11:13am Jan 15 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: yarr thing is I copied it just incase XD cause the page wasn't loading. So I pasted it and posted it, then went and copied a link before checking if it posted TTwTT I shall have to write it up like quick now sometime after foods... o3o *stomach growl*
9:15am Jan 16 2010 (last edited on 2:02pm Jan 17 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nehh, that's even worse. o3o I did that once, although it was with an art critique rather than a posteh.. I just said bucket and went to do something else. x3 ... Yer makin' me hungry. *edits* Dood. I just had.. a really weirdy dream. o3o At first I found myself tumbling down a slope.. entirely unclothed and with no idea where or whom I was. I'm guessing that part came from watching that freakin' disturbing game Bayonetta - suggestive and amnesia'd. Butanywai. Of course, there was a random guy behind me ready to kidnap me, and he took me to some secret base thing. Then, after a jumble of stuff I can't remember, turns out I was some sort of Plant, but I wasn't really much like Plants, or even like Independents in some ways.. I just knew in my head I was one. o3o It was like.. rather than being full of energy, I pulled it from other kinds of plants - mostly ferns, from the part I can remember most. They had like, this big pad thing somewhat reminiscent of a DDR pad, but with dozens of black squares that would light up different neon colors. And somehow it enabled me to pull power from the plants surrounding it, in a random fern-garden.. and from little colorful, semitransparent people that appeared. People started picking the little men up when they saw my idea was working (Whatever it was supposed to do.) and bringing them over, where they would flash and disappear, making the pad go wild. Then I recall some Asian girl in a lab coat saying, 'Wow, I wish I was a Plant. :D' And then I was all, 'No.. you don't,' then something else I don't recall. And then I woke up. o: *ramble*

1:37pm Jan 17 2010
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OOC: Nnngrrhhhghg. DDD8 My computer's got that... bjfhgthnjdnj thing again where it refuses to load by itself and needs me to move the mouse about to have it show stuff. DD8> And it has such lag... a snail could eat through an apple before it finally sets. No, wait, two apples. Two apples and a Spartan. I'm not hungry. :3 I just ate a load of cheese and crackers, whilst playing the agonizing campaign of ODST with the sister.
Ohmai. That's a pretty impressive dream. :D I'd use it for a story idea or something if I were you - adjust it maybe if you want, but it's a pretty cracking idea. I sometimes use dreams for ideas and things - I got Pappadontell's character from a little fat type of penguin that could hang in the air with outstretched... stretches of skin underneath his flippers so that he could jump off high places, and morph into a human for disguise... He kept turning into this tall, skinny guy with stubble and cunning blue eyes and brown hair... Then we were parted - we were on a mission of somesort, I dunno - in a m*censored*ive crowd on a wooden, Tibetan-like building on the side of a mountain, and I was worried to find this guy, and then I spotted him, floating without effort against the wind and rain, hovering in the air with his little wings outside above the trees... It's pretty odd, but I like him. :D He's coming into the roleplay, I hope... He's like a werecat-thingy. Only a miniature penguin. 8DDD Oh gosh, I really want to introduce Christopher Johnson to the roleplay, and maybe his - ridiculously adorable - kid. He'd be awesome for it, but in District 9 he's all focused on the story's plot, so having him here without a purpose would be difficult... Unless we had a major catastrophe-thingy and his son gets kidnapped, or something...

3:37pm Jan 19 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hmm. That's not good. o3o My old laptop kept doing that. I think it was because I always left it on for ages and let it get really hot on the bottom by having it on my bed.. I'd have to turn it off for a while to fix it. And that last comment made me iggle. xD Ohmai. Who won? ;o Ah.. I donno. Half of it doesn't make sense in the least. xD Plants + giant Dance Dance Revolution-like pads = whut? Dood. You never see anyone with a penguin shifter. o3o He sounds pretty cool. Probably wouldn't last long on such a hot planet though.. *hasn't seen District Nine* x3
2:00pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ah, I don't use laptops. :3 But, still, I can recall trying to pick one up, only to carefully but hurriedly place it back down with a fais similar to "D8" as my fingers got a bit scorched... I can't remember, but I don't think either of us did. xD It stated taking too long - since it involves running around the mazelike New Mombasa whilst constantly bumping into dead ends - so I think we quit it. xD xDD Lawl. It could be a kind of dance-off? ;o Vash gains his freedom from the bounty hunters after a dancing contest? He'd probably win, anyway. xD But in a celebration drink-off, he'd do something really stupid to get the monies on his spiky head again. Why, thank you. :D I'm glad he's different; I prefer weird characters. And anyway, he's got a fun personality, and would probably annoy Hurjad more than Relly does. ^^ No, he'd step out of the Tardis, have a red-hot-chilly-pepper jig, then fall over, all pink and crispilicious~ It's epic. And funny. And gory. And filthy-mouthed. xD But awesome. Daww, I want a pet Little CJ. ;(

10:50pm Jan 20 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Dood I'm sixteen. o3o It's crazy. Ohmai. Sounds like I'm not the only one with heat problems. xD They really should look into making better venting systems. This one's vents are definitely better than those on the super-laggy computer - two of them instead of one is nice - but it still likes to get hot after a while. *igglefit* I can definitely see that happening. xDD Poor Hurjad. I'm startin' to feel for the guy, despite his grumpiness. He keeps getting poked at. xD Kinda like our dear Squidfais Captain Cutlery. 8D *keel'd* *just recalled* I saw Wall-e yesterday. x3 I think I may just have to go with the general consensus and say it was one of the best movies I've seen. Narr, whar'd that Nias go again? x3
10:00am Jan 22 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Happy Barfday!! 8D I hope it's a good one. Get anything nice? Hrmff. Well, Kitte saw a YouTube solution to overheating with xBoxes - put a fan near the venty-bit. Mebbe, it'll work with a lappy too? Lawl. xD When I have to think of a pair of characters that resemble me and Kitte, I always think of Crash and Eddie from Ice Age... Even more so, since both our initials are C and E. xD Nu nu nu - don't feel sorreh for him. D: He's pretty mean to Rello, and in response, Rello annoys him. Such is the balance in their family, with their sister often runing around going all "D8 You guise.... stoppitnow."xDDDD Mebbe, Squidfais and GrumpyDude become MSN buds?^^ It's great, innit? :D We just got a Blu-Ray player for our speshul brand new speshul telly and we rented WALL-E. ^^ Can't wait to finally watch it in HD; we saw The Day The Earth Stood Still last night instead, which was amazing, with Keanu Reeves and all. ^^
It's been replying to my Rmails, so it's clearly still alive. Unless that version of it in school was a solidified hologram...

6:00am Jan 27 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nuh. Sorry I haven't been posting or bumping or anything. School's suddenly pinned me. D: Looks like we don't have a posteh though anyway. *flail* Bumps I guess.
4:35am Jan 30 2010
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4:56pm Feb 3 2010
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OoC: Like. Bump. Maybe I shoud just start bothering Nias. 8(
9:58am Feb 4 2010
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OOC: Her profful says she' a little caught up in schoolvurk. The least we can do is just wait a little, I s'pose. ^^ We can carry on bumping until she's free, and give the thread a little break. xD Or, I suppose, we could do that Italics roleplay again? To keep boredom at bay a little longer?
3:47pm Feb 4 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hmm. I didn't think to look at her profile. I s'pose I'm being too impatient. ;c You guys have dealt with my little occasional absences, so I should be able to deal with hers and try to fist pump my addiction in the face. Or something. We could, I guess. xD Sooper random is always fun. Like this.. really weirdy dream (yet another x3) I had this morning, between three-thirty and four. For some reason, I was in a department store with my sister and stumbled upon a bunch of articles with pictures of Knives on them. Tiana said he was horrible and crazy like she always does, and I told her he wasn't so bad and could be funny if you looked past that. And suddenly, as if to prove me right, there was suddenly this crazy television show, starting simply with him obliterating things, then going into him being transported to a camp full of little, sparkly-eyed girls. He hated it. And.. when he finally escaped, he was put in another one - The Camp for Twilight Boys. xD It had a bunch of miniature Edwarts and Jacobs running around. Knives practically screamed for dear life, right before I woke up.

2:36pm Feb 6 2010 (last edited on 2:38pm Feb 6 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: S'nothing to worry about - let's fais it; the thread won't - can't die. xD No matter how hard we try, no matter how much time pas-ses, some twit bumps it. And that's good, ja? Since we're all middle-teen ages, it's no surprise if we've got a bunch of schoolwork to catch up on, and it helps recouperate our brainsss ideas for a story. *squee* Iz' my barfday in about... three weeks! 8D I can't remember how many days away it is, I didn't pay attention to Mumsy when she was explaining- OH, OH, I think I know what I wanna do for my barfday. See some red kite feeding. 8DDD Although, what's ironic is, the last centre I visited a few months ago was completely bare of kites - the foggy weather wasn't helpful for their wings, they can't fly very well in moist air. And yet, I see them here in the South at least two or three times a week, which is a m*censored*ive contrast to the zero in my visits to England xD. xDDDD Lololololol. xDDD Why can't I have your brain? Why can't I dream of the things I'm obsessed with? I just have nightmares of zombies trying to get me. D: I wasn't scared by the ones in Call of Duty, but in my zombie-dreams I'm never a supercool Na'vi or a brilliant, tough Spartan. I'm just boring, pathetic human me, most of the time wearing my school uniform, which starts to arouse questions that the zombies are actually my school teachers. o_O My most recent one had a setting a tiny bit like New Mombasa at night - it was dark, flashy streetlights, broken cars and glas-s everywhere. Me, my parents, and a bunch of refugees fleeing from this broken-down landrover and one guy being overcome and turned into a thing called a "Lost Man" - some kind of pathetic rip off to the Empty Child from D.W. His eyes glowed a pale yellow instead of red. Anyways, the three of us found a working car in a garage station, and just as we clipped ourselves in, I looked to my side and asked, "Where's Kitte?", then seeing the horror on my dad's fais as he realizes she was still outside somewhere... Of course, I said her real name. xD And then there was that really nice dream... Where I saw my friend from England again. ^^ I only see him for about seven days a year so I miss him terribly. ;_; The Halo fan.

6:28am Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hurm. I s'pose you're right. xD There's always at least one of us bumping. I've pretty much never seen a red kite, but for in pictures. x3 Guess they only live over where you are, huh? And dood, I'll have to figure out something to get you. o3o And.. wasn't Kitt's the twenty-seventh or something last month? I totally forgot. 8( Narharr. I guess I'm just ridiculous about it. |D I'm pretty sure I have other dreams sometimes, but I don't remember them; it seems like the only dreams I do recall are Trigun-related. Any others are mostly.. random. Like last night. It was full of little unrelated things like Mudkipz and Animal Crossing people (especially Crazy Redd) and me suddenly having bangs again and being all, D:, about it. The only part that linked together at all was pretty much a bunch of people and me running around in some weird, white hallway-filled adventure, all using a Pokemon-like fighting system. xD Your signature's being strange. It's stuck on two different frames, making it look like the guy on the mat has a super-twitchy foot. o:

1:01pm Feb 8 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yeah, looks like it. ^^ They're not native at all to America, but most surprising of all, they were once the most populated bird of prey in the whole of Britain (I don't think including Ireland). Then, even after they went extinct in Scotland and (except for a single pair) in England, and were returned thanks to kites born in Wales, they're still so... barely seen over there. It's like they're not there at all in England, then when I cross the border back home, they're everywhere, just a few minutes after switching countries. :D Guess they haven't forgiven the English completely, it seems. xDD Noo, no presents plzkthxbai. The Aerix was enough for three barfdays. xD
Nupe, she was the 25th. ^^ Very close, though. Well, one thing to be certain of - you're nuts for Trigun. xDD The anime, not the user... Hey, and I have a question - how'd you pronounce Trigun? I used to say the "Tri" part like "trih", so it was trih-gun. But now, since I figured it's a little more America-based, I think it's "try-gun". What do you think, honies? 'Cause I'm stucked. That's such an insane dream. xD Man. You crazy, dude. Lololol. xD I wish I could see it, but I can imagine. xD Ohyas, search for these in YouTube: Grape Stomp Fail, Rock and Roll Car Fail (summat' like that), Beach Invasion Fail, and... well, everything else that turns up. xDDD You'll probably kill yourselves, but at least you'll die with a smile on your faces.

3:42am Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hmm. Sounds pretty interesting. Wonder if there's any way I could try to use them for my research paper. xD Awe. x3 I wanna get you somethin' though~ Well. I must be thinking of Riyos then. o: She's on a twenty-seventh, so I seem to have a tendency of always rounding over to twenty-seven. Gargh. x3 xD Always makes me laugh when people think I'm talking about Tri.. 'What? You're watching her? o_o Creeper.' And I've always said it Try-gun.. Pretty sure they said it that way on the movie trailer too, so I a-ssume it's right. P: ... *feels all special, being called honies* x3 Inorite? xD Narhar. I blame all those videogames I've been playing lately.. ... You just about got me stuck on a Youtube safari. xD Curse you, ye Internets and yer whirlpools of hilarity. Hurm. I'm kinda tempted to try having Knives do some running around - maybe meet 'Rello and Hurjad somehow. ;o
4:37am Feb 9 2010
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Join? :O
10:39am Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 10:43am Feb 9 2010)
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OOC: I saw one today~ I was bored in a baccy (forgotten how to actually spell the word xD) lesson in the hall, so I went skygazing, and spotted one, going all "Aaahh~" in the wind, all graceful and out of control. They're so purdy, I want one~ Yuh do? <3 Well, it's up to you, but remember I don't need gifts to realize who my true honies are~ xDD You're lucky. I've lost count how many people are born in Febbie - including my Halo buddy. Man, isn't his email fixed? D; I need to wish him a happy barfday~ Still, I could try scavenging for my phone... perhaps, he's already contacted me? I had a Buckbeak dream. 8D I dreamed I'd been turned into a hippogriff just like Beaky, and I was in a kind of training camp for griffins, on a cliff by the sea. I remember I had to jump off a cliff to fly for the first time, but I was afraid cause' a buddy from primary school was on my back, and in previous dreams where I could fly I usually fell a few times before actually taking to the wing. xD So I backed out on that. Then, another mission was to take three friends to a neighbouring island - but, instead of taking them all on individual trips, I exclaimed (all cheesy and "8D"), "Buckbeak managed to carry Harry, Hermione and that other guy at the same time - why can't I?" And it felt so weird, having six limbs... front legs and hind horsey legs and a pair of mas-sive wings... and my friends were heavy, but I was big enough for them - so I completed my training, even while a storm was brewing above the motorway I was flying over. xDD
xDDD They're brilliant, aren't they? Check out Suspect Win - that's bloody... win. 8DDD *gigglesnort* Running around. xD Eh, visions of Cutly in a pair of oh-too-small shorts, a headband, white Adidas' and a faded red T-shirt whizz through my mind... Him stumbling through the darkness of the Harans' canyon and, amazingly, bumping into them... xDDD Lauren: Well, that's up to HappyBunny, and since she isn't usually online as much as she used to be, it might take a bit of time for you to get a personal reply from her. But I can ask her at school if you'd like. :3 Ohyas, and don't forget to read the first post on Page 1. That'll help you get an idea of what this roleplay's like. It's... most certainly, not what most people would expect. xDD

9:40pm Feb 9 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Laureeeennn. ;O Hai. I s'pose you probably could, if Nias says yes - I s'pose she's still, in a way, the boss or something - and if we can get any of our characters unstuck. x3 Most of Wolfeh's and mine are waiting for Halm to do.. whatever she's going to do. But hey, if you can work a character in somewhere else, right on. ;o Gonna leave this post on its own to make it easier to find. xD I wouldn't want you to get lost in our silliness before you even get a chance to join.
10:51pm Feb 9 2010 (last edited on 10:55pm Feb 9 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Suddenly I realise that I need to redo the first post's recap again. Heck, it's still on the part where we had Maya, and she's been gone so long I'm starting to think she actually died after that nasty fall. x3 Ah. I'm going to try finally writing a posteh for Knives before I get distracted; unless I fall asleep first, I'll probably go back and reply to your OoC later, Wolfeh. xD *iggles at Cap'n Cutlery in spandex* Oh, oh, and this morning I found a freakin' epic video that I kinda can't stop watching. xD It all just.. fits so amazingly well. [link] It all seemed to take an eternity as Knives watched from his vantage on the nearby rooftop; Vash bickering with the priest, the wolf's sudden cutting in, the arrival of the rather large group of strangers.. He was patient, but this was simply getting ridiculous. He had more to do than sit and watch his brother be immature. Of course, it was rare when Vash wasn't being immature in one way or another, but still. It was as the Plant stepped forward onto the roof's edge, sending tiny clumps of sand skittering down, that he realised he still had something in his hand - it was a long feather, black and oily, that shone with glints of blue in the light of the rising moons. "Hmm.." Knives lifted his chin in thought, suddenly intrigued once more by the feathered stranger he'd encountered earlier. He looked over his shoulder, in the direction in which the falcon had fled. Perhaps he ought to seek this bird out - something about it had seemed very familiar, despite that he was quite sure he'd not seen anything quite like it before. So, in a flurry of deadly blades and white feathers, all of them so very different from the one that rested within his hand, Knives lifted from the sandy rock. He now took to the sky again like a hawk in the night, determined to find this particular piece of prey. Hopefully finding it wouldn't be too difficult. There weren't many places for a giant bird - or anything, for that matter - to hide in the desert.
