1:22pm Feb 4 2012
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2:49pm Feb 15 2012
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3:22pm Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 4:27pm Feb 15 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Ohman I'm such a terrible role play partner aljeflja.I'm so sorry dude. I. I keep putting it off pffff. I should. Do something. /edits iPad y u such a huge painnnnn when it comes to typing. o_o I guess I'll just have to copy and paste what I write into a note or something every few minutes to make sure I don't lose anything.
12:03am Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 12:24am Feb 16 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bahhh I feel like I can't seem to figure out.. what exactly I'm trying to say in some parts of this. My brain doesn't want to work with me here. It's just all like, 'lol you're hungry but you can't eat anything except for soup and jello.' That's all it'll think about. Yah shut up about the food, brain, I need to write. >:Y Also again, I'm just. I'm so sorry for taking so long ohman. And not even posting out of character either. I. I guess I was just kind of too ashamed of my own laziness to post at all unless I had an actual post too?
The Doctor's words were like the coolest, most refreshing glass of water Vash had ever, uh.. heard, he guessed. There was hope - all this wonderful hope, that Ces wasn't dead and they could find her and rescue her and oh damn he just wanted to jump up and hug the guy. It was hard not to, really. In the end the Plant just ended up sitting there squirming like an impatient little kid.
"Then let's go get her!" he burst out, maybe a little louder than necessary. He stopped for a second to gather himself up a little. "I- I mean.. Even if we do have time, we can't just leave her with some kidnappers while we sit here and do nothing, right? What if they try to hurt her even more than they already have? It must take some real jerks to up and grab a person like that. Nasty.. worm and all."
Wolfwood grumbled a sigh. He was just about to smack the stupid pout off of Vash's stupid face. "I still think we oughtta get your brother first, Spiky. At least we have a while to spare for Dogchick. You heard the guy - we've got plenty a' time. Now get your head out of your ass and stop thinkin' with your goddamn emotions for a minute. She will be fine."
"What we really need to do is find your lousy goddamn stupid brother and keep him from recruitin' another bunch of psychopaths or whatever it is he wants to do next. Hell, since we've got this.. fancy technology box, it really can't be that hard to track the guy down. Besides, didn't you say that dead woman of yours told you not to leave him alone? Pretty sure you mentioned that once when I was stuck draggin' yer sorry hide through th' desert.."
The Plant was quiet for a minute.
"Fine," he murmured, sounding a little upset, maybe even angry. "Fine. I'm sure he'll be nothing but trouble, but if you're so damn set on it, I'll go along. But.. only if Shade and the Doctor and everybody else are okay with it too. I'm not gonna choose for everyone and force them to deal with him first if they don't want to just because you talked me into it."
Knives sighed a little. It was starting to seem like they weren't going to run after their dear lost friend after all. It'd been a while already and they were still in that dinky little town - or at least Vash still was. That probably meant all of his stupid friends were too.
Maybe he'd just underestimated them. Admittedly, the one they all called Doctor seemed to know what he was doing. He acted like an idiot and was far too excitable - hell, sounded a little too much like a certain someone else - but he still knew how things worked. Knives wouldn't doubt if he was the reason they hadn't all come running like a bunch of morons with one-track minds.
Too bad. If the guy was human and wasn't so interested in helping others, he'd have made a good member for the Guns. A little fearmongering on Knives' part and bam, instant strategist added to the group and a little less reason to worry about what the Guns were doing all the time. If only.
Well, anyway. It looked like there wasn't really any reason to be sitting out here in the dark anymore. All there was here was the faint sound of the wind on the sand. Other than maybe the occasional distant rumble of sandworms burrowing through rock, basically nothing interesting. No captive target of a kidnapping plan, no valiant but misguided attempt to rescue her. Just a Plant sitting alone on a rock. It was awfully.. boring.
He really needed to get back to that little town and start making people's lives hell again.

12:06pm Feb 16 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xD That's okay. This is only a hobby, after all - nothing that important in our ickle lives. I've had stuff to get along with too, so really, I know where you're coming from. I understand the ashamedness bit, but really - it's fine xD My bumps weren't trying to emphasise the thread's idleness or lack of activity or anything. I just wanted to keep it bobbing about on the Forums, just enough so that an eventual story-post wouldn't count as a necro-post later on.
11:31pm Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 11:34pm Feb 16 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Arrighty then. x3 I. Guess I'm just. Emotions everywhere lately ahh. And I kind of already dramaticise everything about the roleplay in my head anyway and make it seem so important and it. Adds up to the profuse apologising and feeling really bad about things and yah. xD ... Also on a slightly unrelated note, man. We were supposed to be writing these short little stories in English today using some words and phrases from a poem we were about to read. And I couldn't seem to get out of roleplaying mode it took me like five minutes just to stop thinking like it was going to be a post for something. Kind of silly. x3 I.. yah my brain still refuses to work for me. ... Okay you know what fine I think I'm just gonna start using the regular font size again maybe. This font is so stupidly tiny. >:Y
2:47pm Feb 17 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Ha ha xD I'm not alone then! My emotions have been running around wilder than these guys have, too... As for the dramatizing thing, I'm guilty as charged. I like coming up with these mini-stories where they're all involved and in trouble as usual, or remember of scenarios from films or something and replace the characters xDD That's kinda cute, in a way ^^ I'm doing the opposite.... Nowadays when I post, I feel like I'm adding some stuff to a novel. It's becoming a pretty serious aspiration now. I wanna write booksss. I could illustrate the covers and make character booklets that show what they all look like and ohmg I'm getting too serious about it again... xD I know there's a long way to go before I can get any confident about making a start, and there's still so much more to see. If I want to write something... really striking and interesting, I need to travel around to get ideas... And not base my ideas too heavily on already-successful authors... Yes, Christopher Paolini, I'm lookin' at you.

2:11pm Feb 18 2012 (last edited on 10:44am Feb 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I'll just start a new post.... it's easier to scroll up and check what you've written, instead of hopping between tabs. I really hope I understand Shade well enough <:)
Shade's tail jumped and her ears began to diminish against her head - only a little, but enough to make trepidation sink into the Doctor's face like a grey cloud. The Fera's hands visibly stiffened and clenched tightly together, unlike the loose, stressed fumbling they'd been doing earlier.
"That sounds a lot like you're willing to let them get away with her," she hissed quietly, staring at the Wolfwood with steeled eyes. The side of her mouth twitched, as if she was about to break into a snarl. But she didn't do so much as glance at the Plant - the ache, the hurt, the resentment in his voice had been all too obvious. She didn't like how he'd given in, but at least someone else was as worried for the Haran as she was. Knowing that someone else was that determined to get her back... was reinforcing on her morale. Maybe appreciative was a good word to describe how she felt.
"You know it's not like that," the Doctor replied mildly. She turned around to meet his eyes but he continued just as her mouth split open in protest. "If Knives is involved we can find out more from him about why she was taken. But what worries me the most is that he united with her kind. We can't tell what we're up against - at least with Knives, we know what to expect. ... I think."
"But... She's all by herself," Shade begged, turning her body around to fully face him. "I can go-"
"We're not splitting up," the Doctor ordered. "That's what they'd definitely prefer, and if we're going to strike back, we may as well be as annoyingly unpredictable as we can manage. Not to mention the fact we're tougher together instead of scattered across the sands like the rugged pilgrims we are." He raised his voice to a near-shout, probably just to inspire determination rather than to make sure they all heard. "We're sticking together."
And then his eyes flickered to Wolfwood, then Vash, for a second longer than before. Sympathy flickered in the soft swirls of brown before he said (with more fortitude that he'd meant to put in) "Let's go after your brother. But I can't find him alone. Your minds are connected, Vash - is there anything you can do that can give us a hint as to where he's lurking now? Give us a distance, a height, a posture if you're that slick. But anything that can give us a lead."
Shade's ears sank further as she reclined into the seat. Drained, defeated and dejected. Her head hung for a moment and her hands opened, palm up, like two little animals relaxing into death, and they crept further along her lap. Not even her tail contained any rebelliousness, hanging limp like a stuffed animal's and gathering on the floor in a "c" shape. Ces was going to have to wait a little longer, and she couldn't bring herself to look at the ones who'd caused just that to happen.

12:49am Feb 21 2012 (last edited on 12:57am Feb 21 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ooh, books. You novelist you. 8Y I bet you'll make some really greats ones someday. Myself, I.. I don't think I could ever write a book. xD Telling a story by myself through words is honestly just. Beyond me. I dunno, maybe it's just because I don't quite know how to build up a story. I'm sure it can't be much different than the way you plan a drawing or a painting, but man. Them words just baffle me sometimes. noOOOO don't be sad Shade. 8( Shooosh it's okay babby, I'll make it all bett- Wait what am I talking about this is all my fault. :Y lolsorryshade ... Ohgosh I totally could have had this done earlier but I've been introduced to the Mapcrunch game. And it is wasting all my time but it's so fun help aljeflja.
Wolfwood didn't miss the angry glare pointed in his direction by one overly upset catgirl. Damn sentimental kids everywhere. Suddenly just because he wanted to do the sensible thing and keep a madman from doin' what madmen do best, he was the bad guy. It wasn't the hell like he was siding with the creep - Wolfwood would love nothing more than to put a bullet through the guy's head. That was the whole reason the priest had joined that damned freakshow they called a group of gunmen in the first place.
But of course, Wolfwood knew that wouldn't go over well in here. If he went through with it right now, Spiky over there might just flip his stupid cactus-headed lid. He really hated to hesitate on anything but it just wouldn't work yet. He didn't care so much about the cat though.
"Well gee, miss prissypaws, lessee. Maybe I'd rather make good use of our time instead a' sittin' here with nothin' but feelings in mind and waste any the time we got left. It's way the hell more likely we'd lose Knives than your little friend. These kidnappers can be followed. They let us know where they are ev'ry time they do their.. magic thing or whatever the hell it is. They're easy to find. Knives isn't. So we need to stop wasting our time lookin' so damn sad an' go- "
"Okay stop it Wolfwood." Augh, he was starting to get aggravating. Vash was almost afraid that at this rate some feathers might start poking up soon. If they still could. Black hair and all. "You yelling at her isn't going to help anything. Why don't you go.. make out with your stupid broken bike or something? She looks awfully lonely sitting over there by herself."
"Hey! She is not broken."
Vash sighed and rubbed his face in his dirt-ridden hands. "Just.. go. Please Wolfwood. I need to.. find my lousy goddamn stupid brother, remember? Your words and everything." No reply. Apparently he finally took the hint. "Okay, I'm.. not really sure where he is." The Plant looked up, toward the Doctor. "I mean, I can tell he's somewhere kind of close, but other than that.. I- I'm just not very good at this. Harnessing all these.. abilities or anything."
"Besides, he knows everything there is to know about this. About us. He can just block me out if he wants to. I'm practically just a regular guy next to Knives." He sighed and dropped his head again. Knives was definitely being quiet even now. Of course, he knew they'd be looking for him - why would he ever make himself known at a time like this? But.. Maybe if Vash tried really hard. Maybe. Nothing was really impossible, right? It was just difficult to see at first.
"Wait, I.. I think he's still off that way. The way he took Ces."

11:23am Feb 21 2012 (last edited on 10:44am Feb 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Thanks ^^ I'd really love to. But meh, let's see where leif takes me. Coming up with plots is a nuisance. I can't get around twisty-turny storylines and stuff, nothing clever or sophisticated. But I guess I'm okay with deions... And no worries xD Only reason I'm posting is because I don't have much to do. And I'm getting all RR excited again.... :x Also sorry it's so big. :O
All the while Wolfwood spoke, the fur along Shade's tail grew more bristled with each word he spat out. She'd given up hanging her head like an abandoned kitten and turned to look at him, fully in the face. Just before her eyes could get any more intent on... something dark and messy, Asinth reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder without saying a word.
At the same time, Vash had begun an assault on the human. Still with her fellow Fera's hand resting on her small little shoulder, Shade leaned back a little - she hadn't realized it but she'd been advancing forward slightly in the seat - and allowed them, again, to argue.
Wolfwood... did speak the truth. After she'd begrudgingly accepted the Doctor's decision she'd still been left prickled by Wolfwood's retort. But now... she was actually able to grasp what he'd said, underneath the din of the Plant and the priest bickering away. Maybe the delivery needed to be rough, maybe it didn't. But she got the message in the end.
The Doctor nodded. That was all he needed. The fatigue was more than evident in the Plant's voice. It hung about, like muddied icicles, in his blue eyes. It crusted on his hands as dust and dirt. His face was just... the image of exhaustion. And Shade was no better. Her clothes were tattered and the marks on her jawbones weren't the only ones to stand out like rigid wire on her skin - cuts, bruises, scrapes. Bits of grit still embedded in a crusted-over wound.
The Doctor leaned over the panel. Without helping it he suddenly imagined his joints making an irritated sort of face, crossing their arms in disapproval. He froze for a second, then relaxed. It was inevitable - he'd been running around almost as much as the others had. Just with fewer injuries, perhaps. He'd been expecting this tiredness. Yet again... having two hearts was proving to be an ingenious idea for his kind on nature's behalf.
In a voice that wavered momentarily, like a restless feather, he said, "I'm not letting you fight. First doubt, first whiff of suspicion, and I'm bailing us out to search for Ces. Especially in your cases, Vash, Shade... We're only demanding where she went... or, something along those lines. If any of you are looking for a fight then forget it."
As he'd approached the end of his speech he began to press and turn levels on the surface of the panel. Shade's back shot up straight and she looked at him with those big orchid eyes of hers. The golden glow around the domed room began to seep and waver with the familiar sigh that warned the Tardis' departure. Only unlike the other times his beloved blue spaceship had apparated from place to place, this time it would be flying through the air. Like a confused box that had no sense of direction or grace. Underneath he felt the floor give a small jump, followed by the tumbling-stomach sensation you got in a lift (OOC: or elevator xD). Then the Time Lord lunged for the door, and opened it.
Instantly a rush of air punched him in the face, tearing at his clothes. The wind was so biting he bared his teeth out at the darkness. Underneath the silver town shifted by.
He had to shout a little to make himself heard. "I need a catperson! Any one of you... yes, you, redhead."
"You, stand here and keep an eye out for any suspicious figures lurking about." She took his place, and he resumed his a the Tardis control panel.
* * *
"I can almost see why he wants you gone. You're the stray dog he describes you as. But I can hardly blame you; his brother put you through so much. Dragged you through all that dirt and destruction like he's got a rope on your neck. He even killed you but you stuck so loyally by. Just a few days of companionship. Does make me wonder."
"I volunteered for it..."
"You're so naive."
"I didn't have much of a choice."
"Are you certain of that? You could've left him once your ysar had been returned to you but you chose to remain with the cat-child and needlehead. They were your obligations to stay. It seemed like you had no choice."
Ces' eyes widened, frantic. This felt wrong. So wrong. The first of her kind - well, second, if you didn't count little Tevereo - in a decade and he was treating her... like this. As if unaware of how long she'd been from their home. Theslern, was it? "How long have you been-"
She needn't continue because the Haran had reached for something under the folds of his curious poncho-cape and extended a hand. On it, crumpled and ripped, was the missing glove. The partner to the one she already wore, a little greyed.
"Since the city?" she finished. No need to bother masking her alarm - her face was already tight with it. Her heart seemed to hurt as it worked quicker inside her chest. Good god...
"Before that. I assumed you'd want evidence of our shadowing so I picked this up."
His lack of further belittlement confused, and relieved, Ces. Lifted an arm. Slowly reached for the pathetic patch of leather - it seemed like a good metaphor for her, really - and let quivering fingers close against it. It was still a bit warm from its hiding-place by the Haran's chest. But as she drew her hand away it suddenly spasmed and dropped and bounced off her knee. She only watched.
"Damnit all..." the Haran sighed, but he surprised Ces by sounding genuinely concerned. Yet he seemed to notice his careless slip of emotion and suddenly cupped her face with a little more ferocity, straightening it to look at hers. From the new distance she could see tiny black bristles from where he hadn'd managed to shave - unusual when compared to Tevereo's smooth white skin. His lips seemed tight from lack of smiling. And his eyes looked... masked.
"Damnit. You're not strong enough. Please stay awake, Ces. Ces!"
World sagged to one side as she leaned her head sideways against the wall. "Can I sleep please?"
"No... no, please Ces, keep your eyes open... Damnit..."

10:26am Feb 23 2012 (last edited on 6:36pm Feb 24 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: Bump. Also, I'm testing something. The time on Res doesn't match my own time and I'm worried someone will sneakily snatch the thing I'm after in the Auctions.. Oh well. It was all for nothing xD A late apology for the increase in post-size... I kinda wanted to get Ces' bit moving along a little, too.
9:22am Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 9:46am Feb 26 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Oh noooooo don't die or something Ces pblthhffffpbl. ... Also brb realising this jacket is almost perfect. It feels weird not being dark-skinned with light hair anymore but. I had to ohman. If only the orange glasses weren't so darn expensive. Yellow isn't quite right. o:
What the hell?
Knives stopped in his tracks and looked to the sky. Just what in the hell was that? Suddenly Vash was flying toward him like a bullet on fire. That was being chased by some more bullets who really wanted to hurt him. Either dear brother had finally gotten off his ass and learned to fly - haha, fat chance - or they were all coming in their dear Doctor's ship in a box. All of them. Every last stupid one. Damn it, this was not what he'd planned.
They were supposed to come rushing in unprepared on foot, not all together with heads on their shoulders. Just what was he going to do now? Hop in and help them out? Oh, gee, sorry for all the trouble guys, I sure was a jerk there. I'll just show you the way and get her back for you! Hell no, he wasn't going to do that. It'd ruin the entire plan - not to mention be really damn pointless.
He could not get on that ship. Not by their demand, anyway.
But dammit, if he ran away he'd just look like a huge coward. Not that looking brave or whatever really mattered at all. All this care for appearances was the kind of thing that got a guy filled with bullets and left for dead in the desert. Or that got a guy mangled up like an old chunk of meat hung for target practice. And then the meat goes and refuses to regenerate any of his wounds because humans are so great and being just like them would be damn swell. Idiot.
All right, fine, he'd run. There was really no better option. Any other way he went, they'd just find him and tell him to tell them where she was. Running worked though. If only to give them the runaround - drag their dumb heroic asses all over the desert. It was the only way to make sure things were on his grounds, not theirs. And hey, it might give those two brothers a little more time to get.. wherever they were going with their precious cargo. Make it just that much harder to find her again.
So, a lot of slicing noises and blades flashing in the moons later, Knives leapt up into the air again. No dog in his arms this time meant no worry about.. dropping her or something. The shoulder he'd landed on earlier still gave a little twinge of complaint, but it was easy enough to ignore. There was no time to stop and whine about injuries anyway - if he wasn't mistaken, that sure looked like a flying blue box off in the distance. And by now it would be absolutely moronic to assume they hadn't seen him yet.
The Plant shot off in the direction of the canyon. The one he'd chased birdboy around. Somehow even though it had sort of showed him who was boss already, its winding maze of spires sounded helpful. Force that stupid floating brick to abide by his rules a little.

9:33am Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 9:41am Feb 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Your avatar is the coolest I've seen here for a lawng, lawng time bro. I'd go for the same kinda steampunk look, but I can't bring myself to spend too much TU on clothes xD I know, what else am I gonna spend it on? Plus I don't really trust my sense of style... for now I'll stick with being a dark retro kid. :3 I find the yellow ones kinda cool ^^ And aye, I'll let you finish before reposting xD Also lololololol at Knives' frustration. All of them. Every last stupid one. U so funny 'gel.
That must be a new record for speed-posting on my behalf... I just happened to log on and see an Alert xD
9:41am Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 9:49am Feb 26 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Snaps, man. That was very fast. xD But. But he has orange glassessssss. Besides the orange would probably look a little better with these silly copper-accented boots. Keep it all a little more balanced and all that. x3 Okay I guess I'm done now. I. Keep wanting to go back and edit but I guess I should probably go play with my niece and nephew. Instead of spending another hour making minor changes to my wording. Also dang it I forgot I was going to stop using the small text for posts now it looks tiny pfffffff. And I kind of feel like putting it at size 2 makes it slightly too big? Bahhhh why don't we have an html button anymore I could totally just get rid of the size coding and put it back to normal but no. >:Y
9:48am Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 11:17am Feb 26 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: I think my speedposting calls for a littel comic.... I have to do it mun xD Probably, I dunno what the orange glasses look like on here. I cannae remember them at elast. Dun' worry about the size for now, I can read it ^^
The vibrant war-flag that was Blaise's hair sapped and slashed at the wind. Even she had to narrow her eyes against the darkness whipping into her face. Shade watched on, poised, seated on the sofa as if prepared to batter that fly she'd been eyeing on the ceiling for the past two minutes. The other Fera stood as patient as statues around her. The Doctor just watched on from the panel, fixed on Blaise's blazing hair.
"If your brother can fly using bladed wings, then I think I've got him."
Asinth's eyebrow twitched. Shade jumped to her feet, a little too suddenly in the flying craft so she swayed, but then regained herself with a reliable hand on the backing of the sofa. "Where?"
"'Bout half a mile thattaway." She prodded the sky with a finger. "He's pretty shifty."
Behind them the Doctor murmured something both hard and soft underneath the Tardis' jovial, almost triumphant singing. All Shade saw was his mouth moving. But she'd picked up on the new spark in his eyes and the Fera realized with a jump in her heart that the Doctor had Knives in his sights - so to speak. She let her violet irises glitter malevolently for a second, then looked back at Blaise.
For some reason... she preferred to avoid Vash's face. It felt... unsuitable? For getting this... predatory high from hunting his brother. Even if he did deserve it.
"What do we do if he's flying?" Shade asked... well, everyone. She just kept her focus away from one particular person. "Doesn't this thing have laser guns or something?"
"Certainly not! Who needs weapons when you have guile?"
"I don't mean to... kill him! Just to knock him out the sky or something so we can pile on him on the ground." She glanced at Wolfwood's motocycle and her lips pressed shut. One ear twitched deviously. "Hmm."
* * *
"What've you done now?"
He ignored his brother's voice, strangely clipped, from his outpost somewhere in the shadows. A soft scuffle of claws on dust caked solid by the sun. Hurjad could feel that rising, seething mistrust. "You fed her something bad didn't you?"
"No. She's just exhausted. Damnit, look at her face, Tevereo."
"I know..." Whether it was from tiredness, cold or paralysis, Ces' face was horribly blanched and milky. Her eyelashes flicked out vivid and black and her ripped lips were patchy. What skin on her hand that wasn't cut was frozen. Hurjad rarely experienced guilt but now it was just swarming through his mind like greedy little maggots, eager to chew away at any self-preservation he had. And urging those mental grubs was his brother, who he knew would be eyeing his back with vicious intent. Even his own ysar was being strangely quiet. That, in itself... said enough.
But what other choice did they have, truly? It only made the job easier for Knives, to collect her limp and helpless instead of capable and determined of clawing his eyes out. Even if it did mean shoving a wriggling invertebrate down her mouth, yes.
He hadn't released her face and it felt strange holding this solid ghost in his hands. At least she was breathing. The kid was just tired. Well, a kid in age, perhaps. In the quietness Hurjad ran his thumb against a strip of muddy grime on her cheekbone.
"This planet won't do anymore, Hurjad. Everything she needs can't be given here. Proper food. A cleaning. Even new clothes, what she has is inadequate. We should take her to the Burrow."
Hurjad eased a sigh. A sad glaze flickered over dark blue. She was going to miss them badly, and hate him so much. He actually... hoped that they'd follow behind. Pay a visit to Theslern. Be the first of their kinds to see her world. The eccentric owner of the box would love that. And Hurjad didn't like the idea of... looking at that cautious, sad ex pression all the time. At least by having the lanky blonde guy around she'd smile a bit. He rubbed his thumb against her face again.
"Well I'm getting out the glyphs now." More claws scraped the dust. Hurjad let him.

3:21pm Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 3:22pm Feb 26 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: A littel comic? O: Well. I guess I should probably just wait and see actually. Asking what the comic's about would be like asking you to explain the joke before you even get to tell it. xD
Vash's heart caught in his throat for a minute at the fire-haired Fera's voice. That was him. That was Knives. Out there in the night, hardly even visible. Just like it'd been all these years, with Vash always searching and Knives always just barely out of reach, always a step ahead. And now here they were, chasing him across the desert sky like a pack of strays hungry for some kind of vengeance. It wasn't hard to see how Shade danced on pins and needles over this, just ready to sink her claws in the moment she got the chance, that was for sure.
It was all so wrong. This had been between just the two of them for.. well, just about forever. Even as kids wandering the barren planet together, it was like no one else even knew they existed. It was just him and Knives. It was a personal fight. And now suddenly instead of forever trying to convince each other that killing is wrong, no, that humans are terrible creatures, no - now it was just a mission for revenge. Now everyone was involved. Now it all meant nothing.
Not that revenge hadn't sounded perfect just a little while ago. But the closer they got to it the worse it felt. How could he ever make Knives see the truth like this? They hadn't been through the motions with him again and again all their lives. They didn't understand just how important this was, or even how to deal with him in the first place. This wasn't the right way.
Then Shade spoke up about lasers.
"What?" Vash jumped up from the couch and stumbled a little for a second before he managed to catch himself. In the corner of his eye he caught Wolfwood stepping forward too, like he might need to stop a spooked toma here in a second. "N-no, we can't-" There came the Doctor's ever confident voice again, and Shade elaborated. Oh. Well that was better than.. actually killing him. But knocking him out of the air from behind either way, Vash still bristled. And there was a little spot on his face that.. burned. Like a piece of metal that had sat in the sun too long.
"I.. would rather we didn't do that." Vash didn't look at anyone. Sticking up for Knives was probably the absolute worst thing to do right now, but dogpiling the guy wasn't a good plan. At all. "I doubt just tackling him to the ground would work, anyway. He's too damn fast. I probably couldn't catch him even on a good day - you think we can do it like this? Exhausted and worn out? He'd have us beat before we could even try." Vash sat down again, rubbing at the burning spot. A few tiny feathers broke off. Black feathers. Stiff and brittle.
Damn it.

4:04pm Feb 26 2012 (last edited on 4:04pm Feb 26 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: xD Oh, just something to do with my speedposting. Freaking RP partners out with my obsessive eagerness and stuff, or something. Not a lot... keeps me at bay very well xD
She faced the Plant and her tail began to coil again.
"If he gets away... When will we have another shot at this? If at all?" It creeped into a shout, a cry. She bored into Vash's head with her eyes. Couldn't believe it. He kept switching from jumping enthusiasm to admitting some drawback and sinking into a chair like he'd been slapped across the face. Well, in a way, he had. Slapped hard by the mean hand of reality, just when hope decided to show herself again.
"If he's going to be that big a challenge then... why bother go after him at all? Huh? You, smoker-man..." She whipped around to look at Wolfwood. "Go after Knives, you said... But his own brother here, now, reflects that that's a suicide mission. Why'd I take your word seriously at all? And you, godamn it..." She looked at Vash. "We're worn out, I know. We're starving and exhausted. So do we stay overnight in the desert somewhere and hope he doesn't wander too far? Or go after my friend already? She-"
Shade cut herself off when she felt a hand set itself warmly on her bare shoulder. She was about to snarl something at Asinth but it was the Doctor's cool face that she met. In that fleeting second she received all the hardness in his mind, all that disapproval, and a faint trace of begging. In his right hand he wielded the screwdriver. Shade gawped at him for a moment but closed her mouth to watch him replace Blaise by the door. When she stepped away her hair was scuffled around her face like a wispy, orange halo, and with catlike collectedness began to straighten it out again.
The Doctor assumed a stance by the door, twisting, turning slides on his screwdriver. But before he turned it on, he said, "Sorry about this."
The moment the blue light blared on, a high-pitched ringing screamed out from his hand. All of the Fera ducked in anguish, flattening their ears, pulling them down frantically with their fingers. Shade's tail writhed around her legs like an eel that had its head cut off - senseless, uncontrollable. Mouths twisted in grimaces of hurt, confusion.
"That should put him off," the Doctor said once the piping sound had vanished into the whipping wind again. His face looked clearer, and when Shade glanced up at his face she could see from his profile that he'd heard the skull-splitting shriek as well. His eyes were wide, as if he'd forgotten how severe the effect was. And although he hadn't been downed he's sagged against the frame of the doorway and was dangerously close to slipping out between the gap. Blaise gathered herself and took a hold of his jacket, tugging him in. He looked just as stunned as the Fera.
OOC: It's optional if Knives takes an airy tumble but it's really up to you. I'm just playing with ideas of... how to slow him down or something xD I'm not sure what's meant to happen now, really... Ces will inevitably be taken to Theslern but I have no clue what the Tardis crew are hoping to do. Will they intercept the Harans or continue after Knives, without her? What're your plans? If you want something specific to happen then speak up so I don't make your plans go awry ^^ Although you can be vague, if you'd like to keep it somewhat of a surprise... x3

6:36am Feb 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: In my brain I was kind of playing with the idea of like. Somehow he gets shot or something like that. Probably doesn't entirely matter who does it - Vash would feel pretty bad about it either way, just in like. Different ways. If he did it he'd feel bad for shooting his brother. If another person did it he'd feel bad for letting someone else deal with him. ... Ohgosh suddenly I'm thinking of Of Mice and Men no stop it you're such a ridiculously sad book I'm not going to kill him off like that okay. 8( But yah basically gunshot = downed Knives. 'Cause he's so bad with pain and all. And yeh, I'll probably have the screwdriver hit him in the wing to slow him down or something. P:
2:20pm Feb 27 2012 (last edited on 2:21pm Feb 27 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,314
OOC: Poof, just shoot the man. He stole his brother's girlfriend. xD Just kiddin' like. I don't mind. Doesn't even need to be a risky shot, just a little knockout blow on a metally bit on his wing or something. But the fact they're all so half-dead is starting to itch metaphorically at my brain... CHARACTERS. Y U NO DEAD YET? And, eh. Started getting to work on a mini-plot for Theslern xD I had this big... boomy cataclysmic idea but it seems a little much. It would take forever to play out. So I'm going with a toned-down plot that should give them all something to do once there.
12:32am Mar 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Bahhh I really wanna post but I keep feeling like I shouldnt because I have stuff to do. After Monday at the latest I should be able to though. o: Spend tomorrow finishing up all these projects and then bam, free time.