8:42am Dec 31 2009
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Durr hurr, nawt invisible post *pokes post that she started on a while back which is now finished* XD Bah, don't make me think about the dress wearing thing >:C burgh.... sweet? o3o Sugar~ Ah honey honey~ you be my candy girl!~ you got me wanting yooou :D *blarghlarghlalala*
9:58am Dec 31 2009 (last edited on 10:59am Dec 31 2009)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: You feeneesh'd? :D I'll go read, after this... then edit if I have time. ^^ Nevermind about the dress thing - sometime in our lives we've got to wear something we don't like. xD Who knows, maybe it'll be a really pretty one? xD Yeah, weddings make me go all funny inside. I don't know why, they just strike me as cute. *prepares criticism* x3 Editte: (Ah, might need to do a bit of a time-lapse xD I doubt Ces would let all of that happen without intervening somehow...) "Broken...?" Ces repeated, voice trailing off. The redhead was partly true in that - Vash's sight was indeed destroyed, if not damaged. But something about her smirk aroused an accusation deep within the Haran's minds that Blaise was stating that there was something wrong with the Plant. Almost like he was some damaged ob ject that was regarded as only partly useful. As Blaise approached him, the dog's muzzle twisted slightly in an unappealing half-snarl, low in pitch, a warning reminder for her not to get too close to her friend. When Blaise seemed to pay no attention to her, and proceeded to place her hands on his face, Ces stood up onto four legs, snarl escalating. But as a brief discussion pas-sed between the other Fera - and Ces' approval of them lessening and lessening with each stressful second - her distorted face calmed down a little, her eyes now searching and curious, but not losing their accusation, as their intentions seemed to be to cure Vash's blindness. "They'll... restore his sight?" the Haran whispered minutely to Shade beside her, turning her head around to face the only Fera she was liking at the moment. But a pink-haired form burst into Shade a moment after she stopped speaking. At first, Ces was very confused - but at recognizing the Diclonius, the rage restored intself in her mind, blocking out any rational thoughts, and the black-pelted wolf thrust herself in Lucy's direction, snarling with an unsuppressed rage that tore through the night as a half-strangled roar. Her jaws clacked loudly in the Diclonius' face, missing, but after planting her enormous paws on her body, encased Lucy's neck in a pair of sharp-toothed jaws, still growling horrifically as she used her weight to trap the female humanoid down. Her ears were flattened, but her eyes were sharp, focused on Shade, as if awaiting (and expecting) an order to tear through the soft flesh of Lucy's throat. She had no doubt whatsoever that the murders in the town had been caused by the Diclonius - even though the chances of Knives performing such a m*censored*acre were just as possible - and did not intend to let her go, even if she was innocent of the killing. * * * Still laughing in a low, good-natured chuckle, the owl ruffled himself briskily, as though he'd just been performing an exciting *censored*ortment of aerial tricks. His companion, however, did not seem as cheerful - apparently making the owl all the more happier. "Why can't you go and make yourself useful, and carry on scouting?" the looming blackness in the cave accused loudly, coarse voice scornful and irritated. The owl shrugged like a bored child, but his voice turned serious and his blue eyes lost their mischievous spark, like he'd been reminded of something hurtful. "Already have," he said quietly. There was silence for a few moments, except for the loud, unnerving ripping noise of bones being crunched and flesh being torn apart by giant, hungry jaws. Then Berello spoke again. "I've found them, you know." A sudden, surprised sniff aroused from the cave, and the original sounds coming from the crevice ceased, as the noises of giant feet tipped by claws resonated through the night air. The owl propped himself back in his perch as he watched his companion desert his temporal den, eyes widening slightly as the brief outline of something m*censored*ive and spiked slid through the darkness. Snakelike scales glimmered slightly in the fading light, but it was what hovered at the front of the approaching shape that stood out the most - a pair of white, glowing eyes, like twin moons, glared out from the blackness, defiant to the night. Berello shifted uncomfortably, as if expecting a pail of insults to be spat his way, but the white-eyed creature facing him turned his head suddenly, as if roused by a faraway noise. He froze there for several seconds, transfixed by an unseen source to the senses. The owl's gaze intensified, and the fear lessened a little. "Hurjad?" he asked, voice sharp but not accusing. "What have you found?" The spiked creature ignored him, but instead, turned completely away and thrust himself into the air upon the cliffs, climbing with an almost-frightening speed up the crags and pulling himself up the edge, the tremors he had caused resulting in a tiny avalanche of little loose stones and dust that hissed and clacked as they fell. The owl watched as the spiked outline of a kentracha arose on its hind legs and stood gazing into the distance, sitting meerkat-like on his hind legs with his forelegs neatly hanging on his chest. Obsidian skin glistened like damp flesh in the receeding sunlight, his eyes small enough so that they resembled a pair of stars, outshining the real white flecks in the night sky. His mane of quill-like spikes that shimmered down his spine were straight, expressing the frozen keeness of alarm. But it was his size that sparked the nervousness in the much, much smaller Haran. His brother's size exceeded many of the original kentrachas, until he towered, including head spikes, fifteen meters tall. Berello did not doubt that Hurjad's unfortunate opponents in battle had to double-glance him for his size alone, and not for the deepness of his ebony-black scales, which had a Mother-of-Pearl sheen that gave him purple-green-blue hues when directed with certain aspects of light. "Where did you find them?" Hurjad questioned, never faltering in his upright position (which, in Berello's opinion, looked slightly uncomfortable due to the roundness and weight of kentracha's stomachs). "Somewhere over there," the youngest of the pair pointed in the direction he'd come from. His gaze became doubtful and cautious. "You're not going after them yourself, are you?" "No. You are going to do it for me."

3:19am Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 5:51am Jan 1 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xD What if they were dumb blondes? And I actually don't have a Live anymore.. It expired quite a while ago, pretty near the beginning of this (Or perhaps last, since it's 2010 now. x3) year, and I never renewed it. I could probably do that though, if you want me to. :3 Ooh, 'garts on that. c: Though I hated being dressed up and in front of people too, when I was a bridesmaid for my sister. x3 I s'pose it's kinda silly, but being called pretty so many times in one day was a bit much for me. Narr. This posteh took forever. x3 Even when I wasn't being distracted, I kept just.. sitting there, making little tweaky changes. And lard, poor Shade. xD Since I made that crack on her voice.. *edits just to igglefit at her own signature* I just spent liek, two hours screenshotting bits of that scene and putting the frames together. But it was worth it. xDD The feel of Halm's hands against his face unnerved Vash at first; their cool fingers across his eyes were deathly chains rooting him even more to the spot, keeping him unwillingly frozen. But gradually that subsided to an almost soothing sensation, like that of ice on a wound. Before he knew it, above all the chaos and clamor - the shouting, the snarling, the sound of Wolfwood's cross at the ready once again, even the reproachful hiss of a screech that sounded above them - that failed to really register in his momentarily numbed mind, he found himself being questioned by a voice that held a menacing sort of mischief. The Plant snapped from his stupor. "Fixed?" He recoiled ever so slightly, that being the most movement he could seem to manage under Halm's hold. The thought of being 'fixed' brought back that creeping feeling of unnerve. Yes, he wanted his sight back, but the way she said it made Vash reluctant to accept - reluctant to even think of accepting. Yet, this may very well be his only chance. He didn't imagine they'd run into any other ridiculously creepy Fera any time soon. Breathing a sigh, he finally answered Halm's question with a nod. It was almost instantly met with an outraged shout of, "What?!" This time the priest's weapon remained steady, its aim firm on the false Angel's head, as though waiting for an order to fire, just as Ces did as she held Lucy to the ground. There was no way he would lower it while the Fera kept her hold on Vash. "You can't be serious. Just look at- I mean.." Wolfwood growled his own sigh. "I don't trust her, and you damn well shouldn't. Don't let her screw with you. Even that Plant's getting all worked up again, and I wouldn't be surprised if it is because of her." "It isn't," Vash shot down the accusation. He wasn't quite sure what was agitating the Plant, but it wasn't Halm. All he could tell was that it had to do with the ma-ssacre that blanketed the town around them. "We have to trust her. I have to."

9:09am Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 9:12am Jan 1 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Omfmggogmf lol. xD I can imagine the Master fiddling with his lazor screwdriver, all "... How's I make it go bang? :o" And Knives having a hissy-screamy fit after he accedentally cuts himself. xD No, I wouldn't want to make you pay another odd... half-a-hundred dollars just because of me. D; A LIVE here costs around £50, so I've no clue how much that would be approximately in dollars - but it's still quite a lot. If it were my opinion... no, don't buy a year's worth of Gold membership just for me. <:3 If, by chance, you want to, then go ahead - but not for my sake, 'kay? xD We recently discovered the meaning of the Skulls in ODST, and one cheat makes Grunt headshots sprout confetti and that cheer from Viva Pinata comes on. xDD It's very amusing, hearing, "Yaay! Yaay! Yaay!" pop up every time I snipe Grunts with pistols, multicoloured bits of paper exploding out. xDD Lawl. xD Oh, mai. xD Shade's vois.... I think I feel a bit sorry for the charas. Ohmaigod. xDD Scenes like that make my toes curl, 'specially when they're about Vash. xDD I just watched Star Trek recently on the DVD we got for Christmas, and the bit where Bones keeps injecting Kirk with the vaccines and his hands swell up still make me crack up. xD If you've got the DVD, check out the bloopers if you haven't already. God... xDDD Ces' eyes grew rounder with disbelief, all hostility eradicated. Momentarily releasing her death-grip on Lucy's neck, she lifted her head slightly, staring with uncertainty and worry at Vash. She felt an urge to oppose his decision, suspicious of Halm's abilities and suspecting that she might worsen his state, yet wanted badly to trust that the grotesque Angel could cure his blindness and save him a whole lot of trouble. However, her faith in Halm's powers seemed to cast her doubtful opinions in shadow. Desperate as she was to not let her friend get hurt or worse, she thought that taking their chances and allowing Halm to have a go at curing him was, however reckless, one of their only solutions and hopes.
I think we should trust her, the Spectre said quietly, her tone of voice unusually curious and... slightly political, as though she were contributing her opinion to a harmless debate instead of a matter between curing and plaguing. The first step to a successful team is trust. Yes, but what if she worsens him? Ces replied, a little hurried. Her intetions may be good, whatever her physical outlook, but mistakes are common. Yes, and oftentimes, we can correct mistakes. At least, if she heals Vash, we'll know she's reliable and helpful. And fails to? Then she is not trustworthy. Their brief, and slightly disturbing conversation was brought to a stop as the Spectre's consciousness backed away to an obvservational position in Ces' mind. She was awake and conscious again, but aloof and unreadable. The Haran glanced from Wolfwood to Vash, as if deciding who to support. However logical Wolfwood's statements were, Ces doubted he would accept any more opinions that Halm could help Vash, and did not appeal to the possibility of being snapped at, however the amount she trusted Vash's friend. Brow furrowing ever so slightly, Ces' eyes turned from honey-gold to the yellow hue of her accusing eagle eyes, becoming sharper and more piercing. Slowly adjusting her mind and brain to become a cross between that of the telepathtic bird and her vocal wolf forms, Ces closed her eyes in concentration, and sent a private message to her blind friend: I trust both of you. Do what you think is right; and don't feel fear. We will be with you. Opening her eyes again, revealing them gold and soft again, a faint tremor of pain shivered through her head as the organ within the skull transformed back into the wolf brain, although Ces showed no sign of the brief discomfort. Placing a large paw on Lucy's throat, and pas-sing her a murderous, warning glare not to attempt to flee, she looked back up at Halm and Vash, eyes hybridal between anxiousness, affection and a kind of ferocity aimed at the Angel. Trusting Halm though she did, Ces wanted to make it clear that no deliberate hurt towards her friend would be tolerated.

9:16am Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: XDDDDD Durrhurr, your siggy is now teh win Yoshilisk~ <3 Ridiculously creepy Fera xD that made me laugh more than it should of xD Oh I watched that Docy-who episode again today, and once again I was laughing when the master race was xDDDD Dah, it's contageous o3o But yah, I had no peace to watch it this time round. My mum and my aunty Heather were questioning me about everything that went on, so i had to try explain to them about how the series isn't finishing cause he's gonna die. Then there was all this 'but if he dies he's dead' then I have to explain about regenerating. Then they wouldn't accept that he could regenerate so I went all RAWR and like 'It's science fiction D8< GOD' And yah, now I'm rambling aboot it to you gaise |D And whai do wedings strike Wolfeh as 'cute'? o3o to me wedings are just times when people try squeeze into old suits that don't fit them any more, children are forced to wear dresses and mini tux's that make them complain. Then you sit there bored for a couple of hours before going to an after-party where everyone gets drunk and goes home half dead and legless. The end c: (will probably edit later with a posteh |D)

9:54am Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Shuddap, Nias, I haven't seen it yet. DDD8 *claps hands over ears* I missed it; I was playing ODST Firefight mode with my sister all night. Maan, I'm getting good. xDDDDDD No, not really. Still need to deal with the Choppers a little better... Damnit, girl, I'm a Pisces - it's in my nature to feel that way. D8< I'm not one of those overly-emotional types, I never cry at movies and stuff, I just like celebrations where the purpose is good. ^^ And buffets and giant cakes and.... *drooldrool*
10:51am Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yarr, it's not the new one yah numpty >:C it's the one you've already seen, I know you've seen it, not only because I leik know everything |D But also because 1, I stalk you and B... no 2, You said yerself that you were shaking yer head madly like when the hoomans got turned into the Master |D Yah, well I'm a Leo, it's natural for me to protest and get all worked up over nothing o3o So I see things that people concider 'cute' as stoopid and irrelevant |D Also I'm apparently arguementative and vurreh good with ... (mama mia referance) xDDDD
2:03pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xD What the heck are you goingon about- No, wait, I see. xDD No, I missed the New Year's Eve play. I watched the Christmas episode, but I've just seen the sequel on a repeat. Ogfm, it's amazing. D8 And the Master almost turned into a goodie near the end. And I wanted to stroke the Doctor's hair and cheer him up during his angry rant at Wilf. ;( xDD Lawl. Well, Pisces are naturally romantic and a little soft and sensitive when it comes to nice stuff like weddings and barfdays. That's one positive point, but the negativity of being a Pisces is that you can get sensitive over certain stoof and get victimized easily cause' we're so p*censored*ive. ;(
2:21pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yarr, hamagawsh that last episode D: *pants* OMG I cried O.e harrharr. When the time lords went, I was like OMG he lived :D then I remembered that the new Doctor was gonna come anyways xD And then Wilf knocked four times. I cried when he knocked D: I was like, no... nonono. I was screaming at the tv "Stop knocking stop it!" Ungh, my heart broke :C Yarr, he went and regenerated, right before he did, the look on his face when he said 'I don't want to go' It made me cry again... then I farted and it ruined the whole moment so I laffed xDDDDDD Bah that regeneration XD Twas the most epic It made the TARDIS exploode D: Then all that ranting about legs and whatnot o3o durrhurr, I don't think he's happy about not being ginger xD Bah, I burnt my arm earlier. Trying to get pizza out of the oven. Now I have a shiny red line on my arm... that stings and has swollen slightly x3
2:34pm Jan 1 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Jan 1 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: You stupid twit, you burnt yourself? Jeez, not even I did that on my messy attempt to save the pizza! Have you put cold water on it? After that (and I know how crazy this sounds), put honey on it. Ye, honey. That helps the stinging. I don't know how much exactly, but dab a little bit on the stingier marks. That should help. DD; Thank jeez I'm not alone. But am I inhuman, or something? I didn't cry. D; I never cry anymore, I miss it. D; I feel all- Argh, shut up. I wanted to hug him so bad, I've never felt so pathetic. His face was just... DD; And the new Doctor's strange. D8 I'm sure we'll grow to like him, just like with David, but... argh. HE KILLED TENNANT! xD It's the same Doctor though... AND THE MASTER DIED, I THINK. DDD8< I was beginning to really like his character. 8( He went all superhero, killing that Lord President guy. He sav'd us all~ On the up side, it's snowed. Really, really heavily. 8DDD
5:11pm Jan 1 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Yarr, nome I put no cold water on it... and we don't have honey D: Durrhurr now I have a shiny red mark that isn't swollen and dosen't sting anymore |D Yah I know D: I was like. Don't go 8'C And yah the new doctor's strange. Kind ahappy he has arms and legs... and not too happy that he still isn't ginger xDDDDD The doctor after this one (if there will be another) should be ginger... just to make him happy |D And yah, I'm sure we'll grow to like him, just as we did to like Martha when she accompanies the Doctor in Rose's place (not that she replaced Rose, Rose will never be replaced >:C) And yah he DID die D: I think, he used the last of his life force in killing that supreme time lord and sending him back into the time bubble where they will all be trapped inside for the rest of time. And if the Master didn't die, then he got sucked into that time bubble. And if that supreme time lord didn't die, then he would of probably killed the master when he got his strength back XD Gah, even though you hated him for doing all this crazy stuff, we all loved him in the end :'D Durrhurr, I just remembered something, that I'mma put in my siggy xD Then there was the green peeps (name begun with Vo something) rescuing the Doctor, and he was all like 'Worste rescue... EVER!' It reminded me of Comic book guy from the simpsons xD Durrhurr, then the new doctor thought he was a girl cause his hair was lawngish xDDDDD

5:41am Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I hope it gets better soon. :3 Last time I was left in charge of the pizza, I couldn't get it off the grilly bit onto the plate. So I used a sharp knife (lololol xD) to try and drag it over, but it refused to co-operate, thus making a complete mess of the pizza so that it impersonated a cheesy wound. It eventually slid on, but it didn't look much like a pizza afterward. xD Tasty, though. <3 I know - first I used to think he had a grudge against them, but he sounded so gutted when he realized he was still brown-haired. xD But, what confused me is, Rose and Mickey ended up in that parallel universe together, with her mum and parallel Pete (whilst Tennant was still the Doctor). But then it turns out Martha and Mickey were married; didn't Mickey go back to his original Earth on that ka-boom Dalek episode? He must've, if he ended up with Martha. :o Gaah. DD; How's they gonna bring back the Master now? I want him baack~ He was epicful when he went good, he really was. D; I think one of the most surprising things about that episode was... how crazy the Time Lord were. D8 They were as mad as the Daleks, but another shocken' thing was that the Doctor killed them because of that. He killed them 'cause they were gonna kill everybody else, 'cause they was mad, not just because he was destroying the Daleks at the same time. But one thing I liked to imagine was the Fera and Harans' positions in the Time War. xDD I expect they lurked about, all lurky, on the farest ends of la Galaxy... They was the Vinvocci. x3 Cool, I remembered. :D I'm usually pathetic with names. And I think they looked more like conkers than cacti. xD But yus, seeing the Doctor all tied up was superfunny. ^^ His hair looked so awesome, all Vash-like. xDD

2:48pm Jan 2 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Ahh yus I forgot about that >:C But you do remember that When the Doctor Donna was created, the doctor's hand was turned into a clone of him, one that was human. The Doctor gave that clone for Rose to live with. So Rose has the Doctor's clone, and mabbeh at that time, while the rift was still open, Mickie saw that and used the device to get sent back out of the parallel earth, only that bit wasn't filmed. So yah, that could of happened xDDDD Durrhurr I wanna get shot at by Sultarin and Judoon o3o Nome, ther is once n in the name Vinvoci... I googled it and it came up on Wiki xD So i has the name Vinvoci now plus the name Dlas which is the name of the creature inside the dalek shell... before it was leik put in there and made emotionless |D Durr hurr... I love wiki~ Bah... I knew what I was going to write then... and now I lost it >:C
9:00am Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ohh, yes... I remember now. Still, I'm curious to know how Mickey- Wait, Martha told the Doctor she was engaged during the Sontaran incident, when he was still with Donna. That was a while before the Doctor ended up cloned - so, either Martha- NO, wait, she told him she was engaged to that other doctor guy, the one during the Master episdoes? Who got lazored when he tried to save Martha? And he came back to life after the Toclafane were banished and Martha phoned him up to check if he was OK? So, either she cancelled her marriage with that guy, and hooked up with Mickey... or... Argh, it confuses my little mind. D: Ooh, the subs on the telly must've been wrong, then. xDD Thank you. Dlas? That sounds Welsh. I bet they blas horrid, though. xD It escaped you, huh? And Souly seems to be working a bit now. <8D Before it went all glitchy after we updated the xBox but now it works OK if you prod at it...
9:13am Jan 3 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Did I type Dlas? I meant Dals XDDDD Durrhurr, it still evades me and forget about the martha Mickie thing, it's confuzzling >:C Yarr I haven't played souly in yonks o3o Well me posting this seems to be of no help XDDD Bah i shall think of something soon I hope.
11:33am Jan 4 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Typo attack! xD Yes, forgetting our troubles will save the world. ^^ Nor me, but that's mainly because my xBox suddenly hates it. xDD Bumpity~
10:23am Jan 9 2010
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Posts: 1,314
6:33am Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: 'Nother bump I guess. x3 *so bored*
3:06pm Jan 14 2010 (last edited on 4:07pm Jan 14 2010)
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Argh D; School work is a bummer as is writes block. but to save Yoshilisk from boredom I must break this block with leik karate skeelz ;O! in about ten minutes or so NERGH D: I WROTE A WHOLE FREKIN' POST HERE AND IT DIDN'T POST D8
4:37pm Jan 14 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Homg. That's always such a bum. 8( I've gotten so paranoid about losing postehs that I almost always paste them into a Wordpad thing before I actually post 'em. x3