1:23pm Sep 15 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: You know wherefor art thou meas why are you not where are you |D So the answer to your question my dear Yoshilisk is this... Wales xD Roar, I had no time to posteh you gaise so sorreh D: Year eleven has too much work and skints. Only reason I'm realy here is to research artists x3 Fancis Bacon is realy wierd xD And hamagawsh I hatched Flora xDDD bah. Would posteh but can't Oo;
2:12pm Sep 15 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I kno. Ur in Wales lol i'LL see u in schol kbythxbabe. <3 'Tis fine. ^^ ... Why am I answering you, I'll see you in school anyway. xDD
6:18am Sep 17 2009 (last edited on 6:18am Sep 17 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: So you've been eaten by a Zenirix? O: *pokes at Wales* xDD What the heck, Wolfeh? Hrmm. I should do a Knivesposteh too. But I.. actually can't think of what he should be doing right now. x3 Even the manga didn't really show him enough to be able to make a-ssumptions on where he would go and stuff. Maybe I'll just.. leave him unfollowed for a bit. o3o And I seem to be a bit stuck. x3 I have just a bit more than a paragraph written and can't think of any more. I s'pose this be a bump 'til I can.
10:04am Sep 17 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Hungry green dogs hauntin' us users. Beware of the forest puppy. I'm feeling strange tah-day. Taking out the pain in my mouth using the healing power of laughter. Hokai, then. :3 Well, I suppose anything is OK, really. ^^ Even if it is a short one for us long-posteh luvvies. Heh heh. Making our Mail speak the things we type aloud is fun. 8D It even got Pechora and Pharomachrus wrong (they're RWNs), and it said Ces like "Ses". -^- But at least it got our usernames pretty accurate, even if it did say "eira" incorrectly. xD
11:49pm Sep 19 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nehh. It just seems.. incomplete, though. It's like I somehow mashed a bunch of ideas into the first paragraph and then ran short, having had less ideas than I'd thought. x3 xD I knew I wasn't mad, thinking Ces was pronounced that way! Though I did finally start thinking it right, after a while. Yeigh. 8D *still stuck* 8( *will try to edit later*
5:27am Sep 20 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Well, I didn't find it that bad. ^^ I like yer posts. And Nias'. ^^ It's those immensely short or really illiterate ones that irk me, or those ones that seem to go a little too extreme and "... Whut?" D8 In exception to the RR's, though. xD Yah, and I don't blame you. xD I probably would've said it like "Ses" too. xD It's really just another way of spelling "Kess", I think. xD Sneh heh. I had two teeth taken out on Friday. o3o My mouth felt all frozen and stiff and numb from the four jabs of anasthetic I had, two on either side of my top gums and another two at the roof of my mouth. It was really strange, I couldn't move my mouth about. I couldn't even smile without looking rather mad. xD And I never thought that eating could be so difficult - I actually managed to get sweetcorn in my gaps, one of which I only noticed in the evening when I went to do my teeth, and I'm only allowed very soft foods. xD As for brushing them.... gaaaah. D8 I'm glad my family aren't vampires. xDDD
6:19am Sep 23 2009 (last edited on 10:56pm Sep 23 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hurr. I'mma try to not get distracted this time. I s'pose I'll do this posteh a bit more omniscient than usual, too - include a 'character' who's near where Lucy is and pretty well being a catalyst for Vash's whole.. OMGWTHONOES 8(. Just for the sake of having MOAR paragraphs. And perhaps to stop being so darn cryptic about it. x3 Also. I hate having my teeth messed with. D: Needles, especially needles in my mouth, make me cry - even before they've stuck me. Dental aftereffects are rather funny though. x3 *iggle* I've been looking through some older postehs to try and find where Lucy was introduced.. We're silly. xD Makes me want to read through some of the REALLY old parts I have saved again.
Vash hunched forward, rubbing the back of his neck gingerly, as though something had bitten it. "I don't know," was his sigh of a reply. He truly didn't. It was like the entire world had died in an instant, then fallen quiet, having never been there in the first place. As far as he could tell, but for the seat beneath him, the clashing of things in the other room, and Ces' voice, it wasn't. Again, "I don't know..." Finally, he let his hand drop again; the feather had disappeared, although somewhat stubbornly. "It wouldn't be surprising if.. whatever happened is Knives' doing, but something tells me it isn't. He wouldn't even allow time for terror like that, unless it was to cause deliberate suffering." At this point, Vash was practically talking to himself, attempting to make more sense of it all aloud. Yet, it added up no better than many of the average desert-dwelling criminals could. (Hurr. *cracks on their intelligence* x3) Quite a distance away, though, another could see quite clearly what had been done - and she certainly wasn't happy about it. Narrow hands pressed to the boundary of her eternal home, the Plant angel peered out at the devastation, shaking in sorrow and underlying anger. Tears made streaks down her cheeks, and an almost whimper-like sound surrounded her, its dull rebounding off the outer wall hardly comforting. More like a cold reminder of her own restraint, suddenly unable to help them for the first time in her life. The giant bulb had begun to glow within, overpowered with emotion. The Plant couldn't get out, but she would damn well make herself known, particularly to this killer. The sad whine grew gradually into a high keen, a screech loud enough that a rather large crack snaked its way across the gla-ss overhead. It was undoubtedly audible for iles. OoC: Whoo. Long posteh. 83 I've sure been using other Plants a lot lately.. Maybe that's Vash's trade-in for sight. xD More involvement with them.

10:41am Sep 24 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ooh... New Plant? *is caught in suspense* I'm such an idiot, I get so easily drawn into secrets and mystery. xD Oh. I feel like an outsider then. xD Everyone else seems paranoid of needles, almost everyone I know (there's a girl in my cl*censored* of whom I've known since primary who has a proper phobia or something or them). I'm not calling myself Chuck Norris Junior, but I don't really have a problem with them, at all. <:3 When I had my Tetanis jab I felt a sliver of nervousness, but that's all. And when my dentist leaned over to put four, half-minute-long pokes into my gums and the roof of my mouth, I didn't feel that scared... In fact, quite cool about it. But the advice I was told, and continue to tell myself is, "It's just one moment, one quarter hour, one day, in your entire life. Then that's it." It helps me get over the nerves whenever I do something. The brown she-wolf frowned, her brow creasing up like stiffened velvet at the confusion that was aroused within her at Vash's words. The Haran then stood up, turned around, and lay back down again so that this time, she was truly facing the Plant. "Knives did what?" she questioned, bewilered, her triangular ears twitching eagerly as if she intended to hear more than mere words - but other than the crazed clanging that was going on in the Tardis' kitchen, and the gentle throbbing hum of the ship's central "heart", there was no othes sound except for the Plant's voice. Ces knew that Vash could be crazy at times, but he wasn't truly mad, and she was all too aware of the telepathic link that hung between the Plant twins, incredibly similar to the mental bond between her and the Spectre - except, they could "talk" over incredibly long distances, and Ces knew that they could read each other's emotions, whereas Ces couldn't really detect the greater meaning of the Soul-Animal's feelings, only vaguely sense them and guess what aroused them, and only conversate (or squabble) briefly with her own companion. "What do you-" But suddenly, one of the Haran's ears - the right one - turned in the direction of the doorway, and a moment later her whole head had followed it. Alarm coursed through her entire canine body - her amber eyes became sharp with discontent, her tail stiffened, her neck and shoulders twitched slightly to become more vigilant, more aggressive-looking. The hackles rose slightly on her neck and back, and her paw moved over slightly so that she prodded Vash's thigh with it. "Vash..." she growled.
Her ears were ringing faintly, although detectably, with a long, endless, high-pitched shrieking noise that chilled her right down to the marrow amongst her strong bones, and her ears quivered unnervingly at the volume of the screech. It sounded slightly unearthly, and an instant, alarming fear gripped at her now-rapidly pumping heart. It didn't sound Tardis. It was too cold to even compare with the Doctor's ship's wonderous noises of the universe that spoke of adventure, life, promise. This wail was racked with anger, despair, and an echoing sadness that gripped Ces' souls like an enormous, freezing cold, burning hot claw. It even went to the extent of almost hurting the Haran, and a faint whimper became to errupt from her heavily-furred throat. Swiftly jumping down from the sofa, like a stealthy sliver of watery shadow that melted across the ground, Ces made her way to the Tardis door, claws clacking noisily and rhymically against the metal floor, raised one big paw, and began to scratch frettingly against it. Her whimper arouse even louder, until she have a bark-like yelp of desperation. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Maybe her *censored*umption that this was the time to re-strengthen their tired selves had been misjudge all along. She'd misguided herself, and them, again. Opening her mouth in a snarl, she went back down to all four paws and simply stared up at the door, hackles up, tail hanging limp and lifeless until it almost touched the floor. OOC: Biiig posteh. 8D

6:38am Sep 25 2009 (last edited on 10:22am Sep 26 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I think your posteh pwnt mine. xD And for now, at least. I s'pose it depends mostly on what Lucy does in response. o: I've tried telling myself it's just one moment, but it never works at all. I always freak out, no matter what rea-ssurance I 'm given or how much I tell myself it'll only last liek, two seconds. :c
Vash shook his head lightly. "I don't think it's Knives," he repeated in that still bewildered tone. "Not this time. But.. someone did something.. horrible, at least. Like they just blew out and ripped apart dozens of candles, all at once, for the fun of it." He couldn't think of anyone but his brother who would do something like that, or even could, without access to some extreme weaponry. After all, he hadn't seen Lucy's full capabilities, having already had his lethal encounter with Maya when the Diclonius had shown up and blown the Vampires' forces to pieces, so she was entirely unsuspect to him.
"I ju- Ah!" Just as Ces had noticed what seemed at first to be a faint ringing from inside the Tardis, Vash jolted upright, as though he'd been jabbed in the back. Something was definitely wrong, and- OoC: Nehh. I has to go. :< Editz lator.

5:23pm Sep 25 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Roarz! I haz returned >83 heh I might be joining a band too |D But enought of that. I had two injectionz on wednessday x3 at the roof of my mouth, had a lisp all day lolzar xD Yarr, still throbbing slighty, but only because I'm such a baby xD Yarr, wolfeh... 'Sexy monster' |D Now to attempt a posteh, using my fail ammount of skill |D BiC: Lucy grunted. Hearing the high pitched scream od despair meant nothing to her. She was able to block out the sound, leaving it as a faint echo in her mind. Glaring from behind her hair, lUcy took one last look at the men lying on the floor. Thye would be new carriers of the Diclonious gene. Some horrified women seemed to think the men were dead, but what a waste that would have been. Grinning, Lucy turned then dissapeared into a dark alley, ignoring all that was unfolding around her. Meanwhile, back in the Tardis kitchen, Shade was rumaging around, trying to find out how this MOTLO technology worked. It didn't take her long to find out how it worked, now was just how to make it work correctly. That was the challenge. Not wanting to take on a challenge to get the food, Shade simply jabbed a large red button, thinking that large red buttons solved every problem. All at once the gl*censored* cases that held the food in suspended animation dissolved, food spilled all over the floor. Shade's eyes widened, a grin molding itself onto her face. Instantly she dived into the pile of food that lay in a ring around her and the Doctor. The Doctor sighed. If the ravenous fera didn't eat all the food that lay around, then he had a lot to clean before the day was out. The Doctor poked his head around the arch-shaped door frame, his fingers curling around the frame, moulding to the shape of the TARDIS wall. Peering past the central colum of the TARDIS, he looked out of the open doors. The sky was begining to darken. Then through the open doors a sharp shrill sound floded in, floating throughout the TARDIS and ringing in the Doctor's ears. He frowned. This wasn't a sound he liked much. It was a sound he didn't understand. The one thing he could make out from this shrill scream was that it was a cry of pain, irritation anger and despair. Now he wanted to know what was causing this. He turned to look back at Shade, who seemed oblivious to the noise as she continued to eat. His eyes looked over the mountain of food, lacating the thing he desired. A chippy. The Doctor raced twoard this chippy, picking it from the ground before Shade could lay her hands on it. Stabbing the plastic fork into a fat greasy chip, the Doctor went out to meet with Ces and Vash. Stuffing the fat chip into his mouth, the Doctor spoke. "Now, why don't we see what we can do down there." Without waiting to see if they would follow, he strode out of the TARDIS, following his nose and using his, sometimes, acurate sence of direction, the Doctor went on his way to find the source of the scream. Shade paused a moment, she blinked twice before sucking in the end of a strand of spaghetti. She looked at the mounds of food, eyes glittering. Shade frowned, shook her head, before sluggishly getting to her feet. The Doctor seemed to have taken off in a hurry, Shade decided it must have been something important, so truddged along after him. Having to almost drag herself from the TARDIS, Shade decided that on a full stomache, there was no possible way to keep up with the Doctor's quick pace of chippy eating glory. (lololol xDDD) Without stoping to look at either Ces or Vash, shade followed the Doctor, feeling the strange impules to follow him, feeling that something interesting lay ahead. *** About three iles from the village where the plant had seen Lucy's apparent 'killing' spree, lay a small and ruined part of what was an old ship. Inside it dewlled five humanoid creatures. Four Fera, and one unknown. One of the four Fera paced back and forth impatiently. Her wild red hair moved with what seemed to be a life of its own. Large yellow eyes peered from behind the curtain of red. This wild fera was staring down at another Fera who sat silently in the corner of the room. "How can you just sit ans wait for something to happen!?" The red head pressed impatiently. The fera in the corner of the room did not reply, she burried her face deeper into the collar of her cloak, lost in her own thoughts. Accross the small room another Fera reclined on what was a large expensive sofa. Her eyes were shut, but she did not sleep. This fera chuckled to herself, muttering things. On first glance, some would mistake her for being half crazy. A sigh came from another corner of the room. A male Fera, the only male that was in the room. Some in his position would consider themselves lucky, surrounded by women. He didn't. He looked more annoyed than pleased. He sighed once more. "Will you never understand?" He said, his tone slighty mocking yet serious at the same time. "All we can do is wait. You can't just go out searching for things." "Yes." The red head hissed in reply. "But you can't expect everything to come to you." There was a grunt of dissaproval about in this seemingly old arguement, which came from another arkened corner. Slowly, from the shadows, an angelic figure emerged. Though she looked like an angel, she was not. The two horns placed on her head were proof of that. The 'angel' shook her head, dissapointed in the two fera. "Hush hush" She said. "Something wicked, mischief, mischief." She laughed nervousley. "Mischief, mischief!" Then the cry of the plant reached their poor excuse of a home. All the Fera glared. All ignored what was happening, only concentrating on this cry. Without saying a word, they glided form the room. The one reclined on the sofa first, the red head second, the male third, last was the more silent fera taking the 'angel' with her. They didn't like this sound, it was now something they considered highly, a problem that needed to be solved, soon. OoC: Bahs D: fail posteh |D

8:16pm Sep 25 2009
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Posts: 1,359
Magic markah! I still miss you, Magic Markah!

Banner created for me by psychosilver288.
6:12am Sep 26 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Lol wut? Oo;
10:22am Sep 26 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: That's far from a failposteh. xD It pwnt even Wolfeh's after hers pwnt mine.. Nehh, I took too long on that edit. x3 I s'pose I'll just have to switch around what I was going to do with that last posteh. I s'pose you have given me a bit more for the Plant angel to do, though, with Lucy walking away... What the heck is a chippy, anyway? xDD Haaaaaaam. :D *pokes her* Also. I think you, like several others have, are thinking of a more completely silly kind of Random Roleplay, Knux. xD We're just random in our.. doing things as we go along, and using characters of all sorts of origins. Maybe we should change our ti tle or something.. But then, it wouldn't feel the same. x3 Vash shook his head lightly. "I don't think it's Knives," he repeated in that still bewildered tone. "Not this time. But.. someone did something.. horrible, at least. Like they just blew out and ripped apart dozens of candles, all at once, for the fun of it." He couldn't think of anyone but his brother who would do something like that, or even could, without access to some extreme weaponry. After all, he hadn't seen Lucy's full capabilities, having already had his lethal encounter with Maya when the Diclonius had shown up and blown the Vampires' forces to pieces, so she was entirely unsuspect to him.
"I ju- Ah!" Just as Ces had noticed what seemed at first to be a faint ringing from inside the Tardis, Vash jolted upright, as though he'd been jabbed in the back. Something was definitely wrong - it wasn't often that he heard such a scream. It would have taken a truly horrible happening for a Plant to do that. At this point, the Doctor's voice sounding from the doorway made the gunman's fingers tighten on the edge of the leathery seat. Somehow, he felt hesitant - reluctant to see what had happened to cause such strife. That forboding feeling from before had returned in full force, leaving his stomach in a knot and the hair on the back of his neck stick up - more than usual, at least. (*couldn't resist* xD) But, after an attempted calming breath, which came rather ragged and shaky instead, Vash stood and made his way uncertainly toward the doorway. He paused once he got there, beside Ces. "So much for going to town, I guess." The Plant was outraged by Lucy's act of simply walking away. She stopped in her screeching momentarily, nose practically pressed against the gla-ss, before going at it again. This time the sorrow in her scream was gone - it was more shrill and uneven, like a hole in a hot pipe releasing steam, all anger now. Her always-glowing eyes were brighter than ever, in her enraged state. The crack in the bulb that encased the Plant angel spread a bit more, threatening to break open, though her goal was far from escape. Some of the women who stood nearby had taken to staring at her, fear clear on their faces. Yet, they remained in place. The children who weren't more concerned with crying over their seemingly dead dads had hidden behind their mothers' legs, staring wide-eyed. It seemed their fear had switched in an instant, from the pink-haired stranger to she who'd before been their life-line. It hurt. From his vantage atop a satellite tower that overlooked one of the larger cities, Knives, too, heard his sister's cry. It felt like a bullet in the chest, bringing him that same forboding that Vash had felt. He immediately let go of what he'd been doing and dropped himself over the ma-ssive satellite's edge, sliding down its interior toward the ground. Taking out the Humans' means of communication would have to wait.

11:32am Sep 26 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yar har >83 I'm putting more purple in my hair x3 This time it's a bright purple~ Hah,Imma wait for Wolfeh to post before I do again |3 Yus, Ham >83
12:30pm Sep 26 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yus. We needz a Wolfeh. ;o! Ham seems crazy. x3 *pointless post*
8:22am Sep 27 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: Apologies. Internet connection to the WWW was eliminated for approximately two days. Spartan is back up. *funny humming noise that the shields do when they regenerate themselves* Yes, Nias. Sexy monster. Saw a lot of the opposite during a Halo rave today and yesterday with the sister. Snee hee. I hate to admit it, but after seeing Halo Wars' immense video graphics that I think even own Final Fantasy 7, Halo 3 seems so... old.D; But I still love it. Eh. My posts do not pwn. xD And I'm a little stuck. :x I'll try my best... The she-Haran stepped forward a little so that the faint breeze that wafted across the sands of Gunsmoke gently stroked her damp nose. Ugh, she thought. So much dust. Glancing up at the sky, she, too, noticed how low the suns had sunk amongst the once-pure blue sky. It was now streaked slightly with fantastical purples and pinks, until it became just a marvellous peach and yellow as it neared the suns' pure white glares. The clouds looked like smudges of chalky cotton, as though some great god high in the heavens had decided to suddenly make a piece of artwork for the members of Gunsmoke to admire, and had slid his fingers across the blankety above with careless ease. Ces felt oddly grieved. Sunsets always made her feel strangely sad, as though something good was coming to an end. Yet she nevertheless loved them, too, and was reminded painfully of her home planet's own incredible landscapes and horizons, the skies completely unpolluted and as pure as they had ever been. She took a step forward, her right forepaw coming right off the Tardis' metal floor. The black pads beneath them felt oddly soothed by the cooling temperature of the dusty sand, unlike the immediately-freezy chill of the Time Lord's ship's. She lifted her elongated face towards the stunning sky, and took a few wary sniffs, taking another two steps away from Vash but keeping her tail touching him, as if to re*censored*ure the Plant that she wasn't leaving. What drifted into her nose arose a strange reaction. Her eyes instantly adopted a pearly essence, like her kentracha eyes, and the fur along her spine stuck out and became spiked, like miniature quills, burning a hot crimson in the setting light. Her muzzle contorted to become almost ugly, and she retracted a step. OOC: Edit later. :x

1:52pm Sep 27 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Ham is Crazy 83 Neh... I've been filling myself with pombears all day xD I went to tenby with my grandparents so has some wierd bubblegum ice cream xD blergh, it's alien and blue, don't ever eat it xDDDD Neh, got three moar voodoo's x3 the ultimate Mummy, a Bunny pirate and the love pirate o3o Yarr... pirates~
2:46pm Sep 27 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Your postehs do too pwn. xD 'Specially against mine. I can rarely manage that awesome length anymore without using multiple characters, and my use of figurative language keeps decreasing and making me force myself to use it. o3o None of it comes naturally anymore. Nooooes. Temporary cliffhanger! x3 *shakes Ces* Oh. Hokai. xD Blue alien bubblegum ice cream? o3o Blergh indeed. *can't posteh much right now* 8(
2:49pm Sep 28 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: DDDD8< I lost Intarnetz twice, and accedentally went back a page just now. DDD8 My computer hates me! D8< *beats up* I'm sick of repeating what I've attempted to post three times, so I will say - you, mature writer. Very literate. Me, not so good. A ridiculously angsty kind of roleplayer. Blergh. xD Angsty Hawan. o3o *is beat'd* D; Blue bubblegum alien ice cream...? The Covenant ought to advertise that to little tired Grunts who are hot and bothered with fighting on Africa and the few deserts scattered over the Halo Rings. Or Prophets who need a serious recap on life. Edit later. Can't risk losing it all again... D;
3:21pm Sep 28 2009 (last edited on 11:43am Oct 4 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: New posteh - opening different tabs is irritating with a one-click mouse. The wolf, stiff absorbed in her unprepared half-morph, took a few more eager sniffs at the air. Then, at finding that her as-sumptions were true, the wolf's eyes closed slowly, the spines retracted back into her skin to become gentle fur again, and when they re-opened they had lost their pearly essence and had re-gained their warm, golden sheen once more. Her tail drooped and she let out another, louder sigh. "Dead," she murmured, loud enough for the Plant to hear. "People are dead. Up ahead, the town... someone's gone and killed them all..." She raised her head to the sky again, sorrow marked lightly across her face as the sweet, sickly, faint smell of lifeless bodies and freshly-spilled blood crept delicately up her nose. Faintly at first, but then it began to strengthen a little, until the Haran could realize that it was only females that had been slain. No male smells. And it was unnervingly recent. And, along with the stench of death, Ces could detect fear on the wind. Fear and disbelief, she could guess. The sad breeze was practically overcome by grief, as though the very air, the very place, was despairing for the loss of innocent lives. Subtle extra streaks of bright, angry red tongues began to lick the setting suns, until the sky wasn't just to be considered blue anymore, but everything - purple, yellow, violet, orange, peach, cherry red, indigo, scarlet, pink, white. It didn't seem to suit the grim happening, but, as Ces examined all the wild colours strewn across the sky, she wondered about all the other unique hues, personalities, stories, beliefs, that had lurked behind the souls of the dead people, and realized that a sunset was a mere reflection of a mas-sacre. The painting of death. The light behind the darkness. The end of the day, to be consumed by a deep, dark night. And a night that would not, never, end for those dead women. Editty. D: Hadn't realized Shadesey and Docky had gone, too. I must've misread them as staying inside the Tardis. xD Oh, well... will change in a moment. Editty Junior.
"Well..." the Haran said softly, contrasting greatly to her grieving, regretful thoughts. Her tone was held with quiet, unwanted understanding, but also with a slightly grim optimism. "I see little use in abondoning you, too. With your blindness." She turned to face Vash, but for once her face was uncharacteristically smooth with the absence of a frown, and somewhat expressionless. "What do you think you should do now? And that scream - do you know of its origins?"
