7:31pm Apr 24 2011
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She stood up adruptly. "Uhh. I should be going now." The whole think seemed awkward to her. She ran out of the room, picked up her demon cat, and didn't stop until she was outside.
7:32pm Apr 24 2011
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7:32pm Apr 24 2011
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7:37pm Apr 24 2011
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Aya waited till the girl was outside, "Okay, what the heck was that?!" Takehito grinned, "What was what?" Aya glared at him, "You know exactly what!"
7:39pm Apr 24 2011
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Calyx huggled her demon cat, blushing madly. "What's got you all hyper up? Your heart beat is hurting my eats." The cat complained. "I was, umm..." "What?" "Uhh..." "Would you just tell me already!!" "....I just kissed someone I just met an hour ago." The cat fainted.
7:51pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 3,934
"ugh! Nevermind." Aya stood up to check on Annekeh. "I'm gonna head home now. Call me if you need me." He stood up and headed down to the entrance.
7:54pm Apr 24 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Calyx shook the cat. "Wake up!" She wailed. He opened his eyes. "Boy-kisser." He hissed, crossing his paws and looking away. "I didn't mean to!" "I bet you flirted with him, too!" "Felidae, your being unreasionable." "What, so your going to be boyfriend and girlfriend now?" "It was just one kiss!" "Take me home." Calyx unwillingly took the demon cat home, which was a small shed in the woods. He hid under the bed. She rolled her eyes.
8:44pm Apr 24 2011 (last edited on 8:45pm Apr 24 2011)
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((I haz no idea what to post >.<))
8:53pm Apr 24 2011
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(( hrmm. He can follow her, I guess. ))
8:58pm Apr 24 2011
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((he ish no stalker ;O))
9:03pm Apr 24 2011
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(( Then you decide. xDD ))
9:09pm Apr 24 2011
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((I dun know QnQ))
7:59am Apr 25 2011
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(( THERES THAT SMILEY. O.O Uhh. Gang fight? :DD They could liek, meet up at a bar or something and she could be drunk. That'd be fun. xDD ))
8:06am Apr 26 2011
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((Yus, fear deh face QnQ)) Takehito thought about it for a while and decided to skip the whole going home thing. He walked himself to the nearest bar and sat down at the counter. ((Thar xD))
8:17am Apr 26 2011
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(( -melts into zozo goo- )) "Felidae wants burr." "Burr?" "Yes burrr." Calyx stared at him. "Where do I get....burr?" She asked. "The bar." "Oh! You want liquor." "Heh, durr." He said sarcastically. But in reality he knew that Calyx got awesome when she was drunk. And it only took one sip. They arrived at the bar and the cat pushed a bottle of something to her, and scraped off the lable. "Whats this?" "Kool-aid." The next thing she knew she was poking some random dude and giggling all over the place.
8:13am Apr 28 2011
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((wait, is Takehito deh random dude? o.o))
8:16am Apr 28 2011
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(( I honestly don't know. o.o With Calyx being fail and all, it could be anyone. I guess its him. xDD ))
7:45pm Apr 28 2011
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Takehito never really paid attention to the females surrounding him. All they ever wanted was something he'd never give up. But out of curiosity, he looked at the girl. Come to his surprise, it was the girl he kissed moments before.
7:52pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 17,364
"Well I've never puked from throwing up." Calyx said to the cat befpre giggling and falling over in her seat with a big thud. She looked up at Takehito, giggling. "Hey sexy." She said, head bobbing. The cat chuckled.
8:01pm Apr 28 2011
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Posts: 3,934
"...." Takehito wasn't really sure what to do now, she was acting as any other girl would do toward him. Takehito gave up and turned back around, sipping on his drink.