3:51pm Sep 28 2009 (last edited on 3:55pm Sep 28 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hurr. I think I'm a bit confused here. xD Not sure if the people are dead or just unconscious.. Per'aps I'll just a-ssume half and half, since my last posteh depends on that there are still at least some women and children left alive, with the men just unconscious, but yours depends on their deaths. x3 Ooh. Hate it when that happens. That once when I'd lost the same posteh three times in one day had me in such a bad mood.. Fffffff. I fail. At least, in my eyes I do. xD Mebbe we're just in the midst of one of those things where everyone thinks their work fails the most. ... I think my pants have been holding out on me. O: Last week I found ten dollars in one of my pockets, then today, in another pair, I found thirty more. Hurm. I'sa posteh lator or something. x3 *lazy* Oh, oh! I've just had an idea that was going to have to wait, but could very easily be put here because of the Plant - and actually makes more sense. 8D
3:22pm Oct 1 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Hah, Me and Wolfhe have come to the conclusion that half the women are alive and the other half are dead and whatnot. I only say whatnot because it sounds spiffy there and whatnot c: Yarr so anyways, Wolfeh told me in school that her neibours has been messing around and have somehow mucked up Wolfeh's internetz so she won't be able to come on for a while. I suppose I could attempt to posteh again, but I'm lazy and realy want to mess around with photoshops o3o
11:47am Oct 2 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Waaahh. DD; No Internet for so long... Eh. About, three days? <:3 But, still - it was a pain. D: As Nias briefly explained, there was some Internet-based problems - I don't fully understand it, but at the moment it comes and goes. :/ I might be able to edit thart posteh of mine that was crawling with fail, might not. I'll try my best. Edit later.
9:48am Oct 3 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: x3 Sorry for poofing so long. School. *flail* I should be able to actually get something written later today - right now I'm about to go again. Ew. Internets fails are, liek. D8. I used to have problems with the coming and going thing all the time.. It made me double-posteh a lot. x3
11:33am Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I'm the one ought to be apologizing, not ye. >3> Yah. Then, you understand the absolute, angsty, horrific trauma I'm going through. x3 Meh, it's not proving to be a whole new problem to my life - I'm starting to get used to lack-of-Intarnetz these days. xD Especially since I only mainly come on to check (and maybe post x3) here, make sure my Creatu aren't on the road to unavoidable anorexia, reply to Mail... other than that, I'm often sitting in my chair thinking "What the hell do I do now?". I'll go back and edit that post... Something for you guys to reply to. D:
2:23pm Oct 4 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Naghagh at losing my posteh. x3 But was faily anyway.. The editties help, I s'pose. *tries again* I had another weirdy Trigun-y dream. O: Though, this time it just involved Vash as the main person, and I could have sworn I'd had another, almost identical dream before but without Vash in it. I think he was in liek, the hospital sector of a secret base or something, and wasn't supposed to be leaving yet, but he did anyway. And then there were alll sorts of crazy mission-things, with weirdy enemy monsters and other planets, one of which looked like a melon or something with fire and black electricity p*censored*ing over its surface. "I'd suspected as much..." Vash replied, his voice low and even, like a river too clogged to run right - clogged with both his own grief at hearing this, as well as with the intense emotion coming unrestrained from the livid Plant. "If they're dead, there's a good chance we'll end up with more dead people somewhere else, if this killer really feels like putting on a ma-ssacre." Then, a grimacing realisation. They were probably blaming him for this. It wouldn't have surprised him if the radio lines were already buzzing with his name, spreading rumour of his merciless ma-ssacre. "Well. The only thing we really can do now is to find out what happened. If we find whomever caused this, maybe we can stop them before they do any more.." At this point, he paused, then continued even more quietly than before. "It's a Plant doing that. She's hurting - not really hurt, but she must have kept that town alive for decades. Possibly all the way since we crashed here. Most people don't understand us very well, which is why Knives is convinced they don't care, but seeing all of them dead after caring for them so long would be like losing dozens of dear friends, all at once." (Hmm. I s'pose I could make it a bit longer, but I think I'll just leave this as a Vashposteh, and probably continue with the rest of mah characters when we actually get in the town. o;)

10:30am Oct 6 2009 (last edited on 10:35am Oct 6 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Whoa, that's pretty strange. xD Killer melon~ I had a dream where I, along with Kitteh and Bear, were a kind of trio-gang-thing, and were being pursued by about a bunch of twenty other kids. We were being chased like crazy all over this city, but I suppose the aim of it was to simply avoid them, and I kind of outwitted them all until their numbers gradually fell. <:3 But by the end of it, Bear and Kitt had gotten lost somewhere, and I was alone running like hell from the last three. Cheese, it felt pretty scary by the end as I was getting so tired. o_O But at the start I was superswift and sort of ninja-like. o3o I didn't kill any of them, just made them sort of... fall over until they got unconscious. xD The black wolf took in his words seriously, and by now she had sunk to a very upright sitting position, her ears cocked forwards and listening keenly like some loyal dog awaiting a command. But really, Vash had just voiced what she was guessing to do herself - yet she felt some odd wanting for confirmation as to what exactly the two should do. In the Plant's unfortunate blind state, Ces had little to do but to stay by his side and... well, protect him, really. For once she would have to put her trust in the Doctor and Shade to solve one thing, whereas the Haran and the Plant would have to work together on another matter. Obviously, the Time Lord and Fera would be investigating the mas-sacre up ahead. "I think Shade and the Doctor have that part covered," she pointed out gently, but thoughtfully. She had attempted to lessen the despairing, darkened truth of the previous event with a warmer tone of voice. Not too cheerful and obnoxious, but not too grim either. "I guess they've already gone to see who's done it." But at the thought of the female Plant that Vash had confirmed was the cause of that earsplitting wail, Ces looked back at the streaky sunset. She suddenly wondered, at hearing Vash's as-sumption that she'd probably helped looked after the town for so long, how lonely she must feel now. True, there may be some other humans that were still alive - but Ces then felt a sudden understanding for the loss the Plant may have suffered. "We can go and see her," she whispered. "if you like. I'm sure she'd appreciate our, er... company?" She looked up at Vash's face. "We haven't really got anything else to do now."

10:31am Oct 6 2009 (last edited on 10:32am Oct 6 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Eeeehh. Silly double-postage. xDD
11:23am Oct 9 2009
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OOC: Bumpity.
5:39am Oct 10 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Neh, I haven't been able to come on here in a while xD Work experiance this week, coursework to do over the weekend, then no computer next week. Yargh, it's times like this I wish that I could connect to the internetz through my brain omo; Anyways, I'm going to read through the postehs and try post x3 Ohs, Yoshilisk, yer siggy is epic win xDDD
10:43am Oct 10 2009 (last edited on 10:48am Oct 10 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Naghagh. Sorry for the inactivity, yet again. >: School's being ebol. I'se try to posteh soon. Also, I think I found a way to get closer to that old, perfect font size - the one that wasn't too small, like the one I've been using, or too big, like v2's default size. :D *tests it* ... Neh, that failed. :< Ten is my current size, and eleven looks just like the default size. Harr. inorite, Nias? xD
12:20pm Oct 11 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Dood. I had the most hilarious idea last night, thanks to another roleplay in which someone had a freakin' awesome knife that had a feather-shaped handle. I started thinking of perhaps the blade itself being feathery, and then.. xDD It went from being epic to faldjfaljlarious. [link] Captain Millions Feathersword, methinks. Wouldn't it be perfect? Harrr, I love the way I think at three in the morning. Ohyahs, and my sister bought some Cocoa Pebbles. 8DD I get to be all ridiculously hyper on you guys againnnn~ Homg, short posteh. D8 But I can't think of anything else without going over to another character, which I wanna save for later. Vash's response was immediate. "Yes," he replied in a murmur, nodding once. He hadn't heard such a thing in quite a long time, and he'd rather not let it go on. "I'm sure there must be something we can do. If not.. I'm not sure I want to think what could happen to her."
2:41pm Oct 13 2009 (last edited on 2:44pm Oct 13 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: 'Tis OK. And your siggy gave mehs a tummy-ache. But it scared my sister. And I had a nasty migraine yesterday. DDD; I was all... bleerrghh. That pirate is an absolute ripoff. And minus the antennae, Knivsey lookes a little like he's trying to copy his widdle bro's hairstyle ;(. But yes - give Captain Cutter a widdle chickin on his shoulda and a croaky accent. And he can kill humanity Davey-Jonesey style. Oh, and squid for a beard! I wanna draw that... Can't posteh at all. 8( These past few days have been a little awkward, with all a funeral we had to attend to today and... things. xDDDDDDD I just imagined Knivsey in your siggy, yoshi - only with a pair of cutl*censored*es.
4:44pm Oct 13 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Awe. Migraine and funeral? 8( Wells, take all the time you need then. *clongz* That pirate is the reason I found it so lulzy. xD They're pretty well opposite - Captain Feathersword would annoy Knives all to heck. Fusing them together just makes it even better. 8D But I do agree.. Davey Jones' beard would be fun too. xD And Knivesy always had that hairdo.. even as a toddler. x3 At least, his manga version did. It's liek, somehow their hair styled itself. Must be tha hair-power~ :O *iggle* Niice. xD
10:47am Oct 14 2009 (last edited on 11:20am Oct 14 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yoshi, your siggy seems to get worse and worse each day. I'm trying to writre here, and just above the text box is a flurry of pink and black clawing its way towards me... xDDDD Thanks. -_- Eh, my miggy's past now, so maybe I'll finally be able to think clearer... xD You mean, he'd annoy Knives all to deck. It's ridiculously silly. Ohyas. I so want to draw Cutty with a SQUIIIIIID on his bald little chin now. ^^ Yah, he had it that short after he cut off his rather accurate impersination of Rapunzel, whereas Rem made Vash's hair all sticky-uppy. x3 But still, it's cool. Laughing too hard to story post now - I'll edit later. The black dog gave a nod, then turned back towards the twin setting suns that was scorching the faraway landscape like a giant bonfire, its tinder being the puffy clouds."If we're going now we'd better start heading off," she told Vash. "The first sun is already starting to set behind the horizon. The other one's not far off. In a short while it'll be dark." She turned back around and nudged Vash's hand firmly with her extended face, as though demanding some fuss. "When do you want to go?"

1:34pm Oct 16 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xD Is it even worse than the girl repeatedly making 8o faces? Mebbe I should go back to that one some time.. After the hilarity of this one wears off. It seems a lot of people find it hilarious. |D Harr, you make me wanna drawr it too. x3 'S even better than a goatee or ridiculous-looking beard. Y'know, the stairs at my school are freakin' ebol. x33 Normally they're just annoying, ('Specially since Vash is so fat and all.. *pokes at her rather heavy bag* Lard, I'm sad - I talk to my backpack. xD) but yesterday they nearly pwn'd me to death twice, going both up and down. Nehh, still short-ish. 8C Vash frowned in thought. It was somewhat surprising that the suns were only setting just now - it had certainly seemed like more than a few hours since the Tardis had first landed on the sands here. But perhaps it was simply how things seemed to have turned so.. insane, within the past few days. Every ounce of time had become filled with some excitement, some dramatic event, so that even one who was normally outside of time felt swept away by it. "Well. I'd say that's more of your choice," he said, staring blankly ahead. A wave of a hand in front of his face clarified why, before he looked down toward Ces. "The biggest problem would probably be sandworms, if there are any around here - they usually like to come out more at night. But then.. she's probably scared everything within several iles into hiding."

3:35pm Oct 16 2009 (last edited on 5:53am Oct 18 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Roar. Hoka I'll be posting nao x3 but before I do. I just want to say a few short thing omo. Fistly I was attacked by a ravenous art file on the bus, second I've become ravenous and changed me profile sawngs (againxDDDD) and lastly... I might be getting this~ BiC: Shade trudged along after the Doctor, clutching her waist. Now she was regretting eating so much. Then again it tasted so good. Shade started drooling, daydreaming about food. She stopped when a low rumbling of dissagrement began to sound in her ears. After glaring at her feet for a minute or two, Shade looked up. The town where the screaming had come from wasn't too far away now. The Doctor was far ahead of her by now. "Bleh." Shade mumbled before hurrying to catch up with him. The Doctor was glaring at the town, while pushing chips into his mouth. Seeing as he was pretty close to the town, The Doctor slowed his pace, allowing Shade to catch up. "Chip?" He asked her,handing over a rectangular shaped ob ject whcih looked like it was coated in salt and smelt strongly of vinegar. The Doctor withdrew his hand and ate the chip, after careful examination of Shade's rather disgusted look. "Hmm, seems it's just over this hill and we'll be able to see what's been going on here." ... The Four Fera, along with the mentaly challenged angel creature, had by now reached the town. All five stood still taking in the extent of what had happened here. "Well this looks like it could be fun." Muttered the red head, a slow grin creeping accross her face at the thought of a challenging opponent. "Mischief was here, gone now." Said the Angel creature. her eyes widened and her pupils narrowed. Using the shorter female fera as support, she stretched out her arm, just mamaging to hold it up in front of her. Slowly she unfolded her fingers, that in turn created a small white ball whichc seemed to be glowing. Mist slowly spread form this ball, twisting and then creeping out scratching the air with it's long fingers. This strange mist slowly formed the shape of a rahter large scythe. The angel creature then spun it around, throwing off any remaining mist, and stabbed the rounded end into the dusty, bloodstained, ground. She let go of the Fera, using her scythe to hold her up. "Mischief went that-a-way." She murmered, pointing twoards a narrow path between two houses. The red head grinned and immediately took off. The male sighed, silently moving behind her. (harhar, still moar to add, just need to get dressed then i'll finish this >:3)

9:19am Oct 17 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I don't know. Crazy blurs of pink and black racing towards me, all manic, or a continuous, never-ending stream of random Japanese people going "8o"? That's a hard question. 8o But keep this one for a bit, I'm starting to get used to it. ^^ Plant with a squiddssss~ Mehs. 8c That sounds bad. Mergh, recently everyone's got a cool bag of somesort (your Vashers one was osmosity). I need to find that UNSC one - fast. D8 I like the idea of being labelled gamer-nerd. A lot. 8DD Something that's a little less feminine as to what I'm used to. Goth was awkward because most of it is frills, skirts, frequent trips to Swansea (where Blue Banana is) and costs a bunch. 8c That hoodie is osmosity. 8DD I love the ears. Shame there aren't a lot of birdy or wolfy-type things floating around as common... xDDD "Sand worms...?" the Haran muttered thoughtfully to herself, and for a moment or two was almost indulged by her curious interest again. But then she remembered the ghastly creatures back at the city, of which a whole troupe of them had managed to trap Ces in some underground lair, and shuddered. A small insight of a fighting sequence between another horde of the sand-dwelling beasts and a kentracha played briefly in her mind, which was quickly replaced with a grin of black humour from Ces at the comical vision of a very sizey struggle between giant bird and giant worm. Or, rather, giant bird versus several giant bugs. "We can take out chances out there, if you really think the Plant has scared them off," she informed Vash aloud. "But I've no problem with what we do. After all, I've got four seperate bodies to transform into if things get a little, er... troublesome. "

1:21pm Oct 17 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: O: That's pretty epic. I've only ever seen jackets like that with lacy kitty ears - never bunny ears. xDD Osmosity? Hrmm. After a quick look around the Internetz, it seems not many of the one I saw are for sale. o3o There are several other UNSC and Halo bags though. Also, homg, I'se getting all sorts of Creatu goals accomplished lately. 8D Last night I finally hatched a blonde Vogar, when I'd just been trying to get an unnamed female for someone. So Knives gets to be blonde now - and actually male. xD And just now I found Atria again, actually for sale this time~ And I still can't think of much. It's aggravating. x3 I have all this stoof in mind for when we get into town, but hardly anything for right now. "So we should be able to make it without much problem," the Plant said with a nod. He certainly hoped he'd been right in his guess that the creatures would be somewhere deep underground, vibration-sensitive as they were. The shrill would have met them like a driving needle, upon coming to the surface. Hopefully that would be enough to keep them away; he didn't want Ces having to fight them off, even with her various forms.

4:06pm Oct 17 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Hamagawsh I r 100th posteh D: lololol. That is all for now c: I shall edit my post with more tomorrow x3 I'm going now~