6:13am Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 6:15am Apr 26 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ohay. Now he gets to feel all guilty. xD Well, far as morally corrupt and grumpy priests can feel guilty, at least. Posteh later. I won't have time now - only have a half-hour 'til I have to go to school. x3 But hurr, I managed to get Knivesy's part done. *pokes her last post*
10:16am Apr 26 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ohmaigod, please don't say I'm becoming a Stephenie Mayor. D8 But, still - I'm glad that I can manipulate your mind. >3> I'm also satisfied that I can make you laugh. xDD Meh. Thank'ye. I got the "acne" bit from Hairspray, which I went to see at the Millenium Center in Cardiff with the school. :3 The worst thing Tracy can spit at Amber is, "You have acne of the soul!" which got me laughing so hard. Man, the whole show was hilarious. It makes me wanna see the film again. "Ooh, a scone! :D I think I'll-" BANG. The cream could have fluffy acid in it, or have too many calories. Don't get me started on an ice cream stand. xDD Oh, mai... "MY FLAKE! D8< "NO, mein eine kleine flake-" "Fein. ;/ *Plant boom*" Ah, oh diar. Must go. xD Post later.
10:16am Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 12:10pm Apr 26 2010)
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11:56am Apr 26 2010 (last edited on 12:00pm Apr 26 2010)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Oh mai gwdness. D8 Double post! How is it...? What...? I decided to make a second third post because the edit system on my computer is pure fail. :c With the lag that automatically accompanies my own comp, it seems to fail saving any chances I make to posts, and just loads and loads and loads away... Qutting Firefox just loses everything. I didn't wanna risk losing an entire post, so I put safety first. Sorry guise. <:3 Hmm... you wanna blow off his arm? You got a fight with the Bunged-Up-Guns in mind? And I doubt a kidnap would go away totally clean... >3> I was planning for it to be relitavely peaceful, no "You cannae' take our Ces! D8< *bang bang bang*". More like.. "Oh, lard. She's gawn. :O Knives.... *bang bang bang*" ... The edit seemed to work. :D
Hurjad's eyes narrowed in what could well have been either scorn, contempt, or understanding at Knives' crude remark. He'd spotted the fact that the Plant had acknowledged his presence, but didn't bother worry or hide himself. The only thing the older brother was concerned about was whether Berello was giving their species a bad name. He felt his cool patience beginning to melt slightly. Not much, but enough so that Hurjad was more than tempted to take matters into his own hands. Or claws.
"Wolfy...?" the younger of the pair mouthed noiselessly, his eyes darting back down to the Plant's before him. He recalled the Mainform of the Haran he was after, but it wasn't this that unsettled him slightly. Obvously, this strager knew quite a bit about her already, and enough so that he already knew what her Mesphret's form was. For some reason, this unsettled him, like this stranger - this rather enigmatic and slightly hostile newcomer - had learned something private. But then he inwardly shrugged off the fear, and simply hoped that the Plant had never encountered the true worth inside of Ces' mind. Berello had never been involved, or heard of, a situation where an alien came to see a Haran's Soul-Animal - but he understood that there was always a first time, and for some reason, he saw this situation both with irritation and scorn. Mesphret were above the standards of normal physical animals, like this stranger before him, and should be held in high regard, not appreciated like captive animals in a petting zoo. For another even stranger reason, the fact that this ignorant stranger had come to *censored*osciate "wolfy" with Ces infuriated the Haran to a great extent, like she was some worthless pet mongrel. He certainly didn't say it with valour, either. Then he glanced back down at the stranger's hand, and - shoving aside his thoughts of distaste - clasped it and shook it once. If this guy wanted a deal, then he'd have one. But something suddenly occured to the Haran. "If I'm going to get what I'm after," he questioned, not scornfully. "What about you? Is there someone special in your life, too? Because I have this feeling that you want something as well." This wasn't a pathetic attempt at trying to appear professional and businesslike; in truth, the Haran badly wanted to know the reason behind the guy's hurry to get rid of Ces in the first place. Getting annoyed at his brother - and her - for being too close seemed such an irrelevant reason for trying to remove the she-Haran from his life. No - a niggling feeling (or, more appropriately, an enitre being reduced to a single mind) was persisting Berello to discover the real reason behind all this, if there was one. And secretly, he was strongly doubting he'd get a proper answer at all.

2:01am Apr 27 2010
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OoC: Bump x3
9:52pm Apr 27 2010 (last edited on 10:57pm Apr 27 2010)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ah, sorry. I kinda had a major fail yesterday and ended up falling asleep the moment I got home, as a result. xD Pretty much, I completely underestimated the distance between the junior high and the high school, and then I sat outside a friend's front door for two hours because my horrible lateness made them think I wasn't coming. Prob'ly took me more than an hour to get there - Google Maps says I walked three and a half iles miles.. And all because I forgot a piece of paper on my usual bus, and once I rode over to the junior high and got it, the driver of the bus I'd thought could take me to my friend's house wouldn't let me on. x3 Anywai. Rambling on my idiocy aside.. I'll try to get a posteh in tonight. P: I'll probably be trying to stay up for quite a while anyway, since I have a bunch of homework I hafta do. The urge to write will probably distract me eventually. xD Ohay. Wolfeh's a colorful birdy. ;O
10:30am Apr 28 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ohmai. :o Silly yoshi, be more careful next time. Well, don't rush yousself, alright? Homework, however must I hate to say it, it more important than a mere roleplay. If you have to, leave the post until you're free to do it. Yeh yeh. :D I just spotted the Aerix avvie, and thought... "Man. I must have that." So I changed it. x3 I was kinda down after I never got any of the Easter avvies, but found I didn't care that much. I hated the thought of having an avatar lots of other people used. :/ Surprisingly, I've only seen one other person with the Aerix avatar - so I'm well 'appy. :D I liked the goofy Uilus chick and the colour sequence on that avvie, but... meh, I love Aerix one too, everything about it's fab. I think they're my favourite now, tying with the Easero. Shame they're so valuable; I feel like some kind of star-aimer, with a CS Creatu as a favourite, followed by two Seasonals. Like I've no thought for commoner pets, a greedyguts for valuable, expensive Creatu. Wargh. Eheh, also... I've changed 'Rello's name. <:3 Last night, listening to the Avatar miwsics on my 'Pod, I just thought, "... Oh my God, I hate his name. D8" I instantly came up with a new name, but I need to tag it to my Kioka before some lurker steals it. I'm paranoid, yes, but that'll make my intentions all the more successful - hopefully. Heh heh, it really upset Nias and Kitte. xD Can't wait to see Bear's reaction. Now they'll need new jeerynames. >3>

6:16am Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Wuuuuut? 'Rello getting new name? 8( I think I may just have to get upset now too. xD You should rMail me the new one or something, 'cause I'm impatient and want to know what Deerfais' name is now. It already seemed like an age before we learned it the first time.. even though it was only a week from his first appearance to the first time you said his name. But still! xD ... I'm kinda tempted to change my avatar too. The Meiko is amazering. o_o But I donnoooo. I've used the poke for more than two years. To change it now would feel.. kinda weirdy. And awe.. I wanted it to be a 'You cannae' take our Ces! D8< *bangbang*' kinda thing. xD But I guess that works too.. I can just imagine them being all, 'OmgKniveswhatdidyoudo?? >8(' '/grin Nothinnnng. It was actually some friend of her-' 'Nooo, give her back! D8 *punch*' 'HOMGDIDYOUACTUALLYPUNCHME!!?! 8((((' ... Knivesy gets a post later again, I s'pose. x3 Wolfwood's frustration turned cold as he listened to Starlett's words, saw the hurt in her face at his nasty response. He felt guilt creep up, and his face softened up a little - at least, until he sighed roughly and looked away from her, hiding anything that would have showed in his ex pression. Of course she had to be in a situation like that.. It seemed like they always were. She was yet another orphan in this unforgiving world, running away from some past littered with bits of Hell. Who out there would help her? This time she was outright asking for help, and he couldn't think of anyone else. A cruel part of him wanted to tell her to get lost - but the rest couldn't help being caught up by her story, by her ragged appearance and torn dress.. especially the dress. It looked like she must have worn it through everything the world had to throw at her and more. The priest sighed again, this time more quietly, and he finally looked back at her face. "A'right. I'll help you.. and I'm-" He stopped for a second. It actually felt a little weird, apologising for something like this. He tried again. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." "But," he added then, raising a finger. "I'm not sure if there's really any safe place for you, at least not around here. The best place I know is an orphanage a little ways outside of December.. and that's a long way from here." Wolfwood's face turned grim then, at the thought of what he could be pulling her into by inviting her to come with them. "You'll have to be careful if you're gonna travel with us. I may be a man of God, but I'm not exactly the best kind of guy." He pointed a thumb at the metal cross that he had hauled over his shoulder. "Ten clips, fifty bullets each. Every one of 'em can make all the difference, with the stuff we run into just about every day." "And ya see that spiky-haired idiot 'n a red coat over there?" He glanced in Vash and Ces' direction - it was easy to see Wolf-girl had finally gotten things right, at least. "Well, that's Vash the Stampede. Guy you hear about on the radio and see on wanted posters all the time. Guy who apparently flattened July City twenty or so years ago. He's not really the villain everyone makes him out to be, but he's definitely followed around by enough trouble to deserve that reputation. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if all this.." The priest gestured around him, at the various torn-up bodies and horrified faces that lay all over the ground. "... was somehow connected to him." "We're definitely not the kind of guys you wanna hang around too long. So please.. Please be careful, Starlett." (Whee. Kind of a ramble, but.. I s'pose it's the best I've got. xD I'd definitely be throwing a warning at her. Getting her caught up in some ridiculous conflict without even meaning to wouldn't be very good.) It took a few seconds to realise why Ces was getting taller - the feathers that started appearing made it pretty obvious at that point. At first Vash just shook his head a little, like maybe that would stop her. Yet she just kept growing, becoming more birdlike by the second. "No.. Ces. Ces, please don't," he begged, getting more and more desperate as the Haran became more feathery. It felt like she was ripping away, and he was helpless to stop her. He felt pathetic for clinging so tightly, but he didn't want to be alone. That was probably the last thing he could handle right now. Then it all stopped. The feathers, the growing taller, the fear that had felt like a bullet to the chest. Vash let a bit of hope sprout up in his mind, a tiny plant that drank on the slightest possibility that she wasn't going - but it was also pretty well in danger of being stepped on. He vaguely noticed Wolfwood's nearby voice again, now a lot lower and calmer than it had been before. Suddenly the light from above went dark for a second, and then he felt something rest itself on his back. A combination of a tiny, uncertain laugh and a relieved sigh broke its way out. "I- I'm sorry. I just.." He quickly tried wiping one side of his face, but it didn't work very well. He just ended up smearing all that dirt. "It's all so confusing." The Plant laughed again, just for the sake of laughing. It sounded a little strange - definitely out of place - but somehow it helped. "I'm being stupid, aren't I? They're already gone.. Can't do anything for them - not now." He sighed. "Sorry. I'm talking gibber- huh?" Vash thought he'd heard Wolfwood say his name. He looked up to see that they were pretty close to the priest (Finally. xD), and that there was someone else too. "Who's this?" the Plant asked, pointing at the girl. (Who's that Pokeman? It's Starlett! 8D) She looked horrible - maybe even worse than he and Ces did, with all their raggedness that had gathered up in the past few days. It made him wonder just what she must have gone through recently to get into such bad shape. "Starlett," Wolfwood answered simply. "She's in a bind, so we're gonna help her." Vash almost couldn't believe it. Wolfwood, helping someone. "Wow, Wolfwood," he grinned. "You really are a nice-" He was stopped by a hand roughly clapped over his mouth. "Shut it, Spikey."

10:59am Apr 29 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xDD Ohmai, I'm making everyone depressed now. xD But this new name I got, I think it suits him better... It's not Earthlike - not in the respect Berello is, it being like Bellerophon and all - and just sounds nicer. I'll mail it to you when I get the chance, honies. :3 And I'm sorry if I've really irritated you. <:3 Most likely; I barely have to try to annoy people. Maybe, you can switch every week? So you have Pokeweek and then Meikoweek (they sound like names for twins or something xD). xDDD "Did you just punch me in the leg?! D8" "Dude, that's, like, old. ;/" How about a balance? I want violence too, but I'm simply dying for Rello to take Ces to... well, somewhere very.... off-planet. >3> The actual kidnap could be quiet, but after a while they'd start noticing and be all... "Knivsey~ YoudiditI'msureofit." "Eh?" The brief squabble that took place between the priest and the Plant seemed almost entirely nonexistent to the Haran. Of course, she could hear them, and realize the language they used, but it was kind of blurry, like the way one would lie outside on a summer's day and do nothing except stare up at the sky above. They'd hear the birdsong, loud and perfectly clear, like thousands of little drops and ripples bursting into life all over the gl*censored*y surface of a lake. But they wouldn't pay attention to the constant music errupting all around them. It would simply be there. What had really captured Ces' attention was the ragged-looking youngster before them. The she-Haran marveled at the fact that a survivor existed, but the mistake she made was *censored*uming that the girl was a simple human. She'd come across numerous species the past few days from Sues to Chiefs, and all had been spectacular, one way or another, being appearance, abilities or magical powers. She'd even encountered other shifters. Now, looking at Starlett's untidy form, Ces was certain that she was a lucky - insanely lucky - scrap of life that had evaded the greedy maw of the bonfire. Pity - although a different kind to the type she'd felt for Vash - and an odd sense of protectiveness washed over her slightly. She'd never really given a thought for youths years younger than her - in appearance or official age - and in fact, she'd rarely encountered them. Her fierce life as a Remnant had certified that attatchments to children or adolescents were strictly forbidden, or rather, almost utterly impossible, given the peaceless lifestyle she'd come to adopt, and most recently, discarded. Not only that, but when Ces had started off as a raw recruit on a new planet, completely different to Theslern, she'd found it difficult to make friends at young ages at all, let alone form a proper opinion of alien younger people. Humans were so different to Haran children, and yet, so similar. Shade was just a stroke of luck; pure luck and heavenly coincidence, but even then the Fera wasn't a real child. Acted like one, looked like one, talked like one - she did all this and more - but wasn't truly one in age or experience. Yes, she felt an odd sense of defensiveness over Starlett, but it wasn't motherly or anything similar. It wasn't unconditional, but there was a sliver of affection - whatever her affection could be defined as now. But she still felt uncertain of it, like she was wondering whether it was the "correct" emotion. In truth, she was very curious about the newcomer. Ces had made a firm *censored*umption over her origins but wanted to know more anyway, like an older, experienced she-wolf that had come across an apparently-parentless youngster. Gentle, but not loving. Careful, not motherly. Curious, but maybe not too keen on becoming family with the stranger. Ces tilited her head slightly as she considered her thoughts, confused and surprised. Out of all the challenges she'd had to face, this was the oddest. She didn't feel any hostility - God, no way - which eased her mind a little better. But how on earth was she supposed to react? She looked up at Wolfwood, as if startled by his iron statement that they would now be aiding Starlett. For some reason, the prospect alarmed her. It came close to intimidation, and she only just prevented herself from stammering "H-help?" She guessed how unkind she'd appear by saying that - she might've looked no better than Knives, comparing his personality to his friendlier younger brother's - so she simply switched her minutely-horrified face to Starlett, and attempted a comforting smile. It appeared small and almost guilty. Not wanting to speak for fear of appearing snobbish or cold, she considered sending the pair a telepathic message, saw the dangers, and kept her mind silent. Leave it to them, a familiar, calm voice murmured. No point tangling yourself up in something you can't cut through. Ces' awkward smile flatlined completely. Nice to know you're up again, she growled back, her ex pression unusually darkened. But it was true - it would be best if she kept her nose out of something she couldn't professionally deal with. It was only logical; she wasn't one for "protecting" strangers in the way Vash was. It was something she'd have to learn.

10:13pm Apr 29 2010 (last edited on 10:15pm Apr 29 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Cheese, you always pwn me so much. xD I do four or five small-ish paragraphs per character on an average day; you do like, twice as much. And it never seems ramply or anything. That's actually a pretty darn good idea.. :o And in my signature, right under Vashfais, I could be all, 'It's Pokeweek! :D' Except, I'd prob'ly end up getting lazy and losing track of the weeks. xD xD Poor Knivesy.. Everyone always picks on him. And Hurjy-Gurjy. 8D Hurrr, now we have kitchen utensils and a misspelt cranky instrument. >|D Narrh. I'm all sad. We just got rid of all the kittens from Shade's most recent litter. They were like, the first of hers that we actually got to play with at all, since she likes hiding her kittens in weird places. x3 I didn't even get to name 'em.. ... Bah. I don't feel like posting for Knives right nowwww. x3 But I can't really do much with the other two; I need a response from Star. All I could do is make Woofwood be all, 'Hay Wolf-girl. Why you look so funny? >;o' or something.

4:43am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Ooh, telepathy ;D How many people in this roleplay can do that? XD I was wondering if Star could maybe hear the messages you're sending each other. Interesting..... I will probably edit this tonight, I'm at my nana's and she is just on the phone, so I slipped on ^o^ And yoshi, You wrote so much on your last post! More than I'll ever do. You guys should write stories. ;o You put so much effort into your posts, it is very nice to read. xD Anyway, Nana's back in here.~
10:18am Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: No wai. Two of your most recent-ish posts were simply huge. And I do ramble, honies. But I adore the way of writing you have, yosh. It can sometimes get so poetic~ xDD Well, the avvies are there to be used, you can switch whenever you like. As long as you're happy with whatever routine you figure's good, then where's the prob? :3 I liked the Lucky avatar, so I used that for a bit, didn't I? I think I'll be stickin' with Aerix for a while now~ Heh heh. xDD Note how the good guys don't get picked on tat much~ Ahhwwe. Don't worry, yoshkins - their new owners are sure to give them pretty names. Just think, some other lucky person will be able to enjoy their company now, huh? Life goes on, and you still have Shade. <3 Well, Ces has this form - a giant eagle - that is unable to speak in the way her other animal forms do, so it communicates through mental messages. Ces is able to sort of... "half-morph" herself so that she retains a human physique, but with the adaptations required of the eagle so she can talk telepathically with others. She is able to direct her messages privately towards certain individuals, but she hasn't had an opportunity to actually guard herself, or shield her messages, yet. She can directly control who hears what, but only on her own terms. If she wanted to talk privately to Vash and Woofers, she would be perfectly able to do so, unless she broadened the field of communication so Starlett's included or Starlett forcefully breaks through any mental barriers and starts listening to whatever Ces has to say. Like private messaging. :3 Unless she's hacked, everything she says is not always audible for everyone in the area, given her choice. Meh. I used to write, and every now and then I type up a few pages of rubbish involving my OCs as practice, to stay in tune with what I can do. I can never stick with a single story, or think up of a plot I approve of myself. I always delete them, but I don't write on public internet threads. I'm paranoid of my ideas being stolen, and given the proof that there are little thieves out there, I'm not taking that risk just yet. Too many little idle children on the Internet who have total disregard for other people, and the fantasies they create. But thank you. :D I appreciate what you say a great deal. Not a lot of people read stories I write, and stuff... Mainly because I'm overly-shy. ^^ Thanks, Mousie.

7:48pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: It's okay. ;) And cool, thanks for telling me that XD Interesting. Why don't you do random writing? I've tried it, and it's fun. I think I actually made it up xD You just have to put your character in a place (the forest, a school, the desert, etc.) and just... write. ^o^ anything can happen. It kind of kills writing block, because there isn't a plot or idea of what's going to happen, so you can just add a new character, or let your character find something interesting. xD oh yeah, I completely forgot to post last night xD I will in a minute ^.^
2:17am May 1 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ohay. I wanted to do this earlier, but my friends were all, 'You go to bed now. ;O' I just now woke up again, a few hours later. xD Anyway. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RANDOM ROLEPLAYYYYYYYYY. 8DD
7:20am May 1 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: ... I haven't tried that, actually... I did something similar with my vampy character, Sarjas, but it was only a page and a quarter long. <:3 I think I'll give it a go right now, on Word. I've nothing better to do, and I've always wanted to write about Theslern (the Harans' home planet). I'd better be careful not to make it too Pandora-ish, though. xD I'd like my own ideas thunkyuu~ Happy Baaaaaaaaaaaaarfday! *sets off array of Halo-booms*
7:49pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Oh mai. :D How old is eet? 2 years old? 8D OMG happy birrrtttthhhhddddaaaayyyy~~~~~~~
8:41am May 2 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yus, two years. c: Hurr, we're so silly. Wishing our roleplay a happy birthday. xD And I s'pose on other writing and stuff.. I don't think I've ever really written a story on my own. Back when I would have wanted to, I sucked. xD And now, I guess I just.. like roleplaying better. I love the give-and-take feel of it, the balance between being reader and writer. Even random writing isn't quite as fun for me; I don't get to see anyone else's input. ... Y'know. If Ces included Woofwood in one of those mental conversations, he'd prob'ly have to freak out about it. xD 'Get outta my head, Wolf-girl! D:< I know I'm probably the only vaguely average person around here, but you don't have to rub it in my face.'
2:48pm May 2 2010
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: This roleplay's special to me. ;/ On many accounts it's the thing I look forward to the most. Sad, terribly sad, but at least I'm happy. c: I find it better for someone to enjoy writing and talking and reading as a hobby instead of shooting things, setting stuff on fire, and generally worrying about what other people think of you. Life's too short, peeps. Don't grow up a complete chav. ... You pretty much nailed it, yosh. xD In roleplaying, you aren't really in control, even if you're thread owner. That makes it all the more engaging, especially if there are characters you like and approve of, people you appreciate and relate to, and a good plot. ;3 xDD Can we make that happen? But, with him lashing back mentally? xD Try and keep a straight face, hon, you don't wanna creep Starlett out~ Woof: "Onbjffhufrjkvltit freak. D8" Vash: "Get used to it, drama priest. ;o"
2:06am May 3 2010 (last edited on 2:08am May 3 2010)
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Lol. Star would be like, ‘what am I missing out on? O-o’ and then she’d be freaking out that something’s not quite right with the people around her. Not saying that she doesn’t already (I think she knows xD) but still. And I do love roleplaying, for the reasons that you said, Yoshi, but I don’t like it when non-literate people join my literate roleplays and then they die on me. ;( It’s no fun. Not like this roleplay, where I know it will never die ;D –touch wood o3o- and again, I can’t think of what to write 8( where are your charries headed to, Yoshi? Wolfwood and them? Star will most likely just follow them around for a while ^.^
11:11pm May 3 2010
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Same, Wolfeh. x3 'Specially when we're not stuck in the OoC's, there's nothing I look forward to more than checking the roleplay. Even if it usually means that I'll be up 'til four the next morning. xD But hey, it makes me feel accomplished. Hurhurr, sure. 8D But then, he'd probably find it pretty weirdy, thinking at someone. xD Maybe no mental lashback, just a grumpy reply? Hurr, Star'd prob'ly be all, 'Whut?' Awe. I always hate that. x3 Seems like it hasn't been too bad for the last couple roleplays I've made - the last one's death was mostly my fault, really - but that kinda thing's still annoying as carp. And yah~ We'll nevar die! >|D Hurm.. I s'pose we don't really know where we're going or they're going or anything. xD My best guess is that they'll hang around the town for a little bit longer, maybe bury some people ('least, Vash would want to), then go to the Tardis or something. Unless another distraction comes along, as they have such a habit of doing. ... Maybe I should do a Knivesposteh. I'll try writing something up tonight. x3
