Random Roleplay

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11:11am May 25 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bumps. ;o


11:42pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 11:43pm May 26 2010)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bumpeth.
... Y'know. I kinda had a momentary fail today. xD There was a weirdy commercial on the radio about moustaches, so I went to mention my uncle's beard, which is starting to get pretty crazy.. and for some reason I ended up starting off, 'It's like Vash's b- Er,' instead. Luckily my dad wasn't paying attention. xD He'd have been all, 'Who? o3o'
It's just kinda.. really random. I'd hardly thought about any of these doods all day, and then WHOOSH. It just slipped right off the tongue, without a warning.
Oh, oh, and I re-found this one archive site I'd seen ages ago that has Res in it, since almost the beginning. 8D So I've been wandering old!Res.. and saving a lot of these old images and uploading 'em to Photobucket for some reason. Even though, if I wanted to share, I could just give people a link. xD I dunno. My logic sucks.


8:53am May 27 2010

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Posts: 1,864
(( OMG this is back up!? :D))


9:41am May 27 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: It's always been up, silly. xD
Kinda stuck right now though. x3 I rarely see Nias anymore, although she says she's been meaning to become more active again, and Wolfeh's been distracted lately too. So for now it's just Mouseh and me.
I s'pose you could join if you want. And if anyone else ever posts. xD I wouldn't feel quite right taking decisions into my own hands and not including anyone else..


1:26pm May 27 2010

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Jeez; Facebook has taken over my life. D8 This is the first time I've been on Res since... well, the last time I replied to Ms Lisk's profile messadgies. xD I'll add you, yoshay~
 And I'm completely clueless, since I haven't been on Res in quite a while - and in that, roleplaying. I've barely been doing it. No matter how much I hate to say it, my connection with my charas feels like it's tweaking a bit, like using them so much less is cutting me off from 'em. Weird, I know, but even stranger is the fact that I'm keener to make more animalistic or beastarium OCs. The Harans are great, with their shapeshifteryness, but... oddly, I'm not even that happy with them anymore. :/ Because, primarily, they're just humanoid aliens who can turn into animals. To me, in a way, that doesn't make them feel... animal-like enough, even if their second minds are actual animal spirits. They're still almost enitrely human. And after seeing Avatar, District 9, ad stuff, I suddenly feel as though the Harans aren't really aliens. :/ More like Earth faeries than real sci-fi creatures. And after focusing so much attention, recently, on the Rexillons... well, I'm starting to doubt whether I really want to have humanoid OCs. <:3 I'll try to make a story post sooner, but for now, you guise carry on - there's not much I can think of right now, I'm utterly braindead.


12:15pm May 28 2010

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: FFFFFF. Harans pwn. ;o The shapeshifter thing may not be entirely original, but that's just about the only part. They're overall a very well-developed species, in my eyes - and they have a pretty interesting history too, even if I only know little bits of it.
And hey, a lot of those other aliens are basically just people with minor changes made. The Na'vi are just cat-people with blue skin, a lot of the Star Trek aliens are pretty darn Human-like, and even the cla-ssic Grey is simply a midget with a big head. xD


12:21pm May 28 2010

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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Eh, really? <:3 Thank ye'e, yoshi - my mind's changed a bit, I'm not gonna "delete" them... but I'll continue to develop them and make them more...  alien... >3>
 xD Lawl. Still... the Harans are literally just human beings, only with longer toes and fingers and slightly longer limbs. :P But thanks for the support. xD


11:18pm May 28 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: I can't post for a few days, sorry D: I don't have a computer at my house. I'm on my Grandma's now. ;3 So yeah. I'll come straight to this roleplay when my computer's back<3


11:52pm May 28 2010 (last edited on 11:52pm May 28 2010)

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: Whoo! x3 They gets to stay.
Hm.. I'd try to help with the whole, making them more alien thing, but.. Yah. I can't think of anything decent that would make a species more alien. xD Best I've got is maybe having the Soul-animal show through the Haran in some way. And of course, I have no idea just how you'd do that. Sooo. /nohelp
Huh. I'm not going to be on for the next few days either. xD Float trip.. whooo. I'm kinda being dragged along. But I guess at least I get to bring a friend.


12:36pm May 29 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bumps. ;o


5:42pm May 31 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Yaaay, I'se back now. x3 The trip left me horribly sore, especially my feet since I hit them all over some rocks after my dad tipped our boat.. But I s'pose it was still fun. And there were these drunk college doods who tried hitting on Caitlyn and me. That was hilarious. xD One of 'em was all, 'You guys have the GREATEST tops,' and I didn't get it until she said something.
Anyway. I guess this be a bump. ;o


8:23pm May 31 2010

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Posts: 2,556
omgz i iz back! haiz!

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

8:25pm May 31 2010

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Posts: 2,556
i lyke totally forgeted who my characters are so i will be my blue dargon who east potatoes :) Poof now then....*eats barneys head off* i hate barneys!

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

8:26pm May 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,556
(this is because i dunt know where we are in the rp and i am at the beach instead )

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

9:34pm May 31 2010 (last edited on 2:04pm Jun 1 2010)

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Posts: 3,642

OoC: Uhm. Apologies, but. I think you have the wrong roleplay. xD We're not quite THAT random.
... Poor Barney. That's twice now that he's been killed in here.
*edits* afaljfa. D: Now there's another thread with the exact same ti
tle as us.. I think I liked it better when people kept sticking random little bracketed phrases into their titles. At least then their random roleplays didn't make me feel like ours is having an identity crisis.


6:31pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bump. :c


10:10pm Jun 2 2010

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Posts: 1,864
((Lol. Must we be planned, or can we be utterly random? :D))


1:51pm Jun 3 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Uhm. Sort of inbetween, I guess? xD Sometimes we have a plan, sometimes we don't. *shrug* I s'pose whatever it is would prob'ly be fine, 'long as it's not too nonsensey.
... Like talking fro-macaroni. Ohlawd, those insane little things.
And bargh, where is everyoneeee? D: Makes me feel all lonelyyyyy.


12:17am Jun 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,036
OoC: I'm sorry ;o I don't have a computer D; Horrid. ;.; and I don't have time to post ._. But I have some time to write something c; Well, some OoC. Before this computer refreshes itself o-o I better post this. And don't feel lonely, Yoshi <3 It'll only be a few more days until I haqve my computer.


6:56am Jun 9 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: All righty then. I s'pope I'll try not to. xD

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