10:22am Nov 16 2009
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OOC: That's hookay, yoshee. :3 I'm sure you have your reasons. *not snippy D:*
5:32pm Nov 18 2009 (last edited on 5:38pm Nov 18 2009)
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OoC: Harr. We bought Star Trek yestarday. Hokai. x3 *nom* And I.. I'm not sure I really do, actually. I've just been sleeping a ridiculous amount lately. o3o It worries me a little, since I went two years (To the day, actually. Resversary~ x3) staying up past twelve and suddenly I want to sleep all the time and can hardly make it to ten. PoV switch. ;o! Hmm. Suddenly, I think I need to figure out a way to better write for a normal Plant. There's too much analysation in the way I write, considering they don't really think like we do. x3 Ah, well.. The Plant Angel kept her attention on Vash, looking down at him with a look of bewilderment on her face. He'd only been there for a second, then suddenly dropped to the ground the moment she'd shown him any acknowledgment. And that fantastical sound that had been filling her bulb a moment earlier now sounded dull and hollow as it feebly beat at the bulb's outside, like an empty breeze in an empty town. Like her empty town.. It was then that a black nose pressed itself against the gla-ss, startling the Plant from both her confusion and her sudden return of sadness. She shrank back for a moment, then brought her own nose closer again, feathery hair framing her face. The golden eyes that greeted her seemed friendly enough; they were warm and generally happy-looking, although it was obvious that there was some underlying pain, both new and old. The Plant spent several moments doing nothing more than scrutinizing all the emotion in Ces' eyes. Then the Plant flashed a smile at the wolf, small and fragile against the remaining traces of her emotional explosion, from tears and agitated feathers to the shards that had gathered on the ground below, but it was genuine nonetheless. She liked this stranger.

10:18am Nov 19 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: It's great, inneet? x3 Sleeping a lot? I don't suppose that's anything to be worried about, especially if you find yourself going to sleep earlier than normal. Perhaps it's something good. As you said before, you're distracted by so many other stuff, you're probably brainwashed by all the things you have to do in the day and feel a stronger urge to get more snoozy-byes at night. ^^ And you're not that alone - just two or three nights ago, I felt completely shattered too, and it was only ten, when I'd been going up till half eleven the previous nights when I was really goofed up on New Moon. Never fear, dudes - I'm not turning to the Twilight Side. I'm just curious to see why everyone's so obsessed with the series, I barely survived through the 2/3 I'd managed in Twilight. D8 I're a spy... I may not be a Cl*censored* 1 Trigun Expert, but I still think you get them pretty good. <83 I get what you say, anyway. ^^ Ohyas... and does Vash's sister have a name? 8o At first, Ces had positively frozen when the Plant had shrunk away from her - either alarmed or frightened, it still felt like a negative response to Ces' sudden but unthreatening introduction. Then the bulb's prisoner (OOC: almost wrote pensioner) had smiled at her - an actual smile, and not a black smirk or some other cold ex pression that Ces was used to seeing since this wild adventure started. Whatever the Plant's true thoughts behind the gesture were, Ces had felt oddly satisfied with the female's seemingly-innocent reaction to her unexpected appearance. But another, more humane emotion - a kind of touched sensitivity - poked gently at the Haran's humanoid soul, that eased the strain off her heavyweight minds and made her feel much lighter in heart. It was genuine happiness, a relieving acception that not everything unpredictable was bad. She felt no pride in herself, but just felt truly content that, for once, something sharp and hurtful didn't lash out at her. Her soft, vulnerable nose... Tail beginning to wag, wooshing silently from side to side at her newfound, carefree delight, Ces eased down off the bulb's hot, rounded surface. The sudden cold floor that rushed up to meet the warmed pads of her forepaws sent a strange feeling of icyness up her legs that was almost a hurt, but it bothered her little. She turned to face Vash, with a few single desires on her minds - a reliable place to sleep, something to eat, and a final, just sense of safety. She did not want to be reckless in these pursuits of hers, and wanted her friend's trust that there was such a place that could fulfill her needs. Or, inevitably, the needs of every one of her friends. She was shattered to the very marrow in her bones in her aching limbs, the muscles beneath her pelt that had been stretched to become skin, feather and scale. Ces felt as though she had been through every form in the universe, and weakened though she was, she felt oddly immune to any other pain or discomfort now. But, until they found her dream destination, she would have to remain on her own four feet for a little while longer. "Time to go?"

11:30am Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Hamagawsh D: I has missed loads. Sorry I haven't posted in an eternity. It's just that I've been all icky and ill, then I got ill again. Then I wasn't alloud on the computer because I had work to do, and whenever I got to the computer I was only aloud on fer like five minutes before I had to go :C Yargh. I shall stop a rambling and go read up on the posteh's then if I have time after catching up I'll attempt to write one. O.e
1:56pm Nov 20 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: If it's anyone who has to apologize, it's me. I didn't powerplay your charas like I offered I'd do (and which you agreed to...). D: So, don't be sorry for being ill. ^^ Heh heh. Watching your avvie, Nias, and listening to the music vid on Jess' profile is super funny. But maybe that's just because I'm very, very sad.
1:44pm Nov 22 2009 (last edited on 4:19pm Nov 23 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gargh. Restarty computer again. *rewrites* Indeedy it is. Star Trek = pwn. |D And thanks for the words, Wolfeh. x3 Helped me lighten up, actually; I was worrying too much. Hmm. If you mean this Plant, probably not. Other than the Independents, I don't think any of them were ever given or referred to by names. *sits on Nias* x3 *edit* Dood. Dood. 8D I found Legato again, and the person who adopted him is actually willing to sell. I still wonder why Jzbelle would forest him, but I'm darn happy for actually having a chance now. Vash looked up from where he was on the ground, having been trying to gather up all of his cast down items, with limited success. He'd already put away the music player and managed to find a few of the bullets and the ketchup bottle, but his rusted pen still eluded him. A yawning meow had told the Plant that the cat he'd somehow pulled from his pocket before was now watching him scrounge around. "Oh, yah," he replied with a smile, before looking down again. "Just a second though. Can't find it.." His hands wandered blindly across the ground a bit more, like lost siblings stumbling through the darkness. Finally, he simply removed the loop from his left ear and blew into it; a few inches away there came a spur of static, and his hand snatched the pen up faster than a hawk and dropped it back in his pocket. Vash stood and replaced the earring, not caring to brush off the dust his coat had gathered. "All right. I think that's- Hm?" It was the sound of a motorcycle, approaching quite quickly. The Plant almost couldn't believe it - but then, from the barfight to the Vampires to the carnage he could only truly imagine and the Plant's screech, the trail that lined their steps was pretty wide. Perhaps having been found really shouldn't have been surprising at all. Then, the motorcycle fell silent. The return of quiet was kept at bay only by the very faint sound of footsteps muffled by a la yer of sand and a brief noise made by the Plant Angel. "What in Hell happened here?" a voice muttered, seeming to have a slight slur to it that made it clear something was in the speaker's mouth. Knives stopped moving along the rooftops, watching the priest leave his bike and look around. For the moment, he'd stopped to bend over a woman whose head lay several feel away in one direction, and an arm several feel in the other. A look that somehow mixed disdain and amusement briefly crossed the Plant's face, before it became again like a stone smoothed by a countless number of gales, emotionless as ever. "Well. This changes things a bit," he observed aloud. "The traitor returns."

10:50am Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 1:17pm Nov 24 2009)
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OOC: I know. Spock is my ultimate favourite. And I lost count of the amount of times Kirk ended up with a bloodied fais. xD Ah, it's nothing. It was the least I could do, I suppose. ^^ Ohhh... well, maybe the charas name her? :3 If she becomes a member of their little... gang, I doubt she'll remain unnamed. xD Even the Spectre's received her own nickname, although I do highlight the "nick" in the "name"... >3> *shiny and mysterious* Legato? 8D O, goodygoodygoody. Hope you get him. xDDD I was reading all this serious stuff in your last posteh, and Kitte has the theme song to Viva Pinata: Party Animals on full volume on the telly... xD *Jamaican accent, yo, as she glances at yoshi's profile* Shake it, shake it, shake it, like a party animal... Then visions of our fersonas taking part in the music video begin to flash through my mind... 8DDDD Woooffffffwoooooooooooooooodddddd-duh~ Spam. The she-Haran watched the Plant's finally-fruitful attempt to retrieve his missing items with cocked ears, tilting her head every now and then curiously. A small, subtle smile tugged at her mouth slightly at her newfound amusement over his slightly clumsy behaviour - not that he could help it, she reminded herself - but then one ear suddenly swivelled in the direction of a sudden roaring that errupted from some unseen direction. It was the reverbrating growl-snarl of some vehicle that exceeded a dog's in sound intensity but failed completely at emotion. Her rounded, furry face then turned in time to follow the direction her ear had flicked into, her yellow eyes seeking out the humanoid figure making their way towards them in the dying light. The person's features - male, she guessed, judging by the masculine bodybuild - were as clear as day to her, the black-and-white clothes, the small, burning cylinder hanging out of his mouth and curled upwards in a small, twisting pattern of smoke. But Ces was blind to his intentions and thoughts - and his personal links to their surroundings, as well as its contents. Unsure of whether he was friend or foe, and instantly suspicious of the absence of a crazed panic that would've usually occupied a human's senses in such a situation like this one, a low growl slowly arose in her thick neck and chest as she walked, stiff-legged and hostile, towards Vash's side. She protectively circled once around his current defenceless state, almost hiding behind his back but keeping a pair of watchful, warning eyes fixed on the stranger. Except for a handful of individuals, new faces were often bad, almost all the time yet another threat to be dealt with. She was tired of them. But, firmly pushing aside her desires for peace for a millionth time, Ces remained standing and warning towards their newest objective, fur bristling slightly, fuzzy-cheeked face poking out beside Vash's. Short, stout whiskers missing his skin by a few centimeters.
OOC: Ah, not much I can think of as a reply, really... xD A bit of a pathetic posty here, but hopefully soon I can make another Barrelofphone reference later. ^^

5:35pm Nov 24 2009 (last edited on 5:39pm Nov 24 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I liek Scotty. |D I don't really remember much what he was originally like, since I'd been pretty young when my mom would watch all those shows on TVland and stoof, but he was funny in the movie. Hmm. Interesting as that would be, I doubt it'd work very well. xD Normal Plants emit radiation that's dangerous to many other creatures - a large reason, I'd say, for the bulb-thingies - and that town probably still needs her anyway, despite their.. sudden population cut. ... *wonders what the heck the Spectre could have as a nickname* x3 *grins like an idiot* I diiiiid. 8DD Harr. I failed at that game. Though, half the time my sister would be all, 'Hokai, we dun' need to see the rules. :D' which didn't help. x3 *iggle* Vash laid a hand on Ces' head - or at least it seemed to be her head - in an attempt to calm her. If his guess at whom it was was right, he didn't exactly want them attacking each other. He knew the priest wouldn't be hesitant in the least to resort to gunfire, especially if Ces tried to strike first, and he didn't want either of his friends getting hurt. He'd begun to murmur something, but was interrupted, as he'd expected may happen, by the all too familiar sound of snapping buckles and moving metal. That weapon so full of mercy was trained on the two of them - a thought that gave the Plant a creeping feeling, spreading through him like dreadful icicles, even though he hadn't seen one in more than a century. Obviously, the priest had heard the growling and didn't take it lightly. After all, the place was apparently littered with bodies; even he would feel a bit more edgy than usual. Finally, Vash spoke up, putting on an uncertain smile and giving a small wave. "Oh, uh.. Hi Wolfwood." Immediately there was the sound of the metal sliding again, then hitting the ground. "Tongari..?" was his obviously incredulous response. Of course, it was swiftly followed by the cross being thrown, landing a perfect collision with the Plant's face and knocking him to the ground. Wolfwood rushed over to deliver a good smackdown, despite whatever warnings the wolf had to give. "Where the Hell have you been, you idiot?! What ever happened to going to Juneora, huh? Where are those lovely blonde locks of yours?" He pulled without mercy on a clump of blackened hair, warranting an excessively whiny 'Ow!' from Vash, before stopping and jabbing a finger toward Ces. "And what's with the dog?" OoC: *has fun with this* xD

1:46pm Nov 25 2009 (last edited on 1:53pm Nov 25 2009)
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OOC: Yah, and his little gremlin buddy was funny, too. xD And that weird red monster on the ice planet was... awesome. o3o Reminded me vaguely of a Rexillon on steroids. Ohhhh. Vash is radioactive. *nodnod* Uh, she has a real name. But it's a name so powerful, so mysterious, not even I know it. And, silly.... the Spectre is her nickname. ^^ Ad I don't think I'll bother giving Ces a childhood name; Yamaka doesn't sound too nice. :( xDDD And, ironically enough, the moment I got on here Kitte started playing it again. Only, this time, it seemed a little more appropriate to Woofy's crazy intro. xD More surprised and confused than she was furious, the Haran skipped nimbly aside when the cross was thrown, only half-ashamed at her disconsideration to stop it before it hit Vash's face. And when the blackly-dressed priest - acknowledged as "Wolfwood" by Vash - had made a lunge for the Plant, Ces again hopped out of the way, this time staring at the pair with eyes wide with bewileredment - and a tad annoyed. But suddenly, as if the realization that her friend was practically being as-saulted had finally sunk in, the black dog lunged forwards towards Wolfwood - aware that he was probably an ally, thanks to Vash's unaggressive responses, and therefore careful not to actually hurt him - and snapped her jaws with a loud crack a breadth from the human's outstretched finger. Then, she whipped around to face his back, and made a quick lunge for the hem of his jacket, a muffled protest of "Gerroff him!" barely managing to sustain itself from her tightly-shut teeth that were threatning to tear off half of the stranger's outer clothing. However, her relentless tugging seemed more like a desperate struggle to remove him off one of her best friends, rather than an aggressive choice of defence. "He's not done 'nything wrong." Actually, the Spectre piped up suddenly, half-amused, half-thoughtful. We don't quite know Vash's relations to... Wolfwood. He might deserve this beating! Her voice ended in a low, unusually warm chuckle. Not in my presence he's not, Ces announced gruffly, but not in a hostile way. And, for once, she found Wolfwood's reference to her - "And what's with the dog?" - oddly irrelevant at this particular time. Usually, being called a "dog" would normally annoy, or, when used correctly, infuriate, Ces. But now her mind was so focused on one thing - saving Vash, noting amusedly at the "rescue" part of her intentions - it was simply numb to her. A toneless insult. Her forceful tugging ceased, and instead, she stared at what she could see of WolfWood's face, eyes have lost their past ferocity and looking a little more curious than before. And tired. Coarse, dust-covered fur unbristled again; tail hanging limply between her back legs - although she doubted that her scruffy, rather dirty fur could really eradicate the previous signs of aggression. She looked a little more ragged than before she'd ever set out. But, for once, didn't really care about it anymore. OOC: Snee hee. ^^

10:51am Nov 28 2009 (last edited on 10:45am Nov 29 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: That thing reminded me of Predator. |D Maybe. I'm not really sure if the radioactive thing applies to Independents. xD If it does, it's just really toned down I guess. And ohh.. I see. x3 I thought Spectre was her name in a way. xD Kitt has such crazy timing. Narrr. I'm not sure what the heck Legato should beeeee. >: A Kayoki certainly doesn't fit, but I can't really think of a Creatu that would sum him up well. So far the best seems to be a black Liyure, but I'm not sure.. I'd already wanted to put Nicholas on one. x3 Narr. Somewhat short posteh, but I figure I may as well use it. I've been having such problems with sounding too formal, and keep having to rewrite. x3
Wolfwood snapped his finger away from Ces' jaws, holding it defensively in front of him as he frowned at her. He began to say something, but in the next instant she'd begun pulling on his jacket, resulting in the priest losing his headlock on Vash - it had been hard enough to hold before, with the Plant's struggling - and toppling backwards onto the ground with a shout. He ended up looking right into Ces' face, seeing it upside down. "Ahh, fine," the priest said in a low tone, getting up and brushing the sand off himself, vaguely annoyed that he'd dropped his cigarette. He held out his hand to Vash, still frowning at the wolf with an almost suspicious air, but even after a few moments, no hand took it. "Hey," he began, looking over - Vash had already stood, but looked a bit lost. "What's wrong with you?" "Oh, it's.. nothing."

5:56am Nov 29 2009 (last edited on 12:03pm Nov 30 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: It did? :o I always preferred Predator to Alien - his dreadlocks own, even though I've never actually seen either films (too scared). Oh, cool. :3 Well, yah... but in ze Haran world, to know the name of your Soul-Animal is... a pretty big, and almost dangerous, thing. That's why they're sometimes given safe nicknames, such as "the Spectre". Other Harans can know their friends' ones (yet aren't allowed to tell them, either) - but never their own. ^^ I'm still working on that, but since Soul-Animals are pretty much gods forced down to a milder, more minor form of spirit, I know I want to make it... something serious... >3> Thankfully, she's not on it now - but there's a weird black-and-white Westie on the telly right now, and there's strange songs coming off of it. D8 I don't know, yoshi - Kayokies have fringes that go over one eye, and if I'm correct, the same eye that Leggy's eye is covered. They might be small and fluffy, but that doesn't mean they can't be dangerous, and they're quite feathery. Just go and cosider which Creatu... slightly resembles him physically, or in personality a little. My Rexy chara, Lusak, suits a ginger Skaldyr perfectly but his personality isn't the same as one. I made Berello a Kioka in the same reason Ces is a dog-like Creatu, even though he's not quite as... elusive as one. xD A Liyure suits Legato good. :D But, aside from his sizey shoulders, I'd find Legato to be quite a... slim character. I think a Meragon would suit him, in looks rather than nature, but it's not my choice, and one of the biggest mistakes you could make would be to trust me with a character I barely know about. xD Now that I come to think about it.... Berello's brother suits a Kayoki a tremendous amount, even though his Soul-Animal's a bird. o.o He might be the odd Haran out, being a Creatu that doesn't suit his main form.... But, yet again, my most recent Haran guy will be standing out too... Unless the Drindian gets a revamp suited to its apparent "seal-like-dragon" reputation... And Kayokies are quite feathery. I liek formal writing. >:( Why d'ya think I relentlessly put up with Jack London? And why I'm desperate to read all of mummy's old-time books?
Yeaargh. Late posteh. DD8 Reluctantly letting go of Wolfwood, Ces stared down at him for a few moments, eyes expressionless but at least lacking hostility and uncertainty. Just blank. Then, hopping light-footedly aside, she strode towards Vash, swung herself around, and forcefully shoved her head beneath his arm so that her head poked out by him, as if signifying a kind of dominance over the Plant. But a protective affection was also noticeable. "He's lost his sight," she sniffed. "And who're you? How do you know him?" OOC: Short posteh, unfortunately. D;

8:45am Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 8:46am Dec 1 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: I saw both of their first movies last summer, but I'll still always think of this old game, AvP 2, when I think of them. x3 The Predator was awesome to use, with all its vision things and weapons; the Alien was just freakin' creepy, especially in the beginning. I donno how many times we had to burst out of someone's chest. 8( So what happens if the Haran finds out? o3o Or have you not gotten that worked out yet? Hmm.. Kayoki still doesn't fit very well though. Even with the fringe, they don't have that.. feel that Legato has. And I'm trying to use as many aspects of him as I can. I want something that fits him as well as a blonde Vogar fits for Knivesy. x3 Nehh. Formal just doesn't fit in roleplaying though. xD Seems so.. stiff, especially when I'm trying to portray them acting like little kids. Wolfwood's suspicious looks at Ces (Hey, he'd seen some crazy things, especially around Vash, but talking dogs were bordering insanity.) were instantly overtaken by a surge of shock, disbelief clear on his face. "Wait.. what? Y'mean he's blind? Like a sandworm? You sure we're talking about the same spiky-haired idiot here?" As though to disprove the fact, he began just about flailing a hand in front of the Plant's face - this time another did catch it, siezing his wrist. "I may be blind," Vash said, smiling ever so slightly, "but I can still feel wind in my face. Especially when you smell funny." He let priest's arm go, but it still hovered there with one pointed finger. The smile grew in triumph - Wolfwood was speechless.
"Yah, well.." the priest finally retorted, crossing his arms. "I doubt you smell any better. At least I'm not so damn old I could pa-ss as my own grandpa. No wonder you needed a seeing eye dog."
"You-! Line crossed, you sucky priest! Line crossed!" Vash had taken to jabbing an enraged finger at him, pouting furiously. "All right, you're not that old.." Wolfwood stuck his tongue out though, getting the last jab even if his target couldn't see it. But the wave of insults worthy of children died down, albeit leaving one of them still grumbling, and he finally turned to answer Ces. "I guess you could call us old- I mean.. Friends."

10:25am Dec 1 2009 (last edited on 11:10am Dec 1 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Eugh. There's a game for it, too? o_O Another one to add to my "Never Play" list, accompanying the new Call o' Duty game, the Grand Theft Auto games, and anything else 18+ rated for gore and... stuff. 8( Mum would quite happily get me Bioshock because the graphics are so apparently awesome, but I won't let her. Violence is fine, it's the details that should remain internal that get to me. D8 I was tempted to make it something all "Know it's name and dominate the world!!" kind of thing, whereas a Haran goes all... god-like and forgets being mortal at all. o3o Wizardy types push the limits of Haranosity because, to become strongerer in the vurld of magic, your soul sort of... "gets closer" to your Soul-Animal, which is already ridiculously strong - but knowing its name can put you in total control of it instantly, following the "Name is a very powerful thing" theory. It's like getting closer and closer to someone really important, like a king or something, until you're almost above them in power.... Like Macbeth and King Duncan. The closer Mac got to Duncan, the higher in status and reputation he got. An' you can imagine what happened to ze King when Mac wanted his plais. >;3 So, in short, Harans go all god-mody if they know the real identity of their internal accompanying... "gods". xD Berello can know the Spectre's real name safely if he stumbles upon it by accident, but Ces mustn't, and vice versa. :3
Well, it's your decision. ^^ And there's no deadline to getting it right, no? So, you should take your time, but you cannae' take our freedom!! D8< Yeah, but it still makes is ridiculously funny. xDD It's the dialogue that usually gets the best of humour. Your posty had me in stitches, I was practically shouting with laughter (and Kitte said my laugh sounds fake -_-). Watching their mad conversation with both confusion and laughter on her face, Ces watched from Vash to Wolfwood and back again each time they spoke. Some mischievous voice - possibly the Spectre's own mirroring amusement - suggested to the Haran that Vash had an affinity never to back down from such a petty squabble, however childish. It oddly warmed her to see idiocy returned - since the past events had been either too black or perilous, and even a bit of comfort had been absent for quite a while. She wordlessly followed their "conversation", refusing to interrupt for spoiling the atmosphere, only frowning with half-amusement when Wolfwood referred to her as being a guide dog - which, in a way, she was, and had technically just been. But their pathetic insults to each other kept offence at bay. She was too tired to feel rebellious at the moment, and her eyes brightened again when the priest - Vash's oold friend - looked at her, as if appreciating the attention, and nodded is response. "I suppose I'd better introduce myself, too," she said, a lot less hostile than her previous snarlings and furious demands. "I'm Ces. But I haven't known Vash for that long... just a couple of days. I don't even know how he got blind..." She turned her head to look up at him, frowning. "How did it happen?" In a muttering tone, "It must've occured during your resurrection... I can't think of anything else... And I doubt Knives would've deliberately blinded you..."
OOC: Ehhh. D: Super boring posteh. I might make a little Rello-reference if I have time to edit this post, but.... meh. And Rell's not alone - his big brother's coming in, too, much to Nia's delight~ The Legato lookalike~

8:32am Dec 6 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Bah humbug. My posteh was deleted D: Now I have a unkload to read again before attempting a posteh D: Well at least I have returned now |D ohohoh hey gaise lookit mai profile... tis Alex |D *starstruck* Yes, anyways to read postehs then post >:3
10:08am Dec 6 2009 (last edited on 12:36pm Dec 6 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Harhar, I has read stoof. Now lemme try think of something good to post |D *failsfailsfails* Hmm considering the time I've lost... me thinks I'm going to hvae my own kinda time skip, and fill in the gaps later or summat. BiC: "This way!" The Doctor exclaimed, ponting at a large bulb. "Are you sure?" Asked a freakishly tall red-head. She turned to her sister, who was considerably shorter than her. "Are you sure we can trust this idiot?" The red-head's sister sighed, then nodded. "He's not an idiot." The angel-creature walking with her tugged on her cloak. "It speaks!" Exclaimed the male. He was grinning now, walking with a pink haired girl thrown over one of his shoulders. His grin was quikly wiped from his face when the shorter female hit him accross the head, causing him to drop the pink haired girl. frowning, he knelt down to pick her up again, throing her back over his shoulder. "Who is this anyway?" The male was looking down at Shade. "Uh.. a friend I guess." Shade replied, looking up to the male. It seemed everyone of the new Fera she'd met were all taller than she was, so her neck was hurtin from looking up so much. "Stop fussing." Said the Doctor, his hand flailng in front of an entrance way that had a motorcycle parked in front of it. "In here." Like sheep, all the Fera followed the Dctor inside. Mindless chatter floated around in the air, no one realy knowing what was being said, not that it was going to be remembered anyway. The frea then fell silent, carefuly scanning the sene in front of them. "Ces!" Shade yelled, grinning. Shade ran twoards the she-Haran, throwing her arms around her neck. The Fera watched with curiosty, the angel with greater curiosity. The Red-head glared at the Haran. She didn't like how much Shade seemed to like her. Bottom lip sticking out, the red-head turned her attention to the plant kept inside the bulb, as did the rest of the Fera, aside from the male who seemed more interested in the girl which he held. She murmered slightly, something which sounded like a 'Nyu'. "Hah... well isn't that interesting. don't think I've ever come accross anyhting like this before." The Doctor muttered to himself, strolling twoards the plant in the bulb. The Doctor reached into his pocket and took out his sonic screwdriver, he pointed it at the bulb, the screwdriver sent out sonic pulses, taking informaton of what was inside he bulb. The Doctor stuck his tongue out the corner of his mouth in interest. Triumphantly he held the screwdriver in the air, still buzzing. Then he pointed it at Vash. "You're the same." he said with interest. Shade being oblivious to some of the Fera's discomfort and the Doctors discovery, continued to cling to Ces. The she noticed Wolfwood. "Who's that?" OoC: ahaha fail |D Well at least I finaly posted.

10:15am Dec 7 2009
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yay, Bunnay. <3 xDD BearRae has such epic adventures~ When she and her grandma were at Pizza Hut, they needed to have their gl*censored*es swapped twice because they were dirty, with lipstick stains and stuff... On the third time, a staff member came out and stated, "Oh, don't worry, all of the gl*censored*es are dirty." xDD So Bear and her grandma left. xD Fail. Ohyas, and Kitte kicked someone in the foot in school during cl*censored* today, after they were dissin' me about my obscene reading habit~ Stupid chav, as if it's clear enough to the world that no secrets are kept between the Kitte and the Wolfeh. 8( It's bad enough having people openly offend my relentless reading pace without having noobish little Year 8s miming me behind my back. And, to annoy her further, I'll start reading two books. At the same time. And impersonate her impersonation of me holding books right up to my fais. o3o I like to irritate chavs, especially with my shameless attitude to life.
Shade's *censored*ault had been quite unexpected. Ces had only time to glance in the direction of the oncoming crowd before a gangly, messy-haired, cat-eared form loomed out of the rapidly descending darkness to roughly entwine her arms around her fluffy neck, almost losing the she-Haran's footing. Nevertheless, Ces was relieved - extremely relieved - to have Shade back, and she tenderly nuzzled the Fera's own neck. But then she focused her attention on the newcomers - another set of strangers? - noting with both alarm and surprise that the females - all but one, who had horns as a replacement (OOC: I thinkses Ham has horns o_O) - all shared Shade's cat ears and tail, and the single male had the wolf equivalents. The Haran's glowing amber eyes widened as she continued to inspect the odd group, silent throughout the entire process. Almost. Turning as best she could to meet Shade's eyes (as the lock the Fera had placed on her was quite tight), Ces whispered in a hoarse growl, "That's Wolfwood, he's an... old friend of Vash's!" She waggled her tail slightly in her doggylike excitement. "And... who're the other Fera? I always thought you as the last of your kind." Her tail continued to slither uncontrollably across the floor, like a furry, possessed snake, triangular ears focused on the Fera in a puppylike ex pression of innocent, but totally focused, inquisitiveness.

6:29am Dec 8 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Harr, sorry for being all distractered again. x3 But yay, Nias~ ... And I took too long. >: I have liek, almost all my posteh, but not quite. S'pose I'll have to wait 'til I gets home..
4:01pm Dec 8 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yay Pizza hut xDDD oh mai I got two hugs tahday C: OH yahs sorry I wasn't in school Wolfeh D: I left early after my last exam xD Yarrh. Yay Yoshilisk~ And oh yahs, Wolfeh, Blaise had fox ears o3o remembur? BiC: Shade pressed her face against Ces' furry face, somehow it was soothing feeling her fur again. Shade grinned. "Isn't it awomse!?" She whispered in reply. "I'm not the last one. They say they've been waiting for me." Shade let go of her iron hold on ces' neck, but remained crouched next to her. Shade pointed twoards the group of Fera. "The one with red hair, that's Blaise, the one next to her is Leilos, the one that looks like me is Lupe and the guy." Shade laughed then snorted before speaking again. "He didn't tell me his name. Probably something embarasing (( or perhapse it's because Nias can't think of a good name for him yet.))" Shade then stood up and left the Haran's side, she walked twoards the angel-creature and tugged at her skirt. Taking hold of her hand she led her back twoards Ces. "This is Halm." Shade grinned, as if knowing the angel's name was a great achievement. Halm was a strange creature. She was tall and extreemly thin. But being tall meant, for her, that she looked out of proportion. Her head seemed to large and heavy for her neck to support, so it kept leaning to one side looking to rest on her shoulder to stop itself from falling off. Her short blonde hair was cut just beneath her chin, and it framed her odly shaped face. Even though she did have the general apperance of an angel, once you examined her closely enough, you could tell she wasn't. Angels shouldn't look ad unhealthy as she did, neither do they have bandaged eyes or horns growing from atop their heads. Halm grinned, then pointed a finger at Vash, to be more specific, pointed at his eyes. OoC: imma probably add more latur or wait fer Yoshi tah posteh x3

10:36am Dec 9 2009 (last edited on 10:40am Dec 9 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Nothing to apologise for. ^^ OK... Blaise is the foxy lady. Gotcha. xDDD Ofmgomfgfmlmao. I drew Rello as a Kioka - only, wearing hippie stuff. xD With the stripy ties on his antlers and the rounded specs halfway across his nose, he looks waaay too much like a stag version of Vash. xDDDD Ogfm hippie Sarjas and Hurjad. xDD I must draw them. :O Helios' name has changed? Waaah. DD; Because of the clothes show in Birmingham, there weren't any other violinists in the ensemble for as-sembly today. I was the only friggin' one there, with one viola, one cello and one double base. I had to practically play a solo in front of almost the whole school. DDD8
Fixing her gaze on each new Fera as Shade announced their names, the Haran's head gave a small nod each time her friend spoke, as if confirming something. It suddenly felt very odd, seeing more of Shade's kind - and, coincidentially, within the same hour as her introduction to another member of Vash's species - but also very daunting, as if Ces were missing out in something. The past few days had thrown an enormous as-sortment of aliens her way, yet meeting more people that were the same race as her two best friends' made her world feel even smaller, somehow. She felt like a magpie in a murder of crows, with the Doctor being the other only other bird without the familiar companionship of his own species. A magpie, and a jay. It saddened her slightly, but envy was the prime emotion. She couldn't bring herself to dislike Shade for something the Fera couldn't really control, yet the fantasy of being amongst a pack - or even just a pair - of Harans wasn't a discomforting thought at all. A quick, longing image of herself, formed as an eagle, accompanied by several other giant birds, flashed through her mind briefly and her heart gave a quick, excited flutter, before she glided back down to the ground beneath her physical feet and started feeling a little better. Since the Doctor could take them anywhere, would it actually be possible to re-visit her home planet, and see how much Theslern had changed? Grudges forgotten, the she-Haran flickered back into consciousness as Halm was presented forward by a rather pleased-sounding Shade, and took her time to examine the angel-like being. Her golden eyes seemed slightly dazed, glazed over, before the realization of Halm's true physical details sank in and a disturbed air entered her eyes. Halm was almost grotesque. The creature's head, however strangely so, seemed a little too heavy for her neck, and subtly so until one would take the proper care and time to really examine her. The bandage over her eyes made Ces feel even more wary about Halm, whereas her horns could erase all beliefs that she was totally pure. And she was immensely thin. Whether her disturbing appearance was just for show, or was really her honest-to-god looks, the Haran believed without doubt that it wouldn't be nice to appear displeased with Halm, especially if she was a friend - aquaintance - of Shade's. Besides, it would be idiotic, if not suicidal, to even consider negative thoughts about a stranger that, most likely, had *censored*osciations and abilities in the ethereal. For all Ces knew, Halm could be mild-mannered and gentle of nature. Ces simply nodded again, resuming her somberly observative disguise. "Hullo," she murmured to the Fera, suddenly unsure of how to behave.

10:01pm Dec 9 2009 (last edited on 6:17am Dec 11 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: adaflkaja. I keep falling more and more behind. Curse my taking forever-ness. x3 I s'pose this posteh just gets to be sooper lawng. Makes it seem all.. rambly, but neh. I wanna try to include everything. "I'm not really sure either..." Vash replied, frowning with uncertainty. "It wasn't Knives.. He wouldn't have helped me just to do that. I doubt he'd blind me at all, even with all his crazy ways to be loving. You think it could have been Ma-"
Finally Wolfwood, who'd been silent for the moment in another bout of surprise, butted in again. "So you mean you really died? Good God, Tongari, are you really that pathetic without me? You can't keep picking fights you won't end, you idiot, especially when I'm not around to save your a-ss. Next time you may not be able to pull off such a miracle, even if your creep of a brother decides to be so strangely nice again." He was about to continue despite how badly Vash seemed to be taking it - finally being crippled so thoroughly was bad enough for the Plant, and being called out on it by his best friend felt worse than having his arm sliced off, than being shot to tatters by townsfolk, than dying even - but the priest stopped and looked toward the entrance. The cross opened again, its mechanical noises echoing faintly in the cavern of a room. "Company." As the voices grew steadily louder though, Vash breathed an uneasy sigh, trying to shake off the verbal beating that now clung to his mind worse than an irritating grain of dirt, and spoke up. "Wait. We might know them." A couple of the voices did seem familiar, especially a particularly high, almost annoying one. (Forgive me if my deion of Shade's voice isn't quite right. xD) Almost immediately, he knew his guess was right. The cross closed again, its sounds followed by obvious grumbling; Vash swore he heard part of it as, 'Dumb, spiky-headed..' Not a moment later it seemed, among quite a bit of commotion from the newcoming group, Ces and Shade, and the interested Plant above them, there was the Doctor's voice. "Yep," he replied without looking over, a very slight grin on his face. "We're basically siblings - I'm just more like you. Or maybe not you, but.." A snigger beside him made Vash stop and jab out an elbow - it missed its target, but he went on anyway. "What are you laughing at?"
"Oh, nothing, my ridiculously old friend," Wolfwood cackled, leaping away to ensure he didn't suffer the Plant's wrath. Vash was quite ready to try tackling him, but again found something pointed at his face - and this time, somehow he could tell even without hearing a sound. He stared wordlessly, with an odd, creeping sort of feeling, like he had spiders crawling his skin and sand piling up inside him, drowning out everything. Yet, the Plant couldn't move, couldn't turn away from this faceless stranger.
