5:30pm Mar 16 2013
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Vash was on the floor now, half-buried in a pile of cans. He looked up at the Doctor with... maybe a teeny tiny bit of guilt in his eyes. Like a kid caught with half the cookie jar's contents stuffed in his mouth. Except he wasn't really sure how they got in there in the first place, if the way he was peering around the kitchen had anything to say about it. Yeah, this was how to get out of trouble, right? Purposeful confusion. Just act like the mess suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
"Well, I.." He sucked in a breath, then, "Okay maybe yeah jus' a liiiittle. Ser'ously I haven't ate since a week ago an' I really don't wanna go all ~plant magic~..." He made sure to pause and wave his hands around for plenty of time to get the point across. "...or whatever like Knives does. What a tightass, man. Can't even get 'im to TRY a donut, he acts like eating's the grossest thing'n the world an' he never eats anything ever EVER. 'S been a hundred fif'y years and I hav'n't seen him eat a crumb." Vash kind of frowned to himself, crossed his arms and wiggled deeper into the can pile. "Knives, more like kn-high-and-mighty butthole."
More mumbling. The Doctor might as well have been a statue conveniently placed there for Vash to pointedly ignore but also kind of ramble to at the same time. "'Sides, shouldn't we be getting somewhere? I mean-" He pressed his palms to his face but kept going, voice a little muffled. "I mean I know this's my fault, I don't mean to be upset at you guys for my jerk of a brother but- Damn I don't think I c'n take anymore waiting like this. When I wait for stuff people die, is how it usually goes. Y'know?"

4:05pm Mar 21 2013 (last edited on 11:49am Mar 22 2013)
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The Doctor waded through the clutter towards Vash and leaned on the counter. His arms crossed and one leg folded over the other as his quick brown eyes moved over the walls of the kitchen, quietly horrified, and yet not completely surprised. He was silent for a moment. When I wait for stuff people die. How familiar.
He looked down at the Plant. Hundred and fifty years. A hundred and fifty years at war with Knives.
"This ship travels across time as well as the universe," the Doctor reminded him gently. "It makes no difference when we set off. So long as we don't go back and try to... change anything. Stop it all from happening in the first place. I'm more worried about where we land."
And Plant-magic at his feet. Here was the leader of their missing friend's rescue mission, starfishing in the rubbish of his kitchen on the floor, already rendering that shower he had a few hours ago completely counterproductive. And what of the remainder of the company? Asleep, hungover, perhaps still grazing from a hasty stash established in the control room.
He agreed with everything Vash said. The waiting was always the worst part, even after nine hundred years' worth of it. The Doctor hadn't slept a wink or eaten or even drunk anything at all - there was no demand for it. But the rest had needed to recharge, to wind down. And still, they were all on a precipice, even while they rested. On the brink of venturing into their third world, with the only person who could've served as a guide lost almost beyond recall if it hadn't been for this ship.
What was at stake here, really? What was he risking bringing to Theslern? Shade and Vash were certainly the likeliest to be letting a few punches fly on whoever had taken their friend. Wolfwood would probably support them. And Knives. The Doctor would be sending a bomb to Theslern. Two bombs, if Vash lost it again.
A fight was going to be inevitable. And he didn't know what to do to get around that. He actually didn't know.
The Doctor's face was vacant for a long while, until he snapped up and saw Shade in the doorway. She was rumpled with sleep and an obvious hangover, but was fully dressed, showered, and her tail was fluffed up. She looked strangely prepared. He realised how dejected he must've appeared when he saw the flash of alarm on her face, and the studious silence that followed.
Then she began to make her way towards Vash, determinedly trying to appear stealthy, but was driven to crawling towards him on all fours when walking upright became too much.
"I don't wanna hear you apologise- oops... over him again. Y'hear me? Lookit me, blondie." She pawed his face. "You got... you gotta bit of soup on your chin. There, gone. Where was, oh yeah. The time to wallow and be all dramatic and remorsing was last night. Nights are for remorsing. Mornings are for.. a bit of last-minute remorsing for those who probably have a worse burden on them than everybody else but... aw man, my boots... wait, yes. Dramatic and stuff. And I get that, I get you're gonna be all full of... regret. I would be, if I had Captain Cutthroat for my twin. But even worse, he was the one who got rid of the one who felt like my twin. My bloody best friend. So please, enough with the sorrying." She glanced up at the Time Lord.
"As for you, beansprout... when are we off? And could you... could you be the one to help him up? I... I feel awful sick. I knew I shouldn't have let Woofers make me beans."

12:51pm Mar 24 2013 (last edited on 5:59pm Mar 24 2013)
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The shadow drew higher and ever closer - Ces backed away, her hand on the latch - until it came to a stop, as if it was listening, or remembering something. Or as if it had heard her.
A belt was hurled from the stairs, flying over the banisters and landing a few feet from her, like a flattened eel. She leapt, backing up against the door with a rumble, but the man's voice came from below, nowhere near as vicious as it had sounded before. It sounded gentle.
"Once you've changed, come outside. We'll be waiting for you." Then he retreated.
Ces only approached the belt once she heard the three of them exit the house. When she held it in her hands, she saw, em[injection]bedded into its reddish gleam, the forms of dogs, one after the other, running along its length. They didn't seem to be chasing anything, only the brass buckle on the end. And its weight felt... familiar.
Ces returned to her room and found a pair of brown slacks and a long white linen tunic. She tied the belt across it. There were no shoes. She closed the door as quietly as if there were still occupants in the house and, stiffly, descended the stairs.
The doorway led to a large, almost rectangular courtyard. The buildings were perhaps made of mud, but were pale, almost beige, and the tiles were red. Small trees were planted in careful lines and flowers hung from the walls. And watching her from the centre of the courtyard, sitting beside a fountain, was a boy. He wore three-quarter length slacks, a chiton-like tunic, and a scraggly leather cap with flaps that hung down on either side like ears. Like her, he was barefoot.
Ces winced when she noticed the others in the courtyard. Standing behind the fountain was a beautiful stag with grey fur and dark antlers. A long otter sat on the boy's side, on the stone of the fountain. Pigeons stirred about on roofs. But there was no sign of the black-haired one.
"You need not to be wary of them any longer," the boy said kindly. He raised a hand, where a nectarine sat, and approached Ces. "They are, and always have been, your friends."
"Some friends."
"Give them time."
For a long time she was silent, astounded by the transformation of her circumstances, entranced by the trees and the animals and the warm light of the late morning. The silver deer by the flashing drops of water. The rough stones of the ground. The otter's whiskery little face. The orange baubles in the tree. The wine-coloured fruit in his hand, botched with yellow.
"Do you recognise this place, Ces?"
Ces took the nectarine with scabby fingers. She shook her head. The boy's face was comforting in a way. It was round and soft-edged, with long-lashed, knowing eyes. But now they flooded with a kind of... mild sadness.
"He said you wouldn't. Toldora. My master. And another friend to you. This this is his court." He raised his other hand, curled around another nectarine, and bit into it. Ces frowned at him. He had not been holding it a second ago. He noticed her alarm, and his face split into a smile, just as his teeth broke into the skin of the fruit.

11:44pm Apr 1 2013 (last edited on 12:26am Apr 2 2013)
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Vash just about caused a can-splosion with how hard he jumped at Shade's voice, even after all that clinking and clanking her expert stealth-crawling had made. She may as well have fallen from the ceiling with a giant mosquito for a head. He gaped at her for a minute, the faint glow in his eyes flickering uncertainly with how positively plastered off his ass he was. Then he blinked a few times, sniffed, and went back to pouting in the opposite direction.
"W'll that sounds nice an' all Doc but the talkin' cat's right, we're was'in'- was'- wastin' time here. I mean r'lly, what'm I even doing, I been sittin' in here for hours I gotta get up, I gotta- I gotta make Wo'fwood stop bein' mad at me and I gotta punch Knives in the face and we gotta save Ces! Why aren't we savin' Ces yet I mean look at how sneaky that cat was a minute ago, we could use her sneaky powers to help out, we could kick those jerkwads' butts!"
Yeah. Heck yeah! Kickin' butts was a perfect plan and anybody who said otherwise didn't know what they were talking about and he guessed he'd just have to kick their butts too. The Drunk-anoid Typhoon squirmed his way out of the depths of the junk pile in a wholehearted effort to haul his surprisingly not-too-dirtied keister out the door. He made it halfway across the room before falling on his face. But hey, whatever, an almost broken nose had never stopped him before. It was just a scratch! and he had way more important stuff to do right now.
Like figure out that control panel for instance.
Wolfwood didn't seem to want to help - he just grumbled and pulled a couple blankets over his head and said go away. Party pooper. Looked like this was a job he'd have to do alone. Vash the Stampede versus........ technology. They'd never actually gotten along that well. Anything that wasn't either a simple gadget or able to talk back just ended up being a total overreactive pain in the ass. Didn't help that he could hardly look at the plug on the end of a wire without it zapping him. Or maybe he was zapping it. He was never really too sure about that.
In any case, there were about a billion buttons on this thing. Lotta levers too. Vash circled the panel for a second, hand on his chin and eyes squinted so hard they looked like they might have just plain been closed. He let out a long "hmmmm," at the shiniest lever on the panel. Yeah...... that one would work maybe. He reached for that one.

2:21pm Apr 2 2013 (last edited on 4:57pm Apr 2 2013)
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"Ah-ah-ah, no you don't," the Doctor warned, moving the Plant aside gently. "This ship was designed to be piloted by nine, and I've got to admit, even I'm pushed to my limits sometimes. You probably ought to sit down, really. Or stay near the bathroom. I don't want you upchucking my kitchen's contents in here. You'll just get hungry again."
He guided the Plant to one of the seats and stared around the rest. Wolfwood and Shade's relatives were dead to the world, and Knives was in his former place on the emergency mat. Moving him deeper into the Tardis by himself would have been beyond risky, especially with that life-support holding onto him like a weed. So, during the hours of sleep he'd allowed the others to take, the Doctor had checked up on him from time to time, grimly hovering over the wound of his chest like a kestrel over a mouse's hole. At one point he'd been Knives' side for two hours. It was a little twisted, really. He was the dog that insisted on guarding the master that beat it. Or another certain canine, perhaps.
He whirled around. Shade was standing behind him. "You were in another world just then. Y'ok?"
"Positive." He threw Shade a smile, then Vash, entering his routine dance, and the Tardis' core swelled with light. Slowly, the ship began its strange, sighing song that filled the whole room with noise. One of the Fera cracked open an eye at the rumble, then drew a pillow over his head.
"I had the Tardis monitoring the trace all night. It's thinned out a little, but it's not gone. It's as if they're trying to be found. Oy-oy... here it is. Gotcha." The panel gave a little chirp and the Doctor leaned towards a screen. Shade never really made out what he said - it sounded vaguely like a command to hold onto something - when he flipped a lever and the whole Tardis lurched.
This seemed to go on for an eternity - firstly as a steady vibrating, and then as a lively rattle that drove Shade to the ground, clutching the iron railings. It was only until she looked at the Doctor that she realised he was fighting for control over his ship, if only for a few scary seconds, before the whole lot came to a heavy thud. The Doctor was already at the door and had thrown it open.
Shade drunkenly gathered herself and tottered cautiously towards him, where he was standing outside with his back to the Tardis. He was standing in coarse yellow grass up to his knees. Beyond him she could see smallish, mangled-looking trees with very pale bark, and she could hear the drone of insects in the underbush. Shade wandered out into the bright sunlight and rose a hand to shelter her eyes.
"We have left Gunsmoke, right?"
"Yes, but... All of last night I set the Tardis to try and predict what their landing co-ordinates might be on here. Predict where the trail finishes. But the Tardis can't go any further because there's... something in the way." He scuffed the grass, disturbing the reddish dust beneath. Then he raised a hand towards the dry, leafy wilderness. "It finishes somewhere out there."

5:32pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 3:58pm Apr 24 2013)
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Occupied with the nectarine, Ces turned away from him, muddled and dazed and confused. And, somehow, at ease. The courtyard was alive with birdsong - sparrows only a few feet away, spherical bullfinches like balls of pink sugar, swallows and swifts vanishing into open doors. Golden herding dogs - real ones - passed by every now and then. Ces caught sight of an incredibly ancient-looking mutt with a silvered nose that slept so deeply in the shade of a wall it might've been dead. No, bad people didn't keep old dogs.
The otter was watching her, sitting upright like a meerkat, cocking his head. When Ces approached him he didn't flinch or back away. And he was looking right into her eye.
"Since you're up and walking, you may as well see Toldora," the boy said. "The otter will take you to him. As for me, I have my herds to attend. Probably won't see you until this evening. Come, Tevereo."
The boy passed her a curt nod and a quick smile before he walked for the archway, without glancing back once. The deer followed far more slowly, watching Ces. She stared right back, right until he was gone.
When she turned around the otter was gone, replaced by a man in lightly tanned skin and dark, scruffy leathers. His hair was a dark blonde, but in the noonday sun, a few bright yellow threads showed through his short dreadlocks, tied away into a knot at the back of his head. But they weren't very recently tied - he had a lot of loose hair around his face, drifting like threads of spider's web in the air.

3:27am May 6 2013 (last edited on 3:43am May 6 2013)
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Vash grumbled at being steered away to sit on the sidelines. Pfft, he totally knew what he was doing, he was an officially designated act of God and that was a way cooler ti tle than Doctor! And cool titles granted authority. Cool titles and ridiculous clothes. Those two things were the mark of a great man on Gunsmoke and by golly if a man with the coolest ti tle in the world and enough alcohol in him to flood a really small hospital was gonna let some phony surgeon get in his way!!
"Now list'n here bucko......." he started, trying to mumble over the vibrations. Just started. By the time he'd managed to stand up and point a wobbly finger at the Doctor, the whole ship suddenly turned upside down and started tumbling. No wait, the ship didn't turn upside down, that was just him. On the floor again. With Wolfwood underneath him cursing a lot about it being too friggin' early for this and why the hell did he think coming along was a good idea. The room kind of rumbled too. Like thunder and earthquakes and gunshot wounds and massacres. Vash froze up, eyes wide and hands held up uncertainly until it finally stopped.
"Oi, spikey! Vash! are you even list'ning here?" Wolfwood growled. "I said get your ass offa me, you big idiot! 'Fore I have to break my foot off in it!"
"Huh? O-oh! Sorry Wolfwood, sheesh!! I- I was just-" Vash seemed a little lost for a second. "A-anyway, you don't have t'be so craaaabby, I mean aren't- aren't you s'posed to turn th'other cheek n' all that?"
"Maybe I wouldn't be so crabby if I didn't have your stupid metal elbow stuck in the back of my neck drivin' my other cheek into the goddamn floor! Now get your act together, I guess we gotta go save your girlfriend 'cause your brother's a selfish ass and her people are apparently asses too and you just HAD to wake us all up at five in the morning so we might as well make good on all this extra time we got."
Wolfwood trailed off grumbling and pushed Vash off and started toward the door. Vash caught up and elbowed him, so he hit Vash back and they scrambled toward the door stepping on each other's toes the whole way, each one trying to get there first.
When they finally got there they both screamed like little girls.
There was no desert.

11:06am May 7 2013
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(Loads of posts...)
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
5:19pm Jun 22 2013
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OOC: Sorry if this got your hopes up, but.... gah. Just consider this a bump until I can make myself contribute something to this thread again. 8(
11:28am Jun 23 2013
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Posts: 1,667
(It's fine, the only reason I posted in this Rp is because I bumped it for you. If you want me to join I can.)
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
2:22pm Jun 23 2013
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Posts: 3,642
OoC: well hey, if you want to man, it's cool either way. uwu admittedly we're pretty slow tho, eheh. that's one reason it's just us two. we usually take a while to post (especially me with my infinite laziness, gosh) and it tends to make people lose interest. if you'd rather not wait weeks between posts i'd say this probably isn't a good roleplay to join i may actually try to do another post to move things along...... i guess having those two babies scream about trees probably isn't much to go off of is it? x3
3:21pm Jun 23 2013 (last edited on 3:29pm Jun 23 2013)
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Posts: 1,667
Wow, if it takes at least a weak for one post this Rp must've been on forever. I'll join because this sounds like quite a good Rp, and I'm not impatient so I can wait a week! ;) oh, and it would be very helpful if you could name a few characters that are free, because there's been so many posts I can't really read through a few posts to get an idea.
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
10:08am Jun 24 2013 (last edited on 10:16am Jun 24 2013)
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OOC: I tried coming up with something, but lately the Doctor's been a bit of a pain to approach. xD I'll just continue with my own...
"Oh." When he gave a questioning tilt of his head, Ces continued, gesturing towards the archway the deer had gone: "No, I was afraid you would be the... His brother."
"Sorygis?" the otter-man said, with a grunt of laughter. "No, the starling has slipped into hiding. He was very shamefaced. I would be also, had I used his same methods to bring you home."
"Then why use them at all?" Prickly, Ces crossed her arms in unease. But the otter-Haran did not raise his voice, or offer a reassuring smile, or altogether move. His voice stayed quiet and attentive, as steady as a branch in a windless space.
"He claimed it was a great difficulty to separate you from whomever was in your company at the time. But, please, do not wring my neck. You can demand the answers from him when he re-emerges, if he ever should. I am only here to take you to the one who called for you in the first place."
After that, Ces said nothing else, and took a place at his side as he led her through the courtyard. The soft, repetitive gurgle of the fountain's cascade was soon pushed behind them, although it never really left by the time they came to a bright green herb garden tucked neatly into the side of the great sandstone house, but in the full glaring view on the sun. What caught her eye at first, fenced off from the garden, were eleven enormous ungulates with their head lowered in the underbush. They were all white, oryx-like, and carried long horns with a faint curve that shone a black-blue.
But closer to Ces and the otter-man was another human figure, sitting cross-legged, slouching slightly, with his fingers intertwined at his shins. By his side was a black-furred monkey. In front of him, singing away in a stressed warble, was a starling. The man listened very intently, but, the moment the starling noticed Ces and her companion, it took off, like any wild bird. The man seemed startled and looked up. Then a small smile came across his face.
"No wonder," he said to himself, and stood. "No wonder."
"My Master, the -" the otter-man said, dipping his head slightly, but the gardener was already beginning to raise his hand to brush away the introduction.
"Keppos, please, please don't." Meekly, with genuine disapproval scrunching up his face, he walked his barefooted way over the short grass.
"But, my lord-"
"No no, that's quite enough," the master said firmly. "Scarcely, I am no longer in any place of reverence, given what I am responsible for. You may call me by my name, Ces, none of my titles. I forbid it. I am called Toldora."
"Yes, I know," Ces said. "And if I'm right, the one who-"
"-sent for you. Yes. I sent the brothers. I am... the one to blame for your ordeal."

10:10am Jun 24 2013
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Posts: 1,667
(That's fine ;])
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (:
12:36pm Jun 24 2013 (last edited on 12:58pm Jun 24 2013)
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Posts: 1,314
OOC: But yeah, if you'd like to join, just join as any character you want. Canon or original, whatever xD There's no limit (but try and stick to a manageable amount) and no need for a gender balance. Same with the writing - we'd appreciate good grammar and language, and try to write more than a few sentences at a time.
Played by myself, we've got:
- - three Harans, who are my own OCs - Ces, Tevereo, and Sorygis. The three of them are all shape-changers, but spend most of their time in a human body by default and have their own favourite forms - Ces' being a brown dog, Tevereo a stag, and Sorygis a starling. The latter are brothers, although completely unrelated to Ces, and are spellcasters.
- - Toldora, a human being, and his companion, a boy called Esca
- - Shade (and occasionally other Fera, of whom I've set aside for now because there's so many of them D:), who was originally a character of HappyBunny's before she vanished. A Fera is a kind of spirit that uses a human body as a host. The lower the Fera's rank, however, the more of the Fera's original form shows through the disguise. In this case, Shade has black cat ears and a tail. She's Ces' best friend, after several misadventures on Earth, before the whole roleplay got going.
- - a Time Lord, simply called the Doctor (from Doctor Who, just Google him, there's too much to go through xD)
- - the Tardis, the Doctor's ship. Google that too. ;_;
Played by Yoshi:
- Vash and Knives, a pair of sentient Plant twins who are polar opposites in nature (and come from the anime, Trigun). Vash is the optimist - carefree, kind, and completely and utterly against murder. Can't emphasise enough how much he despises killing. Knives is the pessimist - he won't think twice about blowing someone's brains out, and if it's a human being, then all the better. Did I mention they're both also excellent marksmen, and naturally capable of wielding "Angel Arms" (essentially massive, feathery cannons that can obliterate entire cities. It happened earlier in the roleplay, thanks to Vash)? - Wolfwood, a 17-year-old human who appears to be in his fourties thanks to a healing elixir that accelerated his physical ageing. Paraphrasing the Doctor, he's "a cursing religious man", or, as Yoshi puts it, "a priest and gunman rolled into one". He's nice enough, but he follows Vash around on Knives' command, and that can't be an innocent request...
Currently, they're on my fictional planet, Theslern - the native planet of my OCs - which is Earth-like but inhabited by few humans. Mostly gods and spirits and the like. There are pockets of safety where humans can thrive, but they're few and far between. The kind of environment where Toldora's court stands is very Mediterranean - hot, mountainous, but not totally barren. Husbandry, farming, and fishing are the main ways of living for the locals. Toldora lives a few miles from the nearest town.
The reason why they're on Theslern at all is because Ces was kidnapped by Tevereo and Sorygis, apparently on Toldora's command. Now, the Doctor and co. are in hot pursuit of her, to find out why the hell she was taken in the first place. With them is Knives, who helped them abduct Ces by delaying their journey with a standoff, as he sees her as a distraction to his brother and pretty much wants her dead (or gone, at the very least). He's now unconscious in the Tardis after being shot accidentally in the chest by Vash, fighting for his life, while the others go gallivanting to find their friend, who - as you might have seen by now - has just met Toldora, the guy apparently behind it all.
So yeah. The stuff that happened beforehand isn't very crucial xD Also, if you do bring your character to Theslern, is there any chance you could give them some sort of capability or reasoning for ending up there? xD I don't know, some sort of teleportation-related thing, like how the Doctor has his Tardis and the Haran brothers can cast spells?

2:29pm Jun 24 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,667
Thanks, good ideas there is there. It may take a while to sort out some reasons and stuff to get started off with, but I will have joined eventually.)
I haven\'t been around for years! I\'m sorry, but I\'m back now (: