism was now replaced by simple sadness, and even as his gla-sses slipped forward and fell to the ground, he paid them no attention. "You.. don't have to do this.. if you don't want to."
7:52am Aug 20 2009 (last edited on 8:01am Aug 20 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh, phew, we have another week left. ^^ Ces also paused in mid-pace, turning to stare at Vash's face. Had she worn ears, they would have drooped with shame. Obviously - although it's wasn't really his fault - Vash had misunderstood her tone of annoyance, and the slightly ticked-off remarks she had been saying. He seemed to have mistaken her defences for him as offensive.
"It's not you, Vash," she said, still resuming her gentle clutch on his sleeve as she stooped downwrads to retrieve his yellow-tinted glas-ses. She lightly prodded one of his free hands with them to tempt Vash into taking them back, like a nervous human that was trying to hand-feet a motherless chick. "It's my Spectre - she's not..." She paused for a moment or two, thinking of something that wouldn't enrage her Soul-Animal. Ces could almost feel the tension that was racking her two-minded head, as thought the Specre was daring her, silently egging her on, to say something offensive. Ces knew that this wasn't the ideal situation to abruptly have herself killed by her own Soul-Animal. The Spectre, as well as the rest of the ghostly dog's kind, was more than capable of "turning off" Ces' most essential internal organs, or her brain, or something - not the most honourable way to die, and a rather embarr*censored*ing death at that as well. And besides, the she-Haran knew all too well how edgy or touchy a Soul-Animal could get when they hadn't been in their own body for too long. "Been herself lately," she finished. "It can be distracting sometimes, having two voices speaking to you at the same time." Hmm, I thought you were going to say something nasy there, the Spectre's drawling voice resounded. You have a knack for tha- With an outraged scowl (and trusting Vash not to let go of the glas-ses she'd been forced to leave in his hand), Ces raised her hand and smacked herself on the temple with it, using the inner side of her wrist - the hardest part of her hand, other than the knuckles. She didn't want to knock herself out, however tempting the punishment for the Spectre was. The collision hurt all right, but it wasn't just for Ces. You shut up now, she spat. Because you're not helping at all. Touchy! replied an aggravated Spectre. But she stayed quiet after that, and Ces felt a small glow of satisfaction. Then she remembered Vash, and murmured softly but truthfully to him: "I'd never get mad at you. Being your guide doesn't irritate me." She smiled slightly. "I'm glad I can help you at all."

5:17am Aug 26 2009
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11:38am Aug 26 2009
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Bump. xD It does say random. Hi Yoshi! =D
8:39am Aug 27 2009
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OOC: Ahh, the ti tle of this thread is quite misleading. xD It's the plot that's random, not the posts. x3
8:27am Aug 29 2009
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OoC: Hullo again Izze. c: Also, I'm terribly sorry for not being here so long, gaiz. Not really going to explain it all (I'd probably sound like a Llama if I did x3), but I've not been on Res for about a week. I'll try to write up a posteh, if I can think of something. I'm having problems keeping up the ideas while they're just.. walking. xD So. I guess this is pretty much an excuse-ridden bump. |D
3:51am Aug 30 2009
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OOC: That's OK, yoshi. ^^ Uhh... not much to say, either. xD
6:37am Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 3:51pm Sep 1 2009)
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OoC: Oi. My computer is really aggravating sometimes. |c That's the second time I've lost this posteh; it keeps turning itself off while I'm at school. Well. Yet again.. xD We need to get them to the Tardis or something. But then, we'd need a Nias for that, and she seems a bit out of idears too. Naghagh. Third time writing this. And it seems to be a lot different than the first two times I started. o3o
Though he hardly felt that Ces had pushed his gla-sses into his hand (it was his fake one, after all), Vash held loosely onto them nonetheless, letting them dangle from his fingertips. "So it's the Spectre?" he repeated, more a rhetorical question than anything. Perfectly understandable, actually. He did have a certain connection with all the other Plants (and especially Knives, even when he tried to block his brother out), able to feel their presences at all times no matter the distance between, but sharing a body with another was imaginably quite a different sort of bond. Comparing the two was like comparing a busy bar to a cramped closet. And while Vash had only known her for a rather short time over the course of a day or so, the Spectre had seemed fiery enough that she could get a bit agitated, stuck in a body that wasn't her own. Of course. He'd judged far too quickly; as she'd said, Ces wouldn't just get mad at him. "Ah.. sorry," he said, with a small apologetic smile. OoC: Nehh. Good enough. Have to go. D:

2:11pm Sep 1 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Urgh, that's not cool. D: Ya, true. School is re-starting in two days' time, so I'll be finally able to see her again. xD I don't think we've seen each other this holiday... at all. :o A grin of relief broke across the Haran's face, like an enormous crack that had ripped through a wall of impenetrable ice (caused by an obsessive saber-squirrel chasing an acorn, coffcoff). For a few moments there, she'd worried that he wouldn't accept her reasons for acting snappish, maybe even see her excuses as mere lies. And yet again, her guilt didn't quite go away - Vash had needed a reason for believing her; she had to be ready with a believeable excuse for him if she wanted the Plant to see the truth in her intentions. "That's alright," she said, finally letting go of the glas-ses to leave them in his left hand. "Don't worry about it..." Letting her voice trail off slightly - and eager to leave the little situation behind them - she noticed that the sun was still high in the sky, but it was already drifting towards the horizon. She wasn't certain of the length of day-time here on Gunsmoke, or how quick the hours really were, but Ces realized that they'd wasted quite a bit of sunlight. Firstly starting off with their pointless (and now, looking back on it, rather funny) squabble in the saloon, Knives going walkabout, then their considerably-more-serious battle with Maya and her followers, Vash getting killed, Shade nearly getting killed in a bit of h*censored*le with Maya, Maya going for apparent-good when Ces frightens her with her giant eagle form, Vash coming back to life- Then she frowned. She'd nearly forgotten how everything had happened. Vash had been resurrected when Knives was still around. But how-? Shaking her head annoyingly, Ces simply told herself that time had flown a little, and they'd have to hurry in finding Vash's Plants before sundown. Despite being perfectly at home in the darkness when in wolf-form, and with Shade being half-cat, Ces wasn't particularly fond of the idea of the Doctor and Vash getting lost (and then, also reducing the Doctor's optical-availability too) when the night beat them to the Tardis, and then, the Plants. Hopefully, people who could cure Vash's blindness. And the Haran was geting desperately hungry, beating down the consideration of going bin-rummaging. Again. She'd done it before, and loved it - but her human stomach was quickly proved incapable of digesting half-rotten things when she'd morphed back - once or twice, inedible things, too. Scavenging was often a life-saver, but only when you were in the appropriate body to do so.

1:01am Sep 5 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nehh. Sorry I hasn't posteh'd in a bit. School's just been.. agh. I've only gotten much chance to do a few daily things and then poof. x3 Bumpage for now.
12:37pm Sep 5 2009
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Posts: 2,020
ooC: Niergh D: My Mum isn't letting me on the computer at all, I can just get on saturdays... sunday's too if I'm lucky. Yeah I have a giant posteh in mind that involves me introducing new charecters, meaning I'll be juggling around nine charecters after the post I'm about to type xDDD hmm... now where to start.
10:52am Sep 6 2009 (last edited on 10:55am Sep 6 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bumpp. Heh heh, two-night sleepover at Bear's - epic. 8DD And I didn't get tired. o3o I waannaaa see them, Ni-eyh~ I'm certain now that Rydesa has to come in at some point, bringing in Lusak would be interesting - but I'm not certain how, unless a whole fleet of greddeh Rexillons get involved o_O. Alensss invading Gunsmokee~ xDDDDD Thirsty for sand and greedy for buttons.
10:21pm Sep 6 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: o3o It would seem that suddenly, a few other people have gotten the idea to do this sort of a random roleplay. Only difference is that they're using only original characters. But still. Hope it doesn't become a trend.. Whoo. Big posteh on the way ftw. 8D Is.. is Ham going to be in it? xD ... I feel unoriginal. Yugaiz have all these characters and I've only used Trigun characters this whole time, except that talking rock that appeared for about three postehs before it got kicked away, ages ago. x3 I almost wanna make up someone, too, but I really have no idea what I'd do. Also. No stealing buttons plz. 8( The people needs their buttons. Otherwise they'll end up like Dominique...
10:06am Sep 7 2009 (last edited on 10:08am Sep 7 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I know. I suppose, that's alright if they want strange roleplays. But I viewed one of them and they were art stealing.. Honestly, I don't know why I get so uptight about it. It's not my own stuff that they're using, but for some reason, I get really angry at them for it. o_O Biigg posties, ftw. 8DD Yep, Ham's on the way - as well as Mushy Peas, Sausages and Pot Noodle. 8D Not to mention Stag Roast. *in tears* Meh, I rully like having some reality characters in the roleplay - and somehow, the Trigun characters seem perfect for it. :/ They're all... awesome, even Cutlery and Sticcato. I know five is nothing compared to nine characters, but I feel somewhat reluctant to invite a Spartan*coffcoffKurtcoffcoff* into it again. I feel like a really messed up on Chiefy. xDD Spartans tend to have purposes for the places they end up in, and unless they're a bunch of Covenant-tracking or Rebel-hunting Spartans, they'd be... pretty useless. Fine, then. )8 They can steal the silverware instead. Watch out, Knives.

7:10pm Sep 8 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Like, using pictures that weren't theirs for their characters? Sadly, it seems to be somewhat rare not to see that. xDD Yer killin' me, Wolfeh. But. No wai. He needs his cutlery moar than they need their buttonz. o3o Use zippers, you fools!
11:53am Sep 9 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yah, exactly that. True, they are (often) just young kids that don't quite get the meaning of... "someone else's creation", and it's always simpler to just use someone else's rather than go to the effort of making your own. But... duuude. However creative the character may be, it's ridiculously lazy to just go ahead and go all grabby hands on characters you never designed yourself. I couldn't resist. I'm sorry. Heh heh... I has spoofed name for Knivsey's little circle of buddies. xD Zippers? Fools? nEVER!! D8< As an even greater offence to Vash and Knives' race, the Rexillons will take... the plant pots, the shovels, and all of the watering cans on Gunsmoke. Heh heh. Evil has a new face. (I almost put an "a" before the "c", there.)
1:51pm Sep 13 2009 (last edited on 1:58am Sep 14 2009)
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OoC: Bumpage, I s'pose. o3o Nias, Nias, wherefore art thou Nias? *snort* Wolfehhh. xDD *edits* I got'd Knivesssssss. 8D But all my hatches were female, so he's a girl again. Petsites really seem to like doing that. xD Ohs, and I hatched Nia too. I'll probably tag her to something orchid later.. maybe a Leverene?
1:20pm Sep 14 2009 (last edited on 2:33pm Sep 14 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: She's not been able to come on Res a lot lately, so I've offered to powerplay Shade, Doc and Luce until she can come back on next time. <:3 I doubt I'll have enough time to edit this post, but I'll try my best. I know! 8D And you have Yoshi! I'm so happy for you, I actually jumped. Snee hee. I also got Tifa, black Chimby, Titanic, nattie Chimby, and Yellowfang the sepia Chimby. 8DDD Ohyas, I'm gonna be rich~ EDEETE: Maybe not. x3 I wanna keep them all, and scorn dem n00bs~ But Knives and Yoshi are more unprussive. D; And Howl. Was. Takkeeeen. DD8 Right. Time to get teh roleplay goin'. It didn't seem to be a very long time before the little troupe had come across a very welcoming sight - the tall, narrowed form of the Doctor's beloved Tardis. The town in which they'd parked her by was seemingly completely empty, and personally, Ces didn't blame them. After that catastrophic incident with Maya's followers, involving a bloody m*censored*acre of vampires, witches and werewolves, Ces wouldn't surprised if they'd packed their bags and abandoned the place already. A small fray in a saloon was a very unbelieveable excuse for the town to be so strangely quiet and... lifeless. The Doctor's face was slightly grim as he pas-sed through the space in which the terrible fight had taken place, but a small, warm smile replaced his darkened ex pression as he slipped the key in the Tardis' door, turned it, and stepped inside. Shade pushed imaptiently in after him, and the Time Lord had only just gotten out of the starving Fera's way. Tucking her arms up to her chest and sniffing the air eagerly - rather like a cat, Ces noticed, as she carefully led Vash through the narrow doorway, gently pushing him on ahead so that she could just close the Tardis door - Shade began to weave her way quickly and unusually quietly around the Tardis' control panel towards the doorways at the very back of the circular room, her footsteps clacking noisily against the metal floor. Maybe, in moments of true hunger, Shade even forgot how to be clumsy. "Wrong way!" the Doctor called absent-mindedly out to her as he began to slip off his coat, chuck it across one sofa, and begin to follow the Fera with his hands in his pockets. Ces gave a small, wry smile as she heard Shade's impatient, echoing footsteps retracing the way they'd come towards another room. Remarkably, the Doctor didn't shout out another correction to her, which surprised the Haran quite a bit. Turning around, Ces once again grabbed a hold on Vash. "Come this way," she said, easing him in the direction of the barred walkway and the closest sofa. "You can rest a bit now, while they get food." She continued to nudge the Plant closer to the furniture, then transformed into a wolf, and slipped onto the leathery seat herself. Leaving plenty enough room for Vash, she let her luxuriously thick, soft tail drape across her back legs and dangle off the sofa. She leanedforwards and rested her tired headon her forepaws, her belly facing the thrumming heart of the Time Lord's wonderous time machine. Her once black-and-silver fur had now faded and softened considerably to a dark, brown-black. It was no longer patchy, but was now a single, dark shade. Now, as the Tardis' gentle light glowed around the room, the Haran's usually-dark fur had taken on a much lighter, warmer sheen, and her honey-gold eyes were particularly bright. They began to droop slightly but she refused from taking a nap. She was on Plant-guarding duty. Already the loud noises of kitchen-searching Fera and Time-Lord were reaching the central room, and they irritated the wolf slightly - yet amused her even more, although she showed no sign of it. "Sit down," she growled firmly, but warmly, to Vash. Although the gesture was fruitless, she ruffled her tail, as though trying to gain his attention. She also smiled in his direction.
*** Outside, and quiite a considerable amount away, the almost-impenetrable sand-dirt was suddenly stepped upon by the feet of a pink-haired girl with matching eyes. She scanned the horizon for a place she could set out to, and it didn't take long. Setting on a determined ex pression, she began to pace towards the town. Slowly at first, but then quicker, until she was setting off at a swift speed. Then her vectors suddenly burst out of her body, and within moments the Diclonius was flying again, heading towards her utterly doomed destination with remarkable - and terrifying - speed. It took shorter a time than expected. In this part of town, it wasn't as lifeless as the place the Doctor's Tardis had been patiently standing in. It was quite crowded, but for Lucy, it seemed a little too so. Must do it fast. Pacing away, she came across a man - wearing the usual fashion for males on Gunsmoke, possibly in his thirties, unless he was cheating age somehow - standing in the road. He ran up to her with an ex pression on his face (almost wrote fais o_O) that was a cross between alarm, horror and anger. "Where have you come from?" he demanded. Lucy didn't flinch at his tone of sheer determined fury - and judging by the past, recent events that had ravaged this part of Gunsmoke, she wasn't surprised that the whole planet knew about the mas-sacre. Undoubtedly they would start blaming Vash the Stampede. Very few witnesses had made it out alive, or even bothered to take in the details, however noticable a cat-hybrid and a giant spiked lizard/eagle may have been, not to mention a big blue box. "Have you seen-" "What I have seen should mean nothing to you," Lucy replied coldly - and thrust her vector into his chest. (I don't know what it's like for poor chaps to have floaty arms shoved inside 'em, so I'll write my best guess) The man's eyes bulged with a sudden pain and an alarm that matched the same kind of reaction one would get when impaled with a sword, or a spear, or get shot. Then, as the vector retracted, the man stumbled forwards slightly, and fell to the ground, unconscious. A nearby pair of men saw Lucy's move, and only had time to look at her before they, too, collapsed to the ground. Now several other people were watching, but one by one the men fell, always after being touched by one of Lucy's deadly Diclonius vectors. Shouting and cries began to arise from the rapidly swelling crowd as more, and more, and more people collapsed - always males. Then, when the ground was practically littered with perfectly alive but knocked-out men, Lucy finally took notice of the few women clustered around, but at a very "safe" distance. Then a new ex pression came across Lucy's face. A small, cold, twisted smile of a kind of triumphant satisfaction. From quite a distance away the sounds of screaming could be heard, even maybe from the place where Lucy had pledged herself to the Gung-Ho-Guns. Had Ces, Vash, Shade and the Doctor been outside, their blood would surely have run cold at the endless, high-pitched, female screams that errupted like a volcano's roar from the other side of town. Again and again, as more people came to investigate, Lucy continued the second death-round that day with more and more kills, more and more men falling soundlessly to the ground. Maya would have been proud, if the vampire had ever felt, or could feel, admiration. Then, slowly and yet, quite quickly and suddenly, the screams stopped to nothing. Not fading, because their deaths had been horribly sudden. They didn't fade like the grieving, continuous cries of an eagle departing from a nesting site on a mountainside, or a wolf's sad howl on the night air. They just stopped to nothingness, like the final snaps and bangs of a round of fireworks that would never be lit again.

9:25pm Sep 14 2009 (last edited on 10:38pm Sep 14 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Spiffeh. :o This ma-ss death thing is like. The biggest rush Res has ever seen, I think. xD People were actually offering to pay into the millions for people's unused hatches, last night. I almost think I should have sold one too, considering I only really, really wanted Knives. Hmm. I think there may actually have been a Howl still alive, anyway. o: I recall seeing someone all ':D *bought Howl*' a while ago. Or at least, I think I do. Holy cheese, that's mean. Mean but brilliant. o3o That entire town's going to be freaking out when all its children from the surviving men start having pink hair. xD Hogawd. Gunsmoke's just gotten the spark of an unstoppable plague.
Vash followed Ces' guidance through the Tardis silently, only able to actually tell where they were by the cooler temperature and distinct sound of everyone's clanking footsteps. His own boots were particularly loud - the metal in their soles made a sort of scrape, clunk with every dragging step. The Plant almost wondered why he felt so exhausted, even with all the past days' excitement. He'd made his way across entire deserts before and, albeit with quite a bit of whining directed at the suns or the sky or even the occasional lizard or wild toma, had made it just fine. So why now? But, upon being distracted from such thoughts by Ces, he gave a bit of a nod and dropped onto the seat beside her. For quite a time, Vash remained fully upright, tense almost, looking toward and listening to the persistent kitchen noises, still as the broken clock he was. Somehow he still felt a quiet unease, a creeping feeling that this wasn't quite the time for rest. Even as, at length, the Plant attempted to let himself melt back into the seat, that unease only grew into dread, and he could have sworn he heard a drawn-out thundercrack of terror in his head.
Yet all remained silent in the Tardis, but for the distant kitchen rummagings caused by a starving Fera. All was fine. That brief despair had brought the gunman to nearly leap from the chair, and he was now aware of his own heavy breathing, tinged with an undertone of raggedness, just like everything else about him had grown to be. He even felt a very stubby little feather, black as the desert night, poking from the back of his neck. It was like awakening from a nightmare. "H-hey Ces," Vash murmured, staring blankly ahead. "I think something's wrong.. again."

1:16pm Sep 15 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yah. The SB was alive with people boasting about newly-gained names and... stuff. xD Anyways, I'm thrilled you got Knivsey at last. ^^ Yah? Oh, nevermind :3. Night is helping me get... another version of Howl's name, anyway. Has to be a male Mirabilis. <3 The "whole town", I think, now only consists of laddies. <:3 And Nias asked me to write it - I'd never kill off a bunch of innocent people, even for a story or roleplay unless I was feeling particularly evil. <8DD And, I'm sure Nias has a plan for it all... Hur hur, pink-haired babies. xD Braaacceceessss~ I has them, top jaw and the removeable type. 8D They feel comfy, but drinking and eating are a pain, and I seem to have a faint headache from my constant jaw-clenching. My teeth can't meet together, only the very far back two or something, so chewing is... agonizing. xDD But it's somewhat fun, and finally, I have a good enough excuse for being a slow eater in school. >3 I suppose I drive Nias and Kitt nuts with my llama grazing. xDDD But... I'm not looking very forward to sleeping. :o I'm told I can't take them out even for the night, and my friend used to snore terribly when she had braces. DD; Still, I suppose it's all necessary in the long run, and I always thought braces as kind of funky. ^^
Head swimming with previous fantasies of warm, lovely food and a long-awaited sleep, Ces' ears perked upwards and she raised her head to face Vash. For a second, she felt a tiny niggling of doubt and a very slight sliver of annoyance at her sorce of disturbance, but with an invisible, noiseless sigh her apple-juice eyes locked, once again, on Vash. When she spoke, she very nearly, very nearly put on the drawling tone she always used with Shade when the Fera got irritating again, but quickly shifted her voice to a warmer, more patient level of speech. Shade didn't always seem that sensitive to Ces' often-crabby attitude, and seemed to have adapted to the Haran's limited patience - but Vash was different, somhow. And not only did she want to hurt the Plant's feelings, but she also wanted to save herself from the guilty regret that would inevitably creep into her mind later on. She rarely regretted particular words spat at Shade, but Vash seemed to have a tendancy to, literally, take things to the heart. "What do you think is wrong now?" Ces asked him softly, and found that her affectionate tone was easier to put on - and she felt herself actually meaning it, too. But then, a strange, yet unnervingly familiar tug at her head shifted her line of sight towards the space just behind Vash's head. The edges around her eyes blurred slightly, a sudden jab of head-achy pain pricked at her brain, and the Haran curled her lips at the Spectre's unexpected and unwanted movement. But as her vision settled and her eyes adjusted again, her snarl became an open-mouthed ex pression of surprise and horror and she realized the root of the Spectre's inentions. There, poking out behind Vash's skull, was a feather. Short, black, and rather stumpy in appearance, the Haran's hackles bristled slightly. Not a lot good memories involving a feathery Vash. Her fur flattened and her face relaxed but her eyes were livid little flames. She sat up, twisted around so that she was facing the Plant, and sat with her head leaning towards him, as though trying to hear an inaudible whisper. "Vash?" she murmured. "What's going on?"
