2:52pm Sep 6 2011
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OoC: brb slammin' out some ill beats these beats be so sick, they need a doctor they got the friggin' bubonic plague, man they killin' all yo' people up in here and whatnot. see, yo dog, i'm vash typhoon up in yo' grill i shoot errybody errywhere it ain't nut'n ta me bang bang, yo' down all bleedin' all ovah but you ain' dead, nope you ain' dead i got da skeelz like dat you jus' lie dere an' wait wait fo' da PO-lice ta come dey come ta 'rest ya put ya in da SLAMMAH but see, my bro's got mah gurl jump'd us an' ran dat ain' nice, homes steelin' mah wummin like dat gibbin' huh to AY-liens so we gon' go fin' 'em shade an' me kick some feath-uh'd rump an' bring huh back see, we got da VEN-gince we out to GIT yo' a- Vash suddenly coughed and spluttered. "What.." He wasn't sure exactly what just happened, or why he was making gang symbols with his hands, but gladly - or perhaps not so gladly, especially for Ces - things still mostly looked the same as he last remembered. Same town. Lots of sand. Shade was still there, not far away. And suddenly the Doctor was looking very serious, right at him, asking him something.. "Where were they headed?" the Plant echoed. For a second he couldn't really remember. It was weird. He should know this - he knew he should know this. "They.. dey.. went in-to dah des-uht, runnin' 'way like COW-uhds, dey knew we'd fin' 'um, knew we'd git 'um, dose-" He stopped again. "What.. the hell am I doing?" He growled a sigh at himself. Now was not the time. "They ran off that way, over the buildings. They can't be too far off - I'm not sure why Knives wouldn't just.. fly away, but I haven't seen them. I think they're just walking." "I just hope he hasn't done anything worse than what's already happened.." OoC: ... Rapvash. I couldn't resist. xD

5:54pm Sep 20 2011
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bwamp bwamp bwaaaamp.
10:58am Sep 27 2011 (last edited on 2:50pm Oct 1 2011)
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OOC: Bump. I will try to poste sooneth, once I find th' time.
... Which is now, since I feel guilty about abandoning this precioussss thread. <:)
The Doctor frowned at Vash for a moment, struck a little by his brief rap. Then the Time Lord forgot about the Plant's momentary obsession and snapped his head in the direction of the buildings. They jumped out of the ground and looked tremendously ominous, a deeper black against the night sky. But the windows softly shone in the light of the moons, reminding them that they weren't in total darkness just yet. There was still a sliver of light left in Gunsmoke.
He pushed the screwdriver into his jacket pocket as Vash continued to speak, mind trailing off like a ball of yarn. Just unfurling and unfurling. Suddenly the Doctor contemplated who was truly having the worst of their shambles of a situation - Ces, snatched away in the makings of a scheme which was unlikely to be wholly Knives', or Vash, spluttering helplessly and making curious signals with his troubled hands. Or maybe Shade, ears flat and eyes huge. Her pale face looked like another moon in the shadows. So much disorientation. But the Time Lord had an ingenious idea.
"Then if he hasn't flown, we can certainly catch up with him by doing what we do best..." he said quietly. "... running." He exploded into motion and began to jog down the street, and following a ggrrrnnnggg, was quickly accompanied by Shade.
For a moment, the Doctor suggested that Vash stay behind. No doubt the poor guy was... exhausted. They all were. But Vash... had suffered an exceptional amount since the beginning of their unexpected union. Not just physically - the Time Lord was still in awe of his tremendous dexterity - but emotionally, too... He'd taken a battering for his friends but worst of all, had been responsible for the death of one. That had traumatized Vash, rattled him viciously to his very core. Of course, Ces had been revived. But Ces was Ces, and Vash had made it clear she was.... special to him.
So he stayed quiet because Vash would probably follow, although the Doctor would never have thought poorly of him for choosing to stay behind and rest.
Tevereo watched their captive. His intentions alone - to simply see her face - were proving near-impossible. His brother was moving too quickly for Tevereo to fly peacefully. His wings beat the air furiously, and he was beginning to feel tired. It seemed evident he needed a rest, though, when he began to fall back and was nearly cast away by the powerful strokes of his brother's wings. The owl spun and dropped crazily about to try and avoid being knocked out of the sky, then let out a furious shout: "HURJAD!"
The six-legged behemoth grunted. As usual, his brother's problems were being screamed into his ear, engraved into his poor mind. Secretly, however, he'd toyed with the idea of making his brother unconscious. It was always funny when Tevereo woke up eventually with that angry little face of his, his shapely hands clenched into cross fists that would never land a blow on Hurjad. "If you can't keep up, then go away. Distract the others who will follow us. Or would you like to be interrogated? I bet the blonde one will be mightily irked, I'd appreciate it if you could, y'know, calm him down for me..."
"Can we please rest?" Tevereo begged. "I feel like Im about to die... Please! Set her down for a little while. Shouldn't we be boosting her toxins by now?" When his brother exclaimed what, Tevreo had grudgingly had to repeat what he'd said. The distance between them was closing and expanding with every moment.
"That only needs doing when she moves...."
"She blinked just now. At me."
"Been watching her, eh?" Hurjad chuckled. His younger brother's face contorted in embarrassment, but before he could respond, Hurjad had begun a swift plummet towards the ground. They'd passed the canyon they'd sought refuge in and where they'd encountered the curious Knives. Hurjad made his way towards a mighty outcrop in the flat dust that looked like a kind of natural skyscraper. Tall and narrow, only those who could fly would probably reach the pinnacle. But the precipice wasn't his landing zone. He circled around the structure before landing at its bottom. He lowered Ces down leaning against the slope, a little hurriedly, and subsequently began to groom his navy feathers.

8:43pm Oct 1 2011 (last edited on 8:44pm Oct 1 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: FFFFFF I had a bunch typed and my computer just went into sleep mode and I couldn't get it to wake up and had to turn it off. I hate you, technology. o_o
5:37am Oct 2 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: That. Stinks. :c But dun' worry, bbz. I can wait ^^
11:08am Oct 7 2011
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5:00am Oct 15 2011
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5:00am Oct 15 2011 (last edited on 5:01am Oct 15 2011)
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OOC: Sorreh, this was just a subscribey post c: Testing it out...
11:01am Oct 21 2011
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5:19pm Oct 23 2011 (last edited on 5:19pm Oct 23 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Nyeheh. I still mean to redo that post sometime. xD Just. Lots of school stuff, and laziness when I'm not doing that. /fail
6:35pm Nov 4 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Tha's okay.... School is being a bit of a pain for me, too... It's the first time in a while it's really gotten me down xD I feel like writing up another post, just to get it moving a bit... Yet again, it may be a bit pointless. Just ramble.
11:16am Nov 12 2011 (last edited on 11:25am Nov 12 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Hah, that's kind of a reason I haven't been posting. x3 I can't think of anything but ramble and stuff that we've already said a million times. Seriously I bet I've used this stupid his-limbs-are-sand-lol thing a dozen times before. But, I guess the only real way to work through the drivel in my mind is to just let it out. Also. Tevvy's got a satchel, eh? Nice little manbag to keep all his industrial-strength anti-aging cream in? ... Also also nice black avatar. |D
Oh god. Running. Vash wasn't sure he could handle much of that right now. His legs felt like sand. Actually his whole body felt like sand. It was a little numbing - he ached all over but at the same time he felt like everything was made of mush. Like he was just this big stupid bowl of pathetic, with a little whine on the side. Could someone pass the we're gonna get ourselves killed with all this running around getting attacked, please?
And on top of it all his stomach was growling at him. Damn, was he hungry - and the food comparison wasn't helping. He'd have given his other arm just for a little bite to eat. Hell, if it got much worse he might just eat the arm himself.
But.. Ces was in trouble. There was really no other way around it. She needed help, and he'd be damned if he was going to let the Doctor and Shade risk their lives for her and not come along to help. Especially since Knives was involved. No friends of Vash's were going to go after his brother without him there too. The jerk wouldn't think twice about killing a couple of near-strangers, especially ones that knew Vash.
He sighed, gritted his teeth, and dashed after the Time Lord and the Fera. This was necessary. No matter how much his legs threatened to give out, Ces was in a world much, much worse. She needed them all to get there as soon as possible - Knives may have been patient, but every minute she was stuck with him was a chance for something bad to happen.
All right, Wolfwood couldn't stand it anymore. He was done with all these goddamned catpeople. They were tall, they were everywhere, and it was really damn ridiculous. He was wondering where that crazy guy in the blue suit went off to, anyway.
Of course, sticking his head out the still-open doors didn't help much - he didn't see anyone around. No crazy guy or little catgirl or even Vash. The priest was sure he remembered Vash being somewhere around here when he went in that idiotic future box. Apparently the guy didn't feel like sticking around. Outlaws. Running around like hell itself was after them all the time.
So he stepped out of the phone booth and looked around. There they were. Just a little ways down the main road. Just the three of them. Wolfwood ran to catch up.
"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're goin', Spiky? Tryin' to ditch me? What's all the damn rush?" Vash just glanced over at him for a second with the worst look on his face. The priest sighed. "Catgirl? Hey, will someone talk to me?"
OoC: Bluhhh this text is so tiny, it makes my posts look like midgets. But I don't like using the normal size. xD

4:48pm Nov 12 2011 (last edited on 4:51pm Nov 12 2011)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Still, I don't have a problem with it :3 I cannae' remember the last time you used that simile. Maybe once, but I can't think of anything. xD Ha ha xD I am liking it. But you make him look fat, he'd be offended >:U Tevvy's a walking matchstick. Plus he doesn't need cream. .... Often. But you get the gist of things. He's a skinny immortal. 'Nuff said. Thank you :) Since using Omegle, I've rediscovered the beauty of trolling. Although this isn't really technically "trolling", I decided to make my avatar look... very much unlike my real self, since I've taken a liking to lying about my identity ect. Res gives me a chance to look however I want. Why try to replicate myself (when I can coincidentally resemble Storm)? And nyeh. I need to work on my writing style. I am disliking my roleplaying methods greatly at le moment. xD But yeah. It's annoying >;c
5:22pm Nov 12 2011 (last edited on 5:23pm Nov 12 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Well I compare everything else to sand at least. xD It's on purpose since that's all they know but I guess it's starting to get a little old. I need to figure out some new directions for it or something. But then, I s'pose that's just what happens when you roleplay with the same characters for two and a half years, hah. It starts getting harder to come up with new ideas for them. Especially with school laying claim to all the other, more general ideas in my brain. >:Y PFFF don't be so modest about your size, Tevvy. 8Y You know there's plenty of you to go around. You could probably beat a whale in a sumo match, man. And you sure can't deny that age. You must put on pounds a' that stuff. You and.. well, pretty much everyone else in this roleplay except Woofwood. xD They're all so oooooold. Well yay for trolling. |D And being a mutant lady with zappy powers. And for both of us feeling pretty much exactly the same way about our roleplaying. xD Stupid words need to start working right. Oh, oh. I almost forgot. I bought the name Shade a few weeks ago. :D It cleared from the graveyard, and even though I didn't manage to grab it myself I was still able to buy it afterward. Soyah. Yaaay~

5:42am Nov 13 2011 (last edited on 2:23pm Nov 14 2011)
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OOC: Hmm. You make sense, and good sense. Maybe Vash can think of fresh metaphors when- erm, if he visits Theslern? Pokerface. Nodnod. We need new adventuresssss. New things to think about. He has no choice but be modest. If he dared boast about his meatiness, then a certain big brother - bigger in age, height and muscle quantity - will push his slightly-Roman nose into the contest. xD How old is Vash, by the way? Not that I'm trying to see if he's as ancient creep hanging around young Harans. I've reconsidered Ces' age. Imma make her younger than 101 (Dalmatians, couldn't resist). Her historical timeline isn't making too much sense at a century old. :x I love your style, though. It stays the same, but in a good way. I feel like mine is ever-changing. I need to stick to a certain style, or start being more... careful with my experimenting. Noice. ^^ Yet I daresay a certain Nias will try to become your best friend soon. I don't know. xD But yeah. Noice.
Guilt was the invisible shackle that tied Tevereo to where he'd landed. Aware that Ces was blind to the darkness save for the silvery glow of the moons, he lifted a hand, palm facing upwards, and a hearty sphere of fire crackled into life. It illuminated the sandy ground and the rock to a flickering orange, highlighting Hurjad's feathers with black. This was probably a mistake, since he could see her clearer now in the warm-toned light. Ces was glaring at him with deadly intention. He could plainly see her rounded face in the corner of his eye and deliberately avoided it. At last, after staring blankly at Hurjad, he dared turn to look.
Ces was slumped uncomfortably against the steep rise of the outcrop, her head at an angle she could not adjust. Her eyes switched from the slouched Hurjad, to Tevereo, and then to the fire he nurtured in his palm. She stared at it for longer, and Tevereo, in turn, stared back at her. It was the first time she'd looked directly at him - well, at a part of him, anyway. Always he'd had to identify her from a distance, or at an angle, or in poor light, or in the middle of a situation where she moved about at the speed of a dancer. Her dishevelled hair was a short, chestnut-brown, parted in the middle and caked with dirt. The tips touched her shoulders yet it wasn't strictly a... bob-cut? Was that what humans called it? It was of uneven length and a strand of it was lying in her eye, which was a dark, impenetrable colour. Beneath the dust and the blood on her face was expressionless and white. No doubt she was malnourished.
Tevereo approached her with the fire persisting in his hand. Always her eyes followed him, like a starving dog that was just waiting to be beaten. He knelt and perched on his toes so that they were both lit up closely by the flame. He scrutinized her form and garments - the most noticeable piece a rugged leather coat that had the most abundant collection of holes and scuffs, with the straps torn off. It was parted down the middle to reveal a congealed and loosened mass of bandages around her abdomen that had rough, ripped edges, indicating its creation was made in haste. Her boots, supposedly black and not reaching her knees, were buckled, and in better condition than the rest of her attire. Tevereo concluded that not only would she need feeding, but also cleaning and clothing. Well... he should've seen that coming.
He opened his mouth to speak, but just as he murmured one syllable, her hand flew for his and knocked it away angrily. The fire spattered and shimmered in distaste, but Tevereo reached for his staff with lightning quickness and tapped her heel with it once as she raised to flee. An invisible jolt travelled up her leg and she collapsed into the ground, fumbling half-drunkenly. At least the krifnur's toxins had not completely ebbed away, but Tevereo had not even seen this rebellious gesture coming. He'd at least hoped she hadn't been so darn quiet about her recovery.
He stood, fire in one hand, and staff-head pointed warningly at her neck, which worked with struggled breathing. There was a tense pause. Tevereo watched and hovered as Ces' back convulsed and she heaved. The little grub that had been thriving in her throat slid out of her mouth out in a deep, coarse cough. It landed with a wet little slap on the ground, and curled and twitched sightly in its throes of vulnerability. Ces crawled away from it, trembling fiercely, and leaned against the outcrop, looking sicker than ever. She seemed to be on the verge of crying. "You're the same kind as me," she stammered pathetically. The Haran watching her felt that all-too familiar wrench in his chest. Something he always felt when he watched something suffer.
"We know, I'm sorry, please hear-"
"I never took a part in the Variance! Why're you... on Gunsmoke? Why are you following me?" She stared at Tevereo with a face that reminded him of a child. "What did I... do?" * * *
It was at times like these that the Doctor appreciated having two hearts. The rasping and gasping of both Plant and Fera was dropping a little further behind him with each second, yet he was keeping his swift sprint. This wasn't right. Here they were, dashing off into the darkness, guided only by patches of moonlight where the buildings hadn't blocked it with their shadows. He also noted, grimly, that the bodies weren't clogging up the streets anymore. It was as if they'd all been gathered together like prisoners of war and shot together in a frenzied mass-execution. Even here, the smell of death was polluting the air.
Still the Doctor slowed, as if in defeat. No, this wasn't the right way. Or was it? Where had Knives vanished to? There was every possibility that he was eyeing them from the rooftops like a vulture - hopefully, not empty-handed - leading them on a trail of breadcrumbs to a final, iron-toothed trap. If he had dispatched of their friend, there was little knowing where she would have gotten to. He ran his hands through his crazed hair, making it even wilder.
"Aaarghh, think think think think," he said. "What and why would Harans want with Ces? How would they have managed to get on this planet at all? Thinking caps on, Shade!"
"Eh?" Shade quirked, cocking her head to one side and twitching her nose once. The Doctor ignored her.
"Admittedly they're quite a bit behind when it comes to the technological tree of evolution compared to, well, me. But, ah, those spirits of theirs... Changing shape isn't their only talent. The Spectre, her kind, they're not just manipulators of form and size." His voice slowed, almost to a whisper. "The oldest ones, the ones that have had years and years to perfect their powers - and we're talking hundreds of years - are capable of... to put it simply, magic. Well, a form of it. There are quite a few dodgy cults that like to circulate around sorcery and that kind of nonsense. I'd like to bet that whoever have taken Ces have... a means of.... hopping across worlds by... creating portals, perhaps. Cutting out little holes in the fabric of space, slipping through them, then sowing the gap back up..." By the end, his voice had regained its usual speed, and he was almost breathless, piling on the words against his lugs. Piecing together his theories to make a wobbly-edged but steadfast mould for their faceless assailants.
The Doctor's eyes were the same shape as the moons, lost in the dark realization of what he had concluded. "I don't think Ces is even on Gunsmoke anymore," he said in a voice that touched the air like a downy feather. "I think they've taken her to their home planet." He swivelled around, to look not at Shade, but at Vash, his face a little crestfallen, followed by a difficult pause. "I can get her back. But it's going to take time, and I can't tell by how much anymore."

2:44pm Nov 29 2011
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2:44pm Nov 29 2011
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5:48pm Dec 10 2011
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OOC: Bump. This thread shall not die.
1:32am Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 1:47am Dec 11 2011)
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Posts: 753
/joins roleplay/
May I?
Hai. o3o
For I is Exorsia.
Meanwhile...on the other side of the world, little Exorsia, the ghost was eating her Cherry Ripe when suddenly a big dinomunch appeared at her window. "Graaaaawr," said the dinomunch. Exorsia fish slaps the dinomunch unexpectantly. "Huw Dere yue invayde mai lumch," yelled Exorsia. Exorsia unfortunately born with a spoon shaped tongue allowing her to speak gibberish, yoshilan and sound like a toothless braggart. But anyways, the dinimunch fell relentlessly to the ground and instantly start foaming marshmallows. The ghost fondly smiled and nommed on the assorted different shaped and coloured marshmallows.
Exorsia lay on a branch on top a oak tree, groaning. She look down to see a someone or a thingy staring up at her. "I AM SHADE," said the thingy. Exorsia floated down and inspected the thing from many angles then said, "Hallo, Aye ish Exorshia... butt yue cun call mee Exie."
Am i approved? o 3o
5:53am Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ehh.... This isn't THAT kind of random roleplay, Mikkio. xD Although our thread's name probably gives that impression. Nah, this roleplay's only random in the respect that... well, characters from all sort of universes clash and mingle here, but with a twist of seriousness so it's not completely... weird. Although it was pretty crazier earlier on in the storyline, things have settled a bit now, and we've even got a plot in the making. I'll have to ask the thread owner if any more people are allowed to join. If you're still interested, read some earlier posts for a feel of what's going on here.
Oh, and we already have a character called Shade xD