8:33pm May 31 2010
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Isis was shocked, "okay" and she ran off following the scent. Soon she arrived by Nyght's side. She observed his wound and it had been exactly where Shayde put her hand. Without any interruption, she crushed a healing stone in her hand and put the dust on his wound. ((that is cool Fun, and I used a stone instead of a dome or square healing box XXD))
12:22am Jun 1 2010
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((I just realized my post never show!!))
12:22am Jun 1 2010
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((T^T *cries*))
12:51pm Jun 1 2010
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2:17pm Jun 1 2010
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Shayde layed on her side, curled up. She whimpered from the pain. Nyght hissed at Isis, he had blurred vision, and thought she was a stranger. He let out a weak growl.
2:22pm Jun 1 2010
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"Oh shut your mouth, its me, Isis. You don't need to go crazy." she sat down sorta ticked off and worried about Shayde and how she's feeling.
2:26pm Jun 1 2010
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(( Nyght was stabbed D: and if Nyght dies...so dose Shayde D: *crys*)) Nyght calmed down, and put his hand over his stomach where blood was oozing out. "Shayde......" He managed to get out. "If i die....." He couldent finish his sentence when it all went black. Shayde's eyes went vacant. She stopped moving, and just layed there. (( Also, Shayde can die from the pain.....))
2:30pm Jun 1 2010
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((he's healing with the crushed healignstone ;D I amz smart, I used a stone now xD dun mind meh, I'm random XD)) Isis leaned over to see if Nyght was moving. No. She nudged hima bit. No. Then she decided to just put the dome and go see if Shayde was feeling any better. ((they can't die TT^TT))
2:33pm Jun 1 2010
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((lolz xD still, Shayde can die from shock also xD lolz but they wont die, i just wanna cook up some drama ^^)) Nyght coughed. "What the hell?" He snapped, still soar. The bleeding had stopped, he was glad. "Shayde!" He gasped. He jerked up, to fall back down. Shayde was in the same state.
2:42pm Jun 1 2010
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Isis sat on her knees next to Shayde, "hey, I'm healing your brother, you should feel relief soon."
2:50pm Jun 1 2010
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Shaydes heart still beat, but her eyes remained vacant. She grew pale and was motionless. She stared into space, curled up ignoring Isis. Nyght howled, but that was a mistake. Celesta sat on a tree branch directly over him. He let out a snarl, other than that, he was helpless. "Lookie Lookie what do we have here? An injured fugitive i see." She hissed.
2:56pm Jun 1 2010
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Isis sighed, afraid that Shadye would die, she slowly walked back to where Nyght was.
2:59pm Jun 1 2010
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"Oh is that your girlfriend?" She taunted as she heard Isis coming. "Well, better get this over with before she freaks, ya know." She said jumpig down, sword in hand ready to strike towering over Nyght. He closed his eyes and waited for tha hit to come. Shayde jerked up. "Celestas here! Isis! Come on!" She jumped over Isis and bounded to Nyght. (( in dangerous situations, Shayde zones out, and becomes Nyght eyes to make sure he's ok :D kool huh?))
3:13pm Jun 1 2010
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((very cool zozo ;3)) Isis had no idea who this Celestas girl was. She jumped next to Shayde, "whats going on?"
3:18pm Jun 1 2010
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" Shes a a bad person ok! She wants revenge on us!" Shayde gasped as she ran faster. "Nyght wasent allways right ok?!" She snapped. "Ill tell you later we have to find Nyght!" Nyght opened his eyes, to see Celesta grinning. Then she struck, dirt. Nyght had rolled to his side right in time. (( Celesta hates Nyght, she calls him a fugitve because she just wants to xD Nyght and Shaydes family hate eachother ^^))
3:22pm Jun 1 2010
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((okies 8o)) Isis was shocked, but she transformed ran faster, "I know where he is!" she hollered to Shayde.
3:23pm Jun 1 2010
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"I can smell him!" yelled Shyde. Shayde stopped to see Cekesta about to kill her brother. She sprang up (not thinking) and tackled Celesta.
3:25pm Jun 1 2010
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((dude, I went on some chick's (or dude's) profile and she never had okami on it till she looked at my profile and she said my profile was awesome and now she haz okami on her profile. Its kinda aggravating to see copy caters >:[))
3:26pm Jun 1 2010
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(( *kicks tat person* D:< grrrr ))
3:27pm Jun 1 2010
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Isis tried to stop her, but couldn't, so she attacked lower making the girl collapse so SHayde can attack her jugular. ((<- fail D;))