3:17pm Dec 17 2008
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OOC: Kitt, Ces is in mid-air, flying at Ash to attack him. XDD
10:09am Dec 19 2008 (last edited on 10:10am Dec 19 2008)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: HB asked me to powerplay the vampire, so I'll go do that... >3> The Lamia raised his arm to shield his face from the black wolf, and Ces felt almost pleased - her opponent was completely weaponless, vulnerable. But she seemed to be proved wrong. The vampire gave a small smirk, less than half a second before Ces impacted with him. Her eyes widened slightly, and they then closed for a final time as she finally hit him. The impact noise was as painful as a bone snapping, and Ces didn't even have time to yelp. The Lamia gave no noise, but simply grimaced, as Ces' jaws - now seeming incredibly delicate - crashed against his arm. The wolf fell to the ground limply, unmoving but not dead - simply unconscious. With a small smirk at the Haran, the Lamia examined his arm - completely broken, seemingly beyond repair, just like Ces' jaws. "Stupid dog," he said, the flesh around his forearm already beginning to heal. "Don't know a vampire when you see one?"
6:36am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gargh. It's been storming, for the past couple nights, and we always have to unplug our router, during storms. D; Every time I tried to post, it would start up, again. But actually, this is a really good place to use this post. ;D I'd thought it out, but it didn't really seem to go as well, when Ces was just flying through the air. I had a spiffy dream, though. It had Plants in it. 83 But I don't fully remember what it was about... just that there were Plants. xD Like, the normal kind that live in the light bulb-like things. I swear these sorts of things are following me, though. :O *pokes the Knives Dye* The markings even look like Knives' knives. x3 And I found an awesome kitty, yesterday~ :D I was up at my dad's radiator shop thing, taking a box out to the dumpster for him, when I noticed a little black cat jump over the fence into the yard of the people who live right next to it. I called her over, and she was so adorable, especially for a stray. n3n She loves attention. My dad let me keep her, and bring her home. :DD She's pretty afraid of everything, right now, though. Except people. She seems to love us. :3 Ash, eh? ... I wants ta be. The very best. Like no one ever was~ *dun dun dun* :D Ohyas. I'm seeing a possible return to full antagonism, for Knivesy. ;D He's been too nice, lately, anyway... And Vash needs something to wear that's not covered in blood. Or he at least needs to get his current clothing fixed up. x3 He's got his coat all bloodied up and torn open in both the front and the back. Knives stared down at Ces, at her mangled jaws and her still form. Yet, he didn't quite seem to care. His eyes were just as hard and cold as they always were, without an ounce of emotion or warmth within their frigid blue. He then glanced up at the Lamia, and seemed to be about to say something, when his brother awoke again with a gasp, his head jerking upright and his eyes widening as he took in the scene. A tiny bit more of the black had leeched at what little blonde was left. It was like some demented sort of rat, eating away at an old, incredibly frail piece of paper. At first, he'd felt only a sickened dread at the sight of Lawliet lying there, with Shade crouching protectively over him. Why did it have to happen? The question ran through his head yet again, as a single tear escaped, to flee down the side of his ashen face. His brother only stood there, frowning at him but still supporting him with one arm, which he didn't seem to realise. Actually, the Plant hadn't acknowledged his brother's presence, in the least. It was as though he didn't realise Knives was there. But then, he glanced over and saw Ces. Immediately, a jolt of panic reared up, wiping Vash's mind of any rational thoughts he may have had. "Ces!" he exclaimed, leaping forward and, with a slight stumble, rushing to Ces' body. After a moment of staring at her with a feeling of horror, he frowned and looked up at Ash, glaring with rage. "You did this," he muttered. There was no uncertainty in the statement. "You killed him, and you..." He trailed off, standing once more and never letting his glare leave the vampire. "You hurt Ces," the Plant finished, hands clenching into fists and eyes narrowing.

6:55am Dec 20 2008 (last edited on 7:12am Dec 20 2008)
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Posts: 15
Name:Winter Age:18 Gender:Female Species:Damphere part human part werewolf part vampire. (dosent drink human blood!) Other: Rebel,punky. Personality:Caring,nice,can get hotheaded History: She didnt know her parents,she was kidnapped,and she got away. Looks: Vampire/bat looks: Human looks:  Werewolf looks: .(coming) Has werewolf hands,werewolf legs,and a human body.
"There is no such thing as happy endings in love, because if it's real love, it never ends." -Shelbimonkey11
My friends told you that you broke my heart, and you just said; "I did? Well, I will go get some tape." O_o You could've at least offerd Super Glue!
7:01am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gah! You stretched the page! D:< Now my post only looks half as big as it is, and you can't see some of the words... And you may need put a bit more thought into that character. ;| She doesn't seem to go along with our whole thing of being well-developed.
7:04am Dec 20 2008
Normal User 
Posts: 15
Winter heard people fighting,she flinched.She HATED fighting,but if she WANTED to fight,she could surely kill someone..being a vampire/werewolf/human,has its advantages.Winter was in human form,her black hair flowing in the breeze,she thought of how people would react to her when they met her... Winter quickly bolted to hwere she heard screams and fighting,she flinched when she saw blood.Her Eyes turned red,but she held the urge for blood back,and keept in her human form,she hissed "whats going on here>?" she asked,flinching slightly at her own tone.
"There is no such thing as happy endings in love, because if it's real love, it never ends." -Shelbimonkey11
My friends told you that you broke my heart, and you just said; "I did? Well, I will go get some tape." O_o You could've at least offerd Super Glue!
7:05am Dec 20 2008
Normal User 
Posts: 15
((ooc: I use winter in most of da' roleplays i join.))
"There is no such thing as happy endings in love, because if it's real love, it never ends." -Shelbimonkey11
My friends told you that you broke my heart, and you just said; "I did? Well, I will go get some tape." O_o You could've at least offerd Super Glue!
7:09am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hrm... Ok, then. I s'pose she works, if ye do. x3 Neh. Maybe we waits for Hb. She's the creator, anyway. <:3 But could you possibly put that werewolf image into a link, or something, please? D; Stretched pages are evil.
7:13am Dec 20 2008
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Posts: 15
Winter hissed."whats going on here?" she demanded,stomping her foot.Her eyes where red,and her fangs showed,her werewolf medalion glowed,and her human face looked out raged,all the signs of a outraged Damphere.
"There is no such thing as happy endings in love, because if it's real love, it never ends." -Shelbimonkey11
My friends told you that you broke my heart, and you just said; "I did? Well, I will go get some tape." O_o You could've at least offerd Super Glue!
11:44am Dec 20 2008 (last edited on 4:14pm Dec 20 2008)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: HB might have wanted you to ask to join, but I suppose we'll find out when she comes online. A dream? With Plants? XDD I think one of my Wajas (my female Egyptian, I think) have knives markings. X33 New kitty! :D She sounds cute. :33 Doesn't Vash wear that black-and-navy thing underneath his coat?? It's like Knives', only different colour (and maybe with a slightly different design? >3>). But, yah - I see your point. And Ces' sleeves have ripped now ;(. I'm going to have to design something for her that looks decent elbow-lengthed... >.> It's such a pain, trying to design her proper. My new character was created in less than a day, but Ces? I created her about six months now and her clothes have changed about fifteen times! D8< Iz' annoying!! Now, time for a storeh post.... >3> Ces made no noise, nor did she show any sign of life. Her completely still body looked almost eerie in the semi-darkness, and she didn't even show signs of breathing. Her eyes were closed and her half-open mouth was glistening slightly with blood. Even her posture seemed slightly distorted, her back arched slightly and her paws in the motion of running. She was a pitiful sight, but also a sign that this new enemy - whatever his name was - was capable of doing more than the eye could see. If anything, Ces looked dead - but the absence of the Spectre defied that. OOC: And, yoshi, myself and HB finally decided on telling you the plot we'd had in mind... >3> Another idea for it came up, which could give it even more tension, but it's got something to do with Knives and, possibly, Legato.

1:19am Dec 21 2008 (last edited on 1:20am Dec 21 2008)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Gah! *kills her mouse* I'd typed up, like, half my post, and then my mouse went wonky just as I clicked, going all over the place. And it thought I'd clicked on the X to close the window. D: Now I have to retype it all... Ah, thank ye, Shelbi. :D *pets the non-stretchy page* Yah. xD You really know you're obsessed with something when you start having dreams about it. ;D She is. 83 She just loves being petted and scratched. And she likes my bed. :3 I took a nap with her, earlier. One of the cutest strays I've ever met. xD I can't seem to think of a name, though. :o I've been thinking maybe something to do with flowers, like Azalea or Hyacinth, or something.. though my dad says Azalea's a silly name. x3 What do you think? Mhm. It's like.. a black full-body undercoat thing, in the anime, but it's a bit different in the manga. I s'pose I could go back and find a picture of it... :o I know what chapter it was in. But right now I'll just go ahead and be lazy. xD That chapter's sixty-one pages long, anyway. Pretty long one. x3 But Knivesy does deserve a spiffy chapter, for his introduction. 83 Orly? :O *wonders how Legato would come into play* Hrm... I'm not really sure if I could pull him off, though. x3 I'm pretty good with Vash and Knives, but I actually don't know all that much about Legato... I s'pose we shall just have to wait and see, hm? x3 I also wonder how Winter will fit into that plot of yours. It should surely make things a bit more interesting, since she's made such a sudden entrance. ;D Neh. I munna do an actual posteh, later. Don't really feel like typing it again, right now. x3

7:12am Dec 21 2008 (last edited on 10:39am Dec 21 2008)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I take it your mouse is a wireless one? X3 Mine is, and it's really annoying when it needs new batteries.... >.> It's weird.... I haven't had any dreams about Halo or anything o_O. I dunno.... depends on her personality :3. We called our cat Schroedinger, after a scientist who, in one experiment, had a cat and a whole 'live or die' thing X3. Mum found him on the road, nearly dead, and after we sent him to the vet he came home with us. Unfortunately, he need his dead leg to be amputated, but he's unbelievable with just three legs XD. Our previous cats couldn't climb the ladder to my bunkbed - he can get up it by himself, and get down XD. He can also climb trees, and he sure puts our puppy in her place... >3> They're friends, really, but I think she's partly afraid of him. XD Eh, OK then :3. Yah, it might make things awkwarder - but we might be able to pull it off... We'll have to change some things, though, and my friends are forcing me off the laptop now... for my own safety, I'd better go....

11:56am Dec 21 2008
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Posts: 399
Hi! =D Oh man, this better not be another MS...Lol, joking. She sounds cool, but you really shouldn't art-steal, Shelbi. *thwaks whit Typo* How about Bob? It's one of the most popular name in the world! =D Wait-it's a girl? Lemmie check....=S I dreamt once that I went shopping in an oudoor mall named Trostre whit President Obama! =D Extreme power...And money! Think of all the Kitty In My Pockets....8D OMG...When our cat rolls on his back we rate it 1-10, and just now he was doing 78695796....Now he's playing with the tinsel from our tree. I'll go strip Vash if yee want and check. I like doing that kinda think...=DDDD Ooooh... Meeep! Had a migrane on friday. D;=} Ooooht....Weezy. Do you suffer migranes, Yosher? =D Meep! Gtg! See yer awll!! I'l post later.
 yeah i dont know either.
1:01pm Dec 21 2008
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Posts: 2,020
OoC: Sounds like a mary sue -3- dundundun ! Im online finaly :D hehe I have a new jacket its awsome x3 ill try get a picture of it sometime x3 Wolfeh, you forget The Master, Blaise and.. urm I kinda forgot the name of your new chara O.o BiC: Ash smirked his fangs seemed longer now, his eyes no longer looked normal, they burned amber, they looked like those of a predator. Shade looked into them. His eyes, I've seen them before.. a long time ago. Shade said to herself. "So I killed vermin" Ash replied to Vash "And hurt that flea-bag" "He's not vermin!" Shade found herself hiss "He was my friend. And you Killed him" "Friend?" Ash said in disgust "Vermin are not friends, If I had my way all vermin would be dead" "Then what would you feed off?" Shade had no clue why she asked that and she continued to speak not knowing why she was asking these things, only knowing that she was speaking facts. "You'll die if you don't drink Human blood, like the little parasite you are" "You're brave talking to me like that" Ash grinned "Do you have any idea who your talking to ?" "Yes, A parasite, A leech, The creature who hurts my friends, and My soulmate." Shade clamped her hands over her mouth not knowing why she said what she had or how, all she knew is that she had to stop herself speaking right then. "Your what ?" Ash looked confused his eyes slowly started to become more human his fangs became smaller and as he examined Shade's face closley and saw the black stripes, three on either side of her face He knew then who she was. "Lupe ?" Ash asked "Yes" Shade replied "Wait I mean no.. Im not Lupe.. yes.. no.. I mean I.. uh.. what ?" Shade now confused with herself crouched down again and clung on to Lawliets body, as if needing someone to hug in this moment of confusion.

2:32pm Dec 21 2008 (last edited on 2:33pm Dec 21 2008)
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Posts: 399
"You absoulute, sodden, pestfull, little nit!" Pecan strode over to the Lamia and smacked him accross the face with a loud slapping noise. "I deeply, deeply disaproove of the way you are behaving and I, whether you like it or not, am going to do something about it!" She shouted in his face rudely. She then lunged into her slang bag and took out a wooden pestal. A spiked wooden pestal, and waved it in his face. "I suggest you give up and surrender before I drown you in one of my heart-to-heart-never-ending conversations....!"
 yeah i dont know either.
2:50pm Dec 21 2008
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Posts: 2,020
"You have no idea who your talking to do you ?" Said Ash, grinning as if he felt no pain from Pecans attack. (lol attack x3) "Beside I have things to explain to Lupe, about her other lives" Ash took hold of the wooden pestal, and with simply no effort stole it from her grip. Frowning and annoyed he cut pecans face with the Pestal then threw it into the night sky never for it to return. Ash walked twoard Shade, who to him was known as Lupe, then knelt by her side. "Go away!" Shade hissed "You've killed my friend and hurt my best friend!" Shade only then realised she reffered to ces as her best friend, even though she felt that their bong was more of a sisterly than meerly best friends.
7:27pm Dec 21 2008 (last edited on 7:27pm Dec 21 2008)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Y'know, I'm starting to wonder what I'll do, if Vash's hair keeps getting more black... If a Plant's hair becomes fully black, it may die. ;O Yep. It's one of those wireless laser-mice. 83 But it goes wonky, sometimes... Nu. Nu popular names. I'm going for something original. D; It would be a bit hypocritical, to shun popular names for my OCs, then give a popular name to my cat. xD And I've discovered something rather interesting. :3 Y'know how Rem says that the red geranium's meaning is determination and courage? I've just read that it actually means stupidity.. something that can be closely related to both things. ;3 Vereh interesting, indeed. Yeh. She rolls on her back, too, and it's so adorable~ 83 And then, instead of getting up and using her feet again, she'll just start squirming across the floor on her side, for a bit. xD Oi. Now she's on my lap. It's hard to type, with a cat on your lap. And licking your hand. x3 He'd probably just hit you with something and call you a pervert, if you tried that, Kitt. :3 Aww. Shade liked him~ <:3 Nehhh. My post is being difficult to write. x3 It keeps going in weird directions, around the time I get to the third paragraph...I s'pose I'll go with this, though. "Humans aren't vermin," Vash growled firmly, his glare following the vampire as he strode over to Shade. "I've known plenty of likable-" "Likable?" Knives interjected, with a cold chuckle. "You truly are naive, little brother. And what of those scars, hm? Were the vermin who gave you that little collection likable?" "Shut up and stay out of this," Vash snapped, casting the other Plant a quick, angry glance. It would seem that the situation had quite set him off. Not only had someone died, but his first and closest friend on this planet had been injured - seemingly to an almost deadly extent. "You have nothing to do with it, anyway. It's not like you care about anyone here..." He growled a sigh, then flashed Ash another hate-filled glare, before looking down at Ces again sadly. Kneeling beside her, he touched her side lightly. "Ces?" Vash asked quietly, as though she may possibly reply. But, with such mangled jaws, that would probably be rather difficult, even if she were conscious.

12:36am Dec 22 2008
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: xD I just saw you, Wolfeh. I was searching for a name in the ACS and, upon seeing a cheap real-word, went into SalkiNeoDucky's shop. I decided to search the rest of her shop for good names, and you were there. :D You're a baby Veram.
2:14pm Dec 22 2008
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Be- No, I can't say it. XD I have the most perfect absolutely perfect Creatu to name after him - when he joins, you'll see why ^^. That honestly did make me lol - the stupidity thing XDD. I've never laughed so loud before. She sounds gorjus ^^. Yah, Shade did... I think... Still, it's sweet,. <:33 Oh, yeah, yoshi - I never really did tell you the plot. XDD Well, it's going to start off when the TARDIS goes funny and transports the characters to an unexpected destination, and the Doctor meets an old foe - the Master, a Time Lord like himself (played by moi X3). Forget the enemyship between the Doctor and the Daleks, forget the Cyberman - the Master truly is the Doctor's deadliest enemy. He's pretty much 'better' than him in nearly everything - he's even more intelligent than the Doctor himself. Anywayz, he's going to try and use Ces (along with two more characters, Blaise and the new guy) to try and bring back a race that died and should stay dead - the Harans. The Master wants to use them to destroy earth (yes, he's that kind of guy >.>), and maybe the other characters he doesn't need - maybe even sell off Vash to some guys who want $$60 billion >3>. But, none of this would work if a paradox became, and that would be inevitable. Bringing back the Harans and preventing them from dying out would cause absolute chaos, so this is why the TARDIS is so important. In the episodes we talked about, the Master (I was about to add 'Chief' there) turns the Doctor's precious ship into a Paradox Machine - which is an instrument that can prevent paradoxes from happening, no matter how huge the reverse will be. Now, the new guy who I can't name, as well as Blaise, are also very important characters - even though they're completely new to this roleplay. I noz ^^. I'm a baby Veram - and I'm also an albino Zennie. >3> And a cream Zennieh! :D Gah, I'd better post.... having characters that are unconscious are no fun. >:( Ces' eyes opened slowly as consciousness came flooding back, although her chest still did not move. Everything was a shock for her. First, the ability to see and hear again. Then the feel of warm fingers on her fur returned. And then the pain, the agonizing pain. Everything was happening much to fast for her. She opened her mouth sharply to gasp - much too quickly - but a small, painful whimper came out instead. Her chest arose and fell rapidly, and her front paws shook slightly for a moment, then lay still. Staring straight ahead, Ces simply lay there, her breathing easing a little, conscious to the eye but completely unaware and helpless to all around her. She could feel Vash sitting by her, but she could barely acklowledge him, just as much as she was ignoring the presence of everybody else. As a human, she had always seemed calm and in control - unless a certain situation was incredibly stressing, anyway. Now one of the paradoxes of being half-animal was showing - in a situation like the one Ces was in, a human might try to relax and stay calm, yet a wolf would probably panic and become stressful. Torn between a human nature and a wolf's, Ces could not decide anything for herself - yet as she was in a wolf form, it seemed to have more power than a human's instinct to remain in control. Everything - even the familiar scent of her friends close by - seemed like a threat, an error to survival. With Vash being so close, how could she trust him? The smell and taste of blood was filling her mouth and nostrils - she was hurt, and badly, as the terrible pain screamed. And someone else, who also smelled of blood, was right beside her. Her fur thickening as her hackles raised, she did something she had only shown to Vash when she was his enemy at the beginning - she snarled at him. How could she trust him?

2:19pm Dec 22 2008
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Posts: 15
Winter hissed,Her Wolf ears perked up,her tail swished and she bared her vampire fangs."what are you fighting for?"she hissed."Im a damphere just so you know,Im part Vampire Part Werwolf!" she hissed."and if i HAVE too i Can kill." she said Harshley.
"There is no such thing as happy endings in love, because if it's real love, it never ends." -Shelbimonkey11
My friends told you that you broke my heart, and you just said; "I did? Well, I will go get some tape." O_o You could've at least offerd Super Glue!