12:55pm Dec 11 2011 (last edited on 12:57pm Dec 11 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Yah if there was the option to change titles I'd totally just shorten it to RR. xD I mean. I guess the ti tle made sense back in 2008, when not having a plot and allowing any kind of character was kind of a unique thing and really did seem random, but now it just implies silliness. But yah, Mikki, basically just think of it like a regular roleplay. P: I.. well, I guess the only thing that's notably special about us anymore is that you can join as any kind of character, from anywhere, whether it be an original character of yours or from a videogame or movie or cartoon or.. any of those kinds of things. Also if you really do wanna join it might be a good idea to subscribe. It's mostly my fault nowadays, with school and a lack of ideas and all, but we generally move pretty slowly. As you can see from the last post being almost a month ago. x3 ... I really should post. I keep randomly thinking about it but then I never get around to it. Also I should update the first post. So if anyone wants to join they can at least know what's going on.

3:15pm Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 753
Lol, ok thanks then. I shall check back regularly to see what i can post. c:
3:35pm Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Yus, yus. So, Mikkio, play as anything or anyone you like. So long as they're not taken (like the Doctor from Doctor Who is a member of this ragtag getup already) and they're not someone else's character. I've never seen a case of this but I just want to cover any possibilities. :3
And yus, updating the summary would be a nifty idea. :>
9:44pm Dec 11 2011
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Man. This is a little odd since I usually really hate writing papers, but. We've been doing a paper in English, and it's actually made me feel really refreshed, writing-wise. I donno. Maybe I was getting a little TOO casual in my writing style, where I was just kinda forcing it all to be as simple as possible. And the paper gave me a reason to go back to more flowy-sounding words for a bit. x3
Right. Of course no one answered. Wolfwood sighed and crossed his arms as this guy talked himself through whatever the hell dilemma was going on. Whatever dilemma no one seemed to care about letting him in on. The priest certainly felt ignored sometimes. It was like his entire life was an unimportant lump left in the corner of the universe. Like he was some secondary character in a stupid comic made by a guy that probably died back on Earth. The kind of character that gets killed off. Or something.
But that sure as hell wasn't possible. What was he even thinking? PSH, as if he could be a secondary character, let alone one from a comic book. That was the stupidest thing he'd ever thought. He was too important for that. He was goddamn Nicholas Wo-
Suddenly Vash spoke up.
"We have to try." The Plant's voice was firm - almost vicious-sounding. He paused for a second and grumbled a little at himself. Getting snappy at the poor Doctor wasn't going to help anything. He tried to go on a little more quietly. "Whatever it is you've got up your fancy sleeves there, we have to get her back. As soon as we can. If they stuck that.. worm down her throat, there's no telling what the hell-" He stopped himself again. "... What else they'll be willing to do."
"We also need to find Knives. I doubt he'll be much help at all, but.. Dammit, I just need to punch him or something. He's the idiot that got us into this whole mess." Hell, he was the idiot that had caused every single real problem Vash had ever gotten sucked into. Of course every time Vash tried making friends with anyone, human or not, dear brother came along and swept them all away in one way or another.
He kicked at the sand and continued walking. He didn't care if they were still listening or not - he just kept huffing along.
"If that jerk wants to start all these stupid runarounds, fine. I'll give him a runaround. Knock him in the jaw a little.."

12:18pm Dec 12 2011 (last edited on 1:32pm Dec 12 2011)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I know le feeling, sugarcube. Reading Carol Ann Duffy's work is giving me some funky insights into fancy deive techniques and whatnot. And also how to be more concise, methink. My posts are so long, I must keep reminding myself that I am not writing a novel. Which I would badly like to do. xD Also lol at Vash's rage. Poor babby.
There wasn't an awful lot to feel accomplished over. Ces' situation was one of the most unpleasant she'd ever found herself in, after all, and even more unsettlingly, it could be menial compared to what she may face later. But regaining speech, the ability to crawl and question, gave her a victorious glow. The poor Spectre was still elusive though. It was not like she was being blocked out anymore, anyway; more like she was floating free on the opposite end of the swimming pool, dark but distinct. Like when she entered that "resting" phase of hers.
The Haran standing before her was between medium and tall, and his face had a strange quality of it she had only seen once or twice. A combination of naive, analytical, attentive, and regardful attributes. His hair was the colour of metal and was tied back, streaked with copper by the fire in his hand. One or two strands were loose and dangled by his eyes, which were guilty-looking and dark blue. They were gentle eyes, too. But not quite like Vash's, when he had those soft, affectionate moments of his. These were the eyes of something that was not very used to being allowed to play about, and were used to being caged and assessed. Maybe like Vash, too, with that whole business of being a wanted man, having to hide his inhuman identity.
The Haran's mouth opened and closed a few times, but not quite like a goldfish. He stuttered. "Ah, Ces, you're not making this very easy for me," he suddenly said, and knelt down with his face in his hands. His voice was brittle. Damnit, don't feel sorry for the guy. Even if it doesn't feel like an act. "It's true, my brother and I have been following you the past fortnight. And trust me, it hasn't always been easy trying to get to you. Disaster seems to pursue your little crew as eagerly as we have been doing." He made eye contact. Properly. And his voice grew hushed. "And, er, it was never my idea to use the krifnur on you. You can't begin to understand how sorry I am about that. You've got to be exhausted, too. If you didn't trust me right now, I wouldn't ever be offended at all. You have a full right to hate my guts. But you're the same kind as me and I'd like to look after you now."
Ces' eyes darted all around her and she fidgeted. "Firstly, thank you for being considerate enough to eavesdrop on my conversations to learn my name," she said quietly, with the hint of a chuckle. The Haran smiled for a second, ashamed. She continued with a gravelly, ominous tone: "I guess it's better than having Vash's... damn brother call me a dog and all that. Secondly - about Knives - could you explain why my friend's brother, who has made it quite obvious he despises me, showed up to carry me away just as that despicable thing numbed my body? It seemed a little too smooth to be simple convenient timing. And also why, peculiarly, why he handed me over to you, on rather peaceful terms? If you don't explain how or why that trade was made, then when my little crew finds me, I will not refrain them from having their ways with you. Having followed me for the past few days, you should be aware by now that one in particular may try his hardest to make all three of you sorry beyond words it ever took place. His brother especially. Do you understand?"
The Haran's smile vanished.
* * * The Doctor eyed the Plant for a moment. Even Shade scrutinized him with a new interest. Then the Time Lord 'switched' in that frequent fashion of his, and brandished out the screwdriver. "Looks like we have a plan of action to execute, in that case!" he said with regained energy. "This time, it's going to directly involve the Tardis, sniffing out intergalactic portal residues like a sniffer dog. Think about it - a metaphorical sniffer dog seeking out another dog. Well, a dog of sorts. Mind-boggling stuff. Nothing seems to make sense anymore."
He led them all back the way they'd come, hopping over bodies in the patches of darkness and leaving dark shadows in the glow of the moons. (OOC: Eh, sorry for powerplaying, but we may as well move it up a little xD) They piled into the blue spacecraft together, and the door shut behind them, closing out the quiet darkness. The Tardis hummed and whirred warmly to their appearance as the Time Lord danced to the panel. "Take a seat, gang, I'm really not sure whether this will be plain sailing or an uncomfortably bumpy ride."
The Time Lord bounced nimbly around the console. Little noises beeped and responded to his touch. Levers were flipped about and buttons were prodded. Soon, the Tardis' gentle hum turned to a throb, and a whirring filled the domed space surrounding the column. Shade slumped herself onto one of the sofas and her tail worked in the air nervously behind it. Her eyes were occupied on the floor, and her fingers were occupied with one another. "Jeez..." was all she whispered. It was so... jarring, suddenly. Ces being stuck, unseen, in the danger she'd been snatched into. Not having that black fur to hold onto, or have that shoulder to sleep on. Not having the smell of worn leather beside her. Her absence was suddenly quite unmissable. She looked around the Fera, the Plant, and the lone human. It felt strange that the group would be lacking that familiar, four-legged creature that watched everyone with such an inhuman face.

12:41pm Dec 17 2011
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Posts: 1,314
12:59am Dec 18 2011 (last edited on 1:36am Dec 18 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Your little novel-posts are so entertaining to read though. xD Seriously I noticed that last one during school and it took all my willpower not to just pull up the page during drawing class or lunch to read it. So like. I kind of feel like drawing Ces. I've just sort of had the urge lately, and also I was just recently looking back and stumbled on a couple images you linked of another character that looked similar to her, on page thirty-eight. So yah that kind of gives me the idea on her face and whatnots. |D ... What about her hair though? I mean. I know it's short, but that's pretty much it. In my head it keeps changing styles, and I can never settle on one thing I imagine it being. O:
Vash almost protested the sudden change in plan, but he knew there was really no arguing, at least not if he didn't want to sound like a stubborn idiot. The Doctor probably knew best, really - he usually acted a little eccentric, but he was undeniably the oldest and probably most experienced member of their little group. Hell, Vash had never even seen a real train before. Compared to all that the Doctor knew, about the universe and all its species and cultures and planets, that was pretty damn pathetic.
Besides, it was obvious that taking the Tardis would make the going a lot quicker and easier than walking all that way out there in the dark and maybe not even finding anything. Now that he thought of it.. well, that plan had been more than a little stupid. Of course, he didn't mind going along with it if it meant getting to beat Knives to a pulp, or at least trying to. And probably failing. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was making the group whole again. Getting his friend - no, their friend back.
Vash sighed, stopped in his angry tracks, and turned to follow the Doctor's bouncing strides back to the Tardis.
It had suddenly occurred to him how selfish it was to think of Ces as his friend, really. He hadn't even realised he'd been doing it until now - now, seeing one distraught-looking catgirl sit all alone in a room packed with people. Sure, she was surrounded by her own apparently long-lost kind, but she was still alone. Her best friend was gone, off kidnapped and who knows what else, and Shade was stuck here clutching her knees.
The Plant wasn't really sure what to do. The poor girl just looked so.. shocked. It was a little eerie. He'd never seen her not acting silly or goofing off before. And suddenly here she was, like a lost child with a dead mother, completely unsure what to do.
In the end he simply inched over and sat down (oh god it felt so nice to sit) quietly next to her. Not too close but not too far away. Not looking at her either. He probably couldn't help much, but damn it hurt to look at her and not do something. Kinda like what Wolfwood had told him about himself. So he said the first thing that came to mind, softly and in what he hoped sounded like a confident tone.
"We're gonna get her back. Don't.. don't worry too much. I'm sure we will."
Wait, what was that, priesty? You wanna be in the post?
Too bad. 8Y
We'll just pretend you rushed off to get Angelina and then wheeled her into the Tardis while I run off to bed.
See look there you are.
and den woofwood runz off 2 get his motercicle an bringz it bak 2 da terdis so it dosnt get left b-hind
an he putz it on 1 of da couchez bcuz itz a verry delicut flowr
an den he complanez abut all da catpeepul cuz dey r evrywere nd he cant be alone wif his booteful motrcicle
he luvz his motersicle so mch ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

6:42am Dec 18 2011 (last edited on 2:57pm Dec 19 2011)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Goddamn wifi channel switching just as I post >:cccc I lost the OOC that I'd typed, damnit. But yeah. Honestly? I was beginning to think my style was too novelly. xD I appreciate the feedback, though. It's giving me a little more confidence :) Btw likewise, I really enjoy re-reading through your old posts. I learn quite a bit from them, even if my own writing doesn't give evidence of that xD I was gonna mention - if I get a tablet for Christmasse, I can start doing more artwork on Photoshop and maybe even upload it to FB. It had suddenly occurred to me you've never actually seen a drawing, done by myself, of any of my OCs xD That must be kinda weird after 4 years of roleplaying with one of them. But yeah, draw Ces however you imagine her, I'm curious to see it. I'm still at odds with her hairstyle myself xD Nothing seems to fit her face, but looking back at the linked Haruka images, I'm beginning to think that the one in the first image looks kind of nice. I'd originally made it a little longer, around neck-length, but I have enough time to work on it. Sohexciting~ Also. I be working on a new Haran character. 'Tis just an idea, and I could be getting ahead of myself, but I can see exactly where I can put her in later on, when they visit Theslern. It's just.... character-making, developing a personality. I love it :D Wolfwood's little rap. Utter genius. ^^ He loves his motorcycle... And ohdiar. Massive post :cccc
Ces and Tevereo shared a deadly glare for a few seconds. It was like both had revolvers primed at one another, both straining to pull the trigger before the other half of the standoff did. The fire's flickering had intensified a little, jumping more than usual, agitated like a butterfly. Then there was a soft crackling and a rustling somewhere close by, like someone scrunching tinsel. Ces strained to look over Tevereo's shoulder, but then she sank back down in nervousness when she saw the older brother slipping in from the shadows. He was no longer the red-eyed, six-legged brute, but a tall humanoid.
In the poor light Ces could vaguely trace his dark shape against the night as he took out a small metal bar from his belt beneath his cape, which covered his upper half like a kind of poncho with sleeves. Without a noise, the bar grew two long poles from both ends until it formed a kind of staff. Hurjad flicked his hand down and the staff shot into the ground - he didn't seem to be holding it at all - and clicked his fingers so that a bright white light snapped into being at its top. It was far brighter than Tevereo's own little flame and lit up his features far better, hovering over the rigid pole.
In human form, was far taller than Tevereo, and a little broader, but his face was narrower, and his eyes were a lighter shade of blue. His cheekbones were higher than Tevereo's smooth features. A detached, almost hollow look about his face, as if his mind was not connected to his eyesight. Then a frown creeped back into his eyes and he stared, very hard, at Ces. She truly couldn't help but fidget under it. The imposition in his body language was quite... overwhelming. A little like Knives, in a way. So full of confidence and purpose, no slouching. But that Plant always seemed to have a sneer or a smirk, some condescending ex pression that didn't mask bad intentions. Hurjad, on the other hand, just looked like he never stopped calculating, so any expressions were faint. Calculating what to do if their shabby little prisoner didn't stop announcing self-righteous little threats.
"Tevereo, just keep watch," he commanded quietly.
His brother gave a little huff. "Fine," he agreed, and stood, the fire going out in his palm as he did so. "But you better play it nice."
The younger brother slipped away without another glance at Ces, but before he exited the glowing staff's range of light, she noticed him in the corner of her eye twist and unfurl into another dark shape. Something sleek, low to the ground. But before she make a satisfying examination, he had gone, and she was left trembling in the chill the light-staff didn't suppress.
Shade turned sharply to look at the Plant, as if expecting something grander or more hope-inspiring. But she simply looked away with an even sadder ex pression and her ears lay flat. The sound of the thrumming Tardis, and the little whirs and clicks of the Time Lord's swift operating on his ship stretched out until she began to talk in a brittle, light voice. "I hope so, too..." she murmured. "It seemed to happen so fast. And Knives... He just came out of nowhere." She remembered the way he'd knocked her over, in the last few seconds she'd watched her friend spasm over the effects of the little... whatever it was. "What the heck would he want with Ces? And he mentioned... brothers. Her being a sister, or something." Her ears perked back up. "You don't suppose whoever kidnapped her are her siblings? But she never really told me she had any..." Her tone by now was almost interested, but it was so crossed with hurt or worry it almost seemed irrelevant. Missable. She pouted.
"Whyever not?" Asinth said with a small smile, nearing Shade. "It's not much different to what we did to you."
"Ahhhh, quit fooling about!" Shade snapped suddenly and her tail lashed crossly. Her little sharp teeth were bared in an angry, pained grimace, and the other Fera backed away respectfully. "I'm just worried, is all. We always went everywhere together, and sure we would get into some pretty spiffy scraps here and then, but this time... Something feels so different. It feels more malicious."
Listening from the console, the Doctor raised his head. There was a reproachful, careful edge to his tone when he spoke, and he made sure to cast his eyes over all of the people present, but his eyes seemed to linger a little on Vash. "It's worth considering whether it's wise to speed off after her just yet." He paused. "Let's assume Knives is working with these faceless assailants - I'm willing to believe it, because he made it crystal-clear he hates your little friend. He wants her gone. But consider he's lying, and Ces remains the only Haran on Gunsmoke. Why would he want to lure us away, using Ces, of all people as bait? Could he have set up a little trap, confident in the knowledge we're going to valiantly rush after her? After all... it's going to take a minute or two more for the Tardis to detect any traces, any slivers, of evidence Harans are using their abilities to travel off and on Gunsmoke. I'm not even that certain anymore if this is really the case we've got to deal with." He tapped his lower lip with the screwdriver, and again, his eyes clouded over in that familiar coating of analytical thought.
But there was also a little bit of guilt, too. He'd probably led Vash and Shade on completely, giving them hope they could find their friend that easily. If their situation was now more complex than he'd first imagined, it would be morale-crushing for them. And now, with the Plant and the Fera in their exhausted, spent-out, damaged bodies, disappointment was just the ticket to make them lose faith in life completely.

2:23pm Dec 22 2011 (last edited on 2:41pm Dec 22 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: 'After swimming in the enchanted springs, July has changed its color to amber.' Bahaha. I win. |D 'Kay, so. I've got Ces all doodled up and whatnot. Or at least, I've got a couple headshots. xD I figure I may as well make a set - I already had some for Knives from a couple months ago, so I did the Ces ones in the same style and whatnot. And now I'm working on.. everyone else. Which might possibly exclude all the Fera except Shade for now because I still have no idea who most of 'em are. x3 I guess I know Blaise and Halm (okay, yah, she's not a Fera, but it's easier to lump her in with 'em) the most.. and Asinth kind of because Nias draws him all the time. xD But yah other than that I have no idea.
Vash almost wished he hadn't said anything at all. Poor Shade seemed to shrink down even more than she had - not to mention snapping at the Fera in front of them when he'd hardly said anything at all. It really was a little scary to see her so upset. So set on a hair-trigger, ready to go off at the slightest word said wrong. The Plant wished he could help, but he was at a loss as to how.
Of course, he didn't have much room to talk when it came to snapping at people, with how he'd been acting earlier - and even now. Suddenly the Doctor was speaking, and Vash was hard-pressed not to get too down at the Time Lord's doubt. Even if it could be true. It certainly wasn't beneath Knives to devise some convoluted plan just to get what he wanted. But something about what the Doctor said still didn't seem quite right..
"Oh, come on, Spiky. If you have to think about this for so long you're more of a damned idiot than I thought." Wolfwood had gotten up from the couch he'd settled on with his motorcycle and cross, and as he paced around he looked like he could just punch someone out of frustration. "You're the jerk's brother, for god's sake. If I know more about how he does things than you do, something is really goddamned wrong here."
"Yes, he's cunning and all that. He's cruel, he's selfish.. whatever the hell you wanna call him. But that doesn't automatically make him a liar. I don't think I've ever seen him outright trick anyone. Sure, he might change his mind after the fact and kill someone he said he wouldn't, but hell if he'll stoop to the level of just plain lying."
Vash.. wasn't really sure how to take all this. Now that he thought about it the priest was right. Even if he was manipulative, Knives usually didn't use trickery or anything like that. But.. there was just one thing he had to wonder about. "How do you-"
"Dammit, don't you dare get all up in arms about how I know all this. You've been flipping out over how to get your girlfriend or whatever the hell you wanna call her back for the past fifteen minutes at least. If you wanna get upset over my help just because it means I know your stupid brother, then hell if I'll ever offer any help again."
"So yeah, ah.." Wolfwood stared at the Doctor for a second, looking like he was trying to decide something. His eyes stayed on the Doctor's shoes a little longer than the rest of him. "Just.. take us wherever the hell we need to go, sneakers guy. And I'm sure our resident typhoon won't want to leave the psychopath here to make a huge corpse stew out of everyone on the goddamned planet. So let's go get him or whatever and then fly off into space after Wolfgirl's kidnapper friends."

2:37pm Dec 22 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: :OOOOO Shweet. That is awesome. I cannae waits to see them c: Oh, and I might not get a tablet straightaway for Christmas - le Tom told be the name of his breed of tablet but I forgot it xD It's Bamboo though, I know that much, and I'm certain my parents haven't gotten me one yet since mum spoke to me only recently, about the fact she didn't know which type I wanted. if I have enough monies, I'm gonna browse for something after Christmas during the January sales xD
2:58pm Dec 22 2011 (last edited on 2:58pm Dec 22 2011)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... If we both get tablets around the same time we should totally just. Make silly things with them. All the time. :D I feel like my dad's probably just as clueless though. I remember looking at the Bamboo ones with him a couple years ago but I'm not sure if he knows I'm still talkin' about the same thing. I really haven't mentioned it at all since then because I decided to focus more on traditional stuff for a while.. 'Kay yah brb.. either scanning or inking these doodles. That fear of inking has kind of resurfaced lately for some reason. >:Y But they would look so much cleaner in ink. adjfaljfla.
3:10pm Dec 22 2011
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Silly things....? -3- But yeah. I'm so excited, aha. I could actually do some uploadable art now :D My mum used to have a Bamboo tablet (I keep thinking of pandas chewing on sweet wooden stems, first thing, when I hear that name) but the dog/s ate the pen. I kinda want one of the latest versions. Tom's is pressure sensitive, which sounds really useful. :3
3:55pm Dec 22 2011 (last edited on 4:38pm Dec 22 2011)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Also... I think I'll stop colour-coding the posts. At least, for Ces. Looks a little out of place xD I'll only use it for Nias' powerplaying.
The Doctor frowned. "Go after Knives or go after Ces first?" he questioned, quietly, evenly. "Going after her seemed to be more of a priority earlier..." He cast a quick glance at Shade, forlorn, and Vash, who seemed to have been silenced completely by his friend. The Plant seemed even more defeated now, broken almost. It really wasn't fair on him. On any of them. To decide which lost connection to Vash was worth finding first - his psychopathic brother or his endangered friend - must've been even more distressing.
The surrealism didn't stop there. For all their long lives and long futures, their supernaturalness, it was a human who was running the programme. Making the decisions. The Time Lord spent a quick moment trying to visualize Knives' face as he watched a member of the organisms he hated, a creature he would consider incapable and destitute, grab command of the ship and shout the orders, while the glorious immortals sopped about like wrung, wet clothes only good for drying. Again, the Doctor marvelled slightly at human beings. Pressed hard enough, and a whole range of reactions can be inspired. At least with some stern words, no matter how sharp, the others might find some ground to stand on.
All the same, it seemed a little mismatching for the human to understand Knives to the point where he could almost.... predict, things. Or at least, realize that the Plant's behaviour was unnatural. Unnatural to the point where it appeared... worrying.
Now the Doctor looked even more staid. He just observed the Plant and the human with his head bowed forwards slightly, so he seemed to be looking up at them. He just said nothing, for a moment. Then there came a cheerful little "bweep" from the Tardis console, and the Time Lord was at the source of the noise like lightning. He wasn't quite as quick as a Plant, but the movement and clang of feet on the metal floor was enough to make Shade flinch and look up. He pressed the screen a few times, and then an explosive grin illuminated his face.
"Gotcha!" he exclaimed, as if he'd spotted a long-lost criminal. "No more moping about what to do next, comrades. No more indecision." He began that elaborate pirouetting around the control panel again, but with a regained vigour. He had a purpose, a goal, and he wasn't going to miss it.
"Why-" Shade questioned, standing with her ears forward again in hope. But her eyes were still.... cagey.
"Our timing was, to put it simply, quite superb. Even with that unnecessary gallivanting outside, we've still got time. Time! Marvellous time... Anyway, cutting to the chase - the Tardis picked up on that little trail. It seems our Harans have been bouncing between planets, after all. My theory was right. Plus we've been on Gunsmoke for, what, a day? A day's nothing. The residue can last for two days, without any intervention. We could've had a wash, a meal, and a good sleep and still have enough wonderful time to set off after them."
"What the heck's your point?"
"My point is we can, theoretically, trace it all the way back to the origin of the trail. Like scent-hunting. In fact..." The Doctor gave a victorious flip of a switch. "We can just burst in on their little do, out of the blue, grab our missing friend and... well, do whatever feels appropriate following that." He slowed down by the final sentence, saying it suggestively, but with seriousness. As if there really was a chance to dish out some disciplinary action, should they feel like it.
No, it wouldn't make sense. They weren't in any state to rush in with guns blazing, risking injury or worse. In a way... perhaps it was worth recuperating before setting off. A little voice inside his head, however, whispered that exhaustion wouldn't really stop them. To hell with being on the brink of death - a friend was in trouble, and all that mattered was getting them the hell out of there. There was only one or two people, he knew, who would be willing to do that. As in... really willing.

7:21am Dec 26 2011
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Posts: 1,314
1:30pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuump.
1:17pm Jan 10 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bump.
And I couldn't resist. But...
*plays a harmonica sorrowfully in the corner*
5:47pm Jan 10 2012
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ahh. I. I'll try to post after Friday comes to pass. x3 I've got a few monthly art projects due then and won't really have much time in the days before. I sorry.
9:58am Jan 11 2012 (last edited on 12:10pm Jan 11 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ohdood, that's ok xD I was elaborating that bump a little... Just checking you were still here.
12:51pm Jan 23 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bump. I was thinking, I might actually go back and edit my post - coming up with a response to that feels challenging, all of a sudden...
10:50am Jan 28 2012
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