11:33am Feb 10 2010 (last edited on 11:41am Feb 10 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Y'think? xDDD Well, only a short while has p*censored*ed since she had that little trip - she's probably just gotten herself up, and is all, "Aeeehh. My foot. It's all broke. D:" Thuz' OK. ^^ I'm gonna make a RelloHurjad posty, too. Hey, I think I like that name. Rello. Or, if he feels serious, he can be Rell. o3o He hates his own name, but partly, I won't change it because not every awesome character has an awesome name to match. >;/ You don't see many godmoding "Tims" or "Hannahs" going about the place, ya? They've always got superpoetic or superfantasy names. That viddy... xDDDD Awesome. The owl's face instantly creased in a outraged scowl. "Wait!" he snapped, unusually hostile. "That's not fair! Why do I have to go find them?" The kentracha's face cleared slightly, but the bony ridge above his eye which imitated an eyebrow raised even further above the ghostly white sphere beneath, still fixed on the horizon ahead. "It was your idea to follow the blue box," the kentracha said curtly. "Dragging me away from Kimalari, through two goddamn worlds before finally ending up in this dry pit of a planet - and not once did you get us close enough. Not even in the city!"
The owl's fierce ex pression eased slightly. "Unfortunately, though, you were never too far away from me," he muttered softly to himself as he hopped upwards towards some crevices in the canyon walls, until he was firmly sitting on a tiny ledge that was only large enough for his delicate, black claws. Raising his voice again, he called over, "The city was... awkward." "Of course it was. Your calculations got us fifty-four miles away from the blue box's position. By the time we were there, that blonde twit had completely razed the place. Awkward? Of course it was. Not to mention you ending us up in that overcrowded Kathrago before finally finding the first planet they were on." "Well, I apologize sincerely that I'm not like the god you as-sume you are," Berello replied sarkily. "And I only ended up in Kathrago because the blue box's vortex trail brushed past the Kathragonian system. You haven't got any idea how hard it is to trail stuff like that. It's like trying to swim through a frenzied river and landing at the correct banks along the way, whilst having stones thrown at your face and your feet barely scraping the ground. And besides, Kathrago's the closest planet to ours. It's a frequent mistake, when wizards like me try to skip worlds directly from Theslern." The kentracha snorted, and fell back down to all fours, the impact sending tremors through his heavy muscles and quivering the obsidian spikes running down his spine. "Whatever," he growled, turning around and making a cat-like leap for the ground below. His landing was much heavier than the previous one - the ground shook slightly from the creature's unforgiving weight, and the owl's keen hearing - thanks to the Earthlike positioning of his face and eyes, enveloped in discs, which naturally enhanced the use of his invisible ears - caught the gentle trickle of dust and stones toppling from fragile cores in the canyon's surrounding towers, and landing with a little noisy protest as they gathered around the four-legged reptile. "Just work with me, okay? Tomorow - or better, now - go and introduce yourself to them." The owl gave an annoyed, childish grunt. "Don't startle them, and don't show off with your magic tricks."
"I don't show off," the owl grumbled slowly, although a little less whiny than before. He sounded tired from their minor argument. He blinked his perfectly-circular eyes once as he watched his brother stalk towards him. "And you know I have greeting problems. I hate crowds." "So make yourself known whichever way you please. And don't waste time, goddamnit - you've already done plenty of that recently."

4:46pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: A bucket. I was gonna start writing a posteh, and I did. Then my dad unplugged the laptop, it spazzed then it went back three pages so I lost what I wrote XDDDD but yus, Lauren can join if she so wishes too x3 Also since it's 11pm. I shall write a posteh when I get online tomorrw. And that is a promise! For now, bumps ~
5:19pm Feb 12 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yeigh. x3 *hugs Nias* Ah.. I'd do another Knivesposteh, but I can hardly seem to recall how I'd started off when I was writing it Wednesday night. And since my laptop has, for some reason, vanished at the moment (I suspect my dad's doing something with it), I don't have that bit of it. Mebbe I'll just wait 'til tomorrow too. P: Ravaged Sky needs to get started anyway. *wooshes away*
10:28am Feb 13 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bumps. ;o Nurr. I lost mah posteh. Maybe I'll try to rewrite it later or something. x3
11:49am Feb 17 2010
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4:01pm Feb 18 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OOC: Sorry gaise I'm late XD but now I feel like shouting "Honey I'm hooome!" Yus so anyways x3 I drew Shade leik homaigawd. Yus yus so to posteh XD BiC: Shade (and that was all Nias had time to type before a bleached blonde gargoyle swooped into the room and plunged it into darkness. Little did the creature know, Nias was an insomniac and so would probably post something in two to three hours time)
3:13am Feb 19 2010 (last edited on 3:19am Feb 19 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xDD Nias... I think you vaguely understand how much I wanna draw Ces now? That reminds me... yoshay, you haven't actually seen an image of Ces, right? :o Unless Nias' been sneaky... Aaagh, I have to come to a decision about what she actually wears. D8 All this constant changing is driving me peanuts. By the way, great immy, Nias. ^^ It's excellent! Lawlzeth. x3 Edit: Oh yes, I just downloaded a trailer for Halo:Reach on my LIVE, AND IT'S GOT KURT IN IT!!!! DD8 Apologies for the spam, but I screeched like such a fangirl when I guessed who it was. It's got this Pechan British-accented Spartan going all, "Did any Spartans survive the-(can't decifer)?", and this helmetless chap goes "Spartans never die, George. They're just missing in action." And he didn't talk all blankly like other Spartans~ Plus I spotted Linda, or a perfect imitation of her.:D It just showed a brief clip of a solitary Spartan hiding away in a Pelican, fiddling with this small metal thing, a sniper rifle right next to her... And near the end of the trailer, this other fellow said to her, "And you can leave all this Lone Wolf stuff behind." I guessed it's Linda because Chiefy nicknamed her "Lone Wolf" because, as a sniper, she was always by herself and rarely needed anybody else's help... Ohgawd, I've gone mental. DD8 I watched it another three or four times. And despite the fact that the graphics weren't as exceptional as Halo Wars, they got Kurt's face pretty accurate. I need to check if his eyes are hazel, though... And they had this blue-eyed Spartan in the trailer, too. At first I thought it was Kelly, but she has brown eyes. Adriana's got very blue eyes... mebbe it's her...?

6:12am Feb 19 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ahh, sorry for not being here. x3 Looks like I've suddenly been thrust into Nias' position - school has had me pretty busy all week. I have gotten onto the computer when I probably should have been working, like right now, but not long enough to try writing Knivesy a post. Also, as of five minutes ago, I've found a song that I think has become a favorite. o3o Lie Lie Lie. I think maybe it's mostly the girl singing. Nope, I don't think I've ever actually seen Ces. Just that girl that looks similar. P:
9:59pm Feb 20 2010 (last edited on 10:08pm Feb 20 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Righto. Posteh finally. x3 And I keep realising lately how crazy short my postehs are. Yours are always like, awesometastic novels. xD Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie.. *hums* The land below was so uniform.. nothing but blue-shaded desert for iles around. The only sound was that of a dozen knives sliding repeatedly against each other with every steady wingbeat, sounding as though they could slice the very wind beneath them. It hardly caught Knives' ears though; they were more trained on the land around him, trying to find some foreign noise that could help in his search. Yet, the desert remained overwhelmingly quiet and empty. Blank. He wasn't entirely sure how much later it was that the ground below began to change, becoming less uniform, more jumbled. Honestly, he could hardly care how much time had pa-ssed; he was confident in this find, sure that the owner of the feather still clutched loosely within his hand had to be here. As the rises of rock gradually became more and more numerous, Knives slowed his flight. In result, the noise given off by his wings increased quite a bit - perhaps not a good thing, considering how unnerved the hawk had seemed by him, but he continued anyway. Nowhere for a bird to go but the sky. He'd see it if it fled.

3:31am Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 3:35am Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Eh. I always overdo them, yoshi. xD I just stuff more and more into them... because I can, really. You're nice and subtle. But me? I must make my posts looooonnggg and noticceeeeabbblleeeee~ xD The owl frowned again. "I don't waste ti-" he began, but broke off in mid-sentence. His head swivelled around in the direction of a peculiar noise - a noise a little like lots and lots of blades. But it was unlike the whistle of an arrow or the airy whoosh of a sword. It was an incredibly fine sound, as though the blades were slicing the very air itself, and not the swirling essence of it. "D'yhear that?" "What?" the kentracha said, a little gruffly. "A slicing sound," the owl murmured, his voice slightly distant. "Like someone's flying. But... it's more like knives." "What the hell are you on about?" his brother questioned roughly. "You've gone nuts again." "No, serious, Hurjad," the owl protested, hopping off his perch and landing on one of the small-ish, twisting horns on his brother's skull. "There's something out there. I think we should hide." The kentracha's hearing - like all kentrachas - was not as superior as his sense of smell or sight. Hearing was his weakest sense. But even now, he could hear a not-so-faraway noise that matched 'Rello's deion - like many, many blades working together to make something fly. "A machine?" Hurjad wondered aloud, although not as coarsely as before. His tone had become hushed, but there was no trace of fear or wariness. "Humans are always making those. It's definetely something metal. I don't think we should bother." "Y'think it's Ces?" Berello asked hopefully, looking downwards at one of his brother's eyes with a hopeful glint in his own dark blue ones. "She can make metal, too." "Yeah, but she's got a bird form. Why waste time making metal wings when you've got a pair of perfectly working, bird ones?"
"Oh yeah," his brother replied. The pair resumed listening for a few moments, before Hurjad spoke again. But his tone was malicious. "I could probably jump up and snap him outta the air..." "Don't be daft!" Berello snapped. "If his wings are blades, he's gonna slice your head off, isn't he? Not that it'll be a bad thing, mind. I think I'd congratulate him." The kentracha shrugged in the best way a kentracha could. "Still a suggestion," he replied curtly, and he began to stride towards the shadowy darkness of an overhanging cliff. Unless the flying specimen's sight was exceptional, he would miss the small, ghostly white glint of Hurjad's eyes. He lay down low, watching the indigo sky with an observative air. Like a wolf that didn't need food but was interested in watching the wary caribou anyway, merely because it could. But Berello flew away, sat on another perch opposite the rocky clearing, and watched the skies too, more like the cairbou that was watching the intent, unreadable wolf. Two entirely different emotions fixed on two entirely different creature's faces, the only similarity the blood inside of their bodies.

7:29pm Feb 21 2010 (last edited on 11:03pm Feb 21 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: aokfjaeklfjajfa. I just spent like, all day working (on and off) on a posteh, then I tried opening one of our previous pages in another tab to reference something, and I lost it. 8( *sigh* Looks like I get to rewrite. But I guess, even though I've had to replace like, half the first paragraph, which I could hardly recall, it turned out all right. x3 Knives continued onward, watching as the terrain changed and keeping alert to his surroundings. It was a barely audible sound, echoing through the flat-topped spires around him, that finally brought him to come to a stop. He alighted on one of the columns, listening in almost complete silence - not quite though, as every few seconds a blade or two would twitch, sending off a little snip of sound. A triumphant smirked sneaked its way across his lips as he realised what it was. Voices. There sounded to be two, precisely. Not exactly what he'd expected to find, but perhaps all the better. If one was intriguing enough to make him fly all the way out here with nothing in hand but a feather, another could only add more to the chase. Yet, for once, he didn't really know what he would do once he caught up. It wasn't like any previous mission of his - no goal to kill, or to force someone into joining the Guns. He'd no desire to attack them at all. It was all driven by.. curiosity. "Hmm.." The voices had fallen silent. Knives lifted into the air again, taking to the direction from which the voices had come. He noticed a dark crevice slithering along below him, like an exposed burrow, once belonging to some long-dead creature. And the heart of it lay not far ahead - a likely place for this pair of strangers. Rather than descending immediately as he drew closer though, he remained in the air, studying the gorge from above. Its sides were littered with ledges and outcroppings, winding up like plant stems from the valley's pit to reach toward the sky. The two could be just about anywhere in this mess, and the darkness did all but help. Only the light of the ever-staring moons was there to keep it away at all.

1:59pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Intr'essin' posty, yoshi. ^^ Oh god. xD Just seen three episodes of Black Books. I can't recall the last time I laughed so hard... or my parents. xDDDDD Jeez... Poised in the darkness like a snake prepared to spring, the kentracha resumed his hiding position as he continued to eagerly stare at the sky, his only movements the constant whizzing of his moonlike eyes. Hurjad waited and waited, keenly watching for a disturbance of any kind in the indigo heavens. Before, the presence of a second sun hadn't really bothered him that much. Theslern's daytime sky was almost always marked with the ghostly sphere of the planet's twin as well as his homeworld's own single sun - according to the speed the two planets roated around each other, sometimes Theslern's little sibling was visible, and sometimes she wasn't there at all. But now, seeing more than one moon, he felt a slight awe for this newfound world. Theslern also had more than one moon - two. But since one was much quicker at whizzing around Theslern than the other, it was common to see just one hanging in the blackened heavens above, like a giant's kentracha's eye. Rarely were the two white spheres of rock seen in the same sky at the same time, but for eons the night when the two moons were sighted together again, like lost partners, was noted as a special event of the year that happened once every two months. Hurjad waited. His brother waited, too. And then, quite without warning, a figure drifted into view. Flinching minutely, like a jaguar that had suddenly spotted an unaware bird landing after a gruelling wait, Hurjad's stare intensified. This wasn't really part of their plan. They - himself and Rell - were supposed to find them, not the other way around. But it was only after examining the newcomer's wings did he stop and think. They were made enirely of metal - but, to be specific, the creature's wings really consisted of knives. Too many blades to count. Hurjad's eyes widened slightly in admiration and envy as he watched the humanoid figure hover high above them, as if studying the ground below. Studying them. He'd followed Berello here. Irritation and anger arose in the kentracha, and Hurjad was alarmed to feel his neck warming up, a slight, fiery tickle scratching the fleshy interior of his throat. Clenching his jaws shut, he snapped his head - too fast - around in Berello's direction, instantly regretting his unmissable motion with self-annoyance. The kentracha's eyes narrowed. Get out of here, damnit! he hissed at his brother. This is too early. Hide while you can. We're making the introductions here, not the damned natives. The kentracha's gaze followed a grey, winged form streak across the canyon. At least, as an owl, his brother would be entirely silent. But nobody could miss the silvery sheen that momentarily flashed on his wings, and the oily, dark-blue stripes across his tail, a little like a kestrel's. The humanoid in the sky with the wings of knives would probably make chase. And as much as Hurjad wanted to snap his brother up right now, he could not afford to get him killed, however immortal the clumsy prat was. His sister would never forgive him for letting Berello get hurt, however neutral she was in their brotherly squabbles. She'd always seem to take his brother's side. Still, if the winged person in the sky decided to pursue Rell, then the giant obsidian monster lurking like a trapdoor spider in the darkness would decide to unleash a fiery hell upon him. Truthfully, Hurjad was itching was a fight that he wouldn't get told off for.

6:36am Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 11:01am Feb 27 2010)
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Knives began to let himself slowly descend toward the rock below, still keeping a wide eye for any visible movement. Perhaps searching more closely would make it easier. But then, something caught his eye - a silvery silhouette, unmissable as it rose from the darkness. Yet Knives didn't immediately follow. It was obvious that the other was still down there, watching and waiting. The one was trying to lead him away from the other.
After a few moments of waiting and seeing nothing below, he took after the other, moving quite quickly as he rose in the air again. Better to take the advantage of height than risk losing it from sight.
OoC: Really short, but I'm in a hurry. x3
OoC: Moved and improved it. :D *pokes newer posteh*
11:58am Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Roar yer postehs are funny lookin' Yoshi's gone giantazor and Wolfeh's is all blarfnerghderponmo o3o yusyus so I have ten minutes to write a posteh before my mum gets back and shouts at me for being on teh compy o3o Yarr i ask ye to 'scuse any typoes and whatnot~ BiC: Shade shifted closer to Ces, draping her arms over Ces' broad and furry shoulders in a lazy form of lazy that only Shade could achieve. "'sokay" Shade said, drowsily. "You can let go of... thinggy" She gestured twoards Lucy by pointing with her tail "She wasn't trying to hurt me." Blaise *censored*ed so that she stood upright, arms folded across her chest. She didn't like the way her sister seemed to trust this 'Ces' more than she trusted her own family. Blaise narrowed her eyes at Shade, not that Shade noticed this, she wasn't like the rest of the fera who seemed to notice everything. Speaking of noticing everything, Lupe saw that Blaise seemed annoyed. At least, if her body language was enough to go by she was. Don't go doing anything stupid now, I know what you're like. We've yet to gain these people's trust yet, so don't screw anything up before anything's even started. Lupe warned Blaise. Blaise grunted, turning to look at Lupe before looking to the ceiling, annoyance etched clearly on her face. Yeah yeah, I know. Blaise had been warned like this many, many times before now. Luckily for everyone she'd learnt from it over time. While Lupe and Blaise begun negociating terms, Halm was concentrated on 'fixing' Vash. Her cool hands were still pressed firmly against his face. Then, from the strange scar-like marks on her upper arms, white flames sparked to life. The flames slowly grew into a ring of fire circling her arms. These 'rings' of fire traveled down her arms, growing smaller as they made their way down, untill they reached her hands. There the circles broke from her wrists and gathered in two seperate clusters of white fire above her hands. The flames were hot, but Halm's hands remained cool. (at that point Nias' mum came in and gave her a row, before feeding her some veggie samosa which set Nias' mouth on fire. Her mum gave her another row before leaving Nias to carry on with the posteh yay :D) The flames seemed to then melt into Halm's hands, rather melt through them and into Vash's eyes. "Fixed" She said simply, with a smile that seemed almost warm. By now that 'scars' were bleeding and the cloth that was wrapped around her eye's slowly begun to turn red. Because Lupe and Blaise were now engaged in a war of the minds, Leilos stepped fowards to place a hand on Halm's shoulder. She said nothing, but Halm understood. She let her hands, which were still cold, slide down Vash's face, then they dropped to her sides and hung limp. The Doctor had been watching with great curiosity as Halm supposedly 'fixed' Vash. All this time he was taking in details about Halm, noting her scrawny skeletal frame, the markings on her arms, the two pearly white horns that stuck out form her straggly white-blonde hair, the thin, light, scruffy wings. Then something snapped in his (overly sized) mind. He grinned to himself, rather triumphantly. He knew what Halm was now. She wasn't some strange mutation or variation of Fera, she was something completely different. He wasn't going to tell anyone of his discovery just yet, now he was waiting to see if she had managed to 'fix' Vash. Knowing what she was, the Doctor had guessed that she had succeeded, even though halms kind were unpredicatble and she could have worsened him, from the bleeding, she'd done good. OoC: Yus it's bad, blahblahyakadayakblah, but that's all I can posteh for now and all I can think of XD

9:08pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 11:01am Feb 27 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ah, darn it. I'd hoped that was just me, when I noticed it in IE. Firefox still shows it as being the size I always use. Guess I'll have to fix it up and stop trying to make my text smaller. D; Really hope they fix up the glitches soon. And how the heck do you do all that in ten minutes? xD I had ten minutes for that last posteh of mine, and it sucks. I'm so darn slow. Actually, I'm just gonna redo Knives' part. Vash blinked repeatedly as the darkness gradually gave way to.. less darkness. At first everything was overwhelmingly blurry. It was like he'd never seen before - like he didn't even know how to, with these eyes. (/Matrixsteal) But eventually, his vision cleared enough for him to make out at least the face in front of him. And, for the first sight he'd seen since that of Maya's face, right before he'd apparently died, it was pretty startling. His eyes widened - oh, how strange that felt - in surprise at the creature. It was gaunt, horned, and.. was that a blood-soaked bandage across its eyes? Yet, despite the phantom-like appearance, he knew this was the one who'd helped him. He wanted to thank her, but was unsure entirely how to; how does one repay for the gift of sight? So, he simply went with a quiet, "Thank you." Just saying it brought a sudden surge of happiness. The beginnings of a smile broke right into being a grin. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" Without a second thought, he went and enveloped the girl into a hug. He hadn't quite realised how much smaller she was than he until now, but he didn't care. And of course, despite being relieved at the success of Halm's 'fixing', Wolfwood again found himself aggravated at his friend's optimism. The man was hugging a bleeding corpse, for Christ's sake. "Way to pick 'em, Vash," was his muted grumble, as always slurred by the butt of a cigarette. As this one's last bit of life burnt out, he flicked it to the ground and lit a new one. Still seeing nothing but rock and shadow (it's a Tyranitar! xD /shot), Knives began to let himself slowly descend, keeping a wide eye for any visible movement. Perhaps searching more closely would make things easier. Then, something caught his eye - a silvery silhouette, unmissable as it rose from the darkness. The Plant almost took right after it, but instead remained hovering in place, casting his scrutinous stare back into the darkness. It was obvious one of them was still down there, and the other was trying to lead him away. He was caught between the two; should he wait and see if anything else was there or simply take up the chase again? After a few moments, his gaze returned to the fleeting figure, then moved to the feather he still held. He'd follow. Surely he would run into the other one later. Rather than simply going straight after it, he steadily rose up again as he began to dart in its direction. Better to take the advantage of height, rather than chancing to lose it again. It was quite visible from above, anyway; at the right angle, almost every wingbeat brought the moonlight to reflect from its feathers in a flashing, silvery sheen. Just like the one it had dropped.

10:17am Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 1:40pm Feb 25 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
� OOC: Nias! :D You've poste'd! And after browsing YouTube I've only just realized how much Y'know-Who-But-Not-Voldy looks like David Tennant. *^.^* Ahhh... Ohyas, and I found a good way of describing that over-excited arm-thingy I do. :D Wallace from Wallace and Gromit does something very similar. � Reluctantly stepping away from Lucy, yet not lowering the defensive glare in her eyes, she turned her head aside to watch over Halm's "fixing" procedure. She didn't bother get protective over Vash; there was little point in getting worked up again. Instead, she fixed her attention on the intruiging display that the funny angel was putting on.� � She watched the whole event with awed, large eyes paled to a more yellow-like colour thanks to the lights that danced across Halm's limbs. The whole operation aroused a deep wonder inside of Ces; she was fascinated and impressed by the whole mystical performance. But even greater was her surprise when the lights died down, and Vash actually opened his eyes. Ces' eyes widened in disbelief, and she made a careful step forward, but jumped back when the Plant practically lunged forwards onto the creature that had restored his sight. Her tail began to wag a little - a slow, swaying motion. Suddenly feeling slightly awkward, she stood at least two metres away from the rejoicing Plant, as if afraid the slightest tentative nudge of her muzzle would arouse an even crazier state of happiness within him. Or, she could've been waiting her turn. � OOC: I'll make a 'Rello post after. �� �

3:21pm Feb 24 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: LOLOLOL You-know-who-but-not-voldy? XDDDD Derp o 3o I shall reffer to him as you-know-who-but-not-voldy from now on XDDDDD Oh yah earlier, i got off the buss and there was a van, which was dirty. God I couldn't ressist the urge to write on it XDD So I did o 3o I had a brain moment ^v^ I wrote "I wish my wife was this dirty" on it instead of the traditional 'ol "Clean me" I feel like I achieved something x3 Also, Wolfeh, if ye don't think it's all pathetic and tacky and cheap and whatnot. I've made you a birfdai presant instead of buying one xD but s'not all that good so I'm gonna buy you summin' too :3 Now I would posteh, but I have textiles homework to do and Wolfeh needs tah finish her posteh if I am correct? x3 Nergh, if I can't sleep tonight I shall attempt one laterz though XD
4:18pm Feb 24 2010 (last edited on 10:58am Feb 27 2010)
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OoC: ... That's so horrible, Nias. xDD Much better than a simple 'Clean me'. Be it Wolfeh's burfdai? O: Ah, I think I'll wait 'til tomorrow to posteh anything more. x3 I'll just continue working on our really old ones; I've been cleaning up some of the unnecessary little things the old Forum left on all the postehs. And lard, did I suck at portraying Vash. xD Your characters were pretty different back then too. Ces seems very strange, so happy and carefree when there are no threats around. I can hardly imagine her saying 'birdie' or calling someone 'Silly' now.
12:43pm Feb 25 2010
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Roar I am horrid no? ;D It be Wolfeh's birfdai on Sundays yus :3 Hmm, I have welsh coursework to do... I suppose I can just write bits of post as well as bits of welsh. Brb. Editing in a minute o3o
1:35pm Feb 25 2010 (last edited on 1:44pm Feb 25 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: He was online just now, but I be too shy. *+.+* Shoot me someone, plz. The guys owning me on Matchmaking didn't do it well enough. 8( Nias-shutupaboutmybarfday. 8( Yus, it's on... Sunnyday. I dun' care if its crap, I like homemade presents. Don'tget me any more. D; You did not suck at Vash. >8C < scary noob fais. And you still don't, in case you start gettin' any ugly ideas... Carefree? Happy? :3 That's nice. Although, now I think I want to make her a quieter character. Aeehh. Maybe I'm being too heavily influenced by Linda's character. DD8 But yus, Ces... eh. Loud doesn't suit her much, I think. She'll just end up like a non-Spartified Kelly. xDD I'll try and finish it tonight; I've been on the LIVE for a few hours.