Random Roleplay

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1:05pm Jul 3 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Well.. You could just make something up, if you want. xD *shrug* I'm fine with waiting though. And I saw'd Wolfeh today too, so mebbe we could get rolling again soon. ;o
Ah, I still don't much like that idea. x3 A while ago - 'round the beginning of this thread, I think - Wolfeh proposed maybe starting a new thread where everyone happened to meet up in a different place and later time frame to see what would happen.. But I kinda like keeping things together.


11:19pm Jul 8 2010 (last edited on 11:30pm Jul 8 2010)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bah. Not lookin' too great for us, but I guess a bump anyway. ;o
I won't leave your side, my dear Roleplay! I'll never cheat again except on Thursdays, I promise omg. 8(
And.. oh, maybe a little on Monday nights for good measure. No one likes Mondays, but I sure will. ;o


4:17am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Bumps for Bunneh <3


5:32am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Yoshi. Bunny made a new Random Roleplay. We want you to join it... A few more people have joined, but you know. We're starting again. Come?


5:32am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,020

OoC; I thought this had become lost in the mists of roleplay past o-o

I started a ne wone thinking this was gone xD I suppose if I go back a few pages... I might be able to come up with something to post by tomorrow >:U

Not today, no I have to do "House work" ASDF. I don't think work is in my dictionary o-o

Anyways the new one could be turned into a bio thread or carried on as an extra roleplay, s'up to you gaise o 3o

Also, I think Wolfeh is emmersed in her faisebewking xD


5:34am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Wow. We posted at the same time. Huh. xD


5:53am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Oh indeed we did o:


7:37am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 7:42am Jul 9 2010)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... I'm not sure if I could start over. xD It'd seem so weirdy. Like. Especially if none of the characters knew each other anymore.
Waidaminute. Shade has a last name?
Homgyay, Nias is backkkkk. ;o I guess even if we don't have Wolfeh right now.. at least maybe your characters could cause a distraction or something, neh? xD Then maybe we could even bypa-ss all this awkward 'What are we going to do with this girl you decided to take care of, Mister Priestman? o3o' Star'd kinda just be stuck going with the group.
And I guess we could just drag Ces along, hurr. x3
Y'know. That silly Wolf said she'd add me on Facebook, and she never even did that.


8:56am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: Yus, she does o-o Sha has for a while now XD

My charecters are brilliant at doing that ;D I shall do it soon >:O YOU. ADD ME ON FAISBWEK. Naoplzkthnxbaiily<3


9:38am Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Huh. I never noticed. xD
But.. There are like, four hundred people with your naaaame. o3o There is one with an evil goatee though. That seems like you. ;o


7:25pm Jul 9 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Yay! Cause a distraction! xD Poor Star, she's so lonely. And it must be at least a little awkward.


4:42pm Jul 11 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bumpage.


4:52pm Jul 11 2010

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: I'm lost there;s lots tah read and it's... almost 11pm x3 I'm trying to find the last post where my charecters are involved and go from there XD I shall edit this later to  get things rollin' again >:o


5:10pm Jul 11 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Okay Bunny c:


5:33pm Jul 11 2010

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Posts: 2,020

OoC: I'm still lost o-o I can't exactly recall tha last postition of my charecters... I know that Halm, The Doctor and Leilos were outside the house that Star and... Caine (was it?) are or were in XD And form what I've scanned over Wolfwood is not in there with Star? o-o ONce i get this cleared up I shall make The Doctor leap in and start questioning in his enthusiastic way, Halm and Leilos tagging along beside him XD Hmm the others, Shade shall announce her going to find where Woofy went and Lucy will go with her, Blaise can go too I suppose, not being trusting of Lucy. And that leaves Asinth wanting to go with them but also no and having to chose whether to stay with Lupe and Vash and Ces or follow Shade, Lucy and Blaise.

Hmm... I think I may have partially planned out a post there o-o


1:51am Jul 12 2010

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Posts: 2,036

OoC: Starlett left Caine, and is now with Wolfwood, somewhere in the streets or something 0-0 I dunno. xD


9:47am Jul 12 2010 (last edited on 4:30pm Jul 12 2010)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... I think you lost me there toward the end. xD
Yah. They like. Left the house and started wandering the shadows of the town and suddenly ran into Wolfwood. Again. He got all mad at Star, then he felt bad about it ('Wow, Wolfwood, you really are a nice person! 8D *whacked*') and promised to take her with 'em until they found a safe place for her. His best guess for that is the December orphanage, but then I doubt that'll ever really happen. Oh, the big epic distractions~
Pretty sure that group has Woofwood, Starlett, Ces, and Vash all standing around in the main road next to a gap between two houses, where Star and Woofy ran into each other.
Oh, and it's pretty much become night by now. The suns finally set, after like.. too long. xD Heck, haven't we been on Gunsmoke for half the roleplay? Hurm.. Mebbe it's getting time to move on somewhere else..
Although, with Knives and the other two Harans still out there in a canyon in the middle of the desert, it'll prob'ly take a while to get everyone all piled back into the Tardis. o3o Unless maybe Hurjy-gurjy and 'Rellophones have their own way of traveling..


3:29pm Jul 13 2010

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: *pwns the thread to the top* o_o


10:17pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 10:17pm Jul 14 2010)

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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bump.
Y'know. I don't think I'll ever use the phrase 'smiled like a snake,' again. Not after watching Soul Eater. I was reading some of our more recentish posts, and there was one where I used that simile with Knives.. When I read it just now, I ended up with a super creepy image of him with a Medusa grin. I know a lot of people think Knives is a total whackjob, but scary-insane grins don't suit him. At all. o_o


4:50am Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,020

OoC: Neh neh I must plan this post some more then >.> I feel that now I shall be posting soon. Or mebbeh my charries can have some epic time skip and randomly be there with everyone else XD

The medusa grin o_o It scares me. Imma be having nightmares of Knives walking slowly out of the shadows and grinning like that o-e

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