7:04am Oct 18 2009 (last edited on 1:31pm Oct 19 2009)
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OOC: Osmosity. Uhhh. Must go look at some. @O@ O rly? Knivsey seems to suit a Voggy, somehow... Gratties. ^^ *iggles* For some reason, your sentence of "I have all this stoof in mind for when we get into town, but hardly anything for right now." made me smile. I think it's because you said "we", as though directing it at us roleplayers and not the charas. xD Don't know why, but you still made sense. ^^ Edit later. The wolf gave the Plant her billionth nod, then raised he rvoice to a slightly higher pitch of newfound optimisity. "Great," Ces told him. "So let's start making a move. We'll move at your pace." She tapped his knee thoughtfully with her long, coarse tail. "Unless you want to ride." OOC: Bah. Useless short posteh. :x But all I can write, unless I wanted to make another useless ranting about a mysterious silver fawcon. x3
8:44am Oct 20 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nyeh. I would try to posteh, but.. I'm just so ridiculously aggravated and discouraged. D; I'd probably end up making Vash sound mean or angsty. Mmm. I know we usually don't, but could we maybe just.. do a brief time-skip or something, to get them to the town's entrance?
10:45am Oct 20 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xDDDD My computer was a bit slow loading this, so your siggy was all in glitchy slow motion, yoshay. xD Now I've stopped it loading, and... it's had a kind of time-fix. The chappie in your siggy's all frozen and blurry. xD Nyah, I wouldn't mind. o3o A bit of aggravation amongst the good-charas would add a little even more tension to the story. Although, the thing you seem to have in mind, yoshi, is having me all "What'llhappennow? 8O" Yah, I wouldn't have a problem with that. :3 A time-skip actually sounds like a good idea, really. Other than explaining with immense detail on how Vash and Ces walk, I wouldn't mind a fast-forwading. xD
8:34pm Oct 20 2009 (last edited on 8:41pm Oct 20 2009)
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OoC: *feels bettar nao* xD I notice that sometimes, when my Internets are being faily. He's just all, 'GRRRWWWAAAAHHHHH...' Nehh. If I did cause aggravation because of my own feelings I'd regret it afterward. x3 And yus. I'm always trying to do that. xD Especially when I've got a strong influence on the plot. *pokes at the Plant* I do wonder what in the world Ham and her frands are going to do, though. Hmm. I decided to look up what a Chippy is. They remind me of Fritos. xD Wonder if they taste the same.. Several minutes later, yo. ;O It was the feel of his toe hitting something that made Vash stop, just outside the town's main gate. He knelt to feel what it was, and almost immediately gained a grimace; his fingers found a hand, small in comparison to his own and wearing a single ring. He discovered, upon lifting it, that it was far lighter than it should have been. Severed. He instantly dropped it and stood again, his stomach roiling. "Ces..." The Plant's voice came forcedly loudly because of his sister's screech, which had grown ever louder as they approached. By now it seemed deafening, even moreso than gunfire, and sounded just as deadly. "What happened here?" He continued forward a few steps, then stopped, hesitant to go any farther. He was almost afraid even to find out what it was that he didn't see. The bliss of blindness made it all too tempting to accept not knowing. OoC: Hmm. Methinks I'll leave it at that and (re-)introduce other characters one at a time. xD That should be fun.

11:04am Oct 21 2009 (last edited on 11:26am Oct 21 2009)
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OOC: xDDD I had it again just now. And, listening to my sister's sad keyboard-music made it feel even funnier... It was that sad song Emily, the creepy spider and that little maggot sang in The Corpse Bride. Pfft, but I wouldn't, would I? xD True, I feel regretful sometimes - but I forget it all when I find that nobody else has a problem with it, so I just go all "Oh. OK, then." ^^ Besides, it would not make the current plot any worse.... >3> Meh. I've nothing exciting in mind, but I'm not bothered at all - but introducing Shade to Berello's Legato-lookalike of a brother would be very, very exciting indeed o3o. Often, I feel slightly... unhelpful, when I take even a ibt of control over something, like I'll do it wrongly or in a way that'll make people go "...o.O". I often have that affect, y'see. xDDD I was meant to powerplay Ham and her buddies for Nias. D8 Eeehh, I forgotted. A chippie is a commonly-found kind of takeaway-place in the UK, with an abudance of them along the coasts of Wales. o3o A "chippy", I suppose, is a sillier word for "chip". xD Then Nias realized that Americans use the word "chip" for the crispy things you get in a plastic bag, whereas us Brits use "chip" for the greasy little yellow things that McDonald's sell alongside burgers. xD So, I suppose that's what the confusion is. In the series, the Doctor has a love for chips, y'see. xDD It's quite amusing, actually. The continuous screech coming from the female Plant Vash had mentioned - and, before, of which had been a target for Ces' sympathy, now being the very centre of Ces' immense irritation - was causing for the Haran's ears to remain plastered flat against her skull, so flat and compressed, it was almost hard to tell what was ear and what was head. With her tail curling slightly between her legs, half in her ever-cautious wistfulness and half in a submissive fear, Ces stared a few more seconds around the ghastly scene before replying. She'd seen lots of unpleasant things in her life - but this was, by far, the most disturbing and thought-provoking. Due to the fact that the Haran had been perfectly open to lots of gore and blood, of which was mainly accustomed thanks to her mainly-predatory forms, Ces wasn't that unnerved by the bloodied scene in front of her - a truth that had often, helped, spare her of any grieving or devastated thoughts that would often come between her and a mission or other. She would have no time for loss. It was the victims themselves that truly sent her mind racing.
"You sure you want to know?" she bellowed the best she could above the all-consuming screech that seemed to grab a hold of her apparently "earless" skull and would not let go, vibrating through to the very deepest, thickest trace of the Spectre's mind and back. It was giving her a terrible headache. Scanning the body-littered space before her with extreme concern, the wolf's brow furrowed even more. "Let's keep moving." By now, her tone of voice, her body language, all spoke with an unqeustioned knowledge of the scene before her. But then, meeting the dark brown eyes of a particularly young victim of this anonymous killer, made her brow crease in a new kind of sweeping emotion that she rarely felt. One thing she had learned was to see her victims as not what they were - if they're human, believe they're not. But now, with her black pupils becoming attatched by some invisible thread with this young woman's, Ces felt almost transfixed, unable to turn away. Then she did, snapping the insible string, and carried on walking.

6:37am Oct 22 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nehh. I guess I'm not as good with moving on. x3 I'd get hung up over it and have problems staying in character and essentially get us nowhere. Oh! I get it now. xD Like French fries, yus? Took me ridiculously long to figure that out. I mean, what the heck other greasy yellow things would McDonald's serve? x3 *fails* Also. 8D Our schools usually have a yearly field trip thing, and this year it included Wales. I heard that and my head like, snapped up from a quiz I was doing. xD I think I may just have to go this year. At Ces' response, Vash a-ssumed he didn't want to. Perhaps it would be better not to know, so that at least he could try to calm the Plant without being caught up by what he didn't see. And judging from the Haran's pained voice, she was anything but pleased with the piercing sound that felt like it would send his ears bleeding - or possibly worse, cause that odd blackness to come again, rather than blood. He sighed and shook his head, moving on again. Gladly for him, the town's main road led almost directly to its heart where the giant bulb loomed, which left little into which he could run on the way there. Yet Vash still went slowly, remaining close to his wolf friend and wondering just how horrific it could be to her.
OoC: Nuhh. I has to go. 8C

10:01am Oct 22 2009 (last edited on 2:02pm Oct 22 2009)
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OOC: Oh. OK, then. ^^ That's understandable enuff. Yah. ^^ Only, French Fries tend to be nice and thin and crispy, and chippie-chips are usually fat and soft and greasy - but, when well-made, just as luvverly. 8D Ohohohohoh. 8DDD Did he/she/it mention South (this is where we lurk) or North Wales? Or will you be alonside the East or West borders? Oh, and if they ask, the capital city of Wales, Cardiff, is South - that's a luvverly place to hang out, gwd for the tourists 8D. Impress them with your geography. The faithful Haran continued to pad silently alongside Vash for a few short minutes, but each step felt more and more like a personal betrayal to herself. The endless screech was resounding stronger than ever now, and the closer they got, the worse it seemed to get, drilling and drilling mercilessly into her skull. Then, when Ces could bear it no longer, she gave an furious growl and sprung upwards into her human body, finding how less painful the scream was to her ears but remaining a hateful thing. But then her agitated frown softened into an open-mouthed ex pression of awe at the giant, bulb-like structure the two of them found themselves facing - only one of which actually abling to see it - that stood a short while before them. But, with Vash being a Plant, Ces could only guess that he'd seen plenty of them before. An immense curiosity for the strange, transparent spheres errupted inside her, and a stream of the usual "What-?" questions nearly slipped out between her lips. But the Haran held her tongue (quite literally too, for she snapped her jaws together again, self-conscious of the fact that she must've looked like such a wally with it open), and instead, turned to look at Vash. "We've arrived at some giant bulb," she found herself calling. "Is this what you're looking for?"
Watching the Plant and the Haran from afar, perched safely on the high roofs of the surroundings buildings that he could only guess were houses, was a small, silver-grey raptor with keen, dark sea-blue eyes. His flight-feathers were black, and he vaguely resembled a cross between a male Montagu's harrier and a black-shouldered kite, only there were twin dents on either side of his beak that was completely alien to the mouths of Earth's smaller birds of prey. At hearing the voice of the brown-haired female, the one he instinctively recognized as a Haran, he cocked his head eagerly and interestingly to one side, and although he could not smile, his dark eyes, rimmed with black, practically glowed with sheer delight. He shuffled his sleek wings slightly and adjusted his overly-tightened grip on the roof's edge. But there was something else in his stare, a strong, wary doubt, as his gaze pas-sed towards the blonde, tall, dressed-in-red being he'd come to realize was inhuman, something of a close companion to the she-Haran, and the very same alien he had helped save from a vampire attack earlier amongst the rest of the insane battling between the creatures he'd come to call "vampires" and "werewolves". He narrowed his eyes dangerously, but also cautiously, edged with a deep, curious interest that was something close to a very slight scorn. OOC: That should add a little more interest. >;3

12:36pm Oct 22 2009
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Posts: 399
Dude. For the sake of Trigun, and just to prove that Our Lord Knivesy was born with this problem~ http://i329.photobucket.com/albums/l365/Kitfur/CapnKnivesquid.jpg
 yeah i dont know either.
6:35am Oct 23 2009 (last edited on 6:36am Oct 23 2009)
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OoC: xDDDD *dies* Ohh wow. That's amazing. Today I've gained a(nother) new respect for the squid. But I still wanna see yours too, Wolfeh. >;o Hmm. I imagine I'd like chips. xD I always favour thicker fries - the thin ones seem like little more than a greasy skin. I'm no health nut, but tons of grease is just.. nehhh. I'm not sure. They just said the countries in general.. and some other stuff I don't fully remember, but which would probably help. Admittedly, I only really heard parts of it. x33 Oooohh. Barrelophones? |D Harrr. This would be a good time to get Knives in there, and mebbe meet Berelly. Perhaps my lack of time was a good thing. xD "Not the bulb itself," he replied, without changing pace, "but close." As the pair continued, the shadows of pieces from the ship that had crashed here stretched over their path, the jagged spires looking like knives reaching into the sky (Perhaps he was doing yoga~ 8D). The air grew steadily warmer, feeling more electrified and turbulent by the moment. It felt like chaos. And through it, Vash was having issue even keeping himself together. Not only was the Plant screeching her heart out to the world, but now that he was so close her emotions seemed to blow right through him with the force of a steamer and the pain of receiving a chestful of lead, casting fury and sorrow and countless jumbled images of everything that had happened into his head. It was all he could do to keep going, a couple black-stained streaks of tears fresh on his face.
It was then that Knives, too, reached the town's outskirts. In a moment he was atop one of the buildings, his white-feathered wings retreating into his back as he looked toward the Plant bulb. First, he noticed the two figures standing out against the rock, making their way toward it. They were easily recognisable, especially by his brother's ridiculous coat, and he almost decided to follow them. Yet, something made him glance over, and he saw on the opposite side of the road someone else on a roof. The stranger almost appeared to be a large bird, yet it wasn't.

8:20am Oct 24 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Roargh D: I has to leik read your postehs befor wI can post, I have to finish mai old one too xDDD Or I could leave it as it is and say there was a lag where a lotta stoof happened when time skipped o3o Mmrph. *insert posteh here*
1:12pm Oct 25 2009
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OoC: Liek, bump doods. ... Hurr. A friend had a Halloween party a couple nights ago and I dressed up with angel wings and bloody bandages. Liek Tessla. |D
12:29pm Oct 26 2009 (last edited on 2:49pm Oct 26 2009)
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OOC: Nuu, it's crap, yoshay. xD And no-where near as funny. But here's something - on our way to England (which is why I've been absent D8) and during the four-hour-long journey, we had a kind of... music-jam in the car, between myself, my mother and Kittbutt. We ended up playing "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" by The Darkness, and first I was iggling because my albino Jaaku Casau's anthro form has hair somewhat similar to the lead singer, but then I fell apart in stitches because I can remember the music video to the song had a giant squid at the end. xD Then I started having visions of a ginormous Knivsey standing in space with his squddly beard attacking a spaceship, with all these musicians killing it with their super-instruments inside, with Casau going insane on the drums. xDD Cheese, it was funny. Same, yoshay. I don't mind the greasy little chippys, but I really dislike stuff that is more oil than actual solid food. It often makes me feel all sicky inside. Ohias, OK, then. xD Meh. I was hoping to be all mysterious and kung-fuey, but... neh. You've sniffed me out. x3 I was actually hoping for his proper intro to come later, these are like little sneek peeks, but I don't think it'll hurt (Rellykins) much if he ends up chatting away to the Captain... >3> Heh heh. xD Then you cracked me up by inspiring my mind to create a vision of the Captain in a leotard and doing The Tree posture. xDDD Ces' mind and face seemed momentarily satisfied at Vash's (barely caught) reply, and the Haran barked something back at him, possibly another question - but her cry was lost to the Plant's earsplitting scream until she made no sound at all, her mouth simply moving to form invisible words that would never reach her friend's ears. She vainly tried again, with the same fruitless result. Frowning worriedly up at Vash (for, although now human-formed, she only came up to roughly just below his shoulders), Ces opened her mouth a third time, then suddenly, both hands shot up to either side of her head and stuffed themselves alongside her temples in a vain attempt to block the scream out, her teeth bared in the added pain of her desperate escape of tuneless sound as her fingers shoved her tragus into her earholes. The unearthly shriek was no longer countable as a simple screech, but, after having to withstand it for quite a while, it seemed more just a simple noise than cry. And not only this, but thanks to the skull-throbbing hurt that vibrated like hundreds of metal pummelings alongside the interior of her head, stabbing cotinuously at her brain, it felt like a physical force, too. The closer she got, the stronger it seemed to get. And yet, bound by the loyal, dog-like trait smeared onto her nature by her canine Soul-Animal, Ces remained pacing alongside the Plant, the all-too-welcoming chance to turn and leave the wretched place barely crossing their combined minds. The falcon, apparently undisturbed by the throbbing scream that was errupting from a mysterious, crashed structure his limited knowledge of a modernized world seemed to call a "spaceship", simply ignored the older brother of the Plant twins that had, unknowingly to him, appeared. He'd simply sat and watched (with an immense impressedness) as the blind humanoid and Haran had disappeared into the giant metal thing that had once unnerved him a considerable amount, and, like them, was a victim of the mysterious screaming coming from within. At first he'd attempted to tolerate it, but when it got worse and worse for his very light little head, he'd done something - something which had claimed quite a bit of energy from him, but made the strain worthwile - that had made him deaf to it. Well, not completely deaf - the silver bird could hear the screech, but faintly, like the pulsating booms one might hear if standing a wall away from a loud disco. And he was content with it. But only now did he notice Knives, when a very familiar, sombre, echoing male voice rippled softly through his own two-minded brain. It was considerably deeper than his, and, like the Spectre was to Ces, much older-seeming - but humanlike all the same. There's someone watching you, it murmured softly. Unlike the Spectre to Ces, it echoed slightly, clearly a sign that this strange, anonymous speaker was possibly superior in power to to even he canine Soul-Creature. Turn around. But slowly. And he looks familiar. The falcon wordlessly obeyed the voice he'd been born with and had come to know and familiarize as well as his own. He did it time-takingly, but not in the most expected way. He waited a few slow seconds, before switching his head suddenly, almost robot-like, to gaze at Knives. His sharp, binocular vision made out every single little detail on the stranger, and he cocked his head quizzically and curiously. I think I know him! the falcon cried silently to the second voice in his mind. Although, not quite... His face resembles... that other guy's... Other guy's...? Yeh, the blondie one. The one Ces keep trailing around after. The blind one? Yes, that's him. They must be related. Brothers? I'm guessing twins. Ah. You're right. A few silent moments pas-sed by, as the silver bird examined Vash's brother with eager, totally fearless interest. Clearly, he was utterly oblivious to Knives' reputation. As did the second male voice seem to be. Their tones of voices were calm and quiite freiendly, maybe even conversational, as though the mangled female bodies lying lifelessly on the dusty ground of Gunsmoke were but a million miles away. They could well have been commenting on the weather, which had cooled down a little, thanks to the departing of the planet's twin suns. You should be wary, the seond voice boomed softly, his voice a firm warning but not nearly as harsh as what the Spectre would have snapped. I doubt even our strengthened eyes cannot see beyond his physical features. The falcon, narrowed-eyed now with a new breed of seriousness, nodded darkly to himself. But the usual, questioning curiosity flahsed briefly in his eyes again, and he murmured softly to his Soul-Animal, I wonder if Blind Boy can grow wings too?

6:24am Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Argh at Windows Update. >C It restarted my computer and lost my posteh..
6:32am Oct 28 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh, that's rully strange. I was browsing the roleplaying pages for this thread, and when I scolled down, clicked "2", I found that the final roleplay on the first page was at the top of the second. I browsed some more, not finding the RR, then decided to re-check the first page. Then found it right at the top. x3 You'd posted just as I'd left the first page of threads. Eiieehh. D8 That's stinky.
10:03am Oct 31 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: How weirdy. xD Anywai.. Now to retype it all. x3 *igglefit* Just you mentioning that song got me laughing, but the rest had me all.. squeaking madly. xDD Well. Captain Cutlery will interrupt your kung-fu with his yoga all he wants. >;O *cackles as she drawrs such a scene, filled with much WAHHHHH-ing and angry o3o faises* Hurhru. Yesterday was liek, a dress-up day at school because of Halloween, and I had such fun. xD I got up at five-thirty. Had bandages soaked and stained with food colouring, put trails and spots of it on my fais and arm (which was wrapped up to the elbow with a bandage), and had my wings on, of course. I practically looked like Tessla with long hair - exactly from where the idea came. |D Vash stopped momentarily as he heard Ces' voice, attempting to say something through the deafening din but only finding itself drowned. He would have tried to cast some question back, but knew the same would happen to his own words. So, he looked ahead again, with his head down in an attempt to ignore the waves of hatred and sadness that barreled through him, appearing almost to be trekking through a sandstorm. It wasn't long now until the air just about seemed alive with and crackling with tension, as the Plant angel's figure became more visible (At least, to one of them) within the bulb, silhouetted against the lively colours of the sunset behind her. A would-be piercing crack of gla-ss was barely audible under the never-ending scream, drowned out almost as much as the Haran's voice had been. Despite its relative quietness, Vash knew the sound of the bulb breaking couldn't be good, and it brought him to step up his pace. Finally, he stopped just in front the great sphere, which was held only a few feet above the ground, dwarfing the pair like a foot above a couple sand roaches. The Plant pressed a hand to the gla-ss, finding it almost painfully hot beneath his palm. He attempted to call up to her, with as loud a shout as he could manage, but even if she did hear it, she gave no heed. His voice was drowned out like it was nothing. Nothing.
Knives remained still as stone under the stranger's gaze, staring right back, although he didn't share the same curiosity that abounded on the bird's face. Just quiet observation, as always. After several moments, he let himself break away from the stare opposite him, looking down again at the ground where Vash and Ces had been. They appeared to be gone now, most likely having disappeared into the structure surrounding the Plant bulb, made of the old ship's surviving pieces. "Hmm." He was caught between going after them and the poking stare he was still receiving from across the street. Knives glanced from bulb to bird, bird to bulb, and back again.

5:26am Nov 1 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Squeaking madly? o_O So, I'm not alone... xDD Snee hee. Showittous, showittous! Ohwow. 8D That sounds fricken awesme. Shame our school's so miserable. -_- Still, we had a kind of get-together here - Nias came as a pirate, Kitteh was a banshee, and I was Neo from the Matrix minus the shades because I couldn't find any. 8D The black-furred canine beside Vash had been skulking, not quite walking, beside him from then onwards, ears still flattened, fur slightly bristled and agitated. Her tail was slightly stiffened and much thicker-looking as it was before in the overhwelming consciousness of her surroundings. Ces' honey-gold eyes were narrowed, as though she, too, were facing some kind of oncoming sandstorm that was fighting to cloud her eyes. Then she came across the third Plant she met, and came to an abrupt stop beside Vash, leaving him to go onwards by himself when she was two meters or so away from the ginormous bulb. The bulb, which towered before them like a giant, transparent moon. At first the Haran found it serene-looking, but at seeing the screeching feathered form inside she jumped back slightly, unnerved and horrified, as vague flashbacks of Shinra's own technologies and prisons encasing herself whizzed momentarily through her minds.
She glanced uneasily at Vash, unsure whether he should really be approaching the terrorized Plant inside, glancing from Vash to angel-creature and back again, like a dog torn between two of its human owners. She felt oddly disturbed by the angel, not just because of the unearthly scream she was emitting, but because the past events where she had seen feathers on Plants never brought comfort or a feeling of peaceful harmony. Quite the opposite, really. *** The bird's eyes narrowed uneasily, losing its usual cool curiosity and almost childlike innocence. After his brief, conversational chat with his Soul-Animal, he was certain who this stranger was, and had no doubts about his origins - but he seemed agitated about the fact that the Plant was continuously looking at him, then at the ginormous bulb-structure that his twin and the Haran had gone to visit. His small, curved bird-head twitched and turned continuously, and as he had eyes of either side of his head, observing something motionless was something permittable, but not always as easy as staring when human-formed. What's the matter? his Soul-Animal questioned. I don't know, the falcon replied uneasily. Somehow, I think he wants to do something but... we're sort of, preventing him from doing so. I hate the way he keeps staring at me. It's creepy. He's creepy! It's almost as though he knows what we are...
So? came the reply, coolly relaxed. He's met a Haran before. Yeah, and tried to kill her. Twice.
A sigh. Make his decision easier. Obviously he either wants to pursue his brother and Ces, or stay here and watch you. Yeah, but whyy...? the bird whined back, and adjusted his feet's grip on the buliding's rooftop edge as if to show his uncertainty and discomfort. Yet his trailing voice could well have been a bide for time, as though secretly debating on what he should do. He can't watch you if you're not here. The falcon raised his head, the glint of reason flooding back into his large, rounded eyes. With a minute nod that was just another normal jerk of his sleek head, and not really a humanlike gesture, he hopped off the rooftop, extended his narrow wings and soared into the burning sky, the dying light casting pale pink-and-gold linings on his light grey body. With hurried and predatory lashes using his feathered limbs that carried him at an admirable speed, the Haran was away and out of sight, noticing with a humanlike streak of sad despair as the mangled bodies eventually faded into dust, and the streets were, once again, lifeless with a new kind of physical absense. The humans were obviously hiding indoors, and the Haran felt unhappily as though he were the only living thing on the desert world. As if to express his grief, he let out a sharp little cry, but other than the muffled shriek that fell away from his mind as he bade his swift farewell to the town, and town in turn turned into a vast desert streaked amazing colours in reply to the sunsets, there were no other noises.

3:59pm Nov 2 2009 (last edited on 8:45pm Nov 3 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Indeedy. x3 And hokai, hokai, but I'm not quite done yet. It's really sketchy right now.. That still sounds pretty EPIC - 'specially the Neo part. xD Harr. I actually managed a lawng posteh. |D Vash was suddenly aware that the furry form beside him had fallen back. He turned his head for a moment to the side, as though trying to look behind him, but in the end could only hope that Ces was still close by. The thought of being left to calm the enraged Plant alone made him feel just that - very, very alone. Yet another crack of gla-ss returned his attention to this task, and he now pressed both hands against the bulb. "Please, calm down!" Vash shouted, loud as he could manage; again, his voice was drowned as thoroughly as a man foolish enough to attempt crossing the Sea of Sands on foot. The figure inside the sphere did nothing more than continue her shriek, seemingly unaware of her brother's presence. Getting her to stop seemed just about hopeless. Then, an idea struck. Lowering his hands and stepping back, the gunman began to dig through his pockets. Various items were cast to the ground - dust-covered wrappers, bullets and casings, a very old pen, an empty ketchup bottle, a small black cat that meowed and ran off as it earned a '..The hell?' from Vash - until he finally found and withdrew a small device with earphones attached. Turning the volume up all the way so that a lively tune was just barely audible under the screech, Vash touched both of them to the gla-ss. Several seconds pa-ssed without change, making it seem that this wouldn't work either. But, just as he was about to give it up, the Plant abruptly fell silent, leaving Vash's music, which was suddenly quite loud, to be the only sound left. A face appeared in front of his, tear-streaked and still looking quite upset. But her eyes also held curiosity, and her delicate fingertips tried to dabble at the earphones, although unsuccessful with the ever-present barrier separating her and the outside world.
Vash gave her a warm but tired-looking smile, then fell to his knees with a sigh. He flashed a thumbs-up behind him. Knives' gaze followed the bird as it took to the darkening sky and ascended on the sandy winds. He made no sound, remaining the calculated observer, as he stood upright and watched the form glide away. A stray feather, he noticed then, made its way in front of his face. The Plant snatched it out of the air, still watching for a moment longer, then looked down at it. This feather was somewhat unlike those with which he was most familiar - the feathers of his own kind, the feathers of Angels. This black one was long and smooth, somewhat oily. It was, obviously, built for flight. Smooth flight. Most Plants, Knives frowned to think, didn't get that privilege. And this brought him back to the scene around him, and the shrieking that pulsated from the center of town, from that damned prison of a bulb, now covered with spiderwebs of cracks. As he turned and went to leap from the rooftop on which he stood to the ground, though, everything suddenly fell very quiet. He stopped and tilted his head, now listening to a sound that very faintly reached his ears - a sound he was sure he'd heard before, accompanied by his brother's idiotic dancing at that point. Vash had first found it while the two had traveled together dozens of years ago, with their constant disagreement at one point or another, clashing like magnets with their similar poles aligned. The little music player had given rise to several arguments of its own, and it was only because of the fact that Vash's speed matched his own that Knives hadn't ripped it to pieces. A sigh was heaved, and Knives set off leaping down the row of roofs that ran along the main road. Along with the music, the rumbling of a motorcycle came to greet his ears. An interesting turn, although not surprising in the least.

11:18am Nov 4 2009 (last edited on 3:48am Nov 8 2009)
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OOC: Snee hee. ^^ Eh, it wasn't as great as Nias' or Kitte's - it was quite pathetic, really. xD Especially by my lack of shades, and the fact that I got so hot continuously wearing black I had to take it all off and just wear the simpler pieces... xDD But, still - I got to wear a long coat. 8DD 8D Long posty! Ay, I thought I'd turned Ces into a human - but, nevermind. I like roleplaying dogs. ^^ Bewilered and amazed that Vash's trick had worked, but still anxious of the feathery form inside the giant bulb, Ces remained in her withdrawn, bristled-fur posture (OOC: Imma make her wolfy 'gain) and wide-eyed look. But, at seeing the tearful facial features of the encased Plant, and her soft fingers continuously dabbling at the earphones of Vash's mysterious music-player, she felt a strong churning of pity stir inside herself. The female's curious dabbings vaguely reminded Ces of Shade's own inquisitiveness, and immediately felt . Thankfully, her skull-splitting scream had come to a stop - but the Haran's headache hadn't, and with a stifled groan Ces slowly shook her head, as though desperate to clear it but afraid of hurting her fragile brain. Then, at finding that it made no difference, she started padding towards the Plant in the giant bulb with the good-natured stride of a dog that was greeting a familiar friend. Coming to a meter or so before the transparent structure, she swiftly gave Vash's shoulder a thankful lick and then turned her head to start sniffing the bulb with a foxlike interest, ears forward, eyes sparkling almost like that of a puppy's. Then she reared up a little on her hind legs, but jumped back down again when the pads on her forepaws were suddenly warmed. She waited a second or so, trusting that the gl*censored* would not scorch the tender skin off her huge, shapely paws, then resumed her upright position on the gl*censored*. She felt somewhat keen to find out what the Plant would make of her furry, friendly appearance, much unlike the flat-faced features of human beings that would probably alarm or even frighten her. Humans, however stupid, could often work out when a wild dog was in front of them and deter it from a domesticated husky, but as Ces believed that no wolves lived on Gunsmoke, this Plant would (hopefully) probably be more curious in her than afraid. She pressed her nose upon the glas-s and stared eagerly at the Plant inside.

3:47am Nov 8 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bumpity. ^^
6:18am Nov 16 2009
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Narr. Sorry for taking so ridiculously long. D; I've been.. neglecting everything lately. I'll try to do a posteh later. Don't really have time right now..