12:08pm Mar 10 2012
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OOC: Consider this a smashing bump, nggh-hyah!
12:10pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Woman. xD I'm blarghghhging on it right now, actually~
12:13pm Mar 10 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: ... Oh. My timing's getting so quick, I know when you're about to post.
12:26pm Mar 10 2012 (last edited on 12:26pm Mar 10 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Aye, there's the wild wolfeira. She is a wily beaut' of a beast. They say the wolfeira can even predict the future and hear your thoughts, hngnnhg! Smashing! ... Might still take a little while though. xD I only have like half of it done. And it just takes forever for me to write anything ever hhhhhh. Especially since I read on this post on Tumblr a little while ago involving how to become a better writer by avoiding thought words like remembered or felt or loved or hated and instead "unpacking" the writing and just suggesting how the character feels through their thoughts and actions. So I keep spending like ten minutes sitting there thinking of how to unpack a word. x3 I mean I guess I usually wrote through thoughts instead of thought words before, but I notice I still sometimes want to take shortcuts anyway. ... Okay I should be writing instead of writing about writing aaa. xD
1:00pm Mar 10 2012 (last edited on 1:00pm Mar 10 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Aye, she can predict almost anything you have to think. A creature commonly seen around this avian prophet is her little scaly friend, equally longhaired and dedicated to reciting the curious adventures of danger-loving humanoid aliens. Thank you about the beaut' bit xD That's a useful-sounding technique :o Seems legit. And takes ur time, please. I'm still trying to finalise the little storyline surrounding the Harans. It could also bring in Knives, as long as we find a way to get him and his chaps to Theslern too.
4:36pm Mar 10 2012 (last edited on 5:06pm Mar 10 2012)
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OoC: 'Kay so pretty much just. That entire last bigger OoC post of yours had me sitting here giggling. I guess for most of them the whole y u no dead thing makes sense though. They are all pretty much almost immortal. Except for poor Wolfwood of course. xD So I'm sure they can handle it. Evil brothers of all types? Big black clouds that go om nom? Giant explosions? Smiley purple dinosaurs? Uh. Well, they can deal with most of those things at least. Oh yes, danger and excitement! The yoshilisk does love a good tale of such sorts. The more danger the better, aye? Aye, it Is pretty helpful. I got all offended at first but then I actually tried it and it.. feels really good to do. xD Even if I feel like I'm still trying to get the hang of it. But hey the thing says six months and it's only been like a few weeks so far, so I probably shouldn't be too worried.
"I'm not saying stop and wait the night, or don't try or whatever the hell else." Vash kept his voice down, but that didn't stop it from sounding a little too much like the bite of the wind blowing through the Tardis' doors. Shade wasn't exactly making things any easier than they were, going off on everyone for every little wrong word. "I'm saying we need to come up with a better plan. We can't just jump on and hope he doesn't slice everyone to ribbons. I want to get Ces back too but there's no way in hell I'm going to let you guys get hurt over my problems."
"I would really rather just deal with him myself. I know he- Wait. Wait what are you doing? Sorry about what? Doctor! H-hey!"
The Plant couldn't get over there fast enough. By the time he was up from the couch again, suddenly everything was noise and ringing and Fera grimaces and writhing tails and damn it what was going on? Still Vash worked his way to the doors and almost stumbled over someone and by the time he finally got to the door it went quiet again. All he caught was a heck of a lot of wind in the face and a glimpse of metal far off, getting closer and closer to the ground. Tumbling down. Falling like a dead bird.
No. Oh no. No no no no this wasn't right. This wasn't right. He was supposed to handle it. He was supposed to take care of Knives. Whatever that meant, it definitely didn't mean let someone else do it. It didn't mean have a guy come along and shoot him out of the sky with a laser! It meant.. anything else. Anything. Just not what just happened. Just not this.
He spluttered for what to say. There was nothing good to say about this, that was for sure. Accusations, more yelling, the urge to just up and smack the Doctor for whatever the hell that was, even if he was seven hundred years older than Vash. All the worst reactions were the only ones he could jump to. The best he could do was spit out the vaguest question possible.
"What did you do?"
Oh damn hell curse words curse words curse words.
Knives had heard it before it could hit him but damn, he still hadn't moved quick enough. It got him. Clean hit. The world was spinning again, and this time there was nothing to try to grab ahold of to slow down, and the ground was coming up fast and there was a giant goddamn hole in his wing that for some reason he couldn't fill in again. And on top of that it just kept growing. His wings wouldn't to hold up like this.
That Doctor was going to be the end of him, stupid gadgets and blue box and everything. There it was floating along behind, doors wide open, and they were all just watching him fall, bunch of silhouettes standing in the bright flying doorway. He was so helpless like an insect under all their eyes, dying pathetic worthless nothing dammit dammit.
The ground was enthusiastic to see him.
Sand everywhere. Aching everywhere. Moons just shining above like nothing happened. Ugh. He had to get up. They were coming. They were coming he couldn't let them find him like this no way in hell. They would not see him lie down in the sand and die. He had to get up. He had to keep going. He had to keep going.

2:22pm Mar 11 2012 (last edited on 3:24pm Mar 11 2012)
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OOC: The dinosaurs prefer to shoot silver-haired addicts of materia (considering Barney "shot Yazoo in the shoulder!") Aye! The greater the peril, the greater the pleasure. Oncoming trains? Child's play! That's... actually kinda good. I like how they put it. And in the long run, it's all about development and improvement, right? I could learn a thing or two from this as well xD Never was that fond of "Shadow thought Silverlight didn't like her." Gawd, short sentences. ._. I was also thinking... since Nias isn't coming back anytime soon, I may stick to just playing the Doctor and Shade. I hardly know any of the others. :c And dragging them around after everyone else, sometimes without a word, seems odd. When she returns she can just include them again. But for now... I think I'll pretend they weren't introduced xD
"Your problem?" Shade retaliated, but she gave up after the Doctor used her shoulder for a momentary support. It was no use snapping back. Her ears still rang, as if two tuneless bells had been knocked in either one. Her tail was still as offended-looking as a caterpillar. Then she looked out of the golden doorway and saw the gleaming silver display that was Knives tumble and cut his way towards the ground. The blades seemed to shrink, reminding her of a receding cuttlefish sinking away into the abyss of the sea. Then he was just a little struggling patch on the sand.
"You needn't worry," the Doctor called to Vash, not even meeting his eye. "But if you decide to anyway, I made a noisy - but utterly harmless - electrical pulse aimed in his general direction. Except for the head-ringing thing. No lasers or bullets or anything of the sort. Just something to faze him out of the sky. Confuse his brain to sheath his blades. Although, that landing of his..."
"What if he landed stupid and broke his neck?" Shade exclaimed. Not that she gave much of a damn whether Knives broke his nose or his leg - but the Doctor had intended to only immobilize the Plant, not harm him, yet hadn't even covered a safe fall.
"He's fine, he's squirming down there. See? What use are a cat's eyes if you can't notice anything?"
And then he took a hold of the door and, with some effort, pushed it shut. The change was instant. No more raging hair, no more furious eye-narrowing. Shade's own black mane was a rigid, hedgelike mess atop a lunar face still blinking in surprise.
The Doctor flew to the panel and, once more, set a course to set down.
From outside the navy box slowly turned to a stop on the dust, touching down with hardly a bump. Then a sheet of yellow light folded open on the flat darkness, where the silhouette of the Doctor broke through the gold, hands in pockets. The triangular ears of Shade peeked out of the side. He stared out at the Plant ten metres away. The Time Lord's eyes flashed for a moment.
* * *
OOC: Haran post later mebbe...?

9:55pm Mar 14 2012 (last edited on 11:52am Mar 15 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: In the shoulder! Exclamation point! Stalkings? Kidnappings? Killings? Oh, balderdash if you think that'll stop us, da'ling! We're just getting started here! Sort of. If you ignore like four years of- gosh we've been doing this for four years ohman ... lolwhoops. I thought it was a laser. That's okay though. It's just a little thinggggg. Okay. I guess that does make it a lot easier. o: And now Woofwood won't have to gripe about all these catpeople all the time. xD
"Yes, my problem. It's not like he's your ridiculous brother you've been dealing with for the past century and a ha.. O-oh." Vash dropped off at the Doctor's words. Well then. That was a personal crisis averted. He sunk down onto the floor like a pile of mud. A pile of mud that really needed to stop getting so worked up over these things. Damn it, here he was yelling at a friend over what turned out to be next to nothing. Knives wasn't going to be put off by a little fall, that was for sure.
But still. If something had happened.. well. Vash rubbed at his face a little. If something serious had happened he would probably end up a lot more than just a little worked up. Losing a close friend and possibly his brother in the same day? He might just have jumped out that door himself. If only to get down there and make sure Knives hadn't gone and gotten himself killed. And then if he hadn't, to haul his dumb butt back to the Tardis and make him help with getting Ces back and making their group whole again, and make Shade stop.. looking like that..
"Hey. Tongari. Stop lookin' so goddamn forlorn down there. If you hadn't noticed, we're here."
"What? Oh." It was Wolfwood. Of course. Just leaning there on the wall with a cigarette in his mouth and three or four more scattered around on the floor. A pistol in one of his hands for some reason. "I guess I didn't.."
Vash got to his feet and edged toward the door. He peeked out slowly, hesitantly, like a kid looking for monsters under his bed, or bandits in his closet. Or maybe a kid who'd heard one too many bad stories of a.. certain especially evil outlaw. Of course, it wasn't any of these things that lurked around that doorway, no. Just outside the Tardis there he was, calm as ever, with his back turned like they weren't even there. Like nothing was wrong at all, even if he was covered in dirt and pretty much surrounded. He just stayed in place, like a snake waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
The thought made Vash antsy as hell.
Ugh. There they were already. All that brightness pouring out behind him like they were a group of saints. Some righteous crusade come to steer the stray back into the light. Well dammit, he was not going to be led into the need to do what's right all the time. Help old ladies cross the street. Save puppies from falling off tall buildings. Watch in silence while your sisters fall all around - beaten down, worked to death. Do nothing while your own kind is slowly massacred.
Knives stopped in his tracks - slow, unstable tracks that probably could have belonged to a tiny drunk sandworm. Or a dying one. No. No, he had to stand straight. Look confident. He was not hurt. He was not weak. Everything was fine. Except that.. well, damn, everything did hurt, and his blades just weren't working. They wouldn't respond - not even a little. Like a bunch of hornets that just dropped to the ground all at the same time and left their nest wide open. Or something.
That sure as hell didn't mean he was going to surrender though. Even without them, the Plant could still knock a few heads. Kick a few asses. It didn't take too much glamor to punch some idiot in the face, really. That catgirl was definitely asking for it. Her shadow in the timebox's light looked like a stupid twitchy kitten. Just itching to get at something. At him. Oh no, mean old Knives stole the poor little kitty's bestest friend. Welp, better go attack him. Right.
He huffed a sigh. Damn, that hurt. How could a sigh hurt that much? It was like getting kicked in the ribs. Probably. He'd never actually been kicked in the ribs before. But.. anyway he huffed a sigh, and he spoke into the night air. "Let me guess. You're here to ask me where the dog is." Knives waved away the misty puff of his own breath and shrugged. Winced a little. "Not like I would tell you if I did, but honestly I don't know. She's gone. History. Taken away."
The Plant tossed a stiff sneer over his shoulder. Looked like they were all gathered in the doorway, except for Chapel. "Really, I think you're better off without her. She was just getting you all into even more trouble than you already had on your hands. She weighed you down and got hurt all the time. Useless little thing. I'd say I did you all a favor."

11:19am Mar 15 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Four years of glory. We are the gods in these Forums. Spinning out legends comparable to the threads of Greek mythologies, the yarns of classic novels, and the wooly unfoldings of anime and actor-based adventures alike. I guess I hadn't made it too obvious there wasn't a lazer... But, if I do make anyone fire something at any unfortunate target, I'll put it in clearly ^o^ Eh. No ideas have come to me yet. ._. Thinkage.
12:21pm Mar 15 2012 (last edited on 12:32pm Mar 15 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: We are the alpha.. AND THE OMEGA. WE CREATE AND WE DESTROY AND WE RULE THE FORUM WITH AN IRON F- Actually not really we just quietly go about our business. Watch over the rest of the Forum with a stealthy scrutinising eye. We're a secret society. An underground railway to a dangerous land of magic and fantasy. And no one can get in unless they wear funny hats and have large-nosed mustachioed men in their signatures. 8Y Also tle="" href="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3641/3498632777_12ddec5f25.jpg">here take this thinking chair. ^0^
3:01pm Mar 15 2012
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: We casually slug our way through storylines, collected as an anteater. But if our precious borders of sublimity are breached, we activate the Hostile Ant Reaction within our hearts. Gather words together en masse and make titanic additions to our sacred patch of Rescreatu. Occasionally I'll join another thread, genuinely curious, whilst wiping away an inner tear of recognition at all the things I have seen before, gratefully aware I have this snippet of divinity to resort back to if Warrior Cats gets. So. Blydi. Boring. ... Yeah. Thinking chair. :O Thankhuuu. *sit*
3:47pm Mar 15 2012 (last edited on 1:24pm Sep 9 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: Righte. Better post...
There it was again. That tone. Filled to the brim with confidence, perhaps even crossing into arrogance. The reassurance that dripped off each letter, each breath, was one she'd heard often enough, yet still hadn't mounted a resistance against. She'd only heard it during brief intervals between fights or scrambles for safety. A few sentences of that chilly voice, and then Knives would vanish somewhere, or someone would take a dislike to one of her friends and decide they had to be punched or bitten.
Even now, having smashed into Gunsmoke thanks to that painful flare of sound, he was coolly defiant. The indecency of being brought down in such a way, and he seemed... almost alright with it. A poorly-lit strip of faded red and yellowed white, up against three weary friends huddled together in a navy box. That irritated her the most, besides the fact he'd stolen her best friend with the one-sided belief that she had been a nuisance. Why didn't he ever look as tired as them?
Shade knew it was coming and yet she still couldn't help stiffen her arms, like a leopard noticing the knobbly strip of a crocodile lying across a waterhole. Alien little eyes inviting her into doing something idiotic. His words had bitten into her and she felt ready to fly over and-
The Doctor shifted and stepped out without so much as a bat of an eyelid.
"Favours," the Doctor said. If Knives' tone had been a stream of boldness, of judgement, then the Doctor's was a dry straggle of dust. Cold and a little clipped. He had his hands still nestled in his trouser pockets but Shade could see the point of the screwdriver prodding faintly into the ba[injection]se of his pocket. One twitch by the Plant and another blast of noise would batter him down again. If Vash let it happen, of course.
"Not sure whether I should be more worried about your perception of a 'favour' or the fact you'd guess the reason we'd come after you. Ten out of ten for that. Still, it's not obscure knowledge how keenly we watch out for one another. I have something just as im[injection]portant to ask. Something that's been niggling at my noggin a little more persistently than your questionable principles. What's your involvement with the Harans? I know they're here and I know what they used to paralyze her with."
His voice became a little more... asking. The sharpness exited abruptly. But the solidity remained.
"I'm not the one who's going to decide what to do with you." That was for Knives' brother. "But I know that you passed her onto others of her kind. Tell me about them. You mentioned she was their sister. Who did they say they were?"
OOC: Might add a Haran post xDD If I has time...
Hurjad studied the rugged, leathery cocoon she was still encased in and tutted his tongue. He made sure her head was at an angle that was unlikely to tip to one side and then began to peel a sheet of the charcoal crust away from one shoulder. He tugged it down and pulled out an arm, propping her against himself. He did the same on her other side.
Now released from the heavy burden of her coat, Ces' shape looked narrower, like a shaved dog. And rolling out from her abdomen were pitiful linen strips that looked like blackened intestines, left to sizzle in the desert sun. He tutted even harder. "Guess you didn't have the time to fix yourself up a second time." Hurjad began to tug them away, rising them high, pulling them out like a magician performing in front of an audience with a neverending (STORY) handkerchief. Except, he'd probably have to name it "the butcher's act" or something.
"Awuh, I can't find them... I still can't... Hey Hur, where did you- OH GOD, WHAT-"
"Calm it," the older brother snapped without looking up at the source of that... all-too-convinced shriek. "Just bandages."
"... Right. Y'know, if I can't find these, you're gonna have to draw them..."
"No, no. You can do them. Practice."
"But I make the lines too squiggly. I could land us in a lake again."
"You will draw them."
The reply came after a nervous pause. "I don't want to get wet..."
"Stop your whining and pass me some linen."
"Uh, alright... Speaking of which, we can thank Kana for these. She made them herself for us. I almost forgot mine and then she appeared on the quarry and handed them to me before we left."
"She did?" Hurjad accepted the clean bundle from his brother. "Oh." He got on with wrapping their little captive back up, occasionally dabbing a strong-smelling ointment on the crusty marks from a small bottle he'd recovered with his smallest finger. Every time he looked at her she still seemed asleep... or something else he thought too dark to consider, even if it was more fitting.

11:53am Mar 16 2012 (last edited on 12:59pm Mar 16 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: hbbhbthhbhth I'm trying to find the posts where Knives and the Harans were talking so I can remember if they even told him any of this stuff in the first place, but they're spread out over like ten pages of bumps and me being a whinyface aaaaaaghghhhghg. Also this is making me sad that we can't use strikethrough text anymore. That always made for the best in-post jokes. xD "What about you? Is there someone special in your life too?" "Baby, you should know you're the special someone in my life." ... Okay I think I'm gonna have to go soon. Cindy wants to go look for prom dresses so I won't risk not being able to find one later. So if I don't post soon that probably means I've been whisked away to shoppingland. :Y And. Still haven't managed to find all of those posts.
2:51pm Mar 16 2012 (last edited on 3:45pm Mar 16 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I swears Cutlery-dear said something like, "they're looking for their little sister" or something... Wait, FOUND IT. PAGE 74. SECOND-LAST STORY POST. God I am good. Ha ha xD Was that even IC, somewhere? I coulda swears somebody said that. ... Probably me. Or... ... LolTevereo. You little girl. Nah, I remember now. I wrote the question then crossed it out. xD Best of luck dresshunting. And you too, Cindy. :3
1:47am Mar 17 2012 (last edited on 1:49am Mar 17 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Ohsnaps. Look out everybody, Cel's on a mission. She's liable to kill somebody just by being this good. 8Y But yus. Tevvy asked that in crossed-out text, and then Sir Cutlerz said the second part in reply. xD 'Kay so I raked in all the booty today. Or yesterday if you figure that it's two in the morning now. But seriously I kicked some major shopping butt at the mall. If I was an archvillain, I would be ruling the world right now. Or at the very least I would have a really nice evil pet cat to look intimidating with. I. Just. Gosh I'm really excited aaaaaaaldfjalakf. /squeals like a (tevereo) little girl ... I would totally show you my spoils but the Internet's being really terrible right now and I can't seem to get to my email to grab the pictures I sent to myself?? So uh. I'll. Do that later hopefully. I'm sure things have to get faster eventually if I stay up long enough. 8Y For now back to looking for all those posts. And uh. Stopping getting distracted by webcomics. I just spent like an hour on Homestuck while I was waiting to see if my mail would ever load ohman.

7:04am Mar 17 2012
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: ... Well. I think all that searching and copying and pasting and highlighting has pretty much reassured me of exactly what I'd figured before. They didn't tell him anything. xD I guess it still helps though. I don't have to sit here and be like gosh DID they say something? Oh no I bet they did and I just forgot about it. So yah I should have my post up pretty soon unless I happen to fall asleep. 'Cause lolman it's seven in the morning and I still haven't done that yet??? I've just. Sat here giggling at everything. Everythingggg. And not sleeping. But hopefully I won't 'cause I already have most of it done unless I decide to work someone else in there too but I probably won't do that 'cause there's not much point of writing about the exact same thing twice but from different views. So yah just one or two pretty quick paragraphs to go probably. ... I feel like I had something else to say here but I don't remember?? Uh. Maybe it had to do with that all the ooc stuff on this upcoming post has to do with the ooc in your last post, in case it's weird and confusing that suddenly I'm going back to like two conversations ago. xD I just don't really feel like editing that part to be current or whatever.

8:02am Mar 17 2012 (last edited on 8:04am Mar 17 2012)
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: Man I can't even look at most other roleplays anymore. I think that post about becoming a better writer has just kind of dropped the last brick on the sad crumbling wall that is my ability to read other people's writing. x3 Suddenly all I can ever do is sit there and nitpickkkk. It sucks. I kind of really do want to read these things. But I can't. I dunno maybe if I were to actually join one it might be different. I find myself wishing I had joined this one recently instead of lurking. Now that it's started I just want to jump in really badly and be a big word-spewing showboat, except all the spots are taken.
It was almost a disappointment that the cat didn't run out instead, but Knives still stiffened up at the sudden movement anyway. Hissed impatiently at his own battered body and all its complaining. Stupid whiny thing really needed to just shut up. Being on edge and keeping a watchful eye out was not going to work with this much pain all over the place. And neither was looking like he didn't give a damn.
Still. He stayed on his toes. Kept a close watch on the Doctor. No one was getting a jump on him again, especially not that guy. Even if his intentions usually weren't hard to guess, he was still probably the least predictable of their little group. He thought things out the most. Acted all careful about jumping into action. Obviously knew a lot about his enemies. And on top of it all, he asked an awful lot of questions.
Knives crossed his arms slowly. Carefully. "You honestly think I'm going to help you that easily? Really?" The shifters hadn't exactly told him their whole life stories or their greatest dreams or anything. The little one mostly just stood there with a sorry attempt at a level face and a few uncertain questions, and the bigger, bolder-sounding one hardly even said a word at all. One sentence, maybe two? But that wasn't something that they needed to know. Even nothing could end up being too much.
"You can ask me things and question my principles all night and no matter how sincere you sound you're still not getting an answer. Really now, I thought you would have gotten that the first time, clever guy like you." He turned a little toward the Tardis and its doorway filled with saps. Looked the Doctor in the eye. "I didn't go to all this trouble just to blab everything I've got the moment the chance comes along. All so you people can run along in your stupid box and play rescue mission. Act like all these damn heroes."
"Either you let me take Vash, or as long as I can help it, I swear on Tessla herself, you're not getting anywhere near that mutt."

3:46pm Mar 17 2012 (last edited on 5:09am Mar 18 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: I guess xD Looking back, I figured I've been writing some absolute rubbish in the past. Like trying to come up with Haranny terms for stuff on a whim and later hating it. Even with names and personalities, I look back and think, "what on earth was I thinking? 8(". One thing I'm pretty happy about with now is Hurljykins. I was stuck for so long on his personality, which was maybe a bigger challenge than Tevereo (I guess I'm happy with him being a slightly childish, low-self-esteem kind of kid who tends to muck up on whatever he's told to do. To an extent he reminds me of Vash. Just a bit younger and... thinner, when compared to blondie... Ooh, check dem muscles, Ces...). Since watching films my parents liked I guess I've been introduced to a new kind of world of... character-making. Red Cliff was a massive influence xD The whole calm metaphorical Japanese badass with obscure battle talents thing is a world apart from the pent-up teenager eager to cause PAYNE and impose his SUFFERING on hearty chats with fellow "friends". It seems like the animes I watch or have seen prefer to keep their cooler characters brooding, emoish and distant. I didn't want Hurjad to slot into that cliche at all. Mysterious, hell yes. But not so that he borders on... vague, with hormones of adolescence ablaze. I finally watched Le Princess and the Frog. And oh gawd, it was amazing, even on a laptop. xD Lottie's character is a work of genius, although it was a bit difficult not to see Nigel's beaky face on her head when she adjusted her bust... I'm the same :c I go to other threads and I want to tear my hair out. It puts me off, not just the writing quality but... characters. They're always so damn young, and in threads based on the Warrior Cats it feels even worse. They're meant to have elders, veteran warriors, older cats for the apprentices to look up to and learn from. But they're never over five years old. It's like they have this fear of oldness. Also. Is it weird Knives' final sentence really made me start to worry for Ces? Poor dog.

5:11pm Mar 17 2012 (last edited on 6:10pm Mar 17 2012)
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Posts: 1,314
Shade flinched. Knives' foreseen reluctance still made her lash her tail, steel her hands into shaking fists.
But she'd forgotten clean about how determined Knives was on... "getting his brother back". That cold reminder was like an anchor dropping down through some dark watery world, throwing up an uninspiring cloud of grainy sand once it hit rock-bottom. And enough with the sand already! It was getting just as frustrating as their fruitless questioning, and not knowing where on Gunsmoke - if she was still here at all - Ces was.
There was ice dashing around her spine and she was only reminded again of the chill in the night air. Then her stomach uttered a needy and sonorous complaint - a noise that sounded more like a groan of a small animal stretching itself. It rumbled through the silence far too uncomfortably for her liking. She coiled over a little in hushed shame and murmured only for the Doctor and Vash to hear, "Sorry..."
The Doctor didn't twitch a muscle, although his face became more dismayed. Darkly dismayed. His eyes were frigid and hard. Inside she knew his engine of a brain was working away, hottening itself up, suppressing steam, but still managing to perform with well-trained iciness. The Time Lord was positively glacial.
All he did was look at Vash, though. As if... asking him. You don't have to go.
It would seem anomalous if Vash suddenly left them just to keep his brother happy. If he suddenly left their rescue campaign, it wouldn't feel the same... Shade had obviously proved herself fiercely loyal when it came to saving the Haran. But Vash's determination had been an equally-supportive furnace of energy, of drive. He'd travelled to hell and back to protect Ces. Additionally, the Doctor had never been one for violence but the Plant was more than capable enough of keeping his own - and everyone else's - in a fight. Understandably, he didn't condone murder. But the Plant could pack a serious punch when he was troubled enough.
The Doctor had not expected any co-operation on Knives' behalf, at all. Not a seed's hope in this desolate sandpit of a planet. But neither did he want to physically push the Plant into releasing information, which would, inevitably, only enrage him further. The Time Lord could smell the whiff of peril clean on Knives and he wasn't interested in turning that into the all-too-real aroma of blood. He'd had enough of it.
Beside him, Shade was staring imploringly at Vash. Eyes like petals. "No... no, please don't go," she whispered, feather-like. "We can go after the Harans ourselves, just us three..." (Sorry Fera kitties :U And Woofwood) "... Oh, us four, I mean. Knives, he can't follow us, not if we dash in the Tardis quickly enough... C'mon, we need you. Ces needs you. If we do find her, how do we explain... why you didn't come?"
Hurjad had to admit, it was refreshing to see Ces with more white on her bandages than dust and black. Like seeing the marble floors of your hall gleam again after an intense scrubbing. He poured more water into her slit of a mouth, spared a little to dab at the scratches on her face, even covered her with a blanket Tevereo passed him - of whom still hadn't found his runes. As Hurjad watched his silvery hair had begun to thin and spike on the nape of his neck more like fur, more like hackles.
"Drawing them isn't so bad..."
"Yes it is."
"No, not really. I'll guide you."
Tevereo's eyes caught on him and glimmered suspiciously. "Don't give me that look, alright? I only acted tightly around Knives to set the impression we weren't both stammering children. It's over and done with now; with any luck we'll never see his sneering face again. And you know what? If his brother wants to start something over the krifnur I'm taking the credit by default. If any of them do. I unpacked the creature and sent it on its way. You're not going to get hurt or blamed. I promise." Hurjad stood to put an end to his oath, brushing the dust from his knees, and approached his brother. Tevereo was so wary he took a step back.
"Jumpy little deer," Hurjad commented. A smile fluttered on his lips. "Come on. Do you remember the Burrow's mark?"
"Then draw it out. No incantation and not to scale. Take your time."
"What of Ces, is she asleep?"
Hurjad glanced at her once. "I hope. She's not getting up anytime soon. Now, the mark."

12:22pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 12:35pm Mar 18 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,642
OoC: Smashing beard, da'ling. Yeh, same. Gosh some of the things I wrote in like 2010 when I was bored and felt like posting when no one else would. Didn't make any sense at all. xD What was I even doing. I guess at least later on we can pretend these kinds of things never happened within the story though~ Like Teverophones' name change. It works. 8Y ooh tevvy baby show us your amazing misc- oh. Oh you don't have any okay I see. ;( brb your brother. He probably has the hugest abs amirite. Big manly arms. Who needs guns when you've got guns? aajdflsdf Princess and the Frog. I. I really love Dr. Facilier okay he is so cool. 'Kay so, uh. Apologies for some godmoding on Knives' part. You can make things go a little differently if you want. x3 I just. Can't think of any other way to do this without having it be weirdly open-ended?
Vash scowled at the words. Take a punch in the face instead, how about that? Lousy goddamn stupid brother. He really needed to learn the difference between helping and being a huge manipulative ass. A thomas could run by and he might just kill it for looking a little too meddlesome about his dear little brother's business. Hell, it could be minding its own business and he might still kill it anyway. Say it was wild and had hydrophobia or something and that justifies it completely. Overbearing, murderous, misguided idiot.
But.. oh. Oh no. The Plant faltered, melted toward the floor a little. What about Ces? It may have been just a threat, but damn if it wasn't to be taken seriously. If he refused, Knives might just go ballistic. They might never get a chance to rescue her in the first place. She could end up stuck with those guys forever, wherever they were, while no one ever came to help her out. She'd be all alone in the hands of a couple of kidnappers, all because Vash said no.
Wait. Oh god suddenly everyone was staring at him. The Doctor and Shade and Wolfwood and Knives and everybody. The Doctor's face was cold and rigid like he could just hit someone - someone who was standing outside the Tardis looking expectant. And Shade.. no Shade stop making that face please. That face was even worse than the revenge face and its hungry eyes and all. Her pleading words and her huge eyes and oh crap what should he do what should he do?
Then there was Wolfwood, still standing beside the doorway but not actually in it. He simply held a gun out, pointed at it repeatedly like it was a UFO that needed some urgent looking at before it flew away. Mouthed something about just shooting him already. Vash shook his head but the priest tossed it at him anyway. Don't hesitate, he said without a sound, jabbing a finger out the doorway.
Vash clutched the thing in one hand and lowered it to his side. He sighed. Dropped his head to look at the floor. There had to be a better way than that, right?
"N.. no, Knives. I can't."
Knives threw his arms up into the air - or at least, he started to and then stopped halfway through. Cursed a little under his breath. "Oh, sure, Vash. Great. Isn't that just the sweetest. You sure as damn well can't go without the entire buddy brigade, no. Can't find your little friend without a full welcome-back party. That would just be so devastating for her, wouldn't it?" He scoffed, paced a loose circle in the sand so that the Tardis was at his back again. Of course they were going to be disgustingly cute about this.
"Oh no, he didn't show up. I've got one less person to be a clingy dolt over. I'm so lonely without all my pals. I don't even care about all those silver-haired guys anymore, and I bet I'm still going to whine about my race being dead even though I just got slapped in the face with the stunning revelation that oh, wait just a damn minute, it's not. Why is my life so hard!"
He stopped for a second. This was definitely not what not giving a damn looked like. The Plant breathed a sigh at the chilly desert, and it just kept looking all boring and sandy in return. "Besides, little cat.." He rounded on the Tardis again and in an instant he was there, towering over the stupid little girl (Shade is pretty short right? I've always imagined her short at least. xD), hand on her throat. Again with the pain. He shook just a little, but hell if he was going to let go. "You're not getting away that easily. I may not be able to cut you into kibble right now, but do not think that makes me useless."
